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Hunt for killers of British pair goes on after Thai police free Myanmar suspects


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"We have to look into the behaviour of the other party too because this kind of incident should not happen to anybody and it has affected our image," he told reporters, referring to the two tourists.

Speaking later, Prayut said Thais must tell "tourists when the safe times are to be outside, we have to help them understand."

These comments utterly beggar belief. <deleted>? This is huge global news right now and Thailand is busy showing what Thainess really means.

With all the shocking figures being thrown around; 2,400/1 chance of a Brit dying, 389 Brits dead in a year, 22 foreigners murdered so far this year (and pretty much everyone on TV would consider that the tip of the iceberg given the accident rate) 31% rise in Brits being hospitalised and a 31% increase in Brits murdered.

Seemingly going after foreign suspects before considering Thai's is yet another wonderful example of Thainess.

I would like to ask if Prayut might let us know what times are safe to be outside in Thailand?

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Just like Thailand to blame the foreigners for their own death. They caused it by being rich. What nonsense. Sincere condolences to the families. The next on the list for guilt would be the migrants. point one finger and four fingers point back. Since the majority of inhabitants on the island are Thais, the probability is it was a thais who murdered them. What an ethnocentric debacle. We all know that Thais never kill foreigners. They will never catch the perpetrator if they look in the wrong places.

Start looking at the people who were at the bar when they partied the evening before. Waitresses, bartenders and patrons. Look for disagreements. HOW MUCH MONEY DID THEY HAVE AT THE BAR?

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My TH friend has informed me in TH TV programs they told these guys (victims) wanted to make love in the beach and some-one attacked them.

They didn't say but almost, these young guys deserved which they have got.

This is a disgusting opinion.

Is this mean if some-one would like to make love in the beach have to die, have to get death penalty?

My mind has stopped end hasn't restart yet ....

An incredibly false sense of morality from a country that sells it's women's and daughter's bodies to the highest bidder, and thinks that is completely normal, and proper. I am not judging the morality of casual sex, on any level. But, to be comfortable with that, and to accept that as normal, and on the other hand condemn these young people for having sex on the beach, is a bit off, and indicative of completely incorrect, and twisted logic. Unless, what they are saying is that it is fine for a woman to get paid for sex, but bad to have sex for fun?

Amazing twisted "logic" you are using.

You know there are 30million+ Thai women right? Just cause you see some in PatPong doesn't mean all women are sold for sex. Maybe you hang out with only the Nana crowd. Did you know there are prostitutes and strip clubs in places like the US/Canada. Do the Dutch sell their women because there is the Red Light district?

Generally public or semi public sex if frowned open by a lot of people. Try having sex on a UK beach. You think everyone is going to be cool with it? There has been outrage at english getting it on in Spain on their beaches. So to say Thais are some how unique in this thinking is BS.

This being said I don't think of these kids as bad. Hell I understand it...in fact... well thats not a story for the public....

You completely misunderstood me. What I was implying is there is a general attitude of permissiveness, when it comes to sex. Which is fine. Nothing wrong with that. But, it seems to be a one way street, in regard to this incident. It feels like a false sense of morality. But, perhaps the outrage is due to it being outdoor sex. This is being interpreted as carelessness, which I suppose it was.

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As a former, long-time police investigator involved in many homicide investigations, I don't find the PMs statement of "We have to look into the behaviour of the other party too because this kind of incident should not happen to anybody and it has affected our image," out of line with conducting a thorough investigation.

I would want to know many, many things about the behaviour of the victims including:

1. Who had they associated with over the evening and during their visit to Koh Tao?

2. Did either have a personal relationship with another person who was on the island?

3. Was either the subject of amorous attention of another person?

4. Who were they with immediately before heading to the beach?

5. Had they had a business or transactional dispute while on the island?

6. Did they have any arguments or disagreements with anyone on the night in question?

7. Did they use or attempt to purchase illegal drugs?

8. Were they drinking or intoxicated?

9. And many more.

I don’t interpret the PMs statement about their behavior as necessarily relating to any sexual contact between the two victims. At this stage I don’t even think that sexual contact between the two victims has been forensically established.

Looking into the behavior of the victims and the circumstances of the murder help to establish motive which is the single most important factor in narrowing the scope of an investigation.

Regarding his statement that "it has affected our image", that would be very difficult to argue.

Excellent post, yes, you were a policeman obviously highly trained in your job. But although I do not think the PM meant to be insulting in the way his words came out, in his position he should have thought a bit more, but don't forget, he is not an experienced politician, and is only new in the job.

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I am disgusted that the PM of any country could utter such words. Reprehensible

I also find his comment total disgusting, insensitive and insulting to the family. Blaming the victims is sickening and his comment was aired on Australian ABC News this morning and has been discussed on 3AW radio where a number of people have voiced thier disgust. The P.M has caused far more damage to Thailands reputation than these two inocent victims ever did. The P.M needs to imeadiately make a full and public apology to the families to try and restore Thailands image but that will probably be a severe loss of face.

The lowest of Low

So accurate !

In the last 24 hours i have had an e-mail from a friend in New York, married to a Thai lady, commenting on all the adverse reaction he has seen and suggesting it has probably been banned here.

I also had a call from my best pal in Wales, due here later in the year and who knows the country well, to say it's big news in Britain and Thai statements etc are being treated with a mixture of disbelieve and ridicule.

Its Thainess. Why can't foreigners understand that the image of Thailand is paramount in this situation.

If he did says these things in this context, he is just another ignoramus to go with all the other Thai pooyai ignorami I have met over the years.

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As a former, long-time police investigator involved in many homicide investigations, I don't find the PMs statement of "We have to look into the behaviour of the other party too because this kind of incident should not happen to anybody and it has affected our image," out of line with conducting a thorough investigation.

I would want to know many, many things about the behaviour of the victims including:

1. Who had they associated with over the evening and during their visit to Koh Tao?

2. Did either have a personal relationship with another person who was on the island?

3. Was either the subject of amorous attention of another person?

4. Who were they with immediately before heading to the beach?

5. Had they had a business or transactional dispute while on the island?

6. Did they have any arguments or disagreements with anyone on the night in question?

7. Did they use or attempt to purchase illegal drugs?

8. Were they drinking or intoxicated?

9. And many more.

I don’t interpret the PMs statement about their behavior as necessarily relating to any sexual contact between the two victims. At this stage I don’t even think that sexual contact between the two victims has been forensically established.

Looking into the behavior of the victims and the circumstances of the murder help to establish motive which is the single most important factor in narrowing the scope of an investigation.

Regarding his statement that "it has affected our image", that would be very difficult to argue.

Your list might fly on your beat at home, but would certainly not fit the criteria for an investigation of a murder of a person/s on holiday huh.png But thanks anyway Cluseau.

You're right JPEG. The answers to the questions I posed relating to the victims behavior would not provide the police with any direction. What was I thinking? Also, for you, it's INSPECTOR CLOUSEAU.

Inspector Clueless ya mean !!!!!

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On sairee beach there are 3 Thai families who run the beach, bars and land. Word is that the murder victim got in a argument with a local Thai about the girl.

Anyways none of you will ever hear about this because the news will never know, these Thai families control the police officers on Koh Tao that's why the blame went straight for Burmese. The problem is that the big police chief from Surat came over to Koh Tao so he's likely uncovering this.

The only reason why I have much info on this is because I've lived in Samui and Koh Tao for 8 years.

Let's hope the REAL killers gets brought to justice...

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Yeh I heard this too.

The male victim was hit from behind and didn't stand a chance. All his wounds are to the back and side of his head. No defensive wounds whatsoever.

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My TH friend has informed me in TH TV programs they told these guys (victims) wanted to make love in the beach and some-one attacked them.

They didn't say but almost, these young guys deserved which they have got.

This is a disgusting opinion.

Is this mean if some-one would like to make love in the beach have to die, have to get death penalty?

My mind has stopped end hasn't restart yet ....

An incredibly false sense of morality from a country that sells it's women's and daughter's bodies to the highest bidder, and thinks that is completely normal, and proper. I am not judging the morality of casual sex, on any level. But, to be comfortable with that, and to accept that as normal, and on the other hand condemn these young people for having sex on the beach, is a bit off, and indicative of completely incorrect, and twisted logic. Unless, what they are saying is that it is fine for a woman to get paid for sex, but bad to have sex for fun?

Amazing twisted "logic" you are using.

You know there are 30million+ Thai women right? Just cause you see some in PatPong doesn't mean all women are sold for sex. Maybe you hang out with only the Nana crowd. Did you know there are prostitutes and strip clubs in places like the US/Canada. Do the Dutch sell their women because there is the Red Light district?

Generally public or semi public sex if frowned open by a lot of people. Try having sex on a UK beach. You think everyone is going to be cool with it? There has been outrage at english getting it on in Spain on their beaches. So to say Thais are some how unique in this thinking is BS.

This being said I don't think of these kids as bad. Hell I understand it...in fact... well thats not a story for the public....

You completely misunderstood me. What I was implying is there is a general attitude of permissiveness, when it comes to sex. Which is fine. Nothing wrong with that. But, it seems to be a one way street, in regard to this incident. It feels like a false sense of morality. But, perhaps the outrage is due to it being outdoor sex. This is being interpreted as carelessness, which I suppose it was.

whether it was carelessness, rudeness or hell, filming it whilst sticking the middle finger up to dear leader no sane mind can possibly condone them having their heads and faces smashed in with a hoe because of it? surely?

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On sairee beach there are 3 Thai families who run the beach, bars and land. Word is that the murder victim got in a argument with a local Thai about the girl.

Anyways none of you will ever hear about this because the news will never know, these Thai families control the police officers on Koh Tao that's why the blame went straight for Burmese. The problem is that the big police chief from Surat came over to Koh Tao so he's likely uncovering this.

The only reason why I have much info on this is because I've lived in Samui and Koh Tao for 8 years.

Let's hope the REAL killers gets brought to justice...

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Yeh I heard this too.

The male victim was hit from behind and didn't stand a chance. All his wounds are to the back and side of his head. No defensive wounds whatsoever.

Someone has this information as a tourist posted a comment on her personal Facebook describing what happened in the bar that night.

Most everyone I know that works on Koh Tao are over here in Samui to take a break from the island, everyone is talking about this.

Than it makes me wonder why the police never mentioned anything of this, most likely they got a fat check of millions of baht to push the blame on some Burmese. Than they couldn't because some of the big cops came over. Let's hope whoever did this doesn't have hundreds of millions to pay everyone off.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Edited by SirBser
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send in the english police ,it has been done in other countries ,so you go on holiday ,have good time ,you get murdered ,and in thailand its your fault ,did i read this correct ,country that is out control ,low paid ,low educated ,seems to get worst by the day ,all i have ever seen the police do is stop me for speeding ask for 200 bt ,if i am speeding or not ,once i even got so pissed of said i would call the police ,told to drive on ,wife was scared

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Wow so many posts denigrating Thais in general.bad eggs are everywhere..example look at the beheadings lately and where the sentiment of hate leads towards..it will never end.

im not being thai apologist but if it is that bad and you truelly believe this all evil thai people doctrine..why to hang around there..?

Out of mind out of sight...if you leave and go home you will not have to worry anymore!

Everyone knows for every bad egg there are millions of good so why tarnish the whole race?

I can think if 2 maniacs in australia history responsible for mass killing of people and even many backpackers went missing..doesnt mean aussies all maniacs and racial haters.

as for generals words..everyone that know how basic and unprecise thai language is can understand how things can get confused.

English not there first language and very poor (like me!) So when they stumble with words they dont often mean it the way it comes out

Typical BS from a time-served been here 10 yrs + with best wee Thai wifey and a self-made Farang/Thaihood member of the secret society for disgust for us westerners ...

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The PM is not a carrier politician..It is very direct and lacks of diplomacy. It is that bad???

His main concern is the image of his country...and it is trying to improve that. Also he shows many times that he is very "conservative"...and not a fan of Western culture. It is that bad?

What he said about the killing was not polite, but he was not totally wrong in his comment...just the way was put..

Many young foreigners visit other cultures to the noble intention to have a good time, but forgetting that have too much fun can put them in risk of confrontations and misunderstandings with the locals...specially the most uneducated. Ignorance and alcohol or drugs is perfect combination for crime.

Many Thai people, not only the uneducated, have the impression that young Western women are "easy women", just the way they dress and act....and... if their are under the influence, that may be very provocative to some.

It is not an excuse for violence, but is happening in many countries with very different culture and education than most Western countries. Some Islamic countries have beautiful beaches too. Will you let your wife wear a bikini there in a public beach?

In Brazil touristic spots, like Copacabana, many hotels and tourist agencies hand a brochure to tourist with advices how to avoid violence, and one is not to walk the beach at night, or on isolated areas and streets....even if Brazilians are very open minded people...In my 20's I did not paid any attention to that, but I knew later that I was taking a big risk, when finally I got into a big trouble in my 40s...and I was a local.

Makes sense to guide tourist in not to do anything considered dangerous or against the culture, when visiting foreign countries.

Perhaps the PM was thinking in that when was talking about "tourist behavior"...

Edited by umbanda
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I wonder how the General's fans are feeling about him right now? He's kind of showing his true colours right now. I just watched a half hour piece on ITV News just 30 minutes ago and the core of the piece was revolving around what they termed as Thailand's "dark side" 11 Brits murdered since 2009 in Thailand was the number they were giving. If the numbers of Brit tourists was in line with the numbers that travel to Spain each year the number of murders in LOS would be 40. But the biggest concern and reason for disgust was the dictator blaming the victims for their own murder. At a time when families are grieving and trying to come to terms with outliving their own children this would be the last thing they would want to hear. The level of bitterness and disgust about the murder was almost over-shadowed by the "PM" comments. He has probably single-handedly done more damage to Thais image and tourism than any martial law has done. I was a bit shocked by the piece on ITV, the level of bitterness and mis-trust was very high indeed. Dismayed dotcom.

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The PM is not a carrier politician..It is very direct and lacks of diplomacy. Just attend its weekly "lectures"...It is that bad???

What he said about the killings was not polite, because he was sincere. His main concern is the image of his country...and it is trying to improve that. Also he shows many times that he is very "conservative"...and not a fan of Western culture. It is that bad?

He was not totally wrong in his comment...just the way was put..

Many young foreigners visit other cultures to the noble intention to have a good time, but forgetting that have too much fun can put them in risk of confrontations and misunderstandings with the locals...specially the most uneducated. Ignorance and alcohol or drugs is perfect combination for crime.

Many Thai people, not only the uneducated, have the impression that Western women are "easy women", just the way they dress and act....and... if their are under the influence, that may be very provocative to some.

It is not an excuse for violence, but is happening in many countries with very different culture and education than most Western countries. Some Islamic countries have beautiful beaches too. Will you let your wife wear a bikini there in a public beach?

In Brazil touristic spots, like Copacabana, many hotels and tourist agencies hand a brochure to tourist with advices how to avoid violence, and one is not to walk the beach at night, or on isolated areas and streets....even if Brazilians are very open minded people...In my 20's I did not paid any attention to that, but I knew later that I was taking a big risk, when finally I got into a big trouble in my 40s...and I was a local.

Makes sense to guide tourist in not to do anything considered dangerous or against the culture, when visiting foreign countries.

Perhaps the PM was thinking in that when was talking about "tourist behavior"...

You disgust me.

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Add this to his ' looking at the actions of the other side ' comment and once again is shows the mindset of Thais.

Yesterday the president of the local tourist authority said the incident would likely adversely affect visitor arrivals to the island but nothing about those who lost their lives but of course tourist revenue is more important.

Does any aspect of officialdom realise that this story is playing around the world and their attitudes don't show LoS in any sort of favourable light.

Of course Thais don't worry what others think but they do worry about losing money and are making no bones about it.

you are so friendly to your guest country,

if your home country is so genious, why you dont stay there ?

and if you so genious,

why you not bring up the culprit's and hand over to police ?

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Again my condoences to the families and friends of the deceased. Pity to see young lives taken in such a beastly manner.

I suggest that the police start looking at muslim locals in the island. Most of these muslims are intolerant of westerners with no morals having open sex in the public and they could have reacted by the shariah manner of dealing with sitautions . After all thats what the terrorist religion preaches[\b].

I thought the IRA were Catholic.

The IRA were not terrorists, that was the Provos, and no, the IRA were not all Catholics. If I was around in 1920, I know whos side I would be fighting on in the war of independence, and I'm not a Catholic.
that was kinda my point.
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""We have to look into the behaviour of the other party too because this kind of incident should not happen to anybody and it has affected our image," so what "behaviour" is that? Having a holiday in Thailand or getting in the way of violent people?

He's implying they had public sex / nudity. So he is saying its OK to murder and rape someone because some Thai's sensibilities were offended. Sickening... I hope the western press have gotten a hold of this. Anyway, this PM is hardly representative of the majority of Thais....how can an unelected PM be anything else?

I, too think his comment is a major mistake.

But I do not believe he means

"its OK to murder and rape someone because some Thai's sensibilities were offended"

Probably he wants to say that it is a high risk to walk alone (having sex or not) in the middle of the night in an area where drunk or dangerous people could attack without witnesses. And he is right. And those areas and those people exist everywhere in the world. Not only in Thailand.

That said, his comment and the time he made it was very unlucky.

I hope he can find the words to get this right

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What a stupid comment
"Prayut said Thais must tell "tourists when the safe times are to be outside, we have to help them understand"
If tourists can not feel able to feel safe and not be able to go out and staying on the beaches, why should they come to Thailand at all?

The General is showing that he's just another ordinary victim of a sick school system that does nothing to truly educate its people but instead spends a huge amount of time assuring them that they are the center of the universe and people from all other nations are not smart enough to know anything. Every day now, the man proves that he's nothing more than a low-IQ bumpkin.

Are Thais really unaware that they rank extremely low in terms of global education standards, even inferior to their much poorer neighboring countries? Are they completely ignorant to the fact they've never made a significant contribution to the world of science, medicine, arts, and on and on and on...?

Edited by waynethor
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

""We have to look into the behaviour of the other party too because this kind of incident should not happen to anybody and it has affected our image," so what "behaviour" is that? Having a holiday in Thailand or getting in the way of violent people?

He's implying they had public sex / nudity. So he is saying its OK to murder and rape someone because some Thai's sensibilities were offended. Sickening... I hope the western press have gotten a hold of this. Anyway, this PM is hardly representative of the majority of Thais....how can an unelected PM be anything else?

I dont believe he is saying that its quite unclear exactly what he is saying. Its a translation and I am sure there was something lost.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

""We have to look into the behaviour of the other party too because this kind of incident should not happen to anybody and it has affected our image," so what "behaviour" is that? Having a holiday in Thailand or getting in the way of violent people?

He's implying they had public sex / nudity. So he is saying its OK to murder and rape someone because some Thai's sensibilities were offended. Sickening... I hope the western press have gotten a hold of this. Anyway, this PM is hardly representative of the majority of Thais....how can an unelected PM be anything else?

I dont believe he is saying that its quite unclear exactly what he is saying. Its a translation and I am sure there was something lost.

Your right - Dignity, Compassion and RESPECT !!!!

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So they were having sex on the beach and thats justification for some disapproving hypocritical Thai to smash their heads in? Lets have this part of the story "in the news" . No justice EVER for foreigners in the Land of Shame.

Really no justice EVER for foreigners?!

A little extreme don't you think.

The last high profile rape and murder on Koh Samui the Thai police posed as fish buyers and arrested the murders.


Justice served.

Please admit you were incorrect in your blanket statement

I remember this crime, and according to reports at the time the police stated they were looking for two people from Myanmar, and afterwards two people were later found guilty, yet the two convicted seem,to have Thai names. We're they infact Thai or from Myanmar, and do you know the sentence they received?.

These latest murders do seem to mirror the initial official statements and investigation of this murder.

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I'm so sorry for you, the families of the two healthy young people in this article.

For you clue hunters,,, and the police.

I've had one of those construction hoes in my hands a few different times and I will tell you it would not be a premeditated weapon.

There is not one of them in Thailand that isn't covered with a centimeter or 2 of solid concrete as it would take an extra minute at the end of the day for a Thai or Burmese to clean it. To count on being able to swing one of those heavy clumsy objects as your weapon in a fight would be sure suicide. I claim it was either used to finish the job or the couple were indeed too preoccupied to here someone sneaking up on them.

Possibly the boy was in a fight and badly hurt and in the end executed, before turning to do the same to the girl.

I, like all you others are a shammed of what goes on here.

My Thai girlfriend makes me install locks everywhere and has told me several times "we can't live there, people will kill you" Apparently if your a Foreigner your rich and they envy this, so much it kills them, or you.

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