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PM wants action against rogue jet-ski operators

Lite Beer

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Photo's only work if they don't photoshop the originals and this happens many times i have seen them removing sd cards from cameras and taken to a shop to photoshop.

That's a good point, it's certainly possible to digitally alter photographs. My main point was that jetski operators should be responsible for proving damage - most tourists would have no way of showing that they did not cause damage to a jetski.

If the jetski operators have "photographic evidence", that would then need to be verified by the Thai legal system, preferably in a courtroom. All but the finest photoshop forgeries are easily detectable: http://forensic.belkasoft.com/en/detecting-forged-images

In reality, things would very rarely get to this stage, since extorting money from tourists would just have become extremely difficult, rather than extremely easy as it is at the moment.

Jetski scammers may discover, to their amazement, that they can make a very comfortable living from providing a real service to tourists.

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The problem I've got with this article is that it assumes jet ski operators are fair actors in this drama. They are not, they are scammers. They cheap people and they intimidate people. The boats were already damaged, with tape hiding the damage, when they were rented out. Then they scare farangs into paying huge sums to "compensate" them for their phony damages.

The army should ban all jet skis or make them have mandatory insurance with no additional charges allowed if there are "damages." I hate those people!

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Surely this isn't the Prime Ministers work with bigger issues at hand if the good general is going to intervene in all these minor issues of Visas, Prostitution, Alcohol and Jet Skies I fear the bigger issues will go unattended Road deaths, Murder and to follow all that's already been done Unemployment and with that comes crime.

Surely as the ambassadors and local consulates have been screaming for years to protect their citizens from scams. The Junta wants to restore it's international image and gain international support. Is this not a 2 pronged fork, show the international governments they may be doing something and at the same time boost tourism?

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"Pattaya police have set guidelines relating to the issue including establishing a settlement room"


Yes that way the extortion can be conducted in private away from witnesses where they will not tarnish Thailand's reputation.

true. See no evil, Hear no evil and can't speak no evil. Everything is behind closed doors, the terrified tourism dragged into the room with the scammer and his police mates/partners. No witnesses, no stories. The money or the body. This New Junta/Government sounds extremely dangerous. Tourists taken to private facilities to extort money. This plan by the government should be stamped out as it will kill tourism and Thailand. Taking tourists to private government interrogation facilities is not right and the U.N should step in now.
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"Pattaya police have set guidelines relating to the issue including establishing a settlement room"


Yes that way the extortion can be conducted in private away from witnesses where they will not tarnish Thailand's reputation.

true. See no evil, Hear no evil and can't speak no evil. Everything is behind closed doors, the terrified tourism dragged into the room with the scammer and his police mates/partners. No witnesses, no stories. The money or the body. This New Junta/Government sounds extremely dangerous. Tourists taken to private facilities to extort money. This plan by the government should be stamped out as it will kill tourism and Thailand. Taking tourists to private government interrogation facilities is not right and the U.N should step in now.

I don't think this is the Army solution, it's the Pattaya Police solution. Remember that they stand to lose a lot of money if the jetski scams are stamped out.

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"Pattaya police have set guidelines relating to the issue including establishing a settlement room"


Yes that way the extortion can be conducted in private away from witnesses where they will not tarnish Thailand's reputation.

true. See no evil, Hear no evil and can't speak no evil. Everything is behind closed doors, the terrified tourism dragged into the room with the scammer and his police mates/partners. No witnesses, no stories. The money or the body. This New Junta/Government sounds extremely dangerous. Tourists taken to private facilities to extort money. This plan by the government should be stamped out as it will kill tourism and Thailand. Taking tourists to private government interrogation facilities is not right and the U.N should step in now.

I don't think this is the Army solution, it's the Pattaya Police solution. Remember that they stand to lose a lot of money if the jetski scams are stamped out.

I get the feeling it is the new P.M and the military Junta plan to push the scams under the carpet. Private interrogation rooms run by the junta. Sounds extremely scary. How many tourists will actually return from these junta run interrogations? I am sure suicides will go up. Sends out a clear signal under Martial Law, you hire a jetski and it scratched the military will drag you off to a private interrogation law and you pay up or you suicide.
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This forum should be renamed grumblingpensionerswithnolives.com

The man in charge of Thailand has specifically stated that he will deal with the jetski scam, an issue that has been posted about thousands of times here on tv.com.

And yet, for many this isn't enough. What do you want? A personal phone call or visit from the General?

Nothing, nothing, NOTHING is good enough for you miserable b********s. I would never use a jet ski and dislike them on the beaches, but the corruption and intimidation associated with them is a real problem. Well done Thailand for beginning to take action.

It appears a new trend is emerging on TV with senior bashing by jumped-up arrogant and pompous young jerks still wet behind the ears. You and the college kid here the other day might do well listen to these older members and learn something about the country you admire through you rose-coloured glasses before it bites you on your still pimpled backside. Show some respect kid.

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I don't think this is the Army solution, it's the Pattaya Police solution. Remember that they stand to lose a lot of money if the jetski scams are stamped out.

I get the feeling it is the new P.M and the military Junta plan to push the scams under the carpet. Private interrogation rooms run by the junta. Sounds extremely scary. How many tourists will actually return from these junta run interrogations? I am sure suicides will go up. Sends out a clear signal under Martial Law, you hire a jetski and it scratched the military will drag you off to a private interrogation law and you pay up or you suicide.

Kooweerup - read the OP carefully. Chooka said it right in the post above yours.

The Pattaya police are operating the "negotiation room", not the army.

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A good way of stopping this rort is actually to make it mandatory for all jetski operators to add an insurance fee onto all tourists agreed hire charges.This way with the amount of conflicts and disagreements taking place I'm pretty sure that the insurance company provider will be watching (and taking photo's)of 'before after' resolution conflicts!Just a thought but has anyone else come up with a better idea yet to stamp out this never ending scam?

Put the onus on the jetski operators to prove damages, with time-stamped photos of the machine lifted out of the water prior to the start of the hire.

Failure to take such photos cancels any legal right that the operator might have to pursue damages.

Have a special hotline with English-speaking operators that people can call to complain about jetski intimidation, and publicize the number at all the major beaches. Prosecute jetski operators (and any police in collusion) who continue to drag Thailand's reputation through the mud.

That hotline is the tourist police who will come rushing to the aid of the touristsclap2.gif and suggest they pay the scammersblink.png

So is their a thaivisa reader who actually is a tourist police volunteer in Pattaya? who can explain their old impotent policies on this matter and now they have the backing of the pm what their new stance is?

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"Pattaya police have set guidelines relating to the issue including establishing a settlement room"


Yes that way the extortion can be conducted in private away from witnesses where they will not tarnish Thailand's reputation.

A settlement would be between the foreigner who had issues with the jet ski operator, and the operator. Why would that tarnish Thailand's image?
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Why is the government always the last to know?

How convenient. We have known and begged for help on this subject for years.

Let the farang community be involved in these thug meetings. Open your eyes and ears to the real problem.

Huligans ripping off tourists with threats,weapons crowds of punks and NO DAMAGE TO JET SKIS....THATS THE PATHETIC TRUTH.

Edited by IAMSOBAD
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You know if the PM actually mentioned something about this issue on a public forum then in my opinion it will be sorted sooner or later, some have said on here that why is he bothering with such a trivial matter - well it isn't trivial, it has implications where he is very obviously targeting corruption and apart from the fact that people here think that this only concerns a few a:a'holes on the beach it goes a lot deeper than that, pattaya like Phuket (maybe even more) has a deep rooted mafia that involves local government - administration - the police and organised crime including drugs

It will only be sorted when the PM directs some hard hitters to come to pattaya (as in Phuket) to make it happen, one thing I have observed about General Prayuth - he always gives those involved a chance to act and solve the issues, if he is ignored then he provides his solution

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"Pattaya police have set guidelines relating to the issue including establishing a settlement room"


Yes that way the extortion can be conducted in private away from witnesses where they will not tarnish Thailand's reputation.

A settlement would be between the foreigner who had issues with the jet ski operator, and the operator. Why would that tarnish Thailand's image?

That's exactly what is happening now and the scam/extortion definitely isn't boosting the countries image setting it up in a private settlement room will just enable the operators to become more violent and aggressive as there will be no witness. The operators/thugs are probably very grateful for the assistance of the authorities with this proposal.

Edited by chooka
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Only one solution that will work..... Raise the price for rental which will have to include insurance. If current insurance companies don't want to provide insurance the jet ski industry will have to self insure.

Edited by ttthailand
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as jetski's are illegal in thailand by law, why bother and not just ban them straight ?

too difficult

and 10 - 15 years of youtube video's and reports of people getting cheated with cooperation of the police, finally something , on paper, wanting to tackle this situation ... GOOOOOOOOOOOO PM

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Jetskis are :

1/ a monstrous earsore

2/ an eyesore

3/ an environmental hazard

4/ a source of conflict between tourists and locals

5/ a source of frequent accidents

6/ a source of mafia activity

I wonder if any other activity with such negative impact would have survived this long if it weren't for point #6 ...

In Pattaya itself one might argue that they are not spoiling a pristine environment and it would be a valid point. But in Koh Larn or suchlike places, they are a shocking and brutal nonsense and should be banned altogether. It's obvious for everyone except 2 categories, namely :

a - the handful of cretins who love the surge of power when they experience the ability to annoy and threaten a hundred others

b - the handful of thugs who make money out of it

Edited by Yann55
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"Prime Minister General Prayuth Chan-ocha brought the issue to the public's attention on Friday"

Foreign diplomats and tourists have been making this issue public for years and years. The world has known about it years and Thailand just found out on Friday?

Just goes to prove if a diplomat raises a concern then Thailand sings lalalalalala don't want to hear go away stupid foreigner.

This is the sad truth. There have been BBC specials on this particularly heinous and violent scam, and the insects that run most of the jet ski operations. Many lives have been threatened, and many of the thugs have been caught on tape, which has been shown overseas for years. This is one of the biggest black eyes Thailand has had to deal with, and deal with they have not done, on any meaningful level, even though it has been going on for well over a decade. Of course we had two fabulously incompetent administration back to back. Both the Yingbat, and Abhisit were way out of their element, in the same way Obama is now. So, the problems have been known, and it is simply unproductive to pretend this is a new problem. Just tackle it. Confiscate every jet ski in the country, sell them, or scrap them. But, do not give them back. Or give the operators a warning that the industry will be banned, and they have 60 days to sell all their jet skis to overseas buyers. But, do something, and stop jawboning about this. Too much talk, and not enough action makes one look silly, after a while.

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The Thais cannot be trusted to run independent jet ski businesses. The operators should be given 90 day notice to remove their stalls and ski's, and sell up their equipment, and get another job.

I suggest only a certain star class of hotel with ISO 9000 and the rest of it and with direct beach access may be given a special licence to allow jet ski hire, with all the proper insurances and maintenance. Any damage and the user is not liable, as covered under the insurance.

All other forms of renting jet skis without this licence will mean the jet ski's will be confiscated from the owner and destroyed

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"Pattaya police have set guidelines relating to the issue including establishing a settlement room"


Yes that way the extortion can be conducted in private away from witnesses where they will not tarnish Thailand's reputation.

A settlement would be between the foreigner who had issues with the jet ski operator, and the operator. Why would that tarnish Thailand's image?

Jet ski operators to be fully insured+cover for the hirer----end of story. there can be then no scams. What's the fuss about, implement this, period.

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DrLom, on 31 Aug 2014 - 07:40, said:

"Pattaya police have set guidelines relating to the issue including establishing a settlement room"


In other words, a sound proof room with no CCTV coverage or windows, away from prying eyes. stationary limited to brown envelopes.

State of the art settlement room is now ready....

They just fitted a brand new ATM machine in it to help speed up the settlements cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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Since the scam has been going on for many years, it's almost impossible to believe the police is not in it.

A settlement room is a very bad idea, because it will only make the scams easier.

The scam has reached such a level that even many Thai embassies have folders to warn against hiring jet-skies.

The jet-skis should have insurance and the insurance should cover all damage in all cases.

It's as simple as that. I don't see the problem.

PS. For me the top priority the general should address is the traffic - much more people die in the traffic than in the South. I can live without hiring jet-skies, but I can't live if a 20 ton tuck crashes into my car or motorcycle. The number of traffic deaths in Thailand is the second highest in the world.

Yes we are all aware of this, now pray tell us how to stop this carnage with an actual plan that will work.

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