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Any Australian CPA's in (or near) Chiang Mai?

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Greetings all, Would anyone happen to know of an Australian certified CPA living in, or near, Chiang Mai? (including folks who are retired or semi-retired)

The reason I am asking is that my wife is currently completing units of study to advance from foundation level to professional level, but if we move back to CNX she would need to find/have a mentor to complete this process.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions that might be forthcoming. Feel free to respond via private message or posting below.


Rather topical for me as I was not too long ago trying to find a Thai speaking CPA (anywhere) that my wife could access after I shuffle off this mortal coil. On contacting CPA in Australia I was advised that they had no Thai speakers (but oodles and oodles of others...especially Vietnamese and Malaysians) so your wife would be a welcome addition.

I would imagine that a "retired" CPA would be hard to find as advertising would be a bit of a no no work wise. Not wishing to teach grandma how to suck eggs...but I would be mindful of unverifiable financial advisors as mentors given lack of robust registration in Thailand, too many boiler rooms, there are also some American cram schools for US CPA qualifications etc etc etc.

An OZ qualified and registered CPA in CM would be great.

May I suggest that you consider contacting the Australian Honorary Consul in CM...hopefully it is still MIchael Walter. Michael apart from running a reputable and sizeable business here also has a key role in Australian businesses in Northern Thailand operating through Austrade (including NGOs who often have qualified staff)...and also with developing educational ties through the old DEST....and there are surprising amount of them given the promotion of Australian Universities to overseas students (CMU for example has a relationship with Deakin University). He may have contact with an appropriately qualified person.

Also consider posting similar message in Chiang Rai forum? and perhaps contacting local CM Rotary/Lions/Apex type clubs (Rotary in CM have a FB page not sure about other.....

Good luck to your wife in her studies.


Rather topical for me as I was not too long ago trying to find a Thai speaking CPA (anywhere) that my wife could access after I shuffle off this mortal coil. On contacting CPA in Australia I was advised that they had no Thai speakers (but oodles and oodles of others...especially Vietnamese and Malaysians) so your wife would be a welcome addition.

I would imagine that a "retired" CPA would be hard to find as advertising would be a bit of a no no work wise. Not wishing to teach grandma how to suck eggs...but I would be mindful of unverifiable financial advisors as mentors given lack of robust registration in Thailand, too many boiler rooms, there are also some American cram schools for US CPA qualifications etc etc etc.

An OZ qualified and registered CPA in CM would be great.

May I suggest that you consider contacting the Australian Honorary Consul in CM...hopefully it is still MIchael Walter. Michael apart from running a reputable and sizeable business here also has a key role in Australian businesses in Northern Thailand operating through Austrade (including NGOs who often have qualified staff)...and also with developing educational ties through the old DEST....and there are surprising amount of them given the promotion of Australian Universities to overseas students (CMU for example has a relationship with Deakin University). He may have contact with an appropriately qualified person.

Also consider posting similar message in Chiang Rai forum? and perhaps contacting local CM Rotary/Lions/Apex type clubs (Rotary in CM have a FB page not sure about other.....

Good luck to your wife in her studies.

nice one mambo, just further details to mambos post

micheal was until late march2014 ,still our aust hon consulate,.his email adress is... <removed>

and w/site www.thailandembassy.gov.au

if u wish to p.m me i can pass on his cell phone number

he is sutch a delightful aussie,who does a magnicent job helping aussies for nicks,

none come better than micheal:) full stop


Thanks for the suggestions received thus far, esp. the idea of contacting Michael Walter (who I have met on previous occasions).

I have just sent him an email and hopefully he may be able to provide further leads.


micheal was until late march2014 ,still our aust hon consulate,.his email adress is... <removed>

unfortunately my email to the above address bounced back marked "Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently"[/size]

does anyone have an alternative email for Mike?[/size]


At the risk of another free kick...this is'nt being bounced back because of the size of any attachment you have to the email?.

A phone number and physical address are available on DFAT web site....could ring and make a visit...or obtain alternate email?

Australian Consulate in Chiang Mai, Thailand

This post is headed by an Honorary Consul


Australian Consulate,
236 Chiangmai-Doi Saket Road,
Amphur Sansai,
Chiang Mai 50210


+66 53 492 480


+66 53 492 426


No attachment on my initial email, but I did find the problem ... a typo in the email address posted here earlier. Subsequently got through to Mike and he quickly replied to advise that he was not aware of any Australian qualified CPA's in or around Chiang Mai. We'll keep hunting. Cheers

  • 1 year later...

Thought best to revive this one thread with my query.

But any updated info on practicing CPA or Tax accountant from (or familiar with tax practices of) Oz in CM.

Tax time approaches and I have some ugly complicated issues with capital gains/losses that would like iron out before submitting tax return. So much easier to resolve and explain face to face rather than through emails to unknown quantity in Oz. Thanks.


If you were based in the Melbourne area, we've been with the same firm since 1991 - virtually no chance of ever getting an audit as they are so straight up and won't mess about with any claims for deductions that might attract attention, which to my mind is a good thing. Happy to pass details on and send an email to them by way of introduction if you are interested, just send a pm.

Be the change that you wish to see in the world.

Mahatma Gandhi


If you were based in the Melbourne area, we've been with the same firm since 1991 - virtually no chance of ever getting an audit as they are so straight up and won't mess about with any claims for deductions that might attract attention, which to my mind is a good thing. Happy to pass details on and send an email to them by way of introduction if you are interested, just send a pm.

Many thanks. Am currently Freo/Perth as home base so if no joy in CM might combine tax with a quick visit home to family, for a cool change ( 8 degrees in the evening with the heater on per my sister), and get the 2 July election early voting knocked off at the same time.

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