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Internet almost at a standstill.

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Yesterday, CAT lost 3 transoceanic cables running from the IIG in Thailand to Hong Kong due to the typhoon. This affects traffic to/from various international locales based upon the vagaries of BGP route selection at any given moment, at either end and in between.

It will be a while before these cables are fixed. In the meantime, international bandwidth for several Thai ISPs has been negatively impacted, some by 50% or more.

This isn't speculation, I have first-hand knowledge of the situation.

Funny you should mention that...


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If there is a problem it's a True issue. I'm happily streaming HD TV from the US on my Roku box using TOT right now. Just ran a speed test to San Jose, getting 8 Mbps

Hi, Can you tell me more about internet TV with a Roku box: the cost, the channels received and the box itself? Can I have the same with True internet? I am very much interested by internet TV. Thanks


Speedtest won't help. Problem is, websites load very slow. My downloads are just fine, but surfing web is painful.

It is because of "Big Brother" system, which is a clear violation of human rights in developed countries but not here :)


If there is a problem it's a True issue. I'm happily streaming HD TV from the US on my Roku box using TOT right now. Just ran a speed test to San Jose, getting 8 Mbps

Maybe True has a direct peering to your streaming source.

It's the same for me (but TOT), I can/could stream from "Wilmaa TV" almost 24h without major hiccups (Not HD, but decent quality).

Same goes for downloading movies from the German "ARD TV Mediathek", almost 10 Mbit/s around the clock...

But crappy speed from my German TV Server at home.

Even 400 Kbit/s stream are mostly impossible to watch nowadays because of buffering, although I have real 10 Mbit's Upload in Germany.

But many websites take ages to load, downloads are slow as hell, single connections to a server are restricted to 0.5-1 Mbit, etc.

However, I gave up on the Thai internet, TOT, True, etc. pp...everywhere same same.


Speedtest won't help. Problem is, websites load very slow. My downloads are just fine, but surfing web is painful.

It is because of "Big Brother" system, which is a clear violation of human rights in developed countries but not here smile.png

Do https sites load faster ? You can try with wikipedia, f.ex. The proxies won't cache pages behind https, it would be seen as a "man-in-the-middle" attack.

It's been getting worse since the coup. I remember they were talking about consolidating the big brother gateways.


Engineer told me yesterday that international speeds were slow at the moment. Not sure how long it will last. Not sure how much control True have over this issue.


Yesterday, CAT lost 3 transoceanic cables running from the IIG in Thailand to Hong Kong due to the typhoon. This affects traffic to/from various international locales based upon the vagaries of BGP route selection at any given moment, at either end and in between.

It will be a while before these cables are fixed. In the meantime, international bandwidth for several Thai ISPs has been negatively impacted, some by 50% or more.

This isn't speculation, I have first-hand knowledge of the situation.

Thanks for that valuable information! :)

Can you elaborate to where you got the information and so on?


This in from a provider in Vietnam .

To: Valued Customers,

On behalf of FPT Telecom, we would like to send to you the warmest welcome, the honest greeting and highly appreciate your kindly support and cooperation during the last time.

The submarine fiber optic cable AAG (Asia America Gate Way) was had a interrupted problem at 11:44PM September 15th , 2014. Hence, all the transmission service in the area are being interrupted, including Viet Nam. Unexpected event affected to the oversea exchange transmission and communications of customers as: web, e-mail, voice, video.. Because all bandwidth is being switched to the backup line. However, all domestic connection of customers do not affect.

We are writing to convey our sincere apologies for all inconvenience. We are trying the best to combine with the international carriers to recover the international internet leased line. We will provide the latest update information about progress of repairing this accident to customers.


This in from a provider in Vietnam .

To: Valued Customers,

On behalf of FPT Telecom, we would like to send to you the warmest welcome, the honest greeting and highly appreciate your kindly support and cooperation during the last time.

The submarine fiber optic cable AAG (Asia America Gate Way) was had a interrupted problem at 11:44PM September 15th , 2014. Hence, all the transmission service in the area are being interrupted, including Viet Nam. Unexpected event affected to the oversea exchange transmission and communications of customers as: web, e-mail, voice, video.. Because all bandwidth is being switched to the backup line. However, all domestic connection of customers do not affect.

We are writing to convey our sincere apologies for all inconvenience. We are trying the best to combine with the international carriers to recover the international internet leased line. We will provide the latest update information about progress of repairing this accident to customers.

The timing on this completely makes sense, as I was actually online doing something kind of complicated that day, late in the evening and that is when I started experiencing problems, along with other people in my neighborhood. Well, hopefully, they can re-route all of this traffic somehow.


Called True. they told me they had problem with a ineternational sea cable.

Not sure if its correct or not, but they promised it would be back to normal today.

As a sidenote, my 3G connection from same company works relatively good, apparently 3G does not use sea cable :-/


No webpages load at all now on my laptop with True. Including this forum. (But load fine on iPhone???) been getting worse last few weeks until now - nothing. I would try TOT except there are now comments they suck also. Is No Korean type of connectivity what we can expect into the future??

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The broken cable doesn't seem to affect my 3BB 13/1M. I'm getting 6.6 Mbit down through VPN from Germany, which is actually better than usual. Traceroute shows it jumping straight from 3bb to the German datacenter, which is also unusual. I've seen it get routed through the U.S. before.


The broken cable doesn't seem to affect my 3BB 13/1M. I'm getting 6.6 Mbit down through VPN from Germany, which is actually better than usual. Traceroute shows it jumping straight from 3bb to the German datacenter, which is also unusual. I've seen it get routed through the U.S. before.

If you connect to vpn and then do traceroute, your connection will jumpstart from vpn location (with higher pings of course)


The broken cable doesn't seem to affect my 3BB 13/1M. I'm getting 6.6 Mbit down through VPN from Germany, which is actually better than usual. Traceroute shows it jumping straight from 3bb to the German datacenter, which is also unusual. I've seen it get routed through the U.S. before.

If you connect to vpn and then do traceroute, your connection will jumpstart from vpn location (with higher pings of course)

Sorry I was ambiguous. The traceroute was without VPN.


just got a sort of connection after nothing this afternoon, it has been the same on my TRUE 10Mbps for 8 days. cannot even get the speed test to connect now

Download Speed: (16.9 KB/sec transfer rate)
Upload Speed: 66 kbps (3.3 KB/sec transfer rate)
Latency: 1043 ms
9/16/2014 7:26:04 PM
Today =
Download Speed: (19.9 KB/sec transfer rate)
Upload Speed: (8.3 KB/sec transfer rate)
Latency: 943 ms
9/17/2014 5:32:40 AM
Managed it JUST
Download Speed: 569 kbps (71.1 KB/sec transfer rate)
Upload Speed: 473 kbps (59.1 KB/sec transfer rate)
Latency: 275 ms
9/17/2014 10:34:46 PM

I think here is the culprit....

If I take 20 minutes to load pages here on T.V. it is okay.... But if I do as I normally would have done at nominal Keyboard speeds I either get the above link with their Picture (Page) displayed. Or I get cannot connect recheck website address...

You know... http://msn.com is hard to mispell.....! Duh

Quite possibly someone is shutting down the Internet as they Scan pages being used!

If I go to a Site Outside of Thailand and use their VSP address speed goes up like crazy!

This tell us anything??

As an example it took me 25 minutes to get this completed post Submitted... If I had not copied it! I believe it could have taken an hour! Either could not connect (I was already here...) Check Web address...? Duh?

Repasting I got it done!!


The problem definetly lies with True. It has nothing to do with the undersea cable break.

Last night I couldn't open any pages (or they took at least five minutes to open). Here at work no problem. AIS 3G no problem,

I wonder if it is to do with the surveillance system. I want to write more about my theories as I have a little inside knowledge of what is happening at True but I think it is too risky to mention.

Whatever the reason is I hope we can get some decent service soon. I wonder if there is a chance of a discount in Internet fees if the problem persists? We are paying for a service that is not being delivered.

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As normal, could not connect this morning no idea of the speed or rather lack of it as the speed test would not load..

change VPN to UK using now, Thailand Speed Test....

Last Result:
Download Speed: 9529 kbps (1191.1 KB/sec transfer rate)
Upload Speed: 360 kbps (45 KB/sec transfer rate)
Latency: 709 ms
9/18/2014 8:28:53 AM

So is fine just something at TRUE ? my PC ? or within Thailand ?


Use a singapore vpn for lower ping and it all works fine.

However, not all singapore vpn (vps) is equal.

Problem in sea cable causes problems in singapore connections too.


Engineer told me yesterday that international speeds were slow at the moment. Not sure how long it will last. Not sure how much control True have over this issue.

Thats because he is not a real engineer and would rather tell you crap.

Its slow because its designed like that. Read the fine print on the contract about international speeds.

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