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Russian out-in visa runs ‘same as other nationalities’ – Thai Immigration chief

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Russian out-in visa runs 'same as other nationalities' – Immigration chief
Tanyaluk Sakoot

Photo Dmitry Dzhus

PHUKET: -- Pol Lt Gen Sakda Cheupakdee, Acting Commissioner of Thai Immigration, has confirmed that – theoretically – Russians can enter Thailand as often as they like.

He was responding to questions from The Phuket News after the Russian Foreign Ministry pointed out that Thailand and Russia have a specific agreement stating that Russian citizens may enter Thailand visa-free as often as they wish, each time for 30 days.

This would seem to allow Russians to do back-to-back “out-in” visa runs, leaving the country and then coming back in immediately for another 30 days.

However, Gen Sakda told The Phuket News, “Russians can come into Thailand without [getting a visa beforehand] an unlimited [number of times].”

But, he added, “They need to show proof that they are entering for tourism purposes. They are allowed to stay only 30 days [at a time].

“We have found that [many] do not come for tourism purposes. Lots of them are working illegally and are doing out-in visa runs in order to continue working.”

He explained that if they cannot prove that they are re-entering the country for tourism (for example by showing hotel bookings, a ticket out of the country or sufficient funds to support themselves while in Thailand), “They won’t be allowed in.”

So despite the unique agreement between the two countries, Russians will face the same tests when they do an out-in run as do citizens of other “visa on arrival” countries.

Pol Lt Col Somchai Jitsa’ngop, Deputy Commander of Deputy Immigration at Ranong, which until recently saw dozens of foreigners from Phuket doing out-ins every day, confirmed that the Russian announcement changes nothing.

“The normal conditions for tourists who want to travel in Thailand apply. Russia is not a special case. If Russian tourists want to travel in Thailand, they have to ask.

“Tourists can come to Thailand but they have to inform us about their accommodation plans.”

Source: http://www.thephuketnews.com/russian-out-in-visa-runs-‘same-as-other-nationalities’-immigration-chief-48826.php

-- Phuket News 2014-09-22

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or if they obtain a fake hotel booking and flight schedule? Easy done if you know people in the trade ! If this happens then they can go ahead and do bussiness as usual. I have to say though that i really could not be bothered leaving the country every 30 days..

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What happens if you are a tourist but owning a condo and wnat to live in your own accomodation?

The only real question that seems to matter is whether/how you can support yourself while in Thailand. If the question arises you better hope you can answer it to the IO's satisfaction.

I've always been upfront about the fact that I do work remotely and have a permanent employment back at home, so far it was accepted by both numerous IOs at the airports and Thai consul in Moscow.

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Does this now mean that people can "live" here on tourist visas if the allowance of out/ins are unlimited? Many people do out/ins without doing immediate turn arounds but leaving for a few days or weeks. How about people who technically live here but travel frequently, could they not still be considered tourists?it would certainly be easy enough for such people to show a (genuine) ticket out of the country.

Do we now consider the crackdown to be over?

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Why in god's name do the Russkies get unlimited entries? If I had to pick one group prone to illegal work...

What about Australians? Is this entire visa thing just too silly? If they get unlimited why not give them indefinite time. Think of all the green house gas saved. All this gives me dizzy spells.

the reason is political. Australia has been critical of Thailand in many areas, on the other hand Russia has assisted many corrupt thai officials to launder money so they enjoy a "special" relationship.

Any proof of that? Australia has tough visa laws against Thai's but the Russian and Thai have a visa waiver. Besides tourism is down in Thailand so a Russian that comes and goes every 4 weeks to Thailand would count as 12 Russian that arrived in Thailand so TAT has a way to spin the numbers over the next 1 year.

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It seems that one class of so called tourist have been left unclassed like, I'm talking about

people who wishes to spend more time in Thailand, be it by them selves or with loved one,

and not necessarily working or engaging in money making in any form, just harmless loafers,

those are the one that are younger than the retired age, what type of visa should they get

that will allow them to in and out at will without being looked at as a villains and cheaters?

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What happens if you are a tourist but owning a condo and wnat to live in your own accomodation?

You put that address on the landing card and it's recorded.

They may however, want to make sure you have the proof of funds and outbound ticket.

In this case, wouldn't it be easier to get the appropriate visa?

30 days visa exempts are meant for short stays and not as a substitute for getting the right visa.

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Why in god's name do the Russkies get unlimited entries? If I had to pick one group prone to illegal work...

What about Australians? Is this entire visa thing just too silly? If they get unlimited why not give them indefinite time. Think of all the green house gas saved. All this gives me dizzy spells.

the reason is political. Australia has been critical of Thailand in many areas, on the other hand Russia has assisted many corrupt thai officials to launder money so they enjoy a "special" relationship.

Any proof of that? Australia has tough visa laws against Thai's but the Russian and Thai have a visa waiver. Besides tourism is down in Thailand so a Russian that comes and goes every 4 weeks to Thailand would count as 12 Russian that arrived in Thailand so TAT has a way to spin the numbers over the next 1 year.

Don't forget that Australia has said that the junta leader is persona non grata. So our man in white is probably feeling a little 'noi jai'

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Every country has its' list of preferred nation status.

They make different agreements with different countries, it's not about racism or unfairness.

I pay more for a Laos visa as a Canadian than American does, even though we didn't bomb the <deleted> out of them.

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The entire quagmire of immigration regulations is pathetic. Favoritism for one nation or another, officially or otherwise, then each little border kingdom making it's own rules, according to mood and/or prejudice. ...

I doubt if it will get better in our lifetimes. ..

Ahh well, nice news for the Russians. They or anyone can make hotel bookings and arrive with printouts .. pay when you stay deals. I sense the people making all this stuff up don't travel very much.

Immigration don't negotiate treaties with foreign countries - that's what the government do.

The Russian have an agreement which says they can enter for 30 days as often as they want - lovely. However, it's pointed out they must show that they are here for tourists. Anyone doing back to backs over and over is going to get looked at very closely, that's clear.

Seems fair enough based on the agreement of the two governments.

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What I am reading is that hotel bookings are the only way you can travel in Thailand. I have several friends who own homes and condos. I stay with them frequently. Also, my girl has made her home available to me. Does that make me a bad tourist ? I think many people are the same...and come here to visit a relative or friend...perhaps a fiancee, for their vacation. What is all the hoopla about hotels, anyways. Also, in many other countries (USA, Canada, Mexico, Panama, Costa Rica, etc) ...many people buy vacation timeshare condominiums....or even winter bungalos/cabins. Why is this not considered?

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