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Is this a real relationship or have I bought a girlfriend?


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I'm looking for a Toy Boy. Anyone want to subscribe? But you have to be rich and keep me, whilst i learn some sort of strange language like that one that involves tongue clicking. Takes years.

We would need to know your age, so we can decide if we are "toy boy" material.

If you're 80, I'm in.

Im sort of over 49, by about 24 months. Are you an expert in the tongue clicking language? I can only do it to call dogs and cats but i do have experience in badger baiting with my clicks. But the Greeks seem to be better than me.

Its getting around the Aristotle that gets me.

But if you could finance a quick trip for me to click in South Avrikaa would be very well liked. And on the way home a quick nodding lesson in India would be well too.

I tell a lie i am 82,

Edited by Patsycat
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I'm looking for a Toy Boy. Anyone want to subscribe? But you have to be rich and keep me, whilst i learn some sort of strange language like that one that involves tongue clicking. Takes years.

Hmmm, the tongue clicking has me interested but possibly not in the context you intended.

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I'm looking for a Toy Boy. Anyone want to subscribe? But you have to be rich and keep me, whilst i learn some sort of strange language like that one that involves tongue clicking. Takes years.

Hmmm, the tongue clicking has me interested but possibly not in the context you intended.


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This topic is not about me and my gf. The OP has a younger gf and wants to know if his relationship is fine or not. I only provide an example of a similar relationship that is doing well.

Age is only a number. I am in my 50s but if I told you I was 40 you would believe me, I look young. So now you need to think is a relationship that is 19 years difference that bad, man 40 girl 21. Then add the handsome factor and the confidence in and you got a handsome, confident, 40 year old looking guy.... Then add in a little class and money and then what is there not to like ??? What woman of any age would not want to be with a guy who looks 40, is handsome, is in shape, is educated, has money, has confidence, speaks Thai, and is fun to be with ?

I close my case ;)

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You've bought a girlfriend the same as the rest of us. Problem is most guys don't want to accept it this way. They tend to believe their girl actually loves them the same as a Western girl would love a man. Unfortunately that's not possible simply because you have absolutely nothing in common and never will.

Any relationship between a man and a woman starts with a mutual sexual attraction followed by conversation which will usually determine any future interaction. Do you think your girl looked at you and thought " wow " he,s a looker , i doubt it with a 25 yr age gap. Did you start with stimulating conversation. Well no , you met on the internet and she can't speak English.

The answer is obvious or it should be.

Yes of course you have a relationship , she might be a great girl who treats you like a Roman Prince for the rest of your life. I hope she is but she's never gonna love you in the way you perceive love. If you can live with that a Thai woman can be the perfect choice.

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I wasn't making fun at all about the clicking language. I find it fascinating, as i do all of Africa. Knowing more of East Africa from when my parents live there it is great to google around and find other cultures and music etc. From a beautiful continent.

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Where i come from a 20 year old girl would not look at a fifty year old man unless he was her daddy as in from birth,

What do you have in common? Music comes to mind, movies, tv shows the way you dress. Come on. Nothing,

These are just men trying to relive their youth. And can do, because they take a young vulnerable girl and molds her to his perfect little thing.

Is that bad? Dunno. He gets what he wants and she gets a life that she could only have dreamed of.

But is she happy? I am sure she would rather be out with her friends having a good time and enjoying being 20. But she can't because she has to be with him and follow his rules and stay true to him otherwise she is out back where she came from. And replaced the next day.

Edited by Patsycat
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You met a woman who was working and keeping herself, perhaps in meager circumstances but nevertheless she was independent.

You've encouraged her to become financially dependent upon you.

It will not end well and she will eventually despise you for the financial control you have over her.

Guesthouse is absolutely correct. Sure, help her out, but do it in such a way so as she is not dependant on you.

You have bought a girlfriend.

Be aware that In Thailand, Love = money.

No money, no honey, at all levels of society (a generalisation, sure, but in the main, true).

Don't sent money to her parents, she will be doing that, your money or hers.

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Yes, that is because we as Western Women have a say in what goes and what doesn't. Did the OP ever have a nasty Western wife before. Of course he did. He got burned by that nasty Western fat bitch, who may i say he married. He must have loved her, and probably couldn't put Thailand on a map even if it jumped up and bit him on the nose.

So don't put down Western women just because you found a slave to wash your feet and feed you like a baby.

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Where I come from a 20 year old girl would not look at a homeless man whatever the age. biggrin.png

To me it has always been a world of reallys. If you are really good looking or if you are really rich you got no problems.

The rest of us make do with what we got and get the best the situation allows. Thailand is the ace in the hole that some of us have the wherewith-all to play and some of us don't. Hence the bickering.........

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You've bought a girlfriend the same as the rest of us. Problem is most guys don't want to accept it this way. They tend to believe their girl actually loves them the same as a Western girl would love a man. Unfortunately that's not possible simply because you have absolutely nothing in common and never will.

Any relationship between a man and a woman starts with a mutual sexual attraction followed by conversation which will usually determine any future interaction. Do you think your girl looked at you and thought " wow " he,s a looker , i doubt it with a 25 yr age gap. Did you start with stimulating conversation. Well no , you met on the internet and she can't speak English.

The answer is obvious or it should be.

Yes of course you have a relationship , she might be a great girl who treats you like a Roman Prince for the rest of your life. I hope she is but she's never gonna love you in the way you perceive love. If you can live with that a Thai woman can be the perfect choice.

I agree with most of your points - but what is love ? It certainly goes deeper than just " missing someone." My ex wife loved me that much that she kept chasing me for 3 years after we had parted until she got approx £350k worth of assets that she had contributed zero for. After she had got that she decided that she didn't love me anymore and stopped contacting me.

I cannot tolerate cheats and liars......and girls that tick these boxes have to be sifted out. If the OP can be sure that his girl doesn't cheat and lie, then I think they can tick each other's boxes........and without him feeling something is missing. In fact, I think there's a good chance that he will feel more fulfilled than with a western relationship - I certainly do !

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You met a woman who was working and keeping herself, perhaps in meager circumstances but nevertheless she was independent.

You've encouraged her to become financially dependent upon you.

It will not end well and she will eventually despise you for the financial control you have over her.

Every womans dream. A man 25 years older who is cheap..................hahahahaha!

Although a cheap man is better than no man for many poor .

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I think I was not clear in my original post. Because she started staying with me (I live in the far end of Jomtien) it was costing her much more with motorbike taxis to get to me. Originally she had a room by the hotel. So I got her to give up her job and concentrate on learning English. To compensate I now give her 2,000 baht a week so that she has some independence financially and doesn't need to ask me for money for lunch and song teaws and all the bits that women buy. So she is slightly better off that her previous badly paid job and has the time to spend with me and do her studying. She wins and I get to spend time with her so I win.

The easy solution to her transportation problem is to help her get a motorcycle. Deposit 1000/2000 baht, monthly payment about 2000 baht, problem solved. She can do it in her own name. Tomorrow send her to Mityon shop. She can keep her job. You can make her payments for her and she's still got her job. Win win.

Actually no deposit needed at all. There are 'zero down payment' offers all the time. I recently bought a Yamaha Filano (brandnew, of course) with no (nothing, zilch, zero) down payment and the first installment 45 days later. Only 2150 bahts a month. Gets 50km to a litre. About 40 km to a litre if pottering around town.

And in response to the other post about all those reasons why a young girl would be interested in an old man, let me tell you the real reason, from personal experience. All you have to is to demonstrate that you are genuinely interested in her. The rest is marginal window-dressing. There are lots and lots of young girls who are starved for attention. I know because I face hundreds of them every day.

Well then, there is the solution for the OP's girlfriend's transportation issue. She doesn't have to quit her job and he doesn't have to buy her. All he has to do is help her with the motorcycle payments which is totally reasonable as she's going out of her way to be with him.

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First what I would do is just pay for her English course. Tell her to keep her job and give her a little extra for traveling

You don't need her to be financially dependent on you . What is a year down the road it does not work out You did not think about this

If you can send her family 5000 baht you can pay for her English class. Give her the Independence that she needs and help along the way.

Think about it She is with you 24 7 Very difficult She needs mind stimulation just like you. Stop thinking with your little head

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8000 baht a month in a hotel..??

Where is this hotel because that is a very poor wage for a hotel. Plus they normally get monthly service charge bonus !!

Nothing wrong with giving her money for transport and lunch, it's what anyone should do to help their partner out.

Good luck for a happy future together :)

That's not unusual but it's probably an approx amount as with tips you can add an extra couple thou.

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Just because she is Thai, does not make her any different to any other woman in any other part of the world. man meets woman, man provides for woman ,.

Enjoy it and don't worry go with the flow , what ever make you guys happy , but always good, more so for the woman that she has her own income.

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For 8000B per month, you are not paying much compared to most (yet).

Almost all foreigners in Thailand are paying in one way or another. Cue the my girl is different brigade...

Almost all the men in the world are paying in one way or another. Cue the un divorced guys brigade. biggrin.png

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Yes, that is because we as Western Women have a say in what goes and what doesn't. Did the OP ever have a nasty Western wife before. Of course he did. He got burned by that nasty Western fat bitch, who may i say he married. He must have loved her, and probably couldn't put Thailand on a map even if it jumped up and bit him on the nose.

So don't put down Western women just because you found a slave to wash your feet and feed you like a baby.


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You met a woman who was working and keeping herself, perhaps in meager circumstances but nevertheless she was independent.

You've encouraged her to become financially dependent upon you.

It will not end well and she will eventually despise you for the financial control you have over her.

I'm not so sure about this statement, my wife (Thai) had a job and was looking after herself when I met her.

Over the past 7 years I definately put more money into the mix as some points.

But today after 7 years of English 'lessons' from me, travelling overseas, and dealing with my friends, and some extra study she now rruns her own business, is licensed tour guide, and has half a dozen other guides working for her.

She now makes the larger portion of the famiy income.

My thougts, if someday this lady is spending your money without any regard, then you'll know something is wrong. Until that point you do not know.

My wife as always treated 'our' money like it is a scarce resource, and never as something she can just spend without discussion and consultation, just like a relatonship back home.

If I was you, I would continue to help her better herself, I would talk about 'our money, our life' and help her to find the confidence and networking so she can get a great job with reasonable conditions.

I always told my wife, aim high. I believe any Thai with the right support can make great living here.

I've never GIVEN her money, we just SHARED what we have.

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Hellohello123 and AnotherOneAmerican ... There are some of us guys who are in that 5 or 10% that attracts women of all ages. Handsome perhaps but I would say more like confident, in shape, look smart and fun to be with ... Hopefully it lasts a bit longer as my life has been great so far....

The OP is perhaps also in the same boat and can attract great girls.

Don't be jealous just work on yourself and your game....

Just saying ;)

Yes there exist a few men like that. But they don't pick up girls in Pattaya. Or in dating sites.

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