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Is it now required to complete a Thai Language Test to extend ED visa for the Second year?

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if they do require a test, dont you think this makes perfect sense, seeing as one has been issued the ed visa to study Thai ?

Why so suprised about a "Thai language test" you are suppose to be studying Thai..blink.png .

But why is it okay for Thai students to go to school and not learn anything? They can graduate without actually studying or working but only relying on copying and cheating. When Thai students fail a test, they are fed the answers and then do the test again and again and again until they can finally recall enough of those answers they were given to get a passing grade. I suppose if they want to test foreigners who study here, at least approach the tests the same way as they do with Thai students.

WOW what a completely childish attempt at a comparision and justification, the key difference is dear boy Thai students are not blagging a visa out it

A lot of these language schools were never set up to educate anyone, but mearly exploited a loophole to provide long term visa's for people...

Go on a student visa anywhere in the world and if your not turning up for classes, or not complying with requirements of your Student visa, expect your visa not to be renewed

I suppose next your going to suggest because Thai nationals can live in their own country without a visa, foreigners should be treated the same ?....grow up

Oops. I must remember that we have to put (sarcasm) after posts that are meant to be sarcastic. Sorry that I got you all worked up.

I was just trying poke a bit of fun at the Thai approach to education and testing in what seemed to be an appropriate thread.

Count to 10 and breath deeply. All is okay!

Edited by waynethor
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I got the call this morning from my school who have JUST found out we need to leave annually, that is how long it has taken them to find out for sure, that is how dysfunctional the system is.

My Thai, speaking wise, is above average and I don't even speak English on a daily basis anymore as I don't have farang friends, they seem to p!5s me off. Anyway, my reading and writing is below par by quite a bit so this test is a bit daunting. I need to head to Laos next month, where and when will I be tested?

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I got the call this morning from my school who have JUST found out we need to leave annually, that is how long it has taken them to find out for sure, that is how dysfunctional the system is.

My Thai, speaking wise, is above average and I don't even speak English on a daily basis anymore as I don't have farang friends, they seem to p!5s me off. Anyway, my reading and writing is below par by quite a bit so this test is a bit daunting. I need to head to Laos next month, where and when will I be tested?

I don't even speak English on a daily basis

My ability to read written Thai must be getting better then, I can read the whole of your post as clearly as I can read English ..rolleyes.gif

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I think an interesting solution would be to make the Thai language schools responsible for good teaching.

Require maximum 50% of students can be on educational visa.

The other 50% must attend because of the quality of education.

Nobody came to Thailand to be student 4 hours a week.

Most are busy with other activities.

Even people with regular visa also want to learn Thai.

If a language school is a visa mill then no need to worry about quality of education because their primary goal was met for students.

A quality school should be able to attract people not needing visa.

A student visa to live in Thailand to study Chinese will probably be closed.

Can people get student visa to America to study Japanese?

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I got the call this morning from my school who have JUST found out we need to leave annually, that is how long it has taken them to find out for sure, that is how dysfunctional the system is.

My Thai, speaking wise, is above average and I don't even speak English on a daily basis anymore as I don't have farang friends, they seem to p!5s me off. Anyway, my reading and writing is below par by quite a bit so this test is a bit daunting. I need to head to Laos next month, where and when will I be tested?

You will most certainly not have any problem with any test you would be given. Don't sweat the test at all.

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if they do require a test, dont you think this makes perfect sense, seeing as one has been issued the ed visa to study Thai ?

Why so suprised about a "Thai language test" you are suppose to be studying Thai..blink.png .

I am not surprized but TiT and when i started the course it was clear that most of the students dont even attend class and i ask them so if i miss class whats happens, they replied that as long as they know where the student is in Thailand it was ok. Wink Wink.

The school was more about getting people on visa etc. But now that has changed with the crackdown and all of a sudden their a "Real School" using their words.

All i want to know is this Test really required for everyone like they say?

"...and all of a sudden their [sic} a "Real School" using their words."

The next thing they'll want is real students. How dare they!

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To the OP, up until the recent law change, you would have had to go to MOE to take a brief oral (and sometimes reading and writing) test before they would approve your next year of study. This would allow you to enroll for another year at your language school and continue your 90 day extensions for another year.

I say this from experience as I did this process 2 months ago. However, now this approval from MOE means nothing and you cannot extend for a second or third year, and so on. You are required to leave after each year and apply for a new ED visa.

I am not clear if you are still required to go to MOE if its not your first ED visa, but I wouldn't see why you would have to. I would be prepared to be quizzed a bit by immigration at the airport upon arrival. Nothing major, but they'll ask a few questions.

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If you study another language , like chinese, japanese or english , they will not ask you to do a test .

Genius idea! I always wanted to learn Muay Thai or Chinese, so next thing is to find a training center.



I can either go to school and learn a language or get seven shades of sh!t kicked out of me.

Genius indeed!

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I see many language school offer lessons to learn Russian (or other some much language very unfamiliar to the majority of Thais) in the near future... this way the TEST will be almost impossible to GIVE.

Yes, wasn't offering Russian a savvy move?

The blighters have been here for years and were beating all comers in volume of numbers right up until the time of the coup here and the Russian subversion in Ukraine. Now you can count the number of Russians you see each day without having to take your shoes and socks off.

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I got the call this morning from my school who have JUST found out we need to leave annually, that is how long it has taken them to find out for sure, that is how dysfunctional the system is.

My Thai, speaking wise, is above average and I don't even speak English on a daily basis anymore as I don't have farang friends, they seem to p!5s me off. Anyway, my reading and writing is below par by quite a bit so this test is a bit daunting. I need to head to Laos next month, where and when will I be tested?

You will most certainly not have any problem with any test you would be given. Don't sweat the test at all.

This gives me a little more confidence because I could ace a speaking test without a doubt, but I would fail a reading/writing one, why are you so sure and can you give any insight into where or when I will have to take said test?

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I got the call this morning from my school who have JUST found out we need to leave annually, that is how long it has taken them to find out for sure, that is how dysfunctional the system is.

My Thai, speaking wise, is above average and I don't even speak English on a daily basis anymore as I don't have farang friends, they seem to p!5s me off. Anyway, my reading and writing is below par by quite a bit so this test is a bit daunting. I need to head to Laos next month, where and when will I be tested?

I'd be thinking about changing schools if I were you, I had under the table knowledge of the change before it was officially announced. They are either incompetent or were spending all this time trying to figure out some loophole. Either way, I'd not want my legal status here in Thailand attached to them.

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I got the call this morning from my school who have JUST found out we need to leave annually, that is how long it has taken them to find out for sure, that is how dysfunctional the system is.

My Thai, speaking wise, is above average and I don't even speak English on a daily basis anymore as I don't have farang friends, they seem to p!5s me off. Anyway, my reading and writing is below par by quite a bit so this test is a bit daunting. I need to head to Laos next month, where and when will I be tested?

I'd be thinking about changing schools if I were you, I had under the table knowledge of the change before it was officially announced. They are either incompetent or were spending all this time trying to figure out some loophole. Either way, I'd not want my legal status here in Thailand attached to them.

I think they were snowed under with people to deal with, I don't know and it's too late to change right now as I started my new year a couple of months ago. I am more concerned about this test, I may go and live in Laos other wise, I can pretty much speak Laotian as it is

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You are in Thailand, here never anybody not pass a test, universitys have 100% passing students, so no problem for anybody cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Actually my wife has done an English test in Bangkok a couple of times to enable her to take government jobs abroad and has failed unfortunately. I think it's the listening bit that gets her. Not that I'm surprised.

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If you have been serious about learning Thai...a worth while endeavor...then passing the test will be no problem...

If you have not been diligent in your studies...then go visit Vietnam...they will be glad to take care of your there...

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