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Why I would rather live in Thailand than America


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SEX and low cost of living, sex being the unique factor about Thailand. Take sex out of the picture and there are suddenly tons of countries around the world offering similar comfortable living as in Thailand.

All other points are true to a certain extent, but it's ultimately personal choice.

Even though I was not born in the US, I find the US culture a lot more acceptable. They may not be as friendly as Thais, but they are polite, helpful and friendly enough, WITHOUT any expectation of getting something out of you further down the road. I've never met an American who was annoyed when I asked for directions or some other form of help. Europeans are even less friendly than Americans but they are firendly enough, polite and helpful.

America is a big place with different climates. There are areas of the US with nearly perfect weather too. There are many other countries with the weather just as good as in Thailand.

US has far greater choice of foods (metropolitan areas). So other than the price, US wins this one hands down. Supermarkets are generally open longer than in Thailand (many 24 hours a day).

It really boils down to one thing - sex. Many years ago, I asked one expat in Thailand why he preferred Thailand. Without a second of thinking he exclaimed - SEX. At first I was little shocked, but over the years I realized that sex is what sets Thailand apart from any other country.

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I am British , formerly married to an American , all a lovely family , highly educated , exclusive with 3 beautiful New England homes . My adult children all in their 40s are US citizens , but the US has never been a place I'd like to live . US politics are just the worst , people are taxed out of house and home , there is nothing in the US that would make me even consider living there .

I have been living in Thailand for nearly 10yrs , culturally it isn't perfect . My wife and her family are charming and kind , we get on really well together . I notice a rise in products and services , but I can live here very comfortably and really inexpensively .

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The general nice friendly attitude of Thai people. In Thailand people overall are just more friendly you can stop and ask someone for directions without them being annoyed with you and wanting you to go away. Thai people don't throw around insults all the time like you hear in America overall the country has a much more relaxed feel.

"...friendly attitude of Thai people...without them being annoyed with you and wanting you to go away.....Thai people don't throw around insults"

yes i completely agree with you thai are so friendly, they welcome you here with open arms!whistling.gif


AS long as you have money they welcome you

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Have no idea where in the world, a country welcomes tourist without money... As for the stupid video clip, how do you even know he's Thai, probably a lackey ! Thais generally are nice people, and in tourist areas, im guessing are sometimes fed up with crap tourist that sometimes come their way..... Iv worked in the tourist industry in Europe, and yes, you do become stale, with some crap that gets around...

THailand is one of the best places to live, if your not in agreement, then why are you on a Thai Visa forum.... 555555555

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I thoroughly enjoy both countries.

The challenge with your list is that it incorporates broad assumptions that, while valid in some portions of the US, are totally invalid in other parts. As with most countries, one must travel and visit and experience prior to reaching any overarching conclusions and those conclusions are usually specific to a specific part of that country. And of course the US is one big country.

I think that if one spends time exclusively in one part of Thailand, he/she would be in danger of reaching faulty conclusions when applying those same conclusions to the rest of the country.

I don't mean this unkindly, but when I see posts such as yours I often wonder that if by creating a list of things you dislike in your home country you are attempting to rationalize/justify your move to another country.


Been to many places in Thailand, and always felt safe. Only been to New York and Florida, albeit a few times, never felt safe,and so many cities in the grand Usa, that i would have no interest whatsoever in going to.

NOW, Canada is awesome compared to USA, lovely people and much safer overall.

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I am not American but I did live there for 3 years, moving around through 20 States.

I really enjoyed my time there and found the people to be friendly, and the different areas wonderful.

Thailand .... not so much.

Edited by DoctorG
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I like Thailand too, but I am not 100% enamored with the place; here's some reasons:

1. In Thailand I cannot earn 4+ million Baht per year in the aerospace profession; the field is non-existent in Thailand.

2. In Thailand, my daughters would grow up to be stupid as a buffalo.

3. Very few Thais in a position of authority respect the law.

4. The Thai cuisine can be boring; same doodoo, different name.

5. Thais drive on the wrong side of the street (no kidding... it doesn't even matter if the law says they should drive on the left, they sometimes drive on the right!).

6. Thais spent too much time worshiping false gods.

.... I could spend all day coming up with other reasons.

There ALL false Gods.............the rest is spot on

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I like Thailand too, but I am not 100% enamored with the place; here's some reasons:

1. In Thailand I cannot earn 4+ million Baht per year in the aerospace profession; the field is non-existent in Thailand.

2. In Thailand, my daughters would grow up to be stupid as a buffalo.

3. Very few Thais in a position of authority respect the law.

4. The Thai cuisine can be boring; same doodoo, different name.

5. Thais drive on the wrong side of the street (no kidding... it doesn't even matter if the law says they should drive on the left, they sometimes drive on the right!).

6. Thais spent too much time worshiping false gods.

.... I could spend all day coming up with other reasons.

People in any country have the right to worship in any way they want, just as long as they don't interfere with anyone else. As far as I can see, the Thais worshipping false gods are doing no harm to anyone. Anyway, what right do you have to say any god is false or not?

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I grew up in Westchester County, north of New York City.

Now you can't even do minor repairs on your own home. You need a village permit and the work has to be done by a licenced contractor at grossly inflated prices.

That's just one of the many reasons that I like it better here.

That's one of the reasons I do not obey laws I do not agree with. Do they have spy cameras in your house in America?

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I grew up in Westchester County, north of New York City.

Now you can't even do minor repairs on your own home. You need a village permit and the work has to be done by a licenced contractor at grossly inflated prices.

That's just one of the many reasons that I like it better here.

Organised crime in local government. Has to be.

I would rather put up with the corruption in Thailand than that nonsense, you have got two of five fingers on one hand, use them in the direction of the local government place whatever it's called. better still pop in the door and use them.

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I like Thailand too, but I am not 100% enamored with the place; here's some reasons:

1. In Thailand I cannot earn 4+ million Baht per year in the aerospace profession; the field is non-existent in Thailand.

2. In Thailand, my daughters would grow up to be stupid as a buffalo.

3. Very few Thais in a position of authority respect the law.

4. The Thai cuisine can be boring; same doodoo, different name.

5. Thais drive on the wrong side of the street (no kidding... it doesn't even matter if the law says they should drive on the left, they sometimes drive on the right!).

6. Thais spent too much time worshiping false gods.

.... I could spend all day coming up with other reasons.

People in any country have the right to worship in any way they want, just as long as they don't interfere with anyone else. As far as I can see, the Thais worshipping false gods are doing no harm to anyone. Anyway, what right do you have to say any god is false or not?

all religions interfere with life "belief" with no proof = stupidity.

God is made of custard you cant disprove it and you must respect my view

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I like Thailand too, but I am not 100% enamored with the place; here's some reasons:

1. In Thailand I cannot earn 4+ million Baht per year in the aerospace profession; the field is non-existent in Thailand.

2. In Thailand, my daughters would grow up to be stupid as a buffalo.

3. Very few Thais in a position of authority respect the law.

4. The Thai cuisine can be boring; same doodoo, different name.

5. Thais drive on the wrong side of the street (no kidding... it doesn't even matter if the law says they should drive on the left, they sometimes drive on the right!).

6. Thais spent too much time worshiping false gods.

.... I could spend all day coming up with other reasons.

People in any country have the right to worship in any way they want, just as long as they don't interfere with anyone else. As far as I can see, the Thais worshipping false gods are doing no harm to anyone. Anyway, what right do you have to say any god is false or not?
all religions interfere with life "belief" with no proof = stupidity.

God is made of custard you cant disprove it and you must respect my view

No religion interferes in my life, I just wouldn't allow it.Also, I will respect anyone who respects me.
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Well this question depends from various factors. For family and society is definetely better Europe and USA. For lonely man deserved their pension want enjoy rest of their life Thailand is better. But for young man want career, want house, want good car, want something out of life Thailand is definetely not place to be. First of all what are your chances to get a job which is necessary for living, second in Thailand they are no social money from country, health insurance, etc...many factors

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I like Thailand too, but I am not 100% enamored with the place; here's some reasons:

1. In Thailand I cannot earn 4+ million Baht per year in the aerospace profession; the field is non-existent in Thailand.

2. In Thailand, my daughters would grow up to be stupid as a buffalo.

3. Very few Thais in a position of authority respect the law.

4. The Thai cuisine can be boring; same doodoo, different name.

5. Thais drive on the wrong side of the street (no kidding... it doesn't even matter if the law says they should drive on the left, they sometimes drive on the right!).

6. Thais spent too much time worshiping false gods.

.... I could spend all day coming up with other reasons.

People in any country have the right to worship in any way they want, just as long as they don't interfere with anyone else. As far as I can see, the Thais worshipping false gods are doing no harm to anyone. Anyway, what right do you have to say any god is false or not?

all religions interfere with life "belief" with no proof = stupidity.

God is made of custard you cant disprove it and you must respect my view

Buddha is not a God.

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I like Thailand too, but I am not 100% enamored with the place; here's some reasons:

1. In Thailand I cannot earn 4+ million Baht per year in the aerospace profession; the field is non-existent in Thailand.

2. In Thailand, my daughters would grow up to be stupid as a buffalo.

3. Very few Thais in a position of authority respect the law.

4. The Thai cuisine can be boring; same doodoo, different name.

5. Thais drive on the wrong side of the street (no kidding... it doesn't even matter if the law says they should drive on the left, they sometimes drive on the right!).

6. Thais spent too much time worshiping false gods.

.... I could spend all day coming up with other reasons.

People in any country have the right to worship in any way they want, just as long as they don't interfere with anyone else. As far as I can see, the Thais worshipping false gods are doing no harm to anyone. Anyway, what right do you have to say any god is false or not?
all religions interfere with life "belief" with no proof = stupidity.

God is made of custard you cant disprove it and you must respect my view

Buddha is not a God.
It doesen't matter, Buddah is what Thais believe in, and I can see no reason why it should not be respected.
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People in any country have the right to worship in any way they want, just as long as they don't interfere with anyone else. As far as I can see, the Thais worshipping false gods are doing no harm to anyone. Anyway, what right do you have to say any god is false or not?
all religions interfere with life "belief" with no proof = stupidity.

God is made of custard you cant disprove it and you must respect my view

Buddha is not a God.
It doesen't matter, Buddah is what Thais believe in, and I can see no reason why it should not be respected.

I only mentioned it because one of the previous posters suggested Thailand had a false God. Since Buddha is not a God they don't have a false God.

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As soon as I see the writer has problems understanding "your", "you're", "there" and their" (probably "they're" too) he loses all credibility anyway.

I really only agree with the food and cheap accommodation comments

However, generally, the post is complete rubbish

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A very degenerating thread. Every yank, brit, frog, schnitzel snapper or brazilian will always be a farang in T'land. That means you will be an outsider, always.

And permit to comment about the SEX in T'land. Maybe it's truly better, most probably not. I read many horror stories of poor saps getting taken to the cleaners by the 'better sex' persons. If you want a whork, the selection in china is far, far greater and those lovely ladies will not ask your name, or ATM password.

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I am somewhat ambivalent about this post, since I really still enjoy going back to the US. I haven't been back for about 4 years now, but before, when I was more mobile, I really always found people there very nice.

I think it is easy to be abroad and in your head, reading the news and thinking "it's all going to hell." In reality, though, despite things I don't like about my own culture, it is still a fun place, although more expensive than life in Thailand.

Thailand has a lot of other things that I prefer to the US, but I wouldn't really be too bothered to live in either place.

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I like Thailand too, but I am not 100% enamored with the place; here's some reasons:

1. In Thailand I cannot earn 4+ million Baht per year in the aerospace profession; the field is non-existent in Thailand.

2. In Thailand, my daughters would grow up to be stupid as a buffalo.

3. Very few Thais in a position of authority respect the law.

4. The Thai cuisine can be boring; same doodoo, different name.

5. Thais drive on the wrong side of the street (no kidding... it doesn't even matter if the law says they should drive on the left, they sometimes drive on the right!).

6. Thais spent too much time worshiping false gods.

.... I could spend all day coming up with other reasons.

Your "false gods" comment is way way out of line. Have you no respect for anything?

You don't even like buffalos. Please move out asp.

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An America bashing thread.... how original.

From my experience - 10+ years in Thailand, 3 years in USA, - with the exceptions for "services" and excluding places like NY/California, USA is overall cheaper than Thailand when comparing the same things. Includes housing, food, cars, gasoline, manufactured goods. Even income taxes are lower in USA.

People that say otherwise are kidding themselves. The only exceptions being services where cost of labor is factored in and naturally Thailand is cheaper. This would include things like eating at a resturant or medical costs. However, school education in USA offers better value for money than Thailand

Overall, for the average American and without medical costs factored in, then there is not really much cost benefit by living in Thailand - unless you desperately want to live in Thailand. However, if you don't have medical benefits coverage in USA or medicare eligible then Thailand would win easily as a lower cost destination.

For me, the cheaper medical costs is the deciding factor, but as a better quality place for living, definitely America wins.

From my experience 10+ years in Thailand and 40 years in the USA I sold my condo in Florida and bought three condo's the same size and location relative the Gulf in Thailand (check construction costs USA vs Thailand).

Statistically speaking hospitals are just about the most dangerous places to be in the United States. Three times as many people die every year due to medical errors in hospitals as die on US highways so I try to stay out of US hospitals. http://www.kevinmd.com/blog/2012/03/onethird-hospitals-close-2020.html

I think if you compare an average budget percentages spent on different items Thailand costs far less to live than the USA. USA average household income 1,650,000 Baht http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_by_income

Of course different strokes for different folks. I have a new Honda Click that I drive to the store and beach and further than that I use a taxi or bus because Thailand has a great system of public transportation.

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I've been back for 9 months, in Florida & Georgia after 4 years in Thailand. I have eaten rice a grand total of 2 times in 9 months.

On my last contract I had a rice cooker promptly turned on about 2 feet behind my desk every day. I truly got sick of smelling the stuff!

First thing I did was was hit a Waffle House. I was looking for a Denny's but alas... I also bought a big box of frozen burritos smile.png .

Next I actually enjoyed watching the commercials on TV. Call me a sadist I guess, but I'm sick of them now.

Here in Georgia a few weeks ago, it was 11:00 PM on a Saturday, I was busy helping my 17 year old nephew decide what classes to take at college, when I realized, damn! tomorrow's Sunday & I'm almost out of beer (no beer sales in Mt. Vernon GA on Sundays).

I'd already had about a six-pack, so decided to walk to the store, along a well lit sidewalk. I had to pass the county courthouse AND the sheriff's office. This IS the Bible Belt...I went to church yesterday myself. So instead of merrily walking 3 blocks, swinging a 12 pack around, I grabbed a small backpack for discretion.

On my way home an EXTREMELY OBESE cop pulls out of the sheriff's office & lights me up, blue lights & all.

He wanted to see some ID. I asked him why? Had I broken any laws? Did I do anything wrong?

He said I looked suspicious walking around with a book bag "in the middle of the night"...It was 11:15 PM, under a street lamp, next to the courthouse. All I could think of was some Nazi saying "show me your papers!"

Told him it wasn't a book bag, it was a beer bag & handed him my ID. He immediately called it in. I could hear the dispatcher say my name, followed by "No wants, No warrants".

Fat cop looked like a little kid when they first learned that Santa Claus was a myth. Pissed me off though.

I'm ready to head back. I think I'll wrap a few packs of frozen burritos in a towel & toss them in my suitcase though.

Edited by jaywalker
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Let’s set aside the word ‘friendliness’ for a moment, and substitute a term I just made up: ‘walking-down-the-street-li-ness.’

Walking down any street in Thailand, I feel a thousand times more comfortable than I've ever felt walking down a street in America. More than anything else about Thailand, that’s what I love: how I feel walking down the street. I just feel more accepted and more welcome here. When I realized for the first time that it was possible to feel this way, it was a real ‘get-down-on-your-knees-and-kiss-the-ground’ moment.

Returning home from Thailand after an early visit here, I had occasion to visit my doctor. They routinely checked my blood pressure as part of the screening, and I was startled to discover that both my diastolic and systolic readings were sharply lower than normal. That’s when I first realized that maybe I had discovered something special in Thailand.

I've been here 11 years now and scarcely a day goes by without me thanking my lucky stars that I discovered this place. Just because of how I feel when I walk down the street.

I like the pretties. You know the models that promote things at the mall. When walking through the mall one can make eye contact with the pretties when they are taking a break or ask them to join you for lunch. Same with the produce and bakery ladies at the grocery store. I'm an old guy and doing this in the States would get me slapped and locked up in jail. Thailand the look and the walk? Priceless.

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It doesen't matter, Buddah is what Thais believe in, and I can see no reason why it should not be respected.

You haven't looked very closely at Thai religion, it's really worshiping the Hindu gods under the guise of Buddhism.

If you look closely, there are idols of Kali, Ganesha, etc. all over the temples.

With the Thai worshippers choosing their personal Hindu god to worship.

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