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Is Thai bar girl different to most?


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whistling.gif I am now an old man, and my days of" bargirls" are over.

However, from my limited experience in:

  1. Vietnam
  2. Ethiopia
  3. Turkey
  4. Greece
  5. and Thailand

I say no, bargirls are just bargirls anywhere in the world.

And I don't mean that in a critical way.

H _ll, I married one of them and it lasted over 30 years.


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How many time we read this same story but only the names change.

actually each time i see this i wonder if it might also be one of the girls i did this with in the past

Dont be fooled,after much practice this person knows exactly what to say when with either young old guy

When with young guy: me want true love not money..me want hansome young man..strong and have big pee peeh..hate what my friends do..cannot tolerate dirty old farang disgusting and na kliat butterfly ect.

When with old guy: me want mature man..young guy is butterfly and stingy and have no money..he not know how to treat lady (lady!) and doesnt want to settle only drink beer and drug on..also sex is not as good with inexperienced young guy.

Best thing is to know that it is what it is.Funny thing is the young guys seem to lap it up and get fooled everytime.haha maybe because they believe they so hamsum

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How many time we read this same story but only the names change.

actually each time i see this i wonder if it might also be one of the girls i did this with in the past

Dont be fooled,after much practice this person knows exactly what to say when with either young old guy

When with young guy: me want true love not money..me want hansome young man..strong and have big pee peeh..hate what my friends do..cannot tolerate dirty old farang disgusting and na kliat butterfly ect.

When with old guy: me want mature man..young guy is butterfly and stingy and have no money..he not know how to treat lady (lady!) and doesnt want to settle only drink beer and drug on..also sex is not as good with inexperienced young guy.

Best thing is to know that it is what it is.Funny thing is the young guys seem to lap it up and get fooled everytime.haha maybe because they believe they so hamsum

You see she doesn't say stuff like that like most of them do. Like I say I see a lot different in her. I saw a thai girl in march one night and she say me love you long time and I was like woah I have known you 10 minutes calm down lol.

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How many time we read this same story but only the names change.

actually each time i see this i wonder if it might also be one of the girls i did this with in the past

Dont be fooled,after much practice this person knows exactly what to say when with either young old guy

When with young guy: me want true love not money..me want hansome young man..strong and have big pee peeh..hate what my friends do..cannot tolerate dirty old farang disgusting and na kliat butterfly ect.

When with old guy: me want mature man..young guy is butterfly and stingy and have no money..he not know how to treat lady (lady!) and doesnt want to settle only drink beer and drug on..also sex is not as good with inexperienced young guy.

Best thing is to know that it is what it is.Funny thing is the young guys seem to lap it up and get fooled everytime.haha maybe because they believe they so hamsum

You see she doesn't say stuff like that like most of them do. Like I say I see a lot different in her. I saw a thai girl in march one night and she say me love you long time and I was like woah I have known you 10 minutes calm down lol.

What I'm getting at is she doesn't come out with the usual rubbish that a standard thai girl says to make men feel good. She just acts normal and seems more educated and sensible than your average bar girl. Screw it made a mistake posting here how can anyone judge someone they have never met? Forget it I will find out myself in due course.

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How many time we read this same story but only the names change.

actually each time i see this i wonder if it might also be one of the girls i did this with in the past

Dont be fooled,after much practice this person knows exactly what to say when with either young old guy

When with young guy: me want true love not money..me want hansome young man..strong and have big pee peeh..hate what my friends do..cannot tolerate dirty old farang disgusting and na kliat butterfly ect.

When with old guy: me want mature man..young guy is butterfly and stingy and have no money..he not know how to treat lady (lady!) and doesnt want to settle only drink beer and drug on..also sex is not as good with inexperienced young guy.

Best thing is to know that it is what it is.Funny thing is the young guys seem to lap it up and get fooled everytime.haha maybe because they believe they so hamsum

You see she doesn't say stuff like that like most of them do. Like I say I see a lot different in her. I saw a thai girl in march one night and she say me love you long time and I was like woah I have known you 10 minutes calm down lol.

What I'm getting at is she doesn't come out with the usual rubbish that a standard thai girl says to make men feel good. She just acts normal and seems more educated and sensible than your average bar girl. Screw it made a mistake posting here how can anyone judge someone they have never met? Forget it I will find out myself in due course.

don't wait too long. her shopping will produce alternatives

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Reason why I posted because I couldn't find a post anywhere about someone having a thai girlfriend and them not wanting me money. Just wanted to know what people thought about it if it's happened with anyone and if they ended up getting stung?

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Reason why I posted because I couldn't find a post anywhere about someone having a thai girlfriend and them not wanting me money. Just wanted to know what people thought about it if it's happened with anyone and if they ended up getting stung?

You think all guys are getting driven to paying big money up front by hard-nosed birds?

It;s not like that. Asian women all act like money is not important. That's their art-form.

What you're walking into is exactly how it's delivered to ALL men.

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Another way to look at it, if she was looking for a decent man to love her, why would she be interested in someone who goes to what is a brothel, she could be going with that sort of Thai guy..

for the same reason thousands of others have done so for decades.

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Come on mate, be honest, she's got you hook, line & sinker.

Are you telling us here that she's going to work in the bar for the next two years whilst you decide if you're serious ?

What sort of fantasy world are you in, mate?

Your bird works in a bar entertaining men and you're sat back thinking about settling down in 2 or 3 years.

Get real. She has a young child. Do you think she's happy to work in that bar for the next 2 years whilst you piss about?

How do you think she feels working in a bar entertaining men for money ?

You step into that bar and it's like paradise.

Do you think it's paradise for her too ?

You should realise the situation because you work in client entertainment yourself.

Do you even know her -know how she feels..or do you just know a character she plays very well ?

perfectly laid out!

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Scoteng, even if she's a good honest girl right now, the fact is her clock is ticking fast. Maybe she wants you to swoop her outta there before she has to join the trade, maybe she has a few irons in a few fires. Whatever it is doesn't matter because, face it you're not ready to commit financially or emotionally. And why should you have to commit to anything at 24. Move on. If not for your own sake then for the girl's sake.

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Ok lets say she is legit girl trying to get out of the trade. What to do is ring,skype or call every night 1pm just to see if she take the calls.

this is what thai woman does to her man to check up so you will not get the same response a western girl would attackyou for it.but for thai it is acceptable.

all said and done,i have met girls like this.they will seem ok but 1 thing..they know you willonly be in thailand for short time and it is best for them to get as many like you as they can and what you dont know wont hurt you

1 other thing i would not get hung up on this girl as far as being faithful to this 1 person. that is only silly and wasteing your time and chances with other wmen as 90% thai women will not give the same loyalty when you live away

might not be applied here but my 1 rule now when playing with woman of dubious work history..play the game like they play you!

Just be sure to adjust your game if you meet regular thai woman not from bar area

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She is always saying though I thai lady no good I want you find better lady and that she loves me and wants me happy. She has such a low opinion of herself I think some of these girls deserve better.

All this rings a bell......at the end, mine was correct, and honest upfront, but i didnt believe it ofcourse. Dont feel sorry for her young man. Trust her by what she said above.

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Had a friend from Canada sounds like you I said when you come back to Thailand don't tell your Bar Girl the exact date so he gets to the bar only to see his Girl leaving with a customer about two hours later the Girl back in the Bar see him and says Hi I waited for you. Right they know ever trick in the book when I first came here I was with a free lancer she never asked me for

Money after about 3 months I realize she was after the big picture she a Bar Girl Grow up mate

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Ok..firstly congratulations on finding a girl you like and who apparently likes you.

Secondly don't let other peoples bad experiences sway your own common sense..you've been with her and your instincts should tell you if she is honest. Her not wanting money or gifts is a good sign but not necessarily indicative.

I don't know what to say in regards to her relationship with her mother except for her to tell you that is unusual...not typical from my experience.

But like others have already said bar girls aren't your only recourse, so make sure she is genuinely a girl you would date if you were elsewhere. There are plenty of very happy men who married bar girls.

Anyway good luck to you

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My guess is that she is still going with customers for the cash, but that her feelings for the OP are real.I have known a LOT of Thai women that worked in bars over the years and none that kept working there, but stopped being bar fined, although plenty would try to hide it from their boyfriends..

I know a number of friends whose relationships with bargirls have worked out very well, but plenty that have not. Actually, I could say the same thing about relationships with "good girls".

Edited by Ulysses G.
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A couple of red flags here - pocket change to whisk you away to other places & wanting you at other places leads to (hates) other farangs = could be there are many that are VERY familiar with her and she wishes to remove herself from the ultimate detection of that with you present.....whether she is proud/likes it or not - you did meet by bar fining here and in reality you were not the first or last to do so.....a BF is only as far away as a need for $$$$$ or another "cute/sexy/smooth" guy.....you can offer 9 weeks a year - that's 43 "free" weeks.....the bar life has a heartbeat all of it's own - it's companionship, church, fun times, company, excitment, drama, food, dancing all built in to one place for a 20 year old with 43 weeks to "spare".....

Food for thought.....

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I don't know if you are being sarcastic AY. Love is something that is earned over time.

There is no love OR respect in this relationship. They are both playing games.... especially the part where they BOTH claim money is not an issue.

To be honest, I have never read so much <deleted> in my life. He comes here proclaiming bar girls are this and that, yet somehow his girl is different.

I mean even in that famous CBC video "My Thai Bride" the woman appeared to be very generous with that British alcoholic and never asked him for any money.

It's a game.

Everything in life is.

However, I will not proclaim that this Thai girl is good or bad. As with any relationship it needs the test of time.

That's all.

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I don't know if you are being sarcastic AY. Love is something that is earned over time.

There is no love OR respect in this relationship. They are both playing games.... especially the part where they BOTH claim money is not an issue.

To be honest, I have never read so much <deleted> in my life. He comes here proclaiming bar girls are this and that, yet somehow his girl is different.

I mean even in that famous CBC video "My Thai Bride" the woman appeared to be very generous with that British alcoholic and never asked him for any money.

It's a game.

Everything in life is.

However, I will not proclaim that this Thai girl is good or bad. As with any relationship it needs the test of time.

That's all.

I said IF! i was making a point! he doesnt love her, she doesnt love him. they might find love but not if he is afraid to step off the cliff. and he is

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