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What do Thai women look for in a man and what kind of men turn off Thai women?


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I am Thai.

What I like?

I like a man who listens to me. Number one

Someone who understands me. Same Thai man or foreign. Speak perfect Thai is not important at all. You can speak thai very well but still not understand me. Understand and care is from your heart not language.

I don't care older than me or not

I don't care much about money but I do care about how he takes care of me

Dress supap

Sweet man. Hold my hand when I have a problem

Good brain. Can give me good idea when I have no idea or terrible idea!

A man who likes a simple life

I don't like?

Don't like a man shouting all the time. Shouting for what?

A man who wears short trousers or no good clothes to good place

A man who wants to tell how much money he has, house, car everything. Hate this. If I want to know I will find out by myself

gr8 nurse...

you have hit on something I have never understood...please explain.

Farangs, like myself, usually only shout or yell when they are very mad or there is danger.

Here in Issan where I live, almost all Thai people shout at each other all of the time while just having a normal conversation,,across the room across the street or standing two meters apart, they shout at each other!

And yet, they think is is so bad if a farang raises his voice on the rare occasion when they are very upset or afraid of something dangerous!!!

Can you please explain why it is bad to shout on occasion for a good reason if you are farang ..

and O.K. to shout all of the time for no reason if you are Thai??

This is a serious question I have been wondering about for a while now.

This is my opportunity to get an answer from a Thai...

Please do not shout the answer!

OK I will try. First it is about all men not just foreigner but foreigner mostly.

I mean I don’t like a man to shout at me and around me (anger), Thai man or foreigner.

Big difference shouting in anger and shouting for fun (your example).

Example I work with foreign patients in my hospital many years. Many times a foreigner will shout at me and other staff. Yes they “get very mad” like you say, but not only in danger, many times!! I talk very quiet and calm and smile and always try to help and understand the problem, but they still shout.

That is at work and if my man shouts at me at home that is terrible.When you shout you lose it everything.

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Outside of the obvious money response, my Thai wife has said to me "you can't live on love".

- Western men who have money (they don't need to be rich) can give them some of the finer things in life (vs forcing ones wife to work at a bar).

Thai women with a little intelligence (they don't have to be school educated) are turned-off by Thai men due to their constant infidelity activities and need to indulge in alcoholic libations.

Lastly, while looks are not the number one element, if you expect to ever have sexual relations you should regularly take a shower, exercise some, and take care of her like you would like to be treated.

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My wife did not want another Thai man. Thai men have mia noi. Thai men drink too much. Thai men do not respect Thai women. Thai men smoke. Thai men do not listen. Thai men have small penises. Thai men are lazy. Thai men go out too much. Thai men do not look after their health. These are my wife's pronouncements.

Where did you meet your wife?

Her comments are remarkably similar to those often heard from prostitutes.

The prostitutes being Thai right ? The simplest of facts are sadly evading your under-developed brain.

You will hear this from Thai prostitutes AND Thai non-prostitutes because its blatently true. Thai men are all those things and more - why do you think there are so many single thai mothers ? So many thai men of working age clearly not working and making any effort to work? Thai men who take care of themselves either health or appearance wise ?

In Thailand the woman is expected to go out and earn the money, name another culture where that's the case !!

Perhaps you should listen a little more from prostitutes - they clearly have a lot to teach you

LOL, "listen a little more to prostitutes".

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oh boy!

Here come all the usual TV negitive comments about money hungry Thai women!

Unfortunately it seems many many TV members never got out of the bars or massage parlors when looking for a woman.

Clue: If you are looking at women who want money for affection or sex...you will find women who's priority is money, money, money.

I and most of my farang friends here in Thailand are married to good, loving and respectable Thai women.

Hard to believe for the bar guys and sexpats, but my wife had never had a boyfriend before me...yes a real virgin.

I know money is not why she is with me....thorugh the years we have hit some hard times and she has always stayed with and supported me.

In fact, when we first met, before we were married, she had more money in the bank than I did..she owned and still own a bit of property as well.

So, before you drowned in a sea of disgruntled, unhappy guys who more or less tried to buy a wife...remember there are quite a few of us out here who are very happy with our wonderful and loving Thai wives.

Back to your original question: What do they look for in a man? Love and respect are very important tomine.

It is like the chances of winning a lottery 1 in 10,000,000. Find a 34 year old virgin in Thailand, she must have been the only one, hard to believe. I guess the day you met her was your lucky day, you it the jackpot, good for you. Mine had been used and abused.

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Traits Thai women don't like:

  • hot-tempered (easily angered/annoyed)
  • overly talkative (long winded: takes 10 minutes to say something which could be said in 5 seconds)
  • overly intellectual/overly analytical (likes discussing theories, conceptual ideas, analyzing situations excessively)
  • chauvanistic (thinks his wife is his flunky/slave/maid/caregiver/housekeeper)
  • bossy (has a 'my way or the highway'/'Who pays the bills around here?' attitude.)
  • unsmiling
  • no sense of humor (finds nothing she says funny; Thai TV comedies are 'idiotic,' and 'moronic.')
  • chronically pessimistic (We are on the verge of a global financial collapse, WWIII, "we need to start prepping.")
  • cheap (esp. when accompanied by regular claims that you are 'loaded,' 'filthy rich' or 'have more money than you know what to do with.')
  • hates Thai food/hates her cooking/hates spicy food (plaa raa/nam prik is disgusting)
  • dislikes her children from prior marriage
  • dislikes everyone in her family (especially her mother)
  • too lazy or unintelligent to learn Thai (clueless that his pronunciation is atrocious)
  • smokers
  • heavy drinkers
  • morbidly obese or even just plain obese
  • suffers from ulcers/nervous stomach/mysterious gastro-intestinal disorders
  • loud snorer
  • shameless farter
  • has horrendous foot odor
  • pays poor attention to personal hygiene
  • never ever ever wants to go out and have fun
  • loves ice hockey or other winter Olympic sports
  • spends all day on TVF/watching English language TV
  • constantly says: "But that's not how I did it back home!"

I'd say that about covers it.

Well said. You may have spoken for all the women on God's green Earth. Thank you.

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oh boy!

Here come all the usual TV negitive comments about money hungry Thai women!

Unfortunately it seems many many TV members never got out of the bars or massage parlors when looking for a woman.

Clue: If you are looking at women who want money for affection or sex...you will find women who's priority is money, money, money.

I and most of my farang friends here in Thailand are married to good, loving and respectable Thai women.

Hard to believe for the bar guys and sexpats, but my wife had never had a boyfriend before me...yes a real virgin.

I know money is not why she is with me....thorugh the years we have hit some hard times and she has always stayed with and supported me.

In fact, when we first met, before we were married, she had more money in the bank than I did..she owned and still own a bit of property as well.

So, before you drowned in a sea of disgruntled, unhappy guys who more or less tried to buy a wife...remember there are quite a few of us out here who are very happy with our wonderful and loving Thai wives.

Back to your original question: What do they look for in a man? Love and respect are very important tomine.

I agree. It is wrong to generalise. Willy's right. You get what you look for.

To me, if you are a person who only uses money to get what you want, then it's hard to expect the women you meet to see beyond the cash you throw around. Let them see the real you.

There is nothing wrong with wanting money. After all money is security to most people. But it doesn't mean that women who seek money will not make good wives.

I'd also like to add that women seeking money from relationships are not restricted to Thai women. wai.gif

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The prostitutes being Thai right ? The simplest of facts are sadly evading your under-developed brain.

You will hear this from Thai prostitutes AND Thai non-prostitutes because its blatently true.

Complete rubbish. You don't know what you're talking about.

You sound like an insecure little fool who's eagerly lapped up all the lies he's been fed.

Hmmmm I seem to have hit a nerve.

So you're telling me Thai men aren't like that ? Or you're just unhappy thai prostitutes are able to teach you about life in Thailand ?

But maybe you're right what would I know after 15 odd years in Thailand and living with one for the last 4 up against someone with er ..........22 posts and clearly very limited intellect !

I know when I' beat whistling.gif

An educated Thai woman does not make the sort of comments as quoted by Greg Nixon. They certainly don't talk about penis size.

If you've been hearing similar comments, it says a lot about the type of women you associate with.

It's usually only lower class women (prostitutes, in particular) who make sweepingly negative generalizations about Thai men.

all Greg's doing is advertising the fact that he's hung like a Blackpool donkey..
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I own a bar in Chiang Mai. Some of the bar girls have been around while others are very new. Ignore all statements that mention - it is all about the money. The ladies of Thailand are no different than anyone, anyplace else. Why would a woman want to hook up with a poor man, a cheap man, a loser, etc? If they do, then you and them are both sincerely stupid and will have a miserable life.

In other words, put yourself in their position. You want to marry a poor man.

Thai ladies are no different than any ladies in the world except they have fewer choices to make in men. Whoever they choose will cheat on them. They know that. They also know that many farangs are no good. They degrade the ladies, Thailand, Asia, etc. They think they are superior. The ladies no like.

Lastly, they need to make money. So if you go out with a 22 year old and your 65 then she is probably after getting paid for her services. You are a fracking customer. Got it!!!! A customer who gets what she gives, you take, you pay and then you have the ordacity to consider her lesser than you. Thai women hate men who think they are better, richer, more intelligent, etc. The ladies know who they are.

It is you stupid farangs who cannot see yourself outside of your culture.

Show respect. Be nice. Don't be cheap. Don't be demanding. and for gods shake get rid of the gold around you neck.

Blame the farangs, and believe the prostitutes

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oh boy!

Here come all the usual TV negitive comments about money hungry Thai women!

Unfortunately it seems many many TV members never got out of the bars or massage parlors when looking for a woman.

Clue: If you are looking at women who want money for affection or sex...you will find women who's priority is money, money, money.

I and most of my farang friends here in Thailand are married to good, loving and respectable Thai women.

Hard to believe for the bar guys and sexpats, but my wife had never had a boyfriend before me...yes a real virgin.

I know money is not why she is with me....thorugh the years we have hit some hard times and she has always stayed with and supported me.

In fact, when we first met, before we were married, she had more money in the bank than I did..she owned and still own a bit of property as well.

So, before you drowned in a sea of disgruntled, unhappy guys who more or less tried to buy a wife...remember there are quite a few of us out here who are very happy with our wonderful and loving Thai wives.

Back to your original question: What do they look for in a man? Love and respect are very important tomine.

Is this your first troll post?

It's wonderfully hilarious. Well done! clap2.gif

hey johnnie.... I'm no Dr Phill by any means but fully agree with willyumiii on this. My Thai lady has a proper job and is respectable Thai lady.... and yes she is beautiful as well.... and in fact not once mentioned money to me, except for the fact that she watches me very closely to not overspend if I buy something nice for her mom... Then again... you will not find these qualities in a bar girl would you ? In my country the saying go's as follows..... if you mix yourself with pig food... the pigs WILL have you for lunch. There really is some proper Thai ladies out there... and may I add.. I'm not the most well build, handsome or riches white male in LOS. Respect for their culture, family and commitment to your GOOD Thai lady..... and well away you are.

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Do not believe it's always money! Now if you want a bar girl, that is what you will get! I have met several that want honesty, and decent people! Think you all go to bars. BTW I have known thai for over 40 years!

Thank You rascalman clap2.gif .... I could not have said this any better...... Just a shame not many older and experienced Expats like yourself with 40 years under the belt here to set the record straight....

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I am Thai.

What I like?

I like a man who listens to me. Number one

Someone who understands me. Same Thai man or foreign. Speak perfect Thai is not important at all. You can speak thai very well but still not understand me. Understand and care is from your heart not language.

I don't care older than me or not

I don't care much about money but I do care about how he takes care of me

Dress supap

Sweet man. Hold my hand when I have a problem

Good brain. Can give me good idea when I have no idea or terrible idea!

A man who likes a simple life

I don't like?

Don't like a man shouting all the time. Shouting for what?

A man who wears short trousers or no good clothes to good place

A man who wants to tell how much money he has, house, car everything. Hate this. If I want to know I will find out by myself

This is the best answer on this whole thead (and all the better for being from the horse's mouth, as it were). My own wife could have said exactly this. ( Her main complaint about her ex-husband, a Thai of course, is that he shouted a lot!!)

And if you (the guy above in his brusque reply, for example) don't know what the "language of the heart" is, I pity any woman you get involved with.

This reply is best because it sums up what any woman, anywhere, would want in a man.....

PS My first serious gf in Thailand was a 35 yr old virgin. She announced it to me as if it were a "selling-point". I discovered later that she was telling the truth. However, although she was extremely well-off financially, she was the only Thai woman I have met whose overriding interest in getting together with me was financial. For that reason alone, I backed off.

Oh please, enough of the brown-nosing. I was simply pointing out that her comments sounded strangely like certain farang-hunters on dating sites who'll say things like "age no matter, only want man with good heart." Seriously, if your woman doesn't speak much English and you don't speak much Thai, there is very little "understanding" going on. This "language of the heart" nonsense only works in the movies, not in real life.

I can’t speak for all Thai girls! This above explains everything.

Blazes is the type of man I like (thank you) because he understands heart. Berkshire is the type of man I don’t like because he reads but understands nothing. And he shouts with his language.

Yes, understand your partner is muuuuuch more than language. Why do foreign man and wife divorce? Why do Thai man and wife divorce? Because they did not understand and care from the heart. Not because of language.

Communicate with your heart, your eyes, your touch, your way to do everything. Make your own language together and you will stay together.

Hey Berkshire... your horribly mistaken my friend... Me and my Thai lady do understand each other much better now (English / Thai language) then before after a lot of effort from the both of us over time.. BUT... in the beginning it was 90% understanding and lovingly caring for each other by means of " language by the heart " as mentioned..... Believe me.. this does truly excists ... Today we're the most happiest couple out there and I would happily do it all over again... But than once again... we were mend to be together..

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Pattaya Lous, on 25 Sept 2014 - 08:03, said:snapback.png

willyumiii, on 24 Sept 2014 - 08:51, said:snapback.png

oh boy!

Here come all the usual TV negitive comments about money hungry Thai women!

Unfortunately it seems many many TV members never got out of the bars or massage parlors when looking for a woman.

Clue: If you are looking at women who want money for affection or sex...you will find women who's priority is money, money, money.

I and most of my farang friends here in Thailand are married to good, loving and respectable Thai women.

Hard to believe for the bar guys and sexpats, but my wife had never had a boyfriend before me...yes a real virgin.

I know money is not why she is with me....thorugh the years we have hit some hard times and she has always stayed with and supported me.

In fact, when we first met, before we were married, she had more money in the bank than I did..she owned and still own a bit of property as well.

So, before you drowned in a sea of disgruntled, unhappy guys who more or less tried to buy a wife...remember there are quite a few of us out here who are very happy with our wonderful and loving Thai wives.

Back to your original question: What do they look for in a man? Love and respect are very important to mine.

cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif


Sorry Lous..

I'm not delusional.

I am in the real Thailand with real Thai people who still have a real life.

Many westerners, sexpats and lonely old farts and drunks are being delusional when the believe places like Pattaya, Phuket and parts of Bangkok represent Thailand and all Thai people,

Those places are filled with poor women who have no choice but to permit themselves to be exploited and abused by losers in exchange for money need for the survival of themselves and their families.

This is not the case in most of Thailand.

In tourist areas you meet the poor, uneducated and some just too lazy to get an education or a real job.

Putting up with fat, old stinky drunks slobbering all over you is pretty easy work when they get past the "wanting to throw up" stage.

Unlike your neighborhood, the majority of Thai women where I live have never and will never go into a bar or ever have a drink. Good respectable Buddhist women.

Even the poorer women in my area have pride and would rather live a simple, clean life than sell themselves to an old, fat, drunken sweat ball.

As I said, you find what you look for, look in the gutter and find the slime of Thai people.

For some, slime is all they want and all they deserve.

They assure themselves that if they are not capable of doing better..neither can others.

One more thing Lous...please stay there. Those with no respect for good Thai people are not well respected by good Thai people here and usually don't last too long here.

Places like Pattaya and Phuket were created to cater to a certain kind of creature and I would like to encourage those creatures to stay right where they are......., and where they are welcome.

Choke Dee Buddy!


Tell me. Is this living the dream?

See you have posted a picture of yourself with same waste line as your other half.

you must be bored silly.

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A thin pulse and a fat wallet.

this is all u will hear on the forum, mostly because its so acurate although many like to fool themself.

this without bias agaist thai lady. I have one and hear all about what they think first.

2nd part of ur question is proof of this.is what thai hate:

Very healthy man with very thin wallet


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The good news is:

It doesnt matter how you look like and what you wear as long as you have a good heart. So if you look like a fat old bastard thats more than acceptable for a Thai woman who tells you she like farang more than thai.

The bad news is: Money talks.

Edited by balo
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My wife did not want another Thai man. Thai men have mia noi. Thai men drink too much. Thai men do not respect Thai women. Thai men smoke. Thai men do not listen. Thai men have small penises. Thai men are lazy. Thai men go out too much. Thai men do not look after their health. These are my wife's pronouncements.

Just FYI, this sounds embarrasingly similar to the standard litany of reasons bar girls routinely give their customers as to why they broke up with their boyfriends/husbands.

They shrewdly give these reasons to put themselves in a more sympathetic light, and to appeal to the natural protective instincts of men.

What you never hear is these women taking any responsibility for the break-up of the marriage: i.e.,

I have a gambling problem

I accumulated huge debts behind my husband's back

I have a drinking problem

I have a drug problem

I cheated on my husband

I was lazy

I was argumentative

I was a neglectful mother

I refused to work, etc., etc.

I used to swallow these bar girl stories 'hook-line-and-sinker' as well, but having been here a while, I know that these are often one-sided versions of the truth and that there are plenty of Thai men who are excellent husbands and fathers.

You know the mother of my children ?

It seems indeed that all thai men are always the ones in the wrong when the relationship went down. In all my years i have never ever heard that the woman was at fault for the split. Very strange. Most of those type of woman you referred to are born liars and shrude manipulators. Undoubtedly many guys from poorer rural backgrounds are players but i have seen many who are like you described above.

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I am Thai.

What I like?

I like a man who listens to me. Number one

Someone who understands me. Same Thai man or foreign. Speak perfect Thai is not important at all. You can speak thai very well but still not understand me. Understand and care is from your heart not language.

I don't care older than me or not

I don't care much about money but I do care about how he takes care of me

Dress supap

Sweet man. Hold my hand when I have a problem

Good brain. Can give me good idea when I have no idea or terrible idea!

A man who likes a simple life

I don't like?

Don't like a man shouting all the time. Shouting for what?

A man who wears short trousers or no good clothes to good place

A man who wants to tell how much money he has, house, car everything. Hate this. If I want to know I will find out by myself

This is the best answer on this whole thead (and all the better for being from the horse's mouth, as it were). My own wife could have said exactly this. ( Her main complaint about her ex-husband, a Thai of course, is that he shouted a lot!!)

And if you (the guy above in his brusque reply, for example) don't know what the "language of the heart" is, I pity any woman you get involved with.

This reply is best because it sums up what any woman, anywhere, would want in a man.....

PS My first serious gf in Thailand was a 35 yr old virgin. She announced it to me as if it were a "selling-point". I discovered later that she was telling the truth. However, although she was extremely well-off financially, she was the only Thai woman I have met whose overriding interest in getting together with me was financial. For that reason alone, I backed off.

Oh please, enough of the brown-nosing. I was simply pointing out that her comments sounded strangely like certain farang-hunters on dating sites who'll say things like "age no matter, only want man with good heart." Seriously, if your woman doesn't speak much English and you don't speak much Thai, there is very little "understanding" going on. This "language of the heart" nonsense only works in the movies, not in real life.

I cant speak for all Thai girls! This above explains everything.

Blazes is the type of man I like (thank you) because he understands heart. Berkshire is the type of man I dont like because he reads but understands nothing. And he shouts with his language.

Yes, understand your partner is muuuuuch more than language. Why do foreign man and wife divorce? Why do Thai man and wife divorce? Because they did not understand and care from the heart. Not because of language.

Communicate with your heart, your eyes, your touch, your way to do everything. Make your own language together and you will stay together.

Did you not know that Berkie is thaier than thai.......i agree though with your comment. Funny ...coming from a thai woman.

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Pattaya Lous, on 25 Sept 2014 - 08:03, said:snapback.png

willyumiii, on 24 Sept 2014 - 08:51, said:snapback.png

oh boy!

Here come all the usual TV negitive comments about money hungry Thai women!

Unfortunately it seems many many TV members never got out of the bars or massage parlors when looking for a woman.

Clue: If you are looking at women who want money for affection or sex...you will find women who's priority is money, money, money.

I and most of my farang friends here in Thailand are married to good, loving and respectable Thai women.

Hard to believe for the bar guys and sexpats, but my wife had never had a boyfriend before me...yes a real virgin.

I know money is not why she is with me....thorugh the years we have hit some hard times and she has always stayed with and supported me.

In fact, when we first met, before we were married, she had more money in the bank than I did..she owned and still own a bit of property as well.

So, before you drowned in a sea of disgruntled, unhappy guys who more or less tried to buy a wife...remember there are quite a few of us out here who are very happy with our wonderful and loving Thai wives.

Back to your original question: What do they look for in a man? Love and respect are very important to mine.

cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif


Sorry Lous..

I'm not delusional.

I am in the real Thailand with real Thai people who still have a real life.

Many westerners, sexpats and lonely old farts and drunks are being delusional when the believe places like Pattaya, Phuket and parts of Bangkok represent Thailand and all Thai people,

Those places are filled with poor women who have no choice but to permit themselves to be exploited and abused by losers in exchange for money need for the survival of themselves and their families.

This is not the case in most of Thailand.

In tourist areas you meet the poor, uneducated and some just too lazy to get an education or a real job.

Putting up with fat, old stinky drunks slobbering all over you is pretty easy work when they get past the "wanting to throw up" stage.

Unlike your neighborhood, the majority of Thai women where I live have never and will never go into a bar or ever have a drink. Good respectable Buddhist women.

Even the poorer women in my area have pride and would rather live a simple, clean life than sell themselves to an old, fat, drunken sweat ball.

As I said, you find what you look for, look in the gutter and find the slime of Thai people.

For some, slime is all they want and all they deserve.

They assure themselves that if they are not capable of doing better..neither can others.

One more thing Lous...please stay there. Those with no respect for good Thai people are not well respected by good Thai people here and usually don't last too long here.

Places like Pattaya and Phuket were created to cater to a certain kind of creature and I would like to encourage those creatures to stay right where they are......., and where they are welcome.

Choke Dee Buddy!


Tell me. Is this living the dream?

See you have posted a picture of yourself with same waste line as your other half.

you must be bored silly.

Sorry Lous...

If that's the best comeback you have to my post directed at you and your kind...

It's time for you to turn in the keyboard buddy.

Choke Dee!

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I used to ask other people questions like these, but one day I realized that the only way I could really know was to find out for myself.

You can find any type of woman here. Good ones, bad ones, and everything in between. All people are the same, deep down, no matter what country you're in.

But rather than asking what kind of man Thai women want, ask yourself what kind of woman you want. Your preferences may call for certain cultural traits, a certain degree of education, etc.

In the end, it's all about balance and what you both have to offer each other in the relationship. Money and compassion are certainly not correlated, and both are powerful draws for different kinds of women.

Figure out exactly what you're looking for, and you will find it...

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You can find any type of woman here. Good ones, bad ones, and everything in between. All people are the same, deep down, no matter what country you're in.

You can find a selfish woman pretending to be whatever you want them to be.

And you can delude yourself into believing yours is different.

But in the end they are all selfish.

(Same as me!)

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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I can’t speak for all Thai girls! This above explains everything.

Blazes is the type of man I like (thank you) because he understands heart. Berkshire is the type of man I don’t like because he reads but understands nothing. And he shouts with his language.

Yes, understand your partner is muuuuuch more than language. Why do foreign man and wife divorce? Why do Thai man and wife divorce? Because they did not understand and care from the heart. Not because of language.

Communicate with your heart, your eyes, your touch, your way to do everything. Make your own language together and you will stay together.

I "shout with my language?" Now that one I don't get. But have it your way. You and Blazes should get a room.

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Hey Berkshire... your horribly mistaken my friend... Me and my Thai lady do understand each other much better now (English / Thai language) then before after a lot of effort from the both of us over time.. BUT... in the beginning it was 90% understanding and lovingly caring for each other by means of " language by the heart " as mentioned..... Believe me.. this does truly excists ... Today we're the most happiest couple out there and I would happily do it all over again... But than once again... we were mend to be together..

Boy, you guys are amazing. This is so basic, it really shouldn't need much explanation. Most good relationships are based on good communication. If the parties cannot communicate due to language incompatibility, then there's going to be problems. Thai women are no different. The ones who don't care much about communication are seeking something else, usually financial security.

Perhaps we're different, but I wouldn't even consider a serious relationship with someone if we couldn't communicate. That's why I believe it's important to learn the Thai language if one seeks to live and have relationships in Thailand. But that's just me.

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A relationship with a lady is never the simplest thing in the world ( kind respect where due ladies..) The main word is " compromise " and to enjoy and share a few of the same hobbies and interests together.I must admit i am not religious at all but enjoy travelling and visiting the Temples with great interest mainly for my photography.I have found many Thai ladies not very " adventurous " ( not in that way gentlemen..) and don't really like going anywhere! as mentioned before i enjoy waking up early and living an " outdoor lifestyle " every day ( apart from heavy rain ) which means a lot of walking,sunbathing,beaches and trips on the bicycle or the train and generally enjoying the main reason for living in Thailand " The Climate ". Most Thai ladies hate the sun and would prefer to stay indoors and watch TV ( i don't watch TV ) This type of relationship would be a disaster for myself and i would be " climbing the walls " after only a few minutes! I am interested to know about the farang that are living with a Thai lady and how you live a day to day life.I can't believe that there would be any farang spending there whole day " sitting indoors " just because the Thai lady doesn't like going outside!?? lol surely she can't expect you to stay indoors with her and miss out on all the lovely warm weather?

Farang Jaidee x

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Who gives a crap what women think about us guys? Why are you so worried or concerned?.. Why do you care what ANYBODY thinks of you... Get some respect. Have sex with women and SEE YA....Why do you want to even talk to women? They rarely have anything smart to say unless she starts the sentence with " A man once told me..."

I am amazed how many men change their behavior just to gain the affection of a woman so he can get laid!!!!! The White Knights of Pu#$y. That's what you are!!! You are relying on her to tell you how you should behave, what you should say, wear, think... No self respect... Give up your lives to try and keep a woman happy. Da F!!!! Stop doing it! All the opportunities you let slip by..... Why?

What do Thai women look for in a man? The first mistake was assuming women of differing nationalities are different.

Look, women basically do nothing. They have no hobbies or aspirations in life other than to achieve nothingness. A woman's top goal in life is to find a man to exploit so they can survive by spending their lives doing and accomplishing nothing.

When women accomplish something in their lives other than fellating a penis, then maybe I will place a bit more stock into their opinions!


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Who gives a crap what women think about us guys? Why are you so worried or concerned?.. Why do you care what ANYBODY thinks of you... Get some respect. Have sex with women and SEE YA....Why do you want to even talk to women? They rarely have anything smart to say unless she starts the sentence with " A man once told me..."

I am amazed how many men change their behavior just to gain the affection of a woman so he can get laid!!!!! The White Knights of Pu#$y. That's what you are!!! You are relying on her to tell you how you should behave, what you should say, wear, think... No self respect... Give up your lives to try and keep a woman happy. Da F!!!! Stop doing it! All the opportunities you let slip by..... Why?

What do Thai women look for in a man? The first mistake was assuming women of differing nationalities are different.

Look, women basically do nothing. They have no hobbies or aspirations in life other than to achieve nothingness. A woman's top goal in life is to find a man to exploit so they can survive by spending their lives doing and accomplishing nothing.

When women accomplish something in their lives other than fellating a penis, then maybe I will place a bit more stock into their opinions!


Whilst you're still coming out with this kind of crap, I doubt anyone will place much stock in yours.

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Who gives a crap what women think about us guys? Why are you so worried or concerned?.. Why do you care what ANYBODY thinks of you... Get some respect. Have sex with women and SEE YA....Why do you want to even talk to women? They rarely have anything smart to say unless she starts the sentence with " A man once told me..."

I am amazed how many men change their behavior just to gain the affection of a woman so he can get laid!!!!! The White Knights of Pu#$y. That's what you are!!! You are relying on her to tell you how you should behave, what you should say, wear, think... No self respect... Give up your lives to try and keep a woman happy. Da F!!!! Stop doing it! All the opportunities you let slip by..... Why?

What do Thai women look for in a man? The first mistake was assuming women of differing nationalities are different.

Look, women basically do nothing. They have no hobbies or aspirations in life other than to achieve nothingness. A woman's top goal in life is to find a man to exploit so they can survive by spending their lives doing and accomplishing nothing.

When women accomplish something in their lives other than fellating a penis, then maybe I will place a bit more stock into their opinions!


I take it that you are not " the romantic type " then....? ( just kidding) wub.png

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