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What do Thai women look for in a man and what kind of men turn off Thai women?


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All Thai women want a much older farang, preferably with a bald head, beer gut, Gary Glitter style facial hair, Chang vest, oversized shorts with loads of pockets, white socks, sandals, loads of tattoos and, ideally, one who smells strongly of stale tobacco, beer and cheese. If the farang can speak a bit of their language, such as bellowing "sweaty krap" at everyone they meet, they are truly in heaven.

If they can't get this they have to settle for a Thai guy.

Damn, divorce is inevitable for me then

Or maybe I just need to make the necessary changes!

Edited by Tuskfish
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oh boy!

Here come all the usual TV negitive comments about money hungry Thai women!

Unfortunately it seems many many TV members never got out of the bars or massage parlors when looking for a woman.

Clue: If you are looking at women who want money for affection or sex...you will find women who's priority is money, money, money.

I and most of my farang friends here in Thailand are married to good, loving and respectable Thai women.

Hard to believe for the bar guys and sexpats, but my wife had never had a boyfriend before me...yes a real virgin.

I know money is not why she is with me....thorugh the years we have hit some hard times and she has always stayed with and supported me.

In fact, when we first met, before we were married, she had more money in the bank than I did..she owned and still own a bit of property as well.

So, before you drowned in a sea of disgruntled, unhappy guys who more or less tried to buy a wife...remember there are quite a few of us out here who are very happy with our wonderful and loving Thai wives.

Back to your original question: What do they look for in a man? Love and respect are very important tomine.



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I am Thai.

What I like?

I like a man who listens to me. Number one

Someone who understands me. Same Thai man or foreign. Speak perfect Thai is not important at all. You can speak thai very well but still not understand me. Understand and care is from your heart not language.

I don't care older than me or not

I don't care much about money but I do care about how he takes care of me

Dress supap

Sweet man. Hold my hand when I have a problem

Good brain. Can give me good idea when I have no idea or terrible idea!

A man who likes a simple life

I don't like?

Don't like a man shouting all the time. Shouting for what?

A man who wears short trousers or no good clothes to good place

A man who wants to tell how much money he has, house, car everything. Hate this. If I want to know I will find out by myself

This is the best answer on this whole thead (and all the better for being from the horse's mouth, as it were). My own wife could have said exactly this. ( Her main complaint about her ex-husband, a Thai of course, is that he shouted a lot!!)

And if you (the guy above in his brusque reply, for example) don't know what the "language of the heart" is, I pity any woman you get involved with.

This reply is best because it sums up what any woman, anywhere, would want in a man.....

PS My first serious gf in Thailand was a 35 yr old virgin. She announced it to me as if it were a "selling-point". I discovered later that she was telling the truth. However, although she was extremely well-off financially, she was the only Thai woman I have met whose overriding interest in getting together with me was financial. For that reason alone, I backed off.

Oh please, enough of the brown-nosing. I was simply pointing out that her comments sounded strangely like certain farang-hunters on dating sites who'll say things like "age no matter, only want man with good heart." Seriously, if your woman doesn't speak much English and you don't speak much Thai, there is very little "understanding" going on. This "language of the heart" nonsense only works in the movies, not in real life.

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This is such an easy question to answer.

Man have money - Thai lady turned on

Man have no money - Thai lady turned off

Very simple

We need a thread to try and break the mould

I think the truth is more like -

Man have no money - Thai lady turned off

Man have money - Thai lady still turned off, but willing to pretend

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Traits Thai women don't like:

  • hot-tempered (easily angered/annoyed)
  • overly talkative (long winded: takes 10 minutes to say something which could be said in 5 seconds)
  • overly intellectual/overly analytical (likes discussing theories, conceptual ideas, analyzing situations excessively)
  • chauvanistic (thinks his wife is his flunky/slave/maid/caregiver/housekeeper)
  • bossy (has a 'my way or the highway'/'Who pays the bills around here?' attitude.)
  • unsmiling
  • no sense of humor (finds nothing she says funny; Thai TV comedies are 'idiotic,' and 'moronic.')
  • chronically pessimistic (We are on the verge of a global financial collapse, WWIII, "we need to start prepping.")
  • cheap (esp. when accompanied by regular claims that you are 'loaded,' 'filthy rich' or 'have more money than you know what to do with.')
  • hates Thai food/hates her cooking/hates spicy food (plaa raa/nam prik is disgusting)
  • dislikes her children from prior marriage
  • dislikes everyone in her family (especially her mother)
  • too lazy or unintelligent to learn Thai (clueless that his pronunciation is atrocious)
  • smokers
  • heavy drinkers
  • morbidly obese or even just plain obese
  • suffers from ulcers/nervous stomach/mysterious gastro-intestinal disorders
  • loud snorer
  • shameless farter
  • has horrendous foot odor
  • pays poor attention to personal hygiene
  • never ever ever wants to go out and have fun
  • loves ice hockey or other winter Olympic sports
  • spends all day on TVF/watching English language TV
  • constantly says: "But that's not how I did it back home!"

I'd say that about covers it.

Do I know you?

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Traits Thai women don't like:

  • <snip>
  • loves ice hockey or other winter Olympic sports
  • <snip>

Take off eh ! You hoser (eh) ! Loving hockey is all that is keeping me from finding the woman of my dreams ? Dang - I'm sure going to miss women ! tongue.png

According to my Thai friends, the reason I am still single is that I am "jai dee" too much ! blink.png

It seems that the women go on all the time about how they like a man "jai dee", but in truth they love the "bad man" ! They want the "jai dee" man to take care of them and their family, while they are out playing around (maybe getting payback for the way a lot of Thai men act).

It hilarious to listen to my friend's wives going on about what stupid cows some of these women are. I ask them "Well, if you knew she was a dumb cow, why didn't you say something ?". To which the usual reply is something like "Well, you looked like you were happy so we didn't say anything". facepalm.gif

At least I can take solace in the knowledge that it seems my friends (and their wives) seem to have an unending supply of sisters/cousins/aunts/nieces and "friends of friends" to try and hook me up with. Like the day before I left to go to work last time, and buddy's wife shows up at my place (she looks after my place while I'm away), with a friend of hers. She starts telling me how a different friend of hers (that I've never met) likes me a lot (from looking at my Facebook pictures apparently).

I said "How can she like me a lot when she has never met me ?". The woman then points at the friend she'd brought with her and says "Well, what about her ? She's nice" ! huh.png

I used to joke that heading back to Afghanistan for another 3-4 month stint was needed to give my liver time to dry out. Now it's needed to give my sanity a break !

Oh well, at least I'll always have hockey (well, maybe just the odd highlights and scores from the internet) !

(ps: Cheap guys, smelly guys, guys with facial hair - even if it's just a moustache, guys with "attitude" (or acting angry all the time) and heavy smokers/drinkers seem to be the types that most of the women I've known don't like (excluding the racial issues).

Happy guys, generous guys, clean, well dressed (i.e. better than shorts, wife-beater and sandals 24/7) and fun guys seem to be what the girls like. Some of my (Thai) friends are older than me, way more "pom pui", way less "hansum" and not rich by any means, yet they have no problem picking up cute girls wherever we go. Even the guys with little wisps of facial hair. Speaking the language helps obviously, but the happy, out-going attitude is what seals the deal. That and not liking hockey apparently. dry.png )

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Question: what do women from a 3rd world developing country look for in men who come with retirement pensions that appear to be luxury to the women who are not able to ever hope to have that much money on their own talents, skills, ability or education even with a Thai man--as the prosperous foreigners come to build houses, luxury condos, restaurants, all new and shiny, and provide more than the average Thai woman could ever hope for doing the "respectable" thing? This would be called a rhetorical question. Combining love with a perceived and longed-for lifestyle is not such a hard leap for anyone to make.

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Hillarious. Like all Thai women want the same things in a man..After the barflies & nitetime entertainment venues ..

.Few if any Thai women are interested in men of lower status than themselves.Their famlies would lose "Face"...

.... Thai women are diverse with a wide range of interests.

Will find men with similar interests much more interesting than those with different interests.

If your quest is to actually find a suitable Thai lady, then do what you want to do without lady.

If that means hang out in gym, lifting weights, powerwalking. Have at it.

If it means artwork go where that happens, cooking take a course.

Playing Music take a course. Temples, go to a temple.

The ones that are interested, if any, will flirt at least a little. Flirt back.

Please ignore the ones that ignore you. Need I explain why???

When they flirt with you, check your gauge. When it gets past 10:00

She is interested. If not at least yer not hanging around in bars.

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»Please post your thoughts.«

OP, jack a (huge) bunch of 1,000-baht notes in your breast pocket - so they are (clearly) visible – and eventually wear a heavy gold arm chain or neck chain, or even better both, then you will be »very hansum man«… wink.png

Looking for a long-term relationship dress code and that you can behave a bit in gentlemen-style may improve your rank remarkably against other competitors with a bunch on bath-notes in their pockets. thumbsup.gif

Avoid bad dress code, drinking soda only and paying with small notes without giving tips – that makes you an immediately “turn off” “Cheap Charlie”… w00t.gif

However, “soda only” – but with a “hi-so” slice of lemon – can also improve your status, if you buy drinks for ladies and gives good tips; then: »you very good man, no drinking too much«… whistling.gif

More seriously, I think a fairly loaded man who dress and behaves well, and shows he can take good care of a family, ranks high… smile.png

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My wife did not want another Thai man. Thai men have mia noi. Thai men drink too much. Thai men do not respect Thai women. Thai men smoke. Thai men do not listen. Thai men have small penises. Thai men are lazy. Thai men go out too much. Thai men do not look after their health. These are my wife's pronouncements.

Where did you meet your wife?

Her comments are remarkably similar to those often heard from prostitutes.

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They are attracted by the bulge in your jeans so make sure to stuff a pair of socks in an appropriate place. The wallet in your back pocket being the appropriate place.

I use a potato.

It has to be in the front, not the back. Definitely not the back...

Ask me how I know that.

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oh boy!

Here come all the usual TV negitive comments about money hungry Thai women!

Unfortunately it seems many many TV members never got out of the bars or massage parlors when looking for a woman.

Clue: If you are looking at women who want money for affection or sex...you will find women who's priority is money, money, money.

I and most of my farang friends here in Thailand are married to good, loving and respectable Thai women.

Hard to believe for the bar guys and sexpats, but my wife had never had a boyfriend before me...yes a real virgin.

I know money is not why she is with me....thorugh the years we have hit some hard times and she has always stayed with and supported me.

In fact, when we first met, before we were married, she had more money in the bank than I did..she owned and still own a bit of property as well.

So, before you drowned in a sea of disgruntled, unhappy guys who more or less tried to buy a wife...remember there are quite a few of us out here who are very happy with our wonderful and loving Thai wives.

Back to your original question: What do they look for in a man? Love and respect are very important to mine.



Sorry Lous..

I'm not delusional.

I am in the real Thailand with real Thai people who still have a real life.

Many westerners, sexpats and lonely old farts and drunks are being delusional when the believe places like Pattaya, Phuket and parts of Bangkok represent Thailand and all Thai people,

Those places are filled with poor women who have no choice but to permit themselves to be exploited and abused by losers in exchange for money need for the survival of themselves and their families.

This is not the case in most of Thailand.

In tourist areas you meet the poor, uneducated and some just too lazy to get an education or a real job.

Putting up with fat, old stinky drunks slobbering all over you is pretty easy work when they get past the "wanting to throw up" stage.

Unlike your neighborhood, the majority of Thai women where I live have never and will never go into a bar or ever have a drink. Good respectable Buddhist women.

Even the poorer women in my area have pride and would rather live a simple, clean life than sell themselves to an old, fat, drunken sweat ball.

As I said, you find what you look for, look in the gutter and find the slime of Thai people.

For some, slime is all they want and all they deserve.

They assure themselves that if they are not capable of doing better..neither can others.

One more thing Lous...please stay there. Those with no respect for good Thai people are not well respected by good Thai people here and usually don't last too long here.

Places like Pattaya and Phuket were created to cater to a certain kind of creature and I would like to encourage those creatures to stay right where they are......., and where they are welcome.

Choke Dee Buddy!


Tell me. Is this living the dream?

Edited by willyumiii
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Most decent Thai women would not be seen dead with a westerner, They tend to keep to there own , Asian, they look down on Thai women with western men , they keep to there own big money people,

Does anyone agree with this comment?

I don't necessarily agree with the above statement, but I do think that there is definitely a stigma attached to Thai women who become romantically involved with Westerners, and I would say it is widespread, if not universal. The assumption is that the foreign male/Thai female met in a prostitution venue of one type or another. One can debate until the cows come home whether this assumption is fair or not, but the truth is, many many foreign male/Thai female relationships do take root in prostitution venues. I also think that a "good" Thai woman (one who is not involved in the "entertainment" industry) would definitely weigh this potential stigma before getting involved with a foreign guy.

Thais can come across as being exceptionally laissez-faire about prostitution. I think this is because of several factors. Thais seem to see sexual needs as a human need, which is best satisfied than repressed. Thais seem to have a "you choose your own path in life' attitude which makes them less inclined to sit in moral judgement of others. I also think that in a hard-scrabble environment where opportunities aren't abundant, people can have a 'You gotta do what you gotta do' attitude, and sometimes rationalize prostitution as an evil necessity for survival. But I would caution foreigners against interpreting this to mean that Thais think prostitution is wonderful and perfectly socially acceptable. I don't think it is.

Consider for a moment, a poor village girl who dropped out of school in 8th grade, marries her childhood sweetheart, has a kid or two, divorces, and then suddenly heads off to Pattaya, and a few months later returns home with tales of having met a foreign guy who is now showering her with lavish gifts (cars, monthly allowances, buying land/building a house, monthly allowance, gold chains, etc.) Overnight her social status morphs from dirt poor to one of the richest people in town. Of course a lot of people are going to be jealous and envious of her. They deal with these negative emotions by labelling her a prostitute.

Additionally, Thais are becoming increasingly aware of how Thailand is viewed overseas as a haven for sex-tourism and are deeply embarrassed and resentful of how they are perceived overseas. The new prime minister of Thailand has been especially outspoken about this, and raised awareness of this issue considerably. The internet, cable TV and increased fluency in English has accelerated this awareness as well.

In Western media, almost invariably when Thailand is mentioned it is in the context of sex-tourism. I was just watching an episode of 'Eastbound and Out." Danny McBride was showering his wife with dollar bills saying "Dance! Dance! Let me see them titties! Make believe we're in Bangkok. You're not a lady boy are you?' I can recall an episode of 'Two and a Half Men' with a similar message. Hangover II is another example of Thailand being depicted as a sex-tourism destination. If you go back home, after a visit to Thailand, tell me you won't get knowing looks from your friends about what you were up to while you were here.

I am well-aware that inter-racial relationships are becoming more and more prevalent and socially acceptable, but I don't believe this changes the truth of what I am saying above.

If this ignites a firestorm of controversy, please don't blame the messenger.

Well put Gecko - I have had a former misspent but usually enjoyable youth.

Managed to get it done long before coming to live in Thailand. Do not often chat with bar staff now but I am sure the motivation for survival is the prime instinct for bar staff and others/ including us.

Difference is the ability and luxury to choose.

In any society you need to make informed decisions in any pursuit including ladies fair - leaving aside cultural differences I do not see great variations here.

Farangs here ( most ) do have the luxury and ability to choose.

I guess the thrust of the original opening post was how to increase choice and achieve success. I think contained within most of the responses including your own, it has been covered.

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My wife did not want another Thai man. Thai men have mia noi. Thai men drink too much. Thai men do not respect Thai women. Thai men smoke. Thai men do not listen. Thai men have small penises. Thai men are lazy. Thai men go out too much. Thai men do not look after their health. These are my wife's pronouncements.

Where did you meet your wife?

Her comments are remarkably similar to those often heard from prostitutes.

The prostitutes being Thai right ? The simplest of facts are sadly evading your under-developed brain.

You will hear this from Thai prostitutes AND Thai non-prostitutes because its blatently true. Thai men are all those things and more - why do you think there are so many single thai mothers ? So many thai men of working age clearly not working and making any effort to work? Thai men who take care of themselves either health or appearance wise ?

In Thailand the woman is expected to go out and earn the money, name another culture where that's the case !!

Perhaps you should listen a little more from prostitutes - they clearly have a lot to teach you

You are wrong. You are stereotyping based on your limited experience ., must surround yourself with this type only..obviously from a rural poor background.,

Most Thai women who marry farangs marry divorced males..not so different .. Typical b.s...and are divorced themselves....it's what you want to hear..

There are a lot of happy Thai couples and a lot of divorced Thais who remarry Thais only..please stop with this nonsense ..it's very uneducated..

Finally why is that that so many Thai women who marry a foreigner don't work ....

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oh boy!

Here come all the usual TV negitive comments about money hungry Thai women!

Unfortunately it seems many many TV members never got out of the bars or massage parlors when looking for a woman.

Clue: If you are looking at women who want money for affection or sex...you will find women who's priority is money, money, money.

I and most of my farang friends here in Thailand are married to good, loving and respectable Thai women.

Hard to believe for the bar guys and sexpats, but my wife had never had a boyfriend before me...yes a real virgin.

I know money is not why she is with me....thorugh the years we have hit some hard times and she has always stayed with and supported me.

In fact, when we first met, before we were married, she had more money in the bank than I did..she owned and still own a bit of property as well.

So, before you drowned in a sea of disgruntled, unhappy guys who more or less tried to buy a wife...remember there are quite a few of us out here who are very happy with our wonderful and loving Thai wives.

Back to your original question: What do they look for in a man? Love and respect are very important tomine.

Willy, i married the same moralistic type thai lady. They are priceless. If men try to find romance from a bar stool then they will get the same money hungry women. Try to expand their outlook and find a good thai girl and they will look back on the sour words they previously wrote on here and regret those words. Bar girls are bar girls through and through. To the core the first concern is money. Do not fool yourself that is for money to send to family. In some instances maybe this is so but most of the time it is laziness that keeps them there. Easier to sleep all day and drink and f#$% all night and get money. Better than having a real job and responsibility of having to wake early and go to work a real job.

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My wife did not want another Thai man. Thai men have mia noi. Thai men drink too much. Thai men do not respect Thai women. Thai men smoke. Thai men do not listen. Thai men have small penises. Thai men are lazy. Thai men go out too much. Thai men do not look after their health. These are my wife's pronouncements.

Where did you meet your wife?

Her comments are remarkably similar to those often heard from prostitutes.

The prostitutes being Thai right ? The simplest of facts are sadly evading your under-developed brain.

You will hear this from Thai prostitutes AND Thai non-prostitutes because its blatently true.

Complete rubbish. You don't know what you're talking about.

You sound like an insecure little fool who's eagerly lapped up all the lies he's been fed.

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The prostitutes being Thai right ? The simplest of facts are sadly evading your under-developed brain.

You will hear this from Thai prostitutes AND Thai non-prostitutes because its blatently true.

Complete rubbish. You don't know what you're talking about.

You sound like an insecure little fool who's eagerly lapped up all the lies he's been fed.

Hmmmm I seem to have hit a nerve.

So you're telling me Thai men aren't like that ? Or you're just unhappy thai prostitutes are able to teach you about life in Thailand ?

But maybe you're right what would I know after 15 odd years in Thailand and living with one for the last 4 up against someone with er ..........22 posts and clearly very limited intellect !

I know when I' beat whistling.gif

An educated Thai woman does not make the sort of comments as quoted by Greg Nixon. They certainly don't talk about penis size.

If you've been hearing similar comments, it says a lot about the type of women you associate with.

It's usually only lower class women (prostitutes, in particular) who make sweepingly negative generalizations about Thai men.

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I own a bar in Chiang Mai. Some of the bar girls have been around while others are very new. Ignore all statements that mention - it is all about the money. The ladies of Thailand are no different than anyone, anyplace else. Why would a woman want to hook up with a poor man, a cheap man, a loser, etc? If they do, then you and them are both sincerely stupid and will have a miserable life.

In other words, put yourself in their position. You want to marry a poor man.

Thai ladies are no different than any ladies in the world except they have fewer choices to make in men. Whoever they choose will cheat on them. They know that. They also know that many farangs are no good. They degrade the ladies, Thailand, Asia, etc. They think they are superior. The ladies no like.

Lastly, they need to make money. So if you go out with a 22 year old and your 65 then she is probably after getting paid for her services. You are a fracking customer. Got it!!!! A customer who gets what she gives, you take, you pay and then you have the ordacity to consider her lesser than you. Thai women hate men who think they are better, richer, more intelligent, etc. The ladies know who they are.

It is you stupid farangs who cannot see yourself outside of your culture.

Show respect. Be nice. Don't be cheap. Don't be demanding. and for gods shake get rid of the gold around you neck.

I like most of your points made here. They are realistic - but what I like most is the last para/ line about respect, being nice etc. All too often I see foul mouthed farangs treating their newly acquired (bar)girl like dirt on the bottom of their shoe. It doesn't matter what their background is and/ or what they do for a living, they are people. If you are nice/ show respect to them, you get the a pleasant response - even from the hardest of bargirls. Incidentally, for the record, 12 years ago I married a Thai woman with of good education and middle(ish) class background who was delightful and NOT money demanding. Sadly died of cancer 4 years ago. I am trying to say I haven't an axe to grind, either way, as I have been with bargirls who are way younger than me and we are not fooling each other as to why we are together - any more than the super rich guys with international models!

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Hair face men.....they do not like hair face man..........Nah-grlee-it


Sometimes I sport a beard, sometimes I do not.

When I do have a beard, it is not uncommon for women and children to ask me if they can touch it!

The seem to like it.

My Thai wife prefers the beard.

She says " with no beard, you look like George Bush, and he is bad man!"

Smart wife!

That is a generalization on my part of course.

In my experience when it comes to Thai people ...what they do not know they say they do not like....as in they do not like Farangs until they get to know Farangs....for example.

Generally all they ever see is men with no facial hair or beard at all so that is what they are used to seeing.

Of course some Thai women would find a man with a beard handsome as there is a good percent of men if they did grow a beard they would look handsome with a well groomed beard.

I would surmise they think it looks dirty and poor people would have beards and be unshaven.

Just saying


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I am Thai.

What I like?

I like a man who listens to me. Number one

Someone who understands me. Same Thai man or foreign. Speak perfect Thai is not important at all. You can speak thai very well but still not understand me. Understand and care is from your heart not language.

I don't care older than me or not

I don't care much about money but I do care about how he takes care of me

Dress supap

Sweet man. Hold my hand when I have a problem

Good brain. Can give me good idea when I have no idea or terrible idea!

A man who likes a simple life

I don't like?

Don't like a man shouting all the time. Shouting for what?

A man who wears short trousers or no good clothes to good place

A man who wants to tell how much money he has, house, car everything. Hate this. If I want to know I will find out by myself

This is the best answer on this whole thead (and all the better for being from the horse's mouth, as it were). My own wife could have said exactly this. ( Her main complaint about her ex-husband, a Thai of course, is that he shouted a lot!!)

And if you (the guy above in his brusque reply, for example) don't know what the "language of the heart" is, I pity any woman you get involved with.

This reply is best because it sums up what any woman, anywhere, would want in a man.....

PS My first serious gf in Thailand was a 35 yr old virgin. She announced it to me as if it were a "selling-point". I discovered later that she was telling the truth. However, although she was extremely well-off financially, she was the only Thai woman I have met whose overriding interest in getting together with me was financial. For that reason alone, I backed off.

Oh please, enough of the brown-nosing. I was simply pointing out that her comments sounded strangely like certain farang-hunters on dating sites who'll say things like "age no matter, only want man with good heart." Seriously, if your woman doesn't speak much English and you don't speak much Thai, there is very little "understanding" going on. This "language of the heart" nonsense only works in the movies, not in real life.

I can’t speak for all Thai girls! This above explains everything.

Blazes is the type of man I like (thank you) because he understands heart. Berkshire is the type of man I don’t like because he reads but understands nothing. And he shouts with his language.

Yes, understand your partner is muuuuuch more than language. Why do foreign man and wife divorce? Why do Thai man and wife divorce? Because they did not understand and care from the heart. Not because of language.

Communicate with your heart, your eyes, your touch, your way to do everything. Make your own language together and you will stay together.

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