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North Korean Dictator Kim Jong-Un is a Manchester United fan

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North Korean Dictator Kim Jong-Un is a Manchester United fan
By Andrew Stuart


Kim Jong-Un is a Manchester United fan

Manchester United have another famous fan they can add to their books.

It turns out the communist dictator of North Korea supports the Old Trafford outfit and orders the state TV to broadcast the matches

According to reports, that's something he now wants to share with the rest of his country.

North Korea has very strict policies on the media, and only what has been sanctioned by the state can be searched for online, listened to or seen on TV.

And now the games will be broadcast to all of North Korea through state TV.

It's said to come amid other changes, which could include more European football, from Germany.

Other shows available to North Koreans include programmes on how to ride a horse and how to play golf.

Source: http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/north-korean-dictator-kim-jong-un-7681845

--Manchester Evening News 2014-08-27

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Latest rumour is that he is looking at buying the team. He'll rename it Mankimchi United and shift its summer training camp to Sonbong-by-the-Sea. Home games will be played in the demilitarized zone with refs equipped with GT200s. Dennis Rodman has accepted an offer to be chairman.

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Why does " Football " always have to be mentioned in every day to day life? I hate the game ( as most sports ) and there is nothing more annoying than seeing a " British Man " dressed in a football top shouting at a Television screen in a rowdy bar.

Why do they all have " tattoos " as well and call everybody " ello mate " .........????

Over to you " Viewers " ......

F.J xclap2.gif

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Why does " Football " always have to be mentioned in every day to day life? I hate the game ( as most sports ) and there is nothing more annoying than seeing a " British Man " dressed in a football top shouting at a Television screen in a rowdy bar.

Why do they all have " tattoos " as well and call everybody " ello mate " .........????

Over to you " Viewers " ......

F.J xclap2.gif

We do it just to annoy you, obviously.

And me. :)

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I remember a message posted by me which was rejected because it had nothing todo with Thailand.

Well that's fair but then what does this message have to do with Thailand? coffee1.gif

I am not a soccer fan, but MU now has a Dutch flavor which makes it sort of interesting for the coming months (for me).

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Who on earth care what this fat, disgusting, mean spirited, heartless, greedy, megalomaniacal, freak of a man child likes, or dislikes? What does it matter? Why is it news? Should we care? Can anybody explain why? The further outside of the news this super freak remains, the better for all of humanity.



good one...

and he's got a shitty hair cut too!

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Completely agree. What has this to do with Thailand. (other than, maybe, geographic proximity)

I did once make this same point in connection with a posting on MH370. The topic remained. My post was deleted!!!

But seeing as we've now got there, yes, I too hate football! Where I live, in Egypt, we only have one conveniently located Thai restaurant. And guess what they have on the wall. A damn great flat screen which is constantly showing European football. 'Why?' I ask. The Thai owner, who is a friend of my wife (also Thai) knows my views, but nothing ever changes.

Ban football in all restaurants would be my rule if I ever became a dictator!

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Completely agree. What has this to do with Thailand. (other than, maybe, geographic proximity)

I did once make this same point in connection with a posting on MH370. The topic remained. My post was deleted!!!

But seeing as we've now got there, yes, I too hate football! Where I live, in Egypt, we only have one conveniently located Thai restaurant. And guess what they have on the wall. A damn great flat screen which is constantly showing European football. 'Why?' I ask. The Thai owner, who is a friend of my wife (also Thai) knows my views, but nothing ever changes.

Ban football in all restaurants would be my rule if I ever became a dictator!

A bit off topic but I think you need TV-B-GONE to "kill" any TV:

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Completely agree. What has this to do with Thailand. (other than, maybe, geographic proximity)

I did once make this same point in connection with a posting on MH370. The topic remained. My post was deleted!!!

But seeing as we've now got there, yes, I too hate football! Where I live, in Egypt, we only have one conveniently located Thai restaurant. And guess what they have on the wall. A damn great flat screen which is constantly showing European football. 'Why?' I ask. The Thai owner, who is a friend of my wife (also Thai) knows my views, but nothing ever changes.

Ban football in all restaurants would be my rule if I ever became a dictator!

"Completely agree. What has this to do with Thailand. (other than, maybe, geographic proximity)"

If geographic proximity had anything to do with it, we'd be inundated with the even more boring Indian cricket news ... but in fairness this is the football/soccer forum and if the threads were limited to Thai football there'd only be a handful of expats who'd have a clue about that ... of course, that begs the question, do we need a football forum at all? Surely all the rabid football fans are miles ahead of any (significant) news posted here.

Just about anything to do with the rotund dictator ought to go in the jokes, puzzle & riddles forum.

Edited by Suradit69
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Who on earth care what this fat, disgusting, mean spirited, heartless, greedy, megalomaniacal, freak of a man child likes, or dislikes? What does it matter? Why is it news? Should we care? Can anybody explain why? The further outside of the news this super freak remains, the better for all of humanity.

Excuse me! That is no way to speak of Wayne Rooney

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An unbalanced, egotistical megalomaniac with a ridiculous haircut. But enough about Louis Van Gaal. Kim Jong-Un has jumped on the bandwagon just at the wrong time - as it shifts into reverse and travels downhill rapidly. Half the team can't even speak English and the rest have either spat their dummies out of the pram 'cos someones on even more money than them (Rooney included)or they are just not good enough (Johnny Evans, anyone?).

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