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G'day all. A bit more advise if I might impose again.

Shortly I'll be relocating from CM to Issan. Up to now I've used a friends address, certified by the friend, as my address for retirement visa. When settling in Issan I'll be living with the g/f in her home. Her home is on same land to g/f's dad's home, actually side by side. She is included in dad's blue book as residential address.

My question.... Can I be included in the blue book ? I think I've read somewhere farang can only be included in a yellow book ? So, what should I do to get correct address registered ? What documents will I need to present & to whom ? Local Ampur ?

All factual advice will be most appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Cheers..... Mal.

Oh.... for all you out there who don't like the term "retirement visa" please keep your snide remarks to yourself. To me, it's a "retirement visa". tongue.png


You cannot have your name put in a Blue Book. You can use the Tabian Baan (Blue Book) that your wife is registered in as your residential address for your extension of stay based on retirement. If the housemaster in that Blue Book authorizes it you could get your own Yellow Book for that same address as well. The decision is made by whoever is listed as housemaster in the book, and the folks at the Amphur.

Entries in both the Blue Book and Yellow Book are handled by the Amphur. Immigration need copies of a Blue Book for an address where you are living in order to process your extension of stay based on retirement.

It is also possible for your g/f to get her own Blue Book for her separate house. How difficult this will be depends on how the land is registered, who owns it, and if it can be agreed upon by the authorities and parties involved.

One of my neighbors recently split a chanote (title deed) in half among two owners and had a new Blue Book issued for a second house on the split off portion of the land. It took a few months to complete the task.

I suggest you try to register first on the same Blue Book as your g/f and let her decide if she wants to go through the hassle of getting a separate book for herself. It might not be necessary to get the Land Registry office involved to split the title deed. The person most likely to know this will be the Kamnan, or Phu Yai (village headman) or the Auw Pha Taw if you are directly under them and don't have either a Kamnan or Phu Yai.

Edit: Documentation required for the Yellow Book varies quite a bit from Amphur to Amphur so you really need to ask them. It is an administrative decision. They will make up their own rules to some extent.

Required documents may include:

  • A Thai translation of your passport and your parents names in Thai. This may need to be certified by your embassy.
  • The Blue Book you are registering your Yellow Book with.
  • Your girlfriend and the housemaster if they are not the same.
  • ID cards for everyone.
  • You may need witnesses to certify that you are living there.
  • Two photos of yourself.
  • A good attitude.
  • Other stuff I may have forgotten.

Thanks Discombobulated Member.

Very much appreciated. G/f is happy to just stay in dad's blue book at this time. Dad is extremely happy that we are relocating to assist with family care & small farm. I think I'll just use g/f's address as my place of residence.

Thanks again.

Cheers..... Mal.

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