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Is the crackdown on repeat visa runners already fizzling out?

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UK rules is not talking about Retirement visas but about retired people who want to vacation in the sun for six months of the year. They can get a double entry 60X60 day TR visa in the UK or US (country of residence) and come for five months. Cannot e tend the first 60 day TR but can extend the second. I think one bordet run is required to activate second TR. People can fly to KL, Vientiane. Yangon, Saigon or any other destination they fancy and spend a few days before flying back.

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I planned to retire in Thailand. I spent 7 months the first year and four months the second year. I rented a house and a scooter. I cooked myself and went beachcombing and smorkelling.I spent time in Cambodia and returned to Australia in between visits to Thailand. People complained I was living there because they saw me again on my second visit. Mature age women are very visible and mercilessly harassed. That's the reason for the visa crackdown. Since I left Thailand and have not returned the whole thing has fizzled out. Do not advise your Mom to retire inThailand. I was also checking it out on Tourist visas before applying for Retirement visa (too expensive for me. Singles should only have to have 500,000 baht income/deposit.)

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So now that Ive been gone a couple months or so, how are things out in LOS? Are they still harrasing people in and out?

I had enough, and voted with my feet... of course things are expensive here back in the UK, but the roads are safe, clubbing is better, the internet works, and I've no Lakorn! :)

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Not related but just a personal off topic thought

How amazing....not that I complain, but it seems so strange, so weird though, that some years ago anyone typing the word "thailandelite" would lead a thousand infuriated posters to tear that concept down ready to have the TEM perpetrators (=Thai Elite Members ) face the firing squad, whereas, today, it seems to be the logical choice.

I am surprised that no one has theorised that all the changes we have seen, were instigated by some powerful mastermind in order to market this option.

This being said, I agree that this membership could very well be taylor cut for the nomads

As for people willing to spend six months away from their country of origin, I tend to agree that some months here and some months somewhere else isn't a killer, especially for European who are only twelve hours from most continents


absolutely right, you just have to look a the old threads on the elite sucker card, to realize how much it was denigrated in the past.

And now, all of sudden, to get a sucker card is the best think to docheesy.gif

wonder, what are the agenda of these people who give so sly advicewhistling.gif

I agree. I think it's hilarious laugh.png

Doubt they have any 'agenda' though. Just the usual 'Well, if you don't have a hill of cash to stay in this Third World Country, wot like I've got, then be off with you' crew coffee1.gif

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I planned to retire in Thailand. I spent 7 months the first year and four months the second year. I rented a house and a scooter. I cooked myself and went beachcombing and smorkelling.I spent time in Cambodia and returned to Australia in between visits to Thailand. People complained I was living there because they saw me again on my second visit. Mature age women are very visible and mercilessly harassed. That's the reason for the visa crackdown. Since I left Thailand and have not returned the whole thing has fizzled out. Do not advise your Mom to retire inThailand. I was also checking it out on Tourist visas before applying for Retirement visa (too expensive for me. Singles should only have to have 500,000 baht income/deposit.)

" I cooked myself" - isn't that a bit of an over-reation ?

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Not related but just a personal off topic thought

How amazing....not that I complain, but it seems so strange, so weird though, that some years ago anyone typing the word "thailandelite" would lead a thousand infuriated posters to tear that concept down ready to have the TEM perpetrators (=Thai Elite Members ) face the firing squad, whereas, today, it seems to be the logical choice.

I am surprised that no one has theorised that all the changes we have seen, were instigated by some powerful mastermind in order to market this option.

This being said, I agree that this membership could very well be taylor cut for the nomads

As for people willing to spend six months away from their country of origin, I tend to agree that some months here and some months somewhere else isn't a killer, especially for European who are only twelve hours from most continents

No, the Thai Elite Card is not taylor (sic) made for nomads, you cannot work (legally) when staying here via the Elite Card. Under the definition of "working" provided by the Thai Labour Laws, digital nomads are considered to be working and that can only be done here (legally) by obtaining a work permit.

I didn't say it is, but it could but from what you are saying, this visa is not suitable obviously

English not being my mother tongue, would you kindly explain the meaning of "Taylor (sic) made"

Isn't this expression correct? Thanks

Sorry Alyx, entering 'sic' is just a way of directly copying a quote that may contain a spelling/grammar error and advising the reader that the error is intentionally copied over from the source text. Didn't mean anything by it, it's just a reflex action that I have from my work.....tailor made is how it would normally be written.

Back on the digital nomads, it is a grey area that most likely one day will receive some scrutiny and specific legislation to address it. I come from Australia where salaries and rents are so high it has driven a huge explosion in online workers as companies look for ways of controlling costs, and the authorities there have faced many dilemmas in dealing with this trend.

As a digital nomad you can be working online for a company located in another country and being paid in that country's currency into a bank account located in that country and paying tax in that country also. Technically nothing to do with Thailand except that you're living here and using the local infrastructure without contributing by way of taxes. The only contribution you make to the Thai economy is what you spend on a daily basis, similar to that of a tourist. The Thai authorities need to control the number & type of people here same as any other country and want people working here to remain within the visa system and paying taxes, hence the imposition of the work permit requirement with it's associated obligations.

Then - if reforms in immigration and labor were performed - one way would be to create an "External Work (Worker) Permit" with a matching Visa designation. This would cover all sorts of work you describe and not just software coding or web page construction. How about stock trading, consultant work of many descriptions and other type not yet thought of... All done with a different set of rules to get one ..

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I have a business to run and prefer to do that rather than trade insults with fools. Here you go...expand your vocabulary.


  1. hold and state as one's opinion.
    "“The man is a genius,” he opined"

Well for someone with a business to run you sure have a lot of time commenting on this post trying to score points (with the Japanese?) by thinking you're right? Your whole first thread was irrelevant and pointless anyway, nothing to do with the OP - it was merely a post filled with your opinion. If I had known you would be so rude I would have never commented on it to begin with. If you are a westerner living in Thailand, you really need to learn to come off your high horse and calm down. Getting upset will only lead to high blood pressure and strange laughs from the locals.

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To Opine is a word favoured by the Indians from the colonial era and others educated in English as a second language who do not realize that is archaic and no longer in common usage. It is rather like using the word 'bagged' for just about any award that is generally used in school or college but not outside it. Like saying he 'bagged'

the Wimbledon men's singles title would seem a

bit juvenile. As for 'Taylor made' sic, spelling error.

He meant 'Tailor made' that means made specially for you.

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I have today done my second part of triple entry tourist visa at Poipet/Ban Pakard and had no problems or questions in out very quickly, I was worried beforehand with all the rumours thankfully all seems settled. I was suprised that they have demolished most of the original border and immigration buildings though and they have a smaller area set aside to do all in one location now. Also noted very few falangs there, maybe 10 in the time I was there, mainly asians now, last time I went there were lines of falangs waiting 30 minutes to go through immigration.

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So winter lasts 6 months? Where? Siberia?


South Dakota comes to mind and at least three members of my family who have farm based type businesses that practically shut down Sept - March would excitedly board the long flight more often if they were confident that they could rent a vacation house for 6 months and not wonder if they might have to leave in 2. Not everyone wants to become a legal scholar just to take a long trip. There is nothing wrong with someone suggesting the idea of alternative visas types just because it would not suit your concept of a normal lifestyle. The whole world does not work a 9-5 schedule. Exploring ideas that would allow those with lives, and bank accounts, outside the box is exploring ways to bring money into Thailand. That is a good thing. There is no reason not to entertain a conversation on the topic.

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There's been a change of government since this was first announced, also the previous head of immigration who announced this 'crackdown' is no longer the head of immigration.

The previous guy in charge had his job changed just after the coup. I don't know why this happened but I'm pretty sure the order to do it came directly from the NCPO.

It looks like the new government has instructed immigration to end their crackdown. Common sense at last ? Maybe...

For a country that wants to attract more and more visitors, any kind of crackdown doesn't really make sense does it ?

If they take this to it's logical conclusion they should change the 3 month tourist visas to accomodate people who come to Thailand for a winter holiday so they can stay for the whole winter.

Don't they realise that a lot of people come to Thailand for a maximum of 60 days because that's what it says on the visa. If they issued 6 month long visas there would be a lot more tourists who come for up to the full 6 months.

There's no way in the world my mother would ever come here for more than 3 months because she would have to do a visa run and I know she wouldn't travel across the country, exit and then enter the country just for the sake of getting a stamp in her passport to stay for another month or two, she won't do it.

I wonder how many thousands of people cut their yearly winter holidays in Thailand short because they won't comply with the ridiculously short visas in a country well known as as place where people go for an extended winter holiday in the sun while it's cold back home.

It's ok for us younger ones to hop on a plane or 'run' across country to a nearby border but when you hit your late 60's and 70's the fact that this still applies is a bit much.

Maybe jumped the gun a bit getting the PE visa?

No, the PE visa is perfect for me in my situation. It's all about not having to leave the country every 90 days and obtain new visas in different countries.

I got my PE visa in June and my first 90 day report is coming up next week. Normally that would be time to do a visa run.

Needless to say I won't need to do a visa run next week which is great as I hate doing them. I don't need to get a taxi to Bangkok from Hua Hin, no hotels needed in Bangkok, no flights to and from Cambodia. Just a 10 minute trip to immigration here in Hua Hin. Very convenient.

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I was denied a visa yesterday in Singapore. Too many visa runs (10) in 2 years. At the airport now, trying to enter on 30 day visa waiver. Been out almost 3 months now.

LazaTron, how did it go at Suvarnabhumi? Did you have any particular trouble? Please update!

Also, did the embassy in Singapore indicate how many visa runs in 2 years would be permissible to get a tourist visa?

I am in a similar situation so I would appreciate hearing what happened in your case.


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He entered Thailand without a problem. He did a post in the topic he started.

Just skip Singapore for getting a visa is the easy solution. They should not be using visa exempt entries as an excuse for not doing a tourist visa.

There are several other consulates and embassies in the region that will do the visa without a problem.

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He entered Thailand without a problem. He did a post in the topic he started.

Just skip Singapore for getting a visa is the easy solution. They should not be using visa exempt entries as an excuse for not doing a tourist visa.

There are several other consulates and embassies in the region that will do the visa without a problem.

That's very good to hear! Thanks for pointing it out.

It has been exhausting trying to keep up with what the immigration officials are actually doing. I suppose over time the guidelines they must be referring to will become more clear to us.

What is your sense at this time, are out/ins of 48 hours acceptable now that those of 2 hours are not?

How many visa exempt entries and extensions are allowed in some period of time?

Is their any maximum amount of time per calendar or 12 month year that visitors can stay without longer term visas?

I'll be paying attention to developments though my main concern has been allayed for now.

Thanks for your efforts to support communication.

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There have been several threads on this subject of the visa crackdown. I'm sure that I read on one that the Embassies in individual countries can say what can or cannot be done in that country. Is that so? I'm talking about visa for genuine tourists who want to come here for 2, 4 months or so, of their (in my case, European winters). I have been coming for 14 years and up till 3 years ago, I came in on a 2 month double entry visa. That meant I only had to spend the day going up to Mae Sae. Mind you it takes courage to go up there in a mini van with those crazy drivers. Then suddenly that was stopped and I could only get a 2 month, no double entry. But when I read other posts, I realise that in the UK, Canada and probably other countries they can have double or triple entries. I'm living in France and I travel on a French passport. Somebody said recently, go somewhere else......I'm not quite sure how to go about that. Any help?

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There have been several threads on this subject of the visa crackdown. I'm sure that I read on one that the Embassies in individual countries can say what can or cannot be done in that country. Is that so? I'm talking about visa for genuine tourists who want to come here for 2, 4 months or so, of their (in my case, European winters). I have been coming for 14 years and up till 3 years ago, I came in on a 2 month double entry visa. That meant I only had to spend the day going up to Mae Sae. Mind you it takes courage to go up there in a mini van with those crazy drivers. Then suddenly that was stopped and I could only get a 2 month, no double entry. But when I read other posts, I realise that in the UK, Canada and probably other countries they can have double or triple entries. I'm living in France and I travel on a French passport. Somebody said recently, go somewhere else......I'm not quite sure how to go about that. Any help?

There might be an easier way if you are retired

You just have to go to the Thai consulate, present -or not - your bank account balance in excess of the equivalent of 150,000 Baht and get a "retirement" visa ( I am sure I will be corrected of the name of this visa, but I can't recall the exact name for it) without the hassles of the "local" retirement visa

Of course I might be wrong but we'll soon get an answer for that

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There have been several threads on this subject of the visa crackdown. I'm sure that I read on one that the Embassies in individual countries can say what can or cannot be done in that country. Is that so? I'm talking about visa for genuine tourists who want to come here for 2, 4 months or so, of their (in my case, European winters). I have been coming for 14 years and up till 3 years ago, I came in on a 2 month double entry visa. That meant I only had to spend the day going up to Mae Sae. Mind you it takes courage to go up there in a mini van with those crazy drivers. Then suddenly that was stopped and I could only get a 2 month, no double entry. But when I read other posts, I realise that in the UK, Canada and probably other countries they can have double or triple entries. I'm living in France and I travel on a French passport. Somebody said recently, go somewhere else......I'm not quite sure how to go about that. Any help?

You can go to e.g. Laos Savannakhet.

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There might be an easier way if you are retired

You just have to go to the Thai consulate, present -or not - your bank account balance in excess of the equivalent of 150,000 Baht and get a "retirement" visa ( I am sure I will be corrected of the name of this visa, but I can't recall the exact name for it) without the hassles of the "local" retirement visa

Of course I might be wrong but we'll soon get an answer for that

You are wrong indeed. For a "long stay" retirement visa need to show equivalent of 800,000 Bath, police records, doctor certificate. So more hassle.

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There might be an easier way if you are retiredYou just have to go to the Thai consulate, present -or not - your bank account balance in excess of the equivalent of 150,000 Baht and get a "retirement" visa ( I am sure I will be corrected of the name of this visa, but I can't recall the exact name for it) without the hassles of the "local" retirement visa

Of course I might be wrong but we'll soon get an answer for that

You are wrong indeed. For a "long stay" retirement visa need to show equivalent of 800,000 Bath, police records, doctor certificate. So more hassle.

Nope, this is not the one I am talking about.

Let's wait for people in the know

I read about it on on of these forums no later than this week after I had heard about one of my acquaintances using this visa.

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Tope, this is not the one I am talking about.

Let's wait for people in the know

I read about it on on of these forums no later than this week after I had heard about one of my acquaintances using this visa.

We can say it now without waiting. The other type is called non-imm 'O' and has a maximum stay of 90 days. Could be multi-entry in which case means border runs every 90 days. That's hardly more conveneint than en extension of stay. It is not issued in nearby country for just being over 50, and even in Europe they may ask for 800,000 Bt equivalent. But it depends on the consulate.

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