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He said the wife is wanting to use her money so your post makes no sense at all ?

May I know where one can earn that much money? Knowing the average salary in BKK it's really complicated and also requires university degree (if she has) + years experience. Otherwise it's simply she sucked those money from him and now he calms own himself with 'her money' statement.


Just purchase him an older vehicle...if he is serious about driving...he can learn on the older one...then consider upgrading the next time you come back with a good report from wife's father that he is in fact a good driver...


In Thailand you insure the vehicle not the driver as in the West, however no driving license it's invalid. Tell her to buy him a clunker if he does not wreck it in a year go upscale more but forget a new one, does he work on the land ? If so forget it.


Thanks to all the people who responded but never read my question properly and CharlieH for being a good moderator. For anyone who has first hand knowledge of the matter of car insurance in Thailand for a Thai national happy to read their feedback.

Regardless of the insurance issue, on a practical matter she is playing the Thai/Westerner card.

Recommend you deny the request as you are throughing money away. Offer to buy him a few bottles of Thai whiskey :)

NOTE - if you concede now you would be setting precedence for future type requests.



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You have to consider if you buy a car for a person without a driver's license and he cause an accident that that hurt or kill someone. Then it's all your fault because you enabled him. Just don't do it even before you even consider buying a car or any kind of vehicle for him teach him how to drive and put him in traffic school period. it's a 3 day course and Thai regulations for drivers licenses has gotten more difficult than before as regulations got harder but is still much easier than in europe or us. If he can't pass the course and get the license he has no place behind the steering wheel in the first place. I taught my fiancee, sister in law and mother in law how to drive and get drivers license. I never bought them a car however but they are free to use either of my cars if I don't need it and if they can cover damages if they cause it that is not covered by insurance. If I'm away and they want to use my cars they have to follow serviceplan and keep the car clean. People grow with responsibilities and don't live on handouts. Help people to help themselves but don't be stupid to please your wifes ego just to make her dad get a little face in front of his peers.

Sorry, but this is simply not true.

The driver is responsible, not the car owner.

Isn't there a law somewhere, maybe not in Thailand, someone confirm? That says if you lend your car to anyone else, and they are in an accident by drunk driving or illegal activities, the owner is responsible too?

I'm sure I read it somewhere. whistling.gif

You are correct in what you read. Someone always pays in Thailand and it is usually the owner because everyone else refuses. May Lord Buddah help you if someone is killed. Wife's family had a market, nice home, much land. Dad got drunk, killed a child in the village, poof all gone.


Didnt you all read the OPs response?

His Thai wife lives in the UK and are working fulltime there. So its her money , she can do whatever she wants with it. So don't blame the farang here please.

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He said the wife is wanting to use her money so your post makes no sense at all ?

May I know where one can earn that much money? Knowing the average salary in BKK it's really complicated and also requires university degree (if she has) + years experience. Otherwise it's simply she sucked those money from him and now he calms own himself with 'her money' statement.

She lives and works in the UK.


If your wife wants to carry on supporting her parents in this case her father in order to ease his life by getting him a new or second hand car.

If the purchase is made with her money then you should allow her to support her father and not be upset about it and do not worry about no Insurance, and no Driving License because 80 % of Thai drivers have no insurance other than the required Pola Bor insurance, in addition about 40 % of Thai drivers have no driving license, thus her father can be driving the car in the same manner.

When police stop cars for some reason they ask for the D.L. and if the driver has no D.L. then the police ask for a payment of 200 Bt. and after payment they can drive again, no problem.

Therefore relax about your wife's activity about this matter.


In Thailand the insurance is for the car/truck not the driver. However the insurance company can refuse to cover any damages if the driver does not have a valid license. I have let a few of my workers use my truck which is really a company truck anyway but in my name. The one guy had an accident. The insurance company didn't care who was driving and covered it. I let an ex-pat friend use the truck the one time to move some stuff and he had a small accident. he called me first and i met him at the accident and insurance showed up. I told them I let him borrow the truck and it was not a problem, they paid everything.

Now getting back to the OP, yes some companies will provide free insurance for the 1st year, but never heard of 3 years. If financed the fiance company will make sure it's insured, if you don't show proof of insurance they will get insurance on it and charge you for it +++. If i were you and she is really pushing you to buy a truck, then i would but something 5+ years old, something you dont care if it's crashed and money is lost. Tell her you want to start with an older truck until your day learns how to drive and once he can show he drives very good then you will consider getting a better truck. Of course this will not go over well she is going to say your cheap this that, but who cares. Tell her if she really wants a new truck for her dad that she can get a job and pay for it. Good luck!!


My sixth sense tells me you will buy this pick up for her dad regardless of what feedback is given. Well, wish you good luck mate.


Didnt you all read the OPs response?

His Thai wife lives in the UK and are working fulltime there. So its her money , she can do whatever she wants with it. So don't blame the farang here please.

Sorry in all due to respect there is no mention within the ops posting that the wife is working!

Although everyone has their opinions as I do myself, the responses are so out of whack one wonders how many of you actually know anything about Thailand and what is actually going on.. All this comparison to the west stuff... guys you are talking about Thailand... they have many of the rules as the west but the line on Thailand is this.... " The light is on but no one is home " Do some of you actually know what this means?

Driving school, their schools is the main reason they drive the way they drive.. Last reported for those of you who do not live here? Second most accidents in the world and that is with the WHO year after year giving this country millions to help them fix the problem. But as you know the millions goes into someone pocket the rest goes to signs to say don't do this and life goes on!

They say you can take the Thai wife out of the country but you can't take the Thai out of a Thai! They think the way they think? Thais like his wife have no idea what is in the fine print of anything like insurance what they know is what actually happens and what they are told. And she is right,, a country of halves and halves not majority I believe do not have updated license, residents, many can't even afford to service the vehicle or understand what it takes to maintain a vehicle or house. What they do know is what everyone in the world does and they want to keep up with the Jones. Why is the father all of a sudden wanting a vehicle because he is most likely as old as the ops because he can't afford one! most likely has a sidecart already but because his daughter is married to a FALANG! it is time to as the family ATM to buy a vehicle. There is a song for this kind of thinking? the song is called " moving on up " remember it from the Jeffersons for those who live or grew up in the U.S.?

What is the argument about she has no intent of using her own money even if she has some! That is why the topic comes up now because she wants to buy it when he or they are visiting! It is show and tell baby! You think you are arguing now wait until you get there because you better have the money ready or big lost of face for her! You are being setup sorry sucker I've been there and more than once! Plan to sleep alone unless you take care of business!

All the other stuff, insurance . license, driving school, etc... is not even relevant to Thais... my neighbor next door who runs one of the largest driving schools buys vehicles, year after year gets them pick up by the bank for not paying, have no insurance after a year, have no license himself, and still continues to be able to get a new car once the old one is taken.. What they do and how they do it here would rattle your brain if you are trying to figure it out!

When you are finished reading my B.S. start the process of getting some money together to get that new or use truck and if you don't I don't need to spell out what is going to happen, I know you know already any westerner married to a Thai have experience the mood and the silent treatment maybe in a smaller scale and now you will get a chance to experience it at a larger!

Good luck mate you will need it! Let us know what happens hope I'm wrong and you don't end up sleeping alone for too long and when you do buy that vehicle the thank you sex is also amazing especially doing it on the floor in the village? 555

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He said the wife is wanting to use her money so your post makes no sense at all ?

May I know where one can earn that much money? Knowing the average salary in BKK it's really complicated and also requires university degree (if she has) + years experience. Otherwise it's simply she sucked those money from him and now he calms own himself with 'her money' statement.

She lives and works in the UK.

Have you ever been in UK? Do you know how difficult is to find a job even if you extremly good in your subject... She is foreigner, her thai education (if any) is not counted at all... What she may find is 'call center', 'water in hotel', 'house keeping'... Unless she had years experience in Thai, in a western company (who can provide recommendation letter). So her fund sourse is uncler to me...


He said the wife is wanting to use her money so your post makes no sense at all ?

May I know where one can earn that much money? Knowing the average salary in BKK it's really complicated and also requires university degree (if she has) + years experience. Otherwise it's simply she sucked those money from him and now he calms own himself with 'her money' statement.

She lives and works in the UK.

Have you ever been in UK? Do you know how difficult is to find a job even if you extremly good in your subject... She is foreigner, her thai education (if any) is not counted at all... What she may find is 'call center', 'water in hotel', 'house keeping'... Unless she had years experience in Thai, in a western company (who can provide recommendation letter). So her fund sourse is uncler to me...

Tens of Thousands from Eastern Europe and Asia made it to the UK and yes they make good money.


Thanks to all the people who responded but never read my question properly and CharlieH for being a good moderator. For anyone who has first hand knowledge of the matter of car insurance in Thailand for a Thai national happy to read their feedback.

As I read the original post; I would presume your wife has the funds to do this on her own??? If this is not the case and that you would be the final say in this assuming your wife has equal access to the communal funds as in most western 50/50 relationships. Now I do not see why there is this back and forth argument with your wife over this. Logic on your part should prevail letting your head trump your wife's heart and wanting to give a toy to daddy. What struck me most about your post is that you seem to be wearing the skirt and she the pants in that family. WAKE UP!

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Plenty of used pickups for way under 100,000 bhat......don't be a fool and borrow money to purchase one.

Guess if you put it that way, it's better to be a goose and be stung for 100,000 baht instead of 800,000 baht, but in the end your still a goose.

I'm not sure about the OP but that money can be put to better use for most couples in the west. The cost of living is ridiculous and on top of that, if you have a mortgage you'd want to be a little smarter with your money.

It also shows the lack of respect and thoughtlessness from his **** wife who cares about nothing but herself [family is part of herself]. Bet the OP has paid through the nose for a multiple of things in this relationship and yet this nitwit is asking him to buy her father in Isaan a new pickup.


  • Like 1

Plenty of used pickups for way under 100,000 bhat......don't be a fool and borrow money to purchase one.

Guess if you put it that way, it's better to be a goose and be stung for 100,000 baht instead of 800,000 baht, but in the end your still a goose.

I'm not sure about the OP but that money can be put to better use for most couples in the west. The cost of living is ridiculous and on top of that, if you have a mortgage you'd want to be a little smarter with your money.

It also shows the lack of respect and thoughtlessness from his **** wife who cares about nothing but herself [family is part of herself]. Bet the OP has paid through the nose for a multiple of things in this relationship and yet this nitwit is asking him to buy her father in Isaan a new pickup.


The people who, without knowing the OP and his wife, finding it necessary to judge them are the real nitwits here.



Flame post removed.

7) You will respect fellow members and post in a civil manner. No personal attacks, hateful or insulting towards other members, (flaming) Stalking of members on either the forum or via PM will not be allowed.


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The people who, without knowing the OP and his wife, finding it necessary to judge them are the real nitwits here.


Surprisingly but some people have magical talent predict mysterious nearest future! This talent is called 'common sense' and 'theory of probability' =)

p.s. it may be revolutionary for you but you do not need to try have sex with man, to understand that you are not a gay.


The people who, without knowing the OP and his wife, finding it necessary to judge them are the real nitwits here.


Surprisingly but some people have magical talent predict mysterious nearest future! This talent is called 'common sense' and 'theory of probability' =)

p.s. it may be revolutionary for you but you do not need to try have sex with man, to understand that you are not a gay.

Your final remark makes no sense at all, and regarding your first remark, without knowing the OP the judgment here on TV is unbelieveable.


Your final remark makes no sense at all, and regarding your first remark, without knowing the OP the judgment here on TV is unbelieveable.

I thought you would get what I mean but it's OK I will explain. You do not need to meet person to guess with high probability what she will be like if she meets certain criteria. There are exceptions but it's not worth to trust 99% cheaters only because there is 1% honest among them.

I do not know how many girls (different nationality) you met in your life but from my experience (searching for serious relations) - they are 99.99% the same and use the same tricks regardless of heir nationality! There are certain rules you can apply to identify hones girls vs hostess girls.

I asked simple question: what degree his wife has and where in UK (nowadays) she is working so she can earn 800k to buy a car. Not all native british can afford such luxury car... Once justification will be provided, I will change my mind (I know several very honest thai girls, who will never betray their BF, husbands and I also searching for such girl several years already, so please understand me correctly)


Your final remark makes no sense at all, and regarding your first remark, without knowing the OP the judgment here on TV is unbelieveable.

I thought you would get what I mean but it's OK I will explain. You do not need to meet person to guess with high probability what she will be like if she meets certain criteria. There are exceptions but it's not worth to trust 99% cheaters only because there is 1% honest among them.

I do not know how many girls (different nationality) you met in your life but from my experience (searching for serious relations) - they are 99.99% the same and use the same tricks regardless of heir nationality! There are certain rules you can apply to identify hones girls vs hostess girls.

I asked simple question: what degree his wife has and where in UK (nowadays) she is working so she can earn 800k to buy a car. Not all native british can afford such luxury car... Once justification will be provided, I will change my mind (I know several very honest thai girls, who will never betray their BF, husbands and I also searching for such girl several years already, so please understand me correctly)

You want the OP to justify himself to you. cheesy.gifcheesy.gif


The people who, without knowing the OP and his wife, finding it necessary to judge them are the real nitwits here.


Surprisingly but some people have magical talent predict mysterious nearest future! This talent is called 'common sense' and 'theory of probability' =)

p.s. it may be revolutionary for you but you do not need to try have sex with man, to understand that you are not a gay.

Your final remark makes no sense at all, and regarding your first remark, without knowing the OP the judgment here on TV is unbelieveable.

Makes perfect sense to people who don't wear thai rose tainted glasses. Helps see the forest from the trees.

Seriously, it's a forum; 99.9% of people wouldn't know the OP of any thread posted, they're opinion & you know what opinions are like. Doesn't take a genius to work out exactly what is going on here, with or without knowing the OP, stands out like a sore thumb.

Chok Dee


Your final remark makes no sense at all, and regarding your first remark, without knowing the OP the judgment here on TV is unbelieveable.

I thought you would get what I mean but it's OK I will explain. You do not need to meet person to guess with high probability what she will be like if she meets certain criteria. There are exceptions but it's not worth to trust 99% cheaters only because there is 1% honest among them.

I do not know how many girls (different nationality) you met in your life but from my experience (searching for serious relations) - they are 99.99% the same and use the same tricks regardless of heir nationality! There are certain rules you can apply to identify hones girls vs hostess girls.

I asked simple question: what degree his wife has and where in UK (nowadays) she is working so she can earn 800k to buy a car. Not all native british can afford such luxury car... Once justification will be provided, I will change my mind (I know several very honest thai girls, who will never betray their BF, husbands and I also searching for such girl several years already, so please understand me correctly)

You want the OP to justify himself to you. cheesy.gifcheesy.gif



Your final remark makes no sense at all, and regarding your first remark, without knowing the OP the judgment here on TV is unbelieveable.

I thought you would get what I mean but it's OK I will explain. You do not need to meet person to guess with high probability what she will be like if she meets certain criteria. There are exceptions but it's not worth to trust 99% cheaters only because there is 1% honest among them.

I do not know how many girls (different nationality) you met in your life but from my experience (searching for serious relations) - they are 99.99% the same and use the same tricks regardless of heir nationality! There are certain rules you can apply to identify hones girls vs hostess girls.

I asked simple question: what degree his wife has and where in UK (nowadays) she is working so she can earn 800k to buy a car. Not all native british can afford such luxury car... Once justification will be provided, I will change my mind (I know several very honest thai girls, who will never betray their BF, husbands and I also searching for such girl several years already, so please understand me correctly)

You want the OP to justify himself to you. cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

IQ = ?


"Get training wheels.In other words start him off in an old reliable vehicle.Insurance also.After he's graduated then A 3-5 year old car til he passes that test.Tell the little lady no exceptions. "

A great idea, and my first thought. Unfortunately with a rich daughter and her foreigner son in law there will be no status in a second-hand car. Wife will not go for this I am sure.

The man who can't afford his own car thinks that a used car is not good enough?

If he thinks his status is so high and second class driving is beneath him, then he should stick to first class walking.


Whatever she said is a lie. In fact they always check both car and motor drivers for a licence. I just bought a motorcycle and had to show my driving licence etc and also had to pay for the insurance. There is no free insurance no where in the world even Thailand.

You must have understood by now that you are a walking ATM. You pay for the car, build a house on their farm, pay for everyone education, etc etc. So stand up now and say now, take it or leave it. And if she decide to leave you, then thank God before it was too late.

Well you're wrong. First year class 1 insurance is free when you buy a car.

Most car dealers also offer something extra like free registration for the plates.

You should really listen to what others say, THERE IS NO FREE ......

I have bought two cars here in LOS and they both had the price for the insurance baked into the total price. Toyota, Chevrolet, Nissan, Mazda, Mitsubishi and ALL the rest, I know because I asked for a list of inclusions with a price attached to every single item from all the car companies. Not even the registration is free, just something they say when they give you the total price.

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