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Last picture of British backpackers murdered on Koh Tao island


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Does it matter if they were good looking or not ?Would it be less tragic if they were not ? ...why does nearly everyone comment on their supposed looks ?

There is a good explanation for that. When you identify the victims as "young and beautiful;" "with their whole lives in front of them," etc., you are planting a subliminal suggestion that this is the reason they were the victims and, as you are not young and beautiful with your whole life in front of you, you feel safer from attack. Ever heard young and beautiful people use that description for a victim their own age?

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It is and both were university graduands (or almost) and had a bright future ahead of them.

Hope the sick killers face min life in prison or death penalty.

Death penalty is almost to human to do to this scum considered how they killed their victims so maybe better give each 2X life and let them rot in hell for the rest of their miserable life's.


Problem is it probably won't fly as we imagine:

The last rampant monkey they actually convicted for a similar hideous crime (Vanessa Arscott & Adam Lloyd in '04) got dead reduced to 2 times life meaning 50 years because of him having been an 'outstanding policeman' - well i bet he was.

As of early 2013 he was due to walk free in 2022 after further reducings, now that would mean at best 18 (!) years, given the pace of sentence-reducing probably even less ...!

Disgrace, aint it ?!

Just google 'kanchanaburi murders thai police' and/or 'Thailand's Killer Cops - Kanchanaburi Backpacker Murders' as posting the links would get me post killed again ...

And rumour persist strongly that he is already out, or gets day release. That was an absolute heinous crime, and then add the sickening Kirsty Jones murder which has been covered up, despite even British Police trying to help solve it. Rumour suggests that the actual murderer is a connected person.

He British Embassy should certainly be making some pretty strong moves at this point on this.

Exactly, well put 'at this point', and no, not much to hear from their 'diplomatic representation' in this elapsed decade, is there? So much for taxpayers money.

Well, they apparently worked together with UK police on recent developments concerning Kirsty Jones, but still ... stiring not good for international relations me thinks and that's that, a shame, no doubt.

If it weren't for some relatives - as in this case her mother, Hi Ma'am, and/or some independent journalists trying to keep it up these 'incidents' would just fade away and be forgotten as they obviously are here in .TH long since - surprise? not really, sadly!

Not that few of similar crimes by the way, especially if you look further than UK citizens ...

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Absolutely terrible - I hope this is a lesson for Thailand which since the case began has tried to hide the truth and keep blaming it on foreigners or immigrants. it was obvious and now 10 times worse.
Such a lovely couple, i hope the military government clean up these discusting mafia types from the islands, including the jet ski mafia, and the Taxi's too.
Thailand could be great, but is far from it...

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They look like any other young couple having a nice time with a group of friends..i am a father of 2 children a bit older than these 2...as a father I am VERY distraught about this..and have shed many tears[belive me]...how can the families EVER get over this.My heart goes out to them.RIP

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Does it matter if they were good looking or not ?Would it be less tragic if they were not ? ...why does nearly everyone comment on their supposed looks ?

There is a good explanation for that. When you identify the victims as "young and beautiful;" "with their whole lives in front of them," etc., you are planting a subliminal suggestion that this is the reason they were the victims and, as you are not young and beautiful with your whole life in front of you, you feel safer from attack. Ever heard young and beautiful people use that description for a victim their own age?

If this wasn't such a tragic case of murder I would probably use language much stronger than to say I've never read such a load of cr#p in my life. To say "young and beautiful, with their whole lives in front of them" is a statement of fact, and is in no way a subliminal suggestion that this was the reason for their murder. I don't purport to be a psychologist. Are you qualified in this field of human emotional behaviour?

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Ridiculous to say they were a lovely couple when (I presume) you know nothing about them. Somewhat attractive, yes, but lovely? What does that mean. Look at this link to someone they befriended. I'm sure they were unaware of his past. We know little about them. I suspect drugs were a factor. However, nothing deserves the end they were subjected to.


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At this stage I cannot determine whether the murderers were Thai or not. All I will say is that I hope they are not British, because there is the possibility that they could one day be transferred to a UK prison to serve out the last 2/3rds of their life sentences. I would hate to think that any of the income tax I pay on my pensions would ever be used to provide any form of future 'life' for them. In this case the death penalty is warranted and I hope it is used as to deter any future crimes of this magnitude.

Edited by joebrown
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Nice looking guy and lovely girl to have their lives end in this way is so sad. May they rest in peace. It has bothered me all week thinking about this and how something like this can so easily happen in Thailand. I have seen things get out of control so quickly here and normally end badly. RIP sad.png

It can happen anywhere on this planet. Don't, please, just hone in on Thailand.

That's as maybe, but this was Thailand

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Does it matter if they were good looking or not ?Would it be less tragic if they were not ? ...why does nearly everyone comment on their supposed looks ?

There is a good explanation for that. When you identify the victims as "young and beautiful;" "with their whole lives in front of them," etc., you are planting a subliminal suggestion that this is the reason they were the victims and, as you are not young and beautiful with your whole life in front of you, you feel safer from attack. Ever heard young and beautiful people use that description for a victim their own age?

If this wasn't such a tragic case of murder I would probably use language much stronger than to say I've never read such a load of cr#p in my life. To say "young and beautiful, with their whole lives in front of them" is a statement of fact, and is in no way a subliminal suggestion that this was the reason for their murder. I don't purport to be a psychologist. Are you qualified in this field of human emotional behaviour?

You don't need to be an expert in the field of Psychology to know that his post is a pile of steaming dog turd

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At this stage I cannot determine whether the murderers were Thai or not. All I will say is that I hope they are not British, because there is the possibility that they could one day be transferred to a UK prison to serve out the last 2/3rds of their life sentences. I would hate to think that any of the income tax I pay on my pensions would ever be used to provide any form of future 'life' for them. In this case the death penalty is warranted and I hope it is used as to deter any future crimes of this magnitude.

The death penalty doesn't work as a deterrent.

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Nice looking guy and lovely girl to have their lives end in this way is so sad. May they rest in peace. It has bothered me all week thinking about this and how something like this can so easily happen in Thailand. I have seen things get out of control so quickly here and normally end badly. RIP sad.png

This sort of thing doesn't just happen in Thailand...You need to be careful here just like anywhere else in the world. ...

I agree, R. I. P. to the 2 folks but sadly this happens virtually everywhere in the world. Can't single out Thailand as the only place. Heck just the other day here in Calif some young 5 year old was killed by a hit and run driver and with all the technology no cctv photos have surfaced and some young girl was shot just being in the wrong place at the wrong time and these were just footnotes in the news showing its either common or people just do not think its important. In any event, Sad to see young'ens die so early.

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Can somebody explain this to me please? The girl and guy are sat in a group just hours before the rape and murder. The group look sober and generally a nice group. The victims are wearing decent clothes, the girl a pink top and what looks like shorts and the lad a tee-shirt.. So... Where did the idiot General's remark about foreigners come to Thailand and think they are safe and only ugly girls are safe wearing bikinis? He made a lot out of this "wearing bikinis" thing and yet, the girl is not wearing a bikini and is modestly dressed. What the hell was the PM talking about? Just curious.

Assumption again I guess, based on the scene photos?. crazy

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I have more questions than answers... Seems like murderers have lots of mobey and can afford much hotter girl without any problem (including forigner, if it's kind of fetish), I cannot understand what force them do a crime and get involved in murder? The guy also seems like a honest guy, so my doubt that he may confront (lose face) murderer seems false.

I feel very sorry for any young death... as they have not seen anything and they could do so much more... stupid, unpredictable death... RIP

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A total waste of life, taken away by total scum. Having watched my parents suffer when my brother passed, my heart goes out to the parents of these young people. Their hurt will sadly be with them forever, at least catching the killer/s may help with closure.

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Nice looking guy and lovely girl to have their lives end in this way is so sad. May they rest in peace. It has bothered me all week thinking about this and how something like this can so easily happen in Thailand. I have seen things get out of control so quickly here and normally end badly. RIP

This sort of thing doesn't just happen in Thailand...You need to be careful here just like anywhere else in the world. ...

Yes and no. This kind of brutal murder could take place anywhere, but Thailand's culture of impunity for political families (mafia) has helped to make Thailand a particularly brutal place. Stats for things like gun deaths put Thailand 3rd worst in the world, rape and brutality towards women is utterly shocking, although it is appalling all over Asia.

Sadly Thailand has an awful lot of thugs like these people, who simply think they are above the law. Local police are paid off or are relatives of these people. Hopefully this case will prove the exception to what is often the rule in Thailand and be solved satisfactorily, but more often than not these people know they can get away with murder.

Why do you think not one Thai person spoke up to say that local thugs had an altercation with the pair? In a word, fear. Even more damning is the fact the Scots guy's story was all over social media less than 48 hours after the murder yet the police did not investigate it until over a week later, having almost been forced to do so by international media.

Allan you are exactly right.

How do others feel living in a country where a proportion of the populous know they can get away with serious crime including murder?

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At this stage I cannot determine whether the murderers were Thai or not. All I will say is that I hope they are not British, because there is the possibility that they could one day be transferred to a UK prison to serve out the last 2/3rds of their life sentences. I would hate to think that any of the income tax I pay on my pensions would ever be used to provide any form of future 'life' for them. In this case the death penalty is warranted and I hope it is used as to deter any future crimes of this magnitude.

The death penalty doesn't work as a deterrent.

Oh but it is fantastic at rehabilitation. no more repeat offenders, end of the revolving door.

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Nice looking guy and lovely girl to have their lives end in this way is so sad. May they rest in peace. It has bothered me all week thinking about this and how something like this can so easily happen in Thailand. I have seen things get out of control so quickly here and normally end badly. RIP

This sort of thing doesn't just happen in Thailand...You need to be careful here just like anywhere else in the world. ...

Yes and no. This kind of brutal murder could take place anywhere, but Thailand's culture of impunity for political families (mafia) has helped to make Thailand a particularly brutal place. Stats for things like gun deaths put Thailand 3rd worst in the world, rape and brutality towards women is utterly shocking, although it is appalling all over Asia.

Sadly Thailand has an awful lot of thugs like these people, who simply think they are above the law. Local police are paid off or are relatives of these people. Hopefully this case will prove the exception to what is often the rule in Thailand and be solved satisfactorily, but more often than not these people know they can get away with murder.

Why do you think not one Thai person spoke up to say that local thugs had an altercation with the pair? In a word, fear. Even more damning is the fact the Scots guy's story was all over social media less than 48 hours after the murder yet the police did not investigate it until over a week later, having almost been forced to do so by international media.

Allan you are exactly right.

How do others feel living in a country where a proportion of the populous know they can get away with serious crime including murder?

To answer your question MJP , i am more scared of the " good, normal people " silence.

I cannot have a say on this case, because i've never been to KT, and we have only a fragmented account of what really happened on that tragic night....but in my perception the Thai society can be possibly compared to middle age society in Europe.

It's not right though that we feel morally superior, we have a lot of injustice in the Western world too, but we are too busy to do something about it.

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Nice looking guy and lovely girl to have their lives end in this way is so sad. May they rest in peace. It has bothered me all week thinking about this and how something like this can so easily happen in Thailand. I have seen things get out of control so quickly here and normally end badly. RIP sad.png

It can happen anywhere on this planet. Don't, please, just hone in on Thailand.

Yes it can and it does...

Sometimes you learn about it if you are reading enough news or surfing the web and or reading a variety of publications.

Meantime the Thai Police...( which most people loathe ) ......well....what much good can you say about them as most of them are not in the police force to actually stop crime rather they are in the police force for other reasons.

I can imagine what their reaction was when they were first informed about 2 foreigners found murdered.

Probably something along the lines of: "Damn, why is it the foreigners come here to get murdered"

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