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Whats your opinion of the hacking group Anonymous?


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I have always had an interest in hacking, and the hacking groups like anonymous seem very real and powerful, I think Thailand would be the perfect place for hackers.

So what's your opinion of hackers and do you have any favorite successful hacks?

Or any favorite hacking documentary's or T.V clips?

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Anonymous are a bunch of script kiddies.

Real hackers aren't out to cause problems to others. Crackers are. And real crackers would not associate with such a stupid bunch of idiots.

LMFAO while I believe some of Anon are idiots I would not say that for all of them, I believe they have been spit into two groups one to rebel against corruption and fight for human rights and the other side to cause problem for no given reason.

The top tier hackers (brains) using so called Anon members to increased the power of their hack?

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I think they're generally a waste of space and if you know what you're doing they are easy to defend against.

The trouble is, most sysadmins have tunnel vision.

Protect the internet facing systems and neglect others, consider web browsing and email not part of their remit, etc.

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Personally, I used to try few times (few years back) what so-called hacking, never worked out, followed the steps, and explanations in detail,

but, always I have an idea in mind that it could be a trap, so I practiced on some duplicated pages, and made sure it was just idiot riddles or crackers,

I am very fascinated by hacking world, just to track some suspicious activities of some ppl that into my circle of interest, to knew the truth and be clear in mind not just being a blind eye follower,

however, I would like very much to have an access to an authenticate organization to lean some professional touches of hackers not spoiler crackers .. !


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