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Do you consider yourself physically addicted to coffee?


Coffee addiction POLL (this is not about caffeine or tea)  

96 members have voted

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Having some STRONG coffee now, and inspired to start this poll.

I have been physically addicted to coffee all my adult life ... and even before that.

I have quit about five times for weeks and months at a time, but it never lasts.

I am at a place now of being HAPPY to be addicted to coffee.

I actually don't drink that much ... but I really feel strongly that I MUST have it and I know stopping would mean physical withdrawal symptoms.

So how do you fit into the coffee addiction spectrum?

If you choose to vote in the poll, pick the choice closest to your feeling.

No delusions that this or any poll is perfect and reflects all possible answers.

This poll is not about tea.

This poll is not about caffeine.

It is only about coffee.

If you can't relate, then you are welcome to skip it.


Edited by Jingthing
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Oddly enough being American, where many would be happy with an IV line run to a coffee machine, I never drank it. However, after I got married here in Thailand one morning my wife brought a cup of coffee to me while I was working at the computer. I didn't want to say anything so I drank it. Surprisingly, I actually enjoyed it and was due to how she made it. I have a single cup of coffee every morning now, but that's all, so guess have some degree of addiction. Usually if I have breakfast at a restaurant though I will have tea. Oh wait, I stepped over JT's line in the sand with that comment. biggrin.png

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This poll is not about caffeine.

Sorry JT, not with you on that one.

My coffee must contain caffeine.

I cant stand or drink the Decaf rubbish.

If the only coffee available was Decaf I wouldnt touch it.

Please assume I was talking about REGULAR coffee.

I didn't think I needed to spell that out.

But there are always poll hecklers to reveal each and every possible flaw in the structure of a poll.

Thanks for playing.

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Oddly enough being American, where many would be happy with an IV line run to a coffee machine, I never drank it. However, after I got married here in Thailand one morning my wife brought a cup of coffee to me while I was working at the computer. I didn't want to say anything so I drank it. Surprisingly, I actually enjoyed it and was due to how she made it. I have a single cup of coffee every morning now, but that's all, so guess have some degree of addiction. Usually if I have breakfast at a restaurant though I will have tea. Oh wait, I stepped over JT's line in the sand with that comment. biggrin.png

It sounds like you are not physically addicted to coffee.

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Love coffee... Drink 4/5 everyday at home, Italian brand and machine.

Curious about withdrawal symptoms, as i may quit one day, to do a favour to my kidneys.

I could easily switch to a very good Sri Lankan tea, i did it already for 2 months some 15 years ago. Remember i was feeling quite relaxed, it was my first holiday in Thailand, and good coffee was not easily available..

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In my experience, as a lifelong coffee addict, the (deceptively dormant) urge is always there even if you've stopped for months.

One sip (inevitably) brings you back.

Similar to alcoholism.

But much less self destructive.

Coffee in moderation actually has health benefits for most people.

Coffee in excess of course is bad.

I can understand that addiction of any kind can be seen as undesirable ... but I think there are more serious things to worry about than addiction to wonderful COFFEE.

Edited by Jingthing
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I'm seriously addicted to caffeine.

However the good news is that on my personal list of half a dozen vices considered dangerous to ones health, caffeine is probably the least dangerous. facepalm.gif

And don't ask my friends why they think I'm 74 when in reality I'm only 54. whistling.gif

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I'm not sure I'm physically addicted to coffee...

However, I voted 'extremely' addicted - I spend reasonable sums of money on Machines and coffee... I love it and must have at least two cups each morning. Rarely a day goes by where I don't have a coffee.

When I don't have a coffee I don't get grumpy, moody or have what may be interpreted of withdrawal...

I do find that a coffee kick starts my day, gets my brain thinking more sharply... perhaps thats the addiction.

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I used to drink a lot of coffee, maybe 5 or six mugs a day (three large spoons of Nescafé Italiano), but found that i was leaving them lying around and getting cold.

Nowadays, I need the pick me up wake up with a cigarette one, another mid afternoon and another around 7pm.

If i go out for a meal, it's always nice to have an expresso and a cognac, grappa or limoncello afterwards.

Being addicted to it? I would say that if i do not have that afternoon coffee, i miss it.

Edited by Patsycat
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I've almost never drank coffee every day and I don't now. The few times I did drink it every day for a period of time, I had headaches for a few days when I stopped.

I don't crave it at all and only like the taste with cream and sugar. However, if I'm tired in the morning and have to work, I will have one cup and that usually gets me by until the early afternoon.

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I've almost never drank coffee every day and I don't now. The few times I did drink it every day for a period of time, I had headaches for a few days when I stopped.

I don't crave it at all and only like the taste with cream and sugar. However, if I'm tired in the morning and have to work, I will have one cup and that usually gets me by until the early afternoon.

Hmm. w00t.gif What kind of 'Murcan ain't wired on JAVA?!? coffee1.gif


The way certain people get addicted to stuff and others don't is probably related to their genetics. I have an addictive personality and feel blessed I never got hooked on anything seriously bad. Like I couldn't be an alcoholic even if I tried!

Edited by Jingthing
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If you were to fill a coffee cup 1/2 full of coffee that would be MORE coffee than I have drank in my entire life.....everyone around me did/does - wife loves it.....like the smell of it brewing <> have fond memories of my Grandmother (French) having coffee in a big wide cup in the morning with sourdough toast and peanut butter & the aroma is etched of the medley within the special times in my life.....

At one time my family owned the only French Bakery in their little town nestled in the foothills of the Santa Cruz mountains so good sourdough was always something taken seriously -- fast forward -- introduced my wife to sourdough - now I smell sourdough toast with peanut butter and brewing coffee some mornings once again.....smile.png .......

Still like the aroma - still don't drink it......coffee1.gif <--------- not me.....

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JT, I can relate to your statement about having quit many times weeks and months at a time, but it never lasts. I have had to quit or at least cut back because i now have Atrial Fibrillation and the coffee/caffeine speeds my heart up too much . Also i have given up Redbull and all those other drinks but they were so much easier than coffee.

But the strange thing is, the better the quality of coffee , the less i drink. One brewed or plunger coffee in the morning will last me a whole day but with instant coffee, especially if i am working , i will need about 5 or 6 or more just to keep concentrating . I can also sit on a good cup of coffee and let it go cold and still enjoy it . I also love the smell of coffee too especially when it is being roasted.

So yes i am addicted.

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Thakbar: That was funny! :)

I love coffee, it is more part of a routine to prepare for work or for cozy times with friends, than an addiction for me though. I can go for several days without getting physical with drawal symptoms Etc.

hmmm... Time for a coffee!

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