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Partner tested before no condom...


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I assist elderly foreigners thru Lanna Care Net and several times guys in their 70s have ended up in hospital here in Chiang Mai with hip fractures due to falls (either at home or pedestrian accidents) and then agree to be tested for HIV while they're in hospital because, frankly, they look like they have HIV. Sure enough, they're HIV-positive and totally mystified about how they got it, but they admit to having unprotected sex since retiring to Thailand, unusually at age 65. They were kids in the candy store.

And while, yes, HIV and be treated with ARVs, it's still a hassle to undertake. Doctors appointments, blood tests, taking meds with side effects, not to mention the cost of the meds.

They just figured they were just "too old" to get AIDS and certainly not from heterosexual sex.

Oh, the ARV meds have to be taken on a specific daily schedule which can be difficult to remember as dementia sets in.

Edited by NancyL
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mate, knowing the truth about your partner and what they did before meeting you is pretty good knowledge to have, truth & honesty can be very helpful with this. Now if you want to hang out with bar girls it is a different story but when you know that your partner was not someone that ran around doing one night stands etc you can have faith in them. Not all thai ladies have loose morals, some actually have very good ones and put their child ahead of themselves, they also can be very honest, again something nor common in the "local" girls. If you have to have your wife/gf tested before you go with them then it is a very sad affair and maybe you shouldnt be with them at all, without faith in each other you really have nothing

Some of the highest rates of HIV and STDs are found not among working girls but in the villages.

so true but the girls that have them still have to play hide the sausage to be apart of the figures, if they dont play then they dont become another statistic, there are some that do have morals......

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mate, knowing the truth about your partner and what they did before meeting you is pretty good knowledge to have, truth & honesty can be very helpful with this. Now if you want to hang out with bar girls it is a different story but when you know that your partner was not someone that ran around doing one night stands etc you can have faith in them. Not all thai ladies have loose morals, some actually have very good ones and put their child ahead of themselves, they also can be very honest, again something nor common in the "local" girls. If you have to have your wife/gf tested before you go with them then it is a very sad affair and maybe you shouldnt be with them at all, without faith in each other you really have nothing

No one can 100% know the backrgound of any partner. We'd all like to think we can trust them to tell the truth, but it's never a cast iron guarantee. I appreciate that everyone will think their partner is different, but it's not. It's simply impossible to know everything. That being the case I think the OP has a fair point.

Also I think you confuse morals and STIs. If they chose the same thought process as you are suggesting they could well have slept with someone who they've known for years but trusted them who doesn't know they have an STI themselves, thus passing it on inadvertently.

I admire your trust in people. Obviously no one would expect you to have your wife tested constantly but if you are starting out on a new relationship then it makes sense. I'd say that applies the world over and not just Thailand.

that is assuming that their partner is lying, if you find you are unable to trust what they say to you then you should not be with them. I trust my wife implicitly, the one thing that really stood out was just how honest she is, never thought I would meet a female that was. I am lucky she has a great sense of honour/faithfulness/truth for herself and to those that are important to her, none more than me, her husband. We have been totally honest with each other from the start, she knows all my downfalls in life and me, hers, we have no need to lie to each other. A couple that have to lie to each other is not a couple and will never be happy, something we do not have to worry about. Seems those that worry are those that cannot be honest with each otherbiggrin.png

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I wonder how many of you guys will become Lanna Care Net clients of tomorrow? One thing they all shared with respect to HIV was denial. Denial that their partner could possibly have it and that they could contract it. The added twist was that it really mattered once they got over age 65. It does.

Edited by NancyL
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mate, knowing the truth about your partner and what they did before meeting you is pretty good knowledge to have, truth & honesty can be very helpful with this. Now if you want to hang out with bar girls it is a different story but when you know that your partner was not someone that ran around doing one night stands etc you can have faith in them. Not all thai ladies have loose morals, some actually have very good ones and put their child ahead of themselves, they also can be very honest, again something nor common in the "local" girls. If you have to have your wife/gf tested before you go with them then it is a very sad affair and maybe you shouldnt be with them at all, without faith in each other you really have nothing

Some of the highest rates of HIV and STDs are found not among working girls but in the villages .And the original reasons for STD,s in the villages, US forces coming from the phillipines to Thailand in the early 60,s moving to previously secluded and safe places like Ubon, Udon, Muk,and Korat, towns with practically no risk on the std front ,as reported by commonwealth medics responsible for military Std control , with the US $ abdundance came the drippy dick epidemic, the rest is history!!

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I knew a guy who used to love to brag about how he paid the girls extra not to have to wear a condom. He bragged that he was an old man and didn't have many years left so if he got HIV or something he didn't give a crap.

When I said well what about the young girls that you may very well infect who have their entire lives ahead of them.....so you don't give a crap about anyone other than yourself?


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Having unprotected sex in Thailand is like playing Russian Roulette

People living with HIV/AIDS. USA 1,200,000 Russia 980,000 China 740,000 Thailand 530,000



Nice way to twist things

Population of USA is well over 300 million, thailand is 60 million.

Not to mention how many of them are not tested because it costs money.

The real stats would be scary.

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The experts say that it can take up to 6 months after a sexual encounter with a person who is HIV positive for the HIV virus to be detected in the system. This means the only way to be sure that a person you decide to have sexual intercourse with is HIV positive or negative is to keep he/she within the sights to ensure that he/she does not have sex with anyone else during that period and then have them tested. HIV tests taken prior to 6 months after having unprotected sex will not obtain accurate results. Having unprotected sex for the first time with anyone only on trust or thinking that they look like a safe bet is taking a risk. That`s the situation in a nutshell.

Another poster mentioned herpes. Some strains of that virus are not curable. The herpes virus can be contracted by just kissing. The simple facts are that any women of ill repute, i.e. prostitutes, are susceptible to catching any contagious deceases their clients may have, even a common cold and then passing these on spreading like wildfire. This also applies to those who enjoy promiscuous and casual sex lives, the health risks are enormous.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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Wow you must be so bored.

Actually this is informative dont you know thailand has hiv type E the strand of hiv that is easiest spread though hetro sex .

OP isnt trying to entertain you but possible save your life .

So you are advising us to go with LBs , on account of lower risk factor for gay sex.

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The experts say that it can take up to 6 months after a sexual encounter with a person who is HIV positive for the HIV virus to be detected in the system. This means the only way to be sure that a person you decide to have sexual intercourse with is HIV positive or negative is to keep he/she within the sights to ensure that he/she does not have sex with anyone else during that period and then have them tested. HIV tests taken prior to 6 months after having unprotected sex will not obtain accurate results. Having unprotected sex for the first time with anyone only on trust or thinking that they look like a safe bet is taking a risk. That`s the situation in a nutshell.

Another poster mentioned herpes. Some strains of that virus are not curable. The herpes virus can be contracted by just kissing. The simple facts are that any women of ill repute, i.e. prostitutes, are susceptible to catching any contagious deceases their clients may have, even a common cold and then passing these on spreading like wildfire. This also applies to those who enjoy promiscuous and casual sex lives, the health risks are enormous.

The Herpes situation is fine if your from the UK female and under 16 as they have made a new vaccine.

I wonder how many years it will take for Thailand to adopt it?

There shouldn't be a delay as the doctors will get a cut of the money for doing the usual doctor pimping pharmaceuticals but I would bet you a condo on it that in 10 years time that vaccine is not given for free in Thailand.

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Having unprotected sex in Thailand is like playing Russian Roulette

People living with HIV/AIDS. USA 1,200,000 Russia 980,000 China 740,000 Thailand 530,000



Nice way to twist things

Population of USA is well over 300 million, thailand is 60 million.

Which country has more people with AIDS? My point is wear a condom in any country. You make it sound like it is only dangerous in Thailand.

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Having unprotected sex in Thailand is like playing Russian Roulette

People living with HIV/AIDS. USA 1,200,000 Russia 980,000 China 740,000 Thailand 530,000


USA 1,200,000 /319,000,000 Russia 980,000/143,000,000 China 740,000/1,366,000,000 THAILAND 530,000/63,000,000



SAFEST TO LEAST SAFEST CHINA, USA, RUSSIA THEN THAILAND. Clearly China is the safest place to have HIV/AIDS free sex. Thailand is the riskiest place to have sex.

Chinese people are very conservative and put the family above all.

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Sounds like the OP has barebacked the wrong girl and looking reassurances from other people who have been equally cavalier. unsure.png.pagespeed.ce.E7Vo3qsmeC.png Definetley better to go get checked than post on a forum.

Whilst HIV in Europe in still massively a gay disease the strain in Thailand is different and much easier to get through vaginal sex - http://www.justanswer.com/medical/2o71a-tell-know-hiv-strain-subtype-e.html

wow- we had to wait till post#18 before crap like this get posted.i expected it much earlier.

According to the latest statistics in Australia HIV is, even today, more likely to be contracted by men who have sex with men.


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Having unprotected sex in Thailand is like playing Russian Roulette

People living with HIV/AIDS. USA 1,200,000 Russia 980,000 China 740,000 Thailand 530,000


USA 1,200,000 /319,000,000 Russia 980,000/143,000,000 China 740,000/1,366,000,000 THAILAND 530,000/63,000,000



SAFEST TO LEAST SAFEST CHINA, USA, RUSSIA THEN THAILAND. Clearly China is the safest place to have HIV/AIDS free sex. Thailand is the riskiest place to have sex.

Chinese people are very conservative and put the family above all.

My point was and this is the second time I have posted it because you chose to ignore it, "Which country has more people with AIDS? My point is wear a condom in any country. You make it sound like it is only dangerous in Thailand."

Clearly there are more important factors than the country in the transmission of HIV.

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A very good reason to have one known sexual partner who loves sex. There are many good Thai women out there but they do not hang out in bars.

There are good women in bars and bad women in Temples. As one who has spent my life in both places I feel qualified to tell you that. After 60 years of chasing a woman with a heart of gold I'd suggest settling for the lady who is looking at the fruit in the grocery store rather than trying to shove your outdated morals or lack of experience on the rest of us.

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I had a friend living with an absolutely stunning Thai girl for two years when she started losing a lot of weight and got very sick. He had her tested for everything and finally found out she had HIV. He told me he had been having unprotected sex with her twice a day virtually every day since they were together. Needless to say he was devastated; he was tested for HIV and waited for the results. Unbelievably he tested negative! He was retested again, negative. He subsequently was tested every four months for the next two years with the same results, negative. Maybe he is one of these people that are resistant to catching the virus or the other possibly, HIV is more difficult to transmit than it is being portrayed. This experience left me really confused, back then I thought one time with someone infected and I was assured to contract the disease, suffer and die a quick death.

8 years of regular unprotected heterosexual sex with an infected female gives you a 50% chance of catching HIV.

1 time is about 1 chance in 8,000.


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I always have protected sex with untested partners or with those whom I am not sure of their current status regarding STDs. I must add that many among my older friends and acquaintances here just don't care and are barebacking their partners (even prostitutes) as often as they can, thinking that at their (relative) advanced age, condoms are more an annoyance than a protection.

Alas, it seems that they can very easily found partners who don't mind having this kind of risky sexual intercourse with them in this country, thus, everybody should be aware that a significant percentage of the population might have caught something nasty because of their lack of safe sex knowledge and/or because of their negligent attitude.

It is not negligent, it is criminal.I here blokes bragging about riding bb,how much do they pass on.I call them what they are,and move on.

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They just figured they were just "too old" to get AIDS and certainly not from heterosexual sex.

Old guys with nonworking parts, tend to let ladyboys do them.

Hardly something many of them would admit.

(Especially to you)

They dont admit it because its not true,just a figment of your warped "brain"You dont change your sexualality because you get old.

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I will also tell all Thai women I know what men would talk about after having sex with them.

My gf happily discusses, with all her school friends, what we do and how often we do it.

I get reports back on their guys performances, shape, size, preferences too.

And they share cheating details, and they look so innocent.

Sorry, as far as I can see you are odd girl out.

Anyway back to the OP,

Never used a condom, ever, well, maybe 3 or 4 times in my entire life.

Never liked them, would prefer not to have sex, than have sex with a condom.

Whenever I say that to a girl, she always says, no need.

But we both get HIV tested before anyone moves in.

Oh, there's one thing I forgot.

Your GF and her friends discussed sex with FRIENDS and discussed individual situations, not on public webbroad I hope?

So, if you guys only talk individual situations without mentions Thai women as a whole, I'll be ok and will let the topic go. As many here like to mention Thai women as a one big stereo type. So, I just can't let it happen without defending innocent ones.

Get the picture?

Now, tell me who odd again? The defender or the guys who talk sex with a lot of strangers in public place?

LOWH,dont try to make sense on TVF.A lot of low life,no nothings inhabit this forum.

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