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Extremly Important Warning for Foreigners Coming/New To Thailand


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I understand the "face" thing but it still doesn't justify violence. I don't think farang get angry and kill people over little things like some Thais. It's not common anyways. Farang are non-violent creatures who would never hurt a fly even if it bit them on the ass. smile.pngwai.gif

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You don't have to say anything, just flip off a Thai, with the middle finger, you'll see what it's all about, with this losing face, attitude in Thailand. Westerners accept being flipped off all the time, it's part of our daily lifeclap2.gif

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The Thai prisons are full of those who didn't want to lose face.

People say you should never argue because you lose merely by arguing with someone, this is of course complete horseshit.

Thai's pull guns out and blow each others heads off on a daily basis, it's a violent society and there's plenty of uneducated morons (even those who graduated) who go around looking for a good reason to kill someone, saving face is just an excuse they use for their actions.

One example is the policeman who cut a womans arm off with a knife - this is the kind of people you're dealing with.


The hero who 'saves face' will still sit in prison for 10-20 years scraping by on meagre handouts from the state and whatever food his family can spare.

At least they saved face though.

on a daily basis? so do americans.

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I think the whole 'face' thing is overrated and over estimated and misunderstood.

No one likes to be made to look stupid but westerners are mature enough to accept when they are wrong and understand that its part of life...Asians and Thais in particular just don't have that same level of maturity (in the same way that Children may not)...that is pretty much it....

Yes, that's it. It also explains why there are so many excellent Japanese only, Chinese only, Thai only, and Korean only luxury clubs where white people are not permitted to enter. They are refused entry in a large part due to their cultural predisposition for maturity.

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I think the whole 'face' thing is overrated and over estimated and misunderstood.

No one likes to be made to look stupid but westerners are mature enough to accept when they are wrong and understand that its part of life...Asians and Thais in particular just don't have that same level of maturity (in the same way that Children may not)...that is pretty much it....

What can get settled with a punch in Thailand can end in a gang shoeing in Thailand or worse.

People would do very well to heed the ops words and just be very street smart and aware when they are out on the razz. What appears to be a sweetness and light can change very rapidly.

Beyond that,just don't be a smart ass and a should be fine.

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OP, thank you very much for your advice.

I was just about getting ready to go to Thailand, but after reading your post, first thing tomorrow morning I'm going to cancel my trip.

So, is it soooooo bad there?

Are Thais so violent and kill people everyday, for not respecting their culture?

Do they usually overcharge for drinks and then beat you up?

Do they all have guns on them?

Oh, thank you OP, you have saved my life.

You can sleep, peacefully tonight knowing that you saved another farangs life.

Mock if you want Coastas, but the news here on ThaiVisa is proof that Farangs need to wise up if they don't want to end up like some of the less lucky ones did.

after 30yrs.here is someone trying to tell me how to go about in Thailand,here's the best advice we all know,


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It isnt sad really. They have the power as you are in their country and are a minority group same as if thai was in your country he would to be a bit wary.

just the way it is although im sure thais dont have anywhere near the trouble in our countries but maybe coz they are generally not always drunk, rude,lude,loud and overbearing like US westerners

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I guess none of you guys have been out on a Saturday night in the seedier part of Glasgow. A friend of mine, about 40 years ago was going home after a night out when a guy came out of a doorway and chased him down the road. Why did my friend run? The other guy had an axe.

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OP, thank you very much for your advice.

I was just about getting ready to go to Thailand, but after reading your post, first thing tomorrow morning I'm going to cancel my trip.

So, is it soooooo bad there?

Are Thais so violent and kill people everyday, for not respecting their culture?

Do they usually overcharge for drinks and then beat you up?

Do they all have guns on them?

Oh, thank you OP, you have saved my life.

You can sleep, peacefully tonight knowing that you saved another farangs life.

Thais are perfectly fine. As long as you show respect, and behave yourself, no problem. It is about keeping ones nose clean. Yes, if you behave like an <deleted> over here, you might find yourself in trouble. As far as face goes, it is an excuse to be cowardly. It is the lamest aspect of culture over here. The essence of superficiality, and an excuse to not get to know ones self. It is not common to get overcharged for drinks, and if you do, you just simply point it out to them quietly, with kindness and respect. If you behave like a drunk Brit, you could find yourself in trouble. If you are civilized, no problem. And no, most Thais do not carry guns, but some do. Avoid all karaoke places, and do not hang out on local dive bars, and you will be fine. Birmingham, Manchester and Los Angeles are far more dangerous.

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OP, thank you very much for your advice.

I was just about getting ready to go to Thailand, but after reading your post, first thing tomorrow morning I'm going to cancel my trip.

So, is it soooooo bad there?

Are Thais so violent and kill people everyday, for not respecting their culture?

Do they usually overcharge for drinks and then beat you up?

Do they all have guns on them?

Oh, thank you OP, you have saved my life.

You can sleep, peacefully tonight knowing that you saved another farangs life.

Thais are perfectly fine. As long as you show respect, and behave yourself, no problem. It is about keeping ones nose clean. Yes, if you behave like an <deleted> over here, you might find yourself in trouble. As far as face goes, it is an excuse to be cowardly. It is the lamest aspect of culture over here. The essence of superficiality, and an excuse to not get to know ones self. It is not common to get overcharged for drinks, and if you do, you just simply point it out to them quietly, with kindness and respect. If you behave like a drunk Brit, you could find yourself in trouble. If you are civilized, no problem. And no, most Thais do not carry guns, but some do. Avoid all karaoke places, and do not hang out on local dive bars, and you will be fine. Birmingham, Manchester and Los Angeles are far more dangerous.

Behave like a drunk Brit ?

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I guess none of you guys have been out on a Saturday night in the seedier part of Glasgow. A friend of mine, about 40 years ago was going home after a night out when a guy came out of a doorway and chased him down the road. Why did my friend run? The other guy had an axe.

Utterly agreed. Being that we are warning people about dangerous areas at night involving drink I would like to take this opportunity to warn people that walking through the centre of Twickenham on a Friday or Saturday night can be dicey. I have seen bottles over heads, people being stabbed and just plain (and brutal) beatings. These all involved drunk people feeling they'd been disrespected (or lost face). Please avoid everywhere if you can't drink without turning into a mega bell-end with whistles.

In my 7 years in Thailand I have seen nothing of this kind. Admittedly I'm not a big drinker, when I do drink I'm not a major league dick and I pay attention to my surroundings enough to be 2 steps ahead of the 2nd person leaving a dodgy scene.

Edited by draftvader
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yes the sidewalks are full of killed Farangs who didn't know the cultural differences.....

Really check:

making troubles in an environment where everyone is drunk can cause you a blue eye...in Europe, USA, Australia and Thailand.

making troubles in a normal environment and you get asked to leave....

drinking with drug mafia and insult the boss might get you killed everywhere on the planet.

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OP, thank you very much for your advice.

I was just about getting ready to go to Thailand, but after reading your post, first thing tomorrow morning I'm going to cancel my trip.

So, is it soooooo bad there?

Are Thais so violent and kill people everyday, for not respecting their culture?

Do they usually overcharge for drinks and then beat you up?

Do they all have guns on them?

Oh, thank you OP, you have saved my life.

You can sleep, peacefully tonight knowing that you saved another farangs life.

Thais are perfectly fine. As long as you show respect, and behave yourself, no problem. It is about keeping ones nose clean. Yes, if you behave like an over here, you might find yourself in trouble. As far as face goes, it is an excuse to be cowardly. It is the lamest aspect of culture over here. The essence of superficiality, and an excuse to not get to know ones self. It is not common to get overcharged for drinks, and if you do, you just simply point it out to them quietly, with kindness and respect. If you behave like a drunk Brit, you could find yourself in trouble. If you are civilized, no problem. And no, most Thais do not carry guns, but some do. Avoid all karaoke places, and do not hang out on local dive bars, and you will be fine. Birmingham, Manchester and Los Angeles are far more dangerous.
Behave like a drunk Brit ?

Yes. I cannot recount the number of bars I have been in, where the guy mouthing off, and creating problems was a drunk Brit. Personally, I like Brits. But, not drunk Brits who cannot behave once they have had their 13th beer. Keep your football fights at home. We do not need them here. And I am not simply referring to Brits. Many drunks from various nations create problems at bars, and elsewhere that would not have happened had they been sober, and in control of their faculties. Of course the Thais drink a lot too. But, it is their nation, and we are their guests, and some respect is expected.

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OP, thank you very much for your advice.

I was just about getting ready to go to Thailand, but after reading your post, first thing tomorrow morning I'm going to cancel my trip.

So, is it soooooo bad there?

Are Thais so violent and kill people everyday, for not respecting their culture?

Do they usually overcharge for drinks and then beat you up?

Do they all have guns on them?

Oh, thank you OP, you have saved my life.

You can sleep, peacefully tonight knowing that you saved another farangs life.

the OP's warnings are justified Costas, your irony is not. i'm sure my gardener has murderous thoughts when i don't "wai" at him properly. for sure i'm only still alive because every friday afternoon we enjoy an icecold beer together.


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This lose of face thing i agree is a big deal to thais,but only seems to work one way.............their way.It impeads the progress of society,and on an individual basis when two people have a disagreement "loss of face" gets in the way of solving a problem until one of them will totally lose it and explode violently,when the problem could have been solved by talking through it.

And another thing is thais are basically cowards,they are quite happy to kick the shit out one person when they are many.So to conclude,for me,"lose of face" is a contributing factor to the violence here.

And for westerners here it is very wise to stay away from arguing with thais,its a no win situation.Losing your cool here can get you killed or badly hurt.A smile and a wais will always win the day.

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This lose of face thing i agree is a big deal to thais,but only seems to work one way.............their way.It impeads the progress of society,and on an individual basis when two people have a disagreement "loss of face" gets in the way of solving a problem until one of them will totally lose it and explode violently,when the problem could have been solved by talking through it.

And another thing is thais are basically cowards,they are quite happy to kick the shit out one person when they are many.So to conclude,for me,"lose of face" is a contributing factor to the violence here.

And for westerners here it is very wise to stay away from arguing with thais,its a no win situation.Losing your cool here can get you killed or badly hurt.A smile and a wais will always win the day.

Cowards eh? Ya sure. I'm sure the little kid in the photo would be happy to kick your butt all by himself.


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Op, how about just avoid Thailand?

Your views in being overcharged and letting it slide, for example, are wrong. Do as the Thais do, they wouldn't take that. Assert yourself. Do not bend over (unless that's your thing). If you are overcharged, for example, you politely point it out. If you meekly let this happen and go about your day in such a fashion; well, all your face is gone. You see, face goes both ways and if your project to have none, you will lose out in the big game.

But I do agree with your post in principal. Don't intentionally make someone lose face... though you might add unless a situation forces your hand. If someone sh1ts on your doorstep, they need to be slapped whichever country they hail from, baby states included. ;)

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This lose of face thing i agree is a big deal to thais,but only seems to work one way.............their way.It impeads the progress of society,and on an individual basis when two people have a disagreement "loss of face" gets in the way of solving a problem until one of them will totally lose it and explode violently,when the problem could have been solved by talking through it.

And another thing is thais are basically cowards,they are quite happy to kick the shit out one person when they are many.So to conclude,for me,"lose of face" is a contributing factor to the violence here.

And for westerners here it is very wise to stay away from arguing with thais,its a no win situation.Losing your cool here can get you killed or badly hurt.A smile and a wais will always win the day.

Coming on an anonymous forum and calling a whole country of peoples "cowards" is more of a cowardice act than anything I've ever seen a Thai do.

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whistling.gifwhistling.gifwhistling.gifwhistling.gifwhistling.gif , wow, costas, spot on again mate, he was told by a thai he knows so it must be true and he lived here a couple of years, so much experience plus he reads TV news. Must have been a boring night? for someone so they decided to impart their worldly wisdom on people that have lived here for years, socialize with the locals and are marrieds to the locals too, we must all have negated our learning abilities when we moved here, lost our common sense and all be drunks/womanizers/non paying customers etc etc.

Face is a pathetic attempt to show everyone else how big you think your balls(d*ck) is/are or how important you think you are. Anyone living here is well aware of it and have developed their own way of dealing with it. Sorry if we are tacking the mickey but you really have no idea, by all means tell your mates before they come here but trying to tell those that actually live here is whistling.gifcoffee1.gifw00t.gif

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Face is not only an issue here but in all countries to people who have weak minds or are drunk. I know two guys who after a few drinks start to get loud and stupid. It only takes a little push to get them to flip out and cause a problem. Even not drinking they have some kind of mental problem.

Best to avoid people who have no control, Thai or farang. The last thing I want to do is be put in a position to have to back up some stupid farang, friend or not, who has started a fight because he can not handle his alcohol.

Hot heads should be avoided at all cost here in Thailand.

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