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Is it hot, or is it me?


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Desperately need rain out east of the superhighway. Farmers having a burn fest the last 3 days. Nice cooling winds outside, but windows closed to keep the smoke out bah.gif

It's raining now in Mae Hia, but guess that is another topic. biggrin.png Still hot and the humidity jumped to 100%.

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Desperately need rain out east of the superhighway. Farmers having a burn fest the last 3 days. Nice cooling winds outside, but windows closed to keep the smoke out bah.gif

It's raining now in Mae Hia, but guess that is another topic. biggrin.png Still hot and the humidity jumped to 100%.

No rain my way sad.png

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Lovely jumbo sized moon the other night peeking through the aforementioned clouds over CM.

I noticed it too so went out to take a snap. Very clear night.


very nice photo. yes the moon was lovely. the Chinese Thais went to the temples the other night to respect the moon - and stuff their faces with moon cakes thereafter. this was a big one. you could even go to Thai Post, order the moon cakes for your loved ones, pay for them at the post, and they would deliver them the next day.

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It's hotter and more humid than past years for sure. We have been running the A/C every night until about 4:00 in the morning then switching to the fan. When I go outside in the afternoon I always feel muggy and can't wait to take [another] shower.

Yes, same here. A/C is essential overnight, just can't breath otherwise.

Also sending the Electricity Bill through the roof.

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Thailand is HOT!!!!!! Man it's hot. Now, I have heard that older folks are more sensitive to the heat, and it's harder to know when dehydration sets in - making it even more unbearable. Thailand is one of the hottest places on Earth (top-10) a few times a year. It is crazy hot, and no wind. And crazy hot all day, all night.......We all know you can get warmer by putting on clothes, but getting colder is much harder. I even thought of becoming a vampire in CM to stay cooler, but that opens up more issues.

I am convinced the heat is so crazy that it will change you forever. It might mess up your lungs forever, or make it so you are sensitive to weather for the rest of your life.

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The main reason why it's hotter these days is because we're approaching the fall equinox, the time when the sun is directly overhead.

Very interesting theory MrBrad however we are not on the equator, but around 20 degrees North of it. Therefore the the sun is "directly overhead" our location around the time of the summer solstice June 21. The sun is above the horizon here for the longest time then as well, rather than for 12 hours as it is at the equinox. As you pointed out however cloud cover and other factors play a big role affecting the surface temps.

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My observation is that last winter was short and quite warmer than in the past. I judge that by only feeling comfortable in long pants and long shirts only 2x last winter where in previous winters I could wear warm clothes for 2 months at least.

Then this [still ongoing] summer came on like hell and has lasted 8 months already and shows no signs of letting up. Seems like we're getting longer hotter summers and shorter warmer winters.

Thanks Al Gore!!

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My observation is that last winter was short and quite warmer than in the past. I judge that by only feeling comfortable in long pants and long shirts only 2x last winter where in previous winters I could wear warm clothes for 2 months at least.

Then this [still ongoing] summer came on like hell and has lasted 8 months already and shows no signs of letting up. Seems like we're getting longer hotter summers and shorter warmer winters.

Thanks Al Gore!!

Yes, I've noticed in the last couple of weeks, with little to no cloud cover, the sun has been blazing through and making it crazy hot. Even hotter than the April/May timeframe, or it seems.

What I did notice last winter was that it was cooler, which portended a hotter summer I thought. Just didn't think it would last this long!

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My observation is that last winter was short and quite warmer than in the past. I judge that by only feeling comfortable in long pants and long shirts only 2x last winter where in previous winters I could wear warm clothes for 2 months at least.

Then this [still ongoing] summer came on like hell and has lasted 8 months already and shows no signs of letting up. Seems like we're getting longer hotter summers and shorter warmer winters.

Thanks Al Gore!!

Last winter was the coldest in Bangkok in the last thirty years....and 65 areas throughout Thailand were declared "cold disaster zones" during last winter. (But we can still blame Al Gore.)

Edited by Diplomatico
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As you pointed out however cloud cover and other factors play a big role affecting the surface temps.

the clouds have been building up over doi suthep in the last few days !

pic 1 .. 8 sept

pic 2 .. 10 sept

pic 3 .. 11 sept

the maya mall ice rink was very quiet on the 9th if you want to cool off :)






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Are you bucking for Dave ll position in charge of photos.tongue.png Great picture.

No chance of that, Dave will always be the master. smile.png

Just stepped out on the balcony and a lot of rolling thunder and dark clouds in the Northeast and seems to be moving this way.

You're giving him a good run for his money though. It'll keep him on his toes giggle.gif

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very easy solution,put the a/c on..(if u have one)

Is that a yes or a no?

I agreed with the OP. It is a warmer September than usual.

Just checked 30 and not even noon yet.

I love the "Is that a yes or a no?". Very nice. :)

"The very esy solution...." is an example of someone that lacks meaningful input and substitutues a boring bon mot in it's place.

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It is hot, but there is always a period of time after it stops raining and cool season has not started yet that is uncomfortable. Maybe this is it?

Agree with UG there is normally a period just after the monsoon and before the cool season when it gets hotter but this year it seems to have happened a little early. I know there has been some pretty bad weather this year in Chiang Rai Province but this has been the least wet rainy season that I have encountered in Chiang Mai.

really a cool season? i thought it gets warmer here in October and November ? i am in Phucket so how is the weather different there than here? aka Nevada (Vegas) and pacific North West.

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very easy solution,put the a/c on..(if u have one)

OK if you have deep pockets.

And a partner who doesn't have sinus problems sad.png

I'll talk him into going to a doctor sooner or later. We've been together 35 years, married for 30. I have nagging down to a fine art, but know when to push and when to take my time. Something this important, it's a case of slowly, slowly, catchy monkey. I talked him into seeing an ENT just before we retired and he had (another) operation, but it took me about 3 years to convince him. I've been going at it for just over a year now; I'll get there sooner or later.

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Went to Warrarot this morning to get flowers and got distracted looking for a cobweb mop so it was 9.30-10.00 by the time I got under the roof heading for the flower section. To say it was torture is an understatement.

Sounds like a massive storm brewing at the moment, strong wind and loud thunder. Whilst we want rain to cool off a bit, the water catchment area's need it for other far more important reasons and the farmers - I never thought I'd feel sorry for a farmer, in the west you never meet a rich one (but they're driving a brand new Range Rover or whatever the in things is at the time), but I really feel for the rice farmers here. I curse them when they burn off their stubble, but without significant rain over the next few weeks, I fear that they will be unable to plant rice in the paddies due to a lack of water, perhaps not until next year when rainy season starts.

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It is hot, but there is always a period of time after it stops raining and cool season has not started yet that is uncomfortable. Maybe this is it?

Agree with UG there is normally a period just after the monsoon and before the cool season when it gets hotter but this year it seems to have happened a little early. I know there has been some pretty bad weather this year in Chiang Rai Province but this has been the least wet rainy season that I have encountered in Chiang Mai.

really a cool season? i thought it gets warmer here in October and November ? i am in Phucket so how is the weather different there than here? aka Nevada (Vegas) and pacific North West.

It starts cooling down in November and December, January and February are quite cool in the morning and evening - you often need a sweater or light jacket - and warm, but very comfortable in the daytime. For me, it is, by far, the best time of year.

So, it's 8 months of hell for 4 months of comfortable weather?? We all must be fools to endure that and after almost 15 years here, I wonder why I suffer.

I do envy the 'snowbirds' that can escape the heat and smoke and only spend Nov-Feb here, but with kids that are going to school, it's not practical.

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