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Neighbour going for 5.30am walk everyday wakes everyone up


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I was once on an overnight bus, and the driver decided at about 530am that it would be a good time to blast the radio. I'm sure this is common.

I have a hard time figuring Thais out, and an even harder time wanting to figure them out.

And you lived to tell the tale! He was probably falling asleep and needed a distraction.

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It's exactly the same in NZ - whether in own house with garden or in apartment - can hear activities...not just Thailand. I used to be awake 5.30am and go walking but tried to be quiet but the thin walls/lousy building without insulation/creaking timbers make a helluva din. Teething babies next door, those swimming the pool, tunnelling for new train, roadworks etc. kept me awake a lot of the night!

REALLY BAD are those who collect bins/WHOOSH LEAVES with their stupid blowers with 2-3 of them spending hours to pile them up, COSTING $millions etc. sound like army tanks. Noise is very much part of modern life...when in Chatuchak, there are nearly always roadworks nearby or the neighbours noisy aircon, or someone having a very early shower.

Thank goodness, just had a few nights of reasonable peace, though the train toots at 4.45a.m. every morning...had weeks of crummy loud loud music droning through a leafy expensive suburb, disturbing all despite shut windows. Obviously noise pollution is on the rise. Adapt or die!

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Thats how it is on those estates. sad.png

Your lucky you ain't got a dip stick on a microphone at that time talking rubbish to those within a km radius.......bah.gif

My eldest is usually the one on the microphone. She goes on for ages and ages and then starts singing. :rolleyes:

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Who are you ? Go to bed early ( in our village, it is shutters down at 8 pm !) and raise with the chickens ! Just adjust your life, get up early, let them walk their dogs and let them bark. Go adept a "southern" style, have a "Siesta" after noontime, go asleep with a finger up your nose, to make good for the hours you think you lost in being not allowed to sleep late in the mornings. Stop wailing and get adjusted. And keep in mind, in Thailand you are nowhere safe from early bonkers. They will be everywhere your next move might take you.

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First of all Don't have a pet no need for one. Issue for you is your waken every morning at 5:30 am big deal Sorry to hear there ruining your world. So two things you can do and either one I don't care Move or shoot yourself in the head who cares. I thought if she was barking outside your window you might have a point but as usual another self center person good luck.coffee1.gif next

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Most people that work here ( Farangs and Thai's) are awake and getting ready for work around 5 am ( myself and missuus incuded). So a lady walking her dog at 5:30 would seem pretty normal to most people, any anyway, free alarm clock smile.png

Really! This farang is retired. Unless I am trolling the streets early in the AM, at 0530 I counting sheep. No dog barking for me. I got up at 0530 for 40 years. I am not doing it now.

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Surely thus is a troll post; I mean, a Thai person, nay, Thai lady, walking a dog! I just don't believe it.

Believe it or not there are lots of Thai's that walk their dogs, the problem is they walk them when it's cool and whilst foreigners are still 'sleeping it off' so you don't see them. There are three near me and one guy who cycles around with a beautiful Golden Lab running alongside. Yes there are other dogs that bark, but that's not their problem they are taking good care of their dogs. All four are usually finished by 6-30 am.

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0530 isn't exactly early in Thailand.

For a wake up call.

You moved into her neighborhood,I presume?

Up to you as they say.

It's a well known fact that only the elderly are earlier risers..they need less sleep. Go to tesco, banks etc are full of the elderly who have been up since 5 am waiting for shops to open.

The young need an alarm clock to rise at that hour.

To the OP I suggest move which is the only option if you want a sleep in and peace and quite. Maybe you need a condo. I have lived in a few and never had a problem

.Harleys are becoming a problem and will only get worst as time goes on. My friend has 4 harleys in his building that are coming and going at all hours of the day night, he is moving for that reason.

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0530 isn't exactly early in Thailand.

For a wake up call.

You moved into her neighborhood,I presume?

Up to you as they say.

It's a well known fact that only the elderly are earlier risers..they need less sleep. Go to tesco, banks etc are full of the elderly who have been up since 5 am waiting for shops to open.

The young need an alarm clock to rise at that hour.

To the OP I suggest move which is the only option if you want a sleep in and peace and quite. Maybe you need a condo. I have lived in a few and never had a problem

.Harleys are becoming a problem and will only get worst as time goes on. My friend has 4 harleys in his building that are coming and going at all hours of the day night, he is moving for that reason.

A very loud one that breaks through the Chang barrier!

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She won't pay any attention.

She will do as she pleases, if it disturbs others, all the more interesting.

Thank yourself lucky you rent and didn't buy!

I had a policeman who would deliberately walk his dog to take a dump in front of my place, and he had no reason of malice towards me.

Dogs are a pest in this country.

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She won't pay any attention.

She will do as she pleases, if it disturbs others, all the more interesting.

Thank yourself lucky you rent and didn't buy!

I had a policeman who would deliberately walk his dog to take a dump in front of my place, and he had no reason of malice towards me.

Dogs are a pest in this country.

how can you come up with a stupid statement,,,,,,, as DOGS ARE A PEST IN THIS COUNTRY,,,

many people here both thai and falang just happen to care very much for there dogs,, me included,

funny how some falang think,, if it dosnt suit them then it must be wrong,

some on here call this lady this and that, shes a fool, ignorent, stupid,, and all this on the word of some falang that cant get up in the morning,

i think instead of sitting typing on here he should be out looking for another place to rent,,, i here lincolns nice and not to many dogs,

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There's no way to escape from it. Almost everywhere in Thailand people get up at 5AM.

They put on the radio - listen to the news, feed the dogs and chickens, take a shower outside, start loading things in their car (to sell later on the day).

You'll get noise.

You better try to get used to it. Or sleep in an air-conditioned room with high quality windows, so you'll get less noise from outside.

Edited by kriswillems
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What you need to do is grow a pair of balls and go talk to all the neighbors with the obnoxiously loud mutts and tell them to shut them the <deleted> up or they may find them on someone's plate in Vietnam.

another one with the bigest ball in thailand,

very easy to do behind your computer,,lol

its life in thailand im afraid,people have dogs,, and them dogs bark,, all dogs ive ever known bark, in thailand and in the uk,,

funny isnt it,,,, thats what dogs do,,,BLOODY BARK,, they are doing there job to let there owners know some one is about,,

mine bark, if theres some one there,,

different bark for a snake,,

youll have to face it sometime,, dogs bark,

if you dont believe me ask google,

i must admit, we used to have lurchers and we didnt want them to open up when chasing a rabbit in case the keeper was about,

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I get a much better night's sleep here in Pattaya than I do in Bangkok - even the people here who have little to do with the bars seem to be night-owls and they must value the hours between 2 and 7am because even the dogs in the estate below me seem to &lt;deleted&gt; most mornings. I've walked down Second Road to the Dolphin Roundabout at 8am and there are very few people around - in BKK, there always seems to be someone making a delivery or somesuch.

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What you need to do is grow a pair of balls and go talk to all the neighbors with the obnoxiously loud mutts and tell them to shut them the up or they may find them on someone's plate in Vietnam.

another one with the bigest ball in thailand,

very easy to do behind your computer,,lol

its life in thailand im afraid,people have dogs,, and them dogs bark,, all dogs ive ever known bark, in thailand and in the uk,,

funny isnt it,,,, thats what dogs do,,,BLOODY BARK,, they are doing there job to let there owners know some one is about,,

mine bark, if theres some one there,,

different bark for a snake,,

youll have to face it sometime,, dogs bark,

if you dont believe me ask google,

i must admit, we used to have lurchers and we didnt want them to open up when chasing a rabbit in case the keeper was about,

Yes dogs bark I am well aware of that.People talk but you can also have them be quiet. But dogs can also be trained by their owner's to only bark when they or their owners feel threatened. A person walking down the middle of the street is not a threat. So really it simply boils down to the laziness of pet owner's like yourself who have no regards for other peoples feelings that Thailand has so many annoying dogs. And its also very easy to do in person as I have done before. That's what we call cohonas. Something I'm sure you probably lack.

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What you need to do is grow a pair of balls and go talk to all the neighbors with the obnoxiously loud mutts and tell them to shut them the <deleted> up or they may find them on someone's plate in Vietnam.

Even in Australia, that could get you stabbed/bitten/seriously beaten - very poor advice. Dogs will bark when another dog comes to their front gate - unless you have the answer to Thailand's epidemic of soi dogs, I'd invest in a set of earplugs before going anywhere near the neighbours. Other than Surin/Si Saket, most Thais abhor the notion of people eating dog - having confronted them with your initial accusation, you would be adding insult to injury dredging up such an image.

You also have to take into account the possibility that some of these dogs arent just 'all bark and no bite'. The mentality of anyone who keeps an aggressive dog in a suburban yard is unlikely to sit well with anyone banging on their door to ask if they can 'shut that mutt up'.

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What you need to do is grow a pair of balls and go talk to all the neighbors with the obnoxiously loud mutts and tell them to shut them the up or they may find them on someone's plate in Vietnam.

another one with the bigest ball in thailand,

very easy to do behind your computer,,lol

its life in thailand im afraid,people have dogs,, and them dogs bark,, all dogs ive ever known bark, in thailand and in the uk,,

funny isnt it,,,, thats what dogs do,,,BLOODY BARK,, they are doing there job to let there owners know some one is about,,

mine bark, if theres some one there,,

different bark for a snake,,

youll have to face it sometime,, dogs bark,

if you dont believe me ask google,

i must admit, we used to have lurchers and we didnt want them to open up when chasing a rabbit in case the keeper was about,

Yes dogs bark I am well aware of that.People talk but you can also have them be quiet. But dogs can also be trained by their owner's to only bark when they or their owners feel threatened. A person walking down the middle of the street is not a threat. So really it simply boils down to the laziness of pet owner's like yourself who have no regards for other peoples feelings that Thailand has so many annoying dogs. And its also very easy to do in person as I have done before. That's what we call cohonas. Something I'm sure you probably lack.

My dog barks when someone walks in front of the house. That's her job. I'm not lazy. You walk by my house and my dog barks. My dog is a canine motion detector. If you keep walking you get a couple of woofs. If you stop she goes to the gate and jumps up and down like she wants to eat your cohonas.

My dog is not aggressive with me. But that said one should not try and feed her anything or put your hand on my property. She does not like that. One problem, she is silent when herds of cows, elephants or water buffalo walk by the house. She just sits there and looks at them.

If a cowboy with a herd of cattle or elephants wants to break in to my home I'm afraid my dog will just sit and watch.

The only reason I know is she saw her firsts herd of cattle last week. We were out for a walk. She smelled them first than then turned to see what the new smell was. And she just sat down and looked in awe. Didn't move a muscle. I wondered what was going through her head. My God what are those things? They are the biggest dogs I've ever seen.

Edited by thailiketoo
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What you need to do is grow a pair of balls and go talk to all the neighbors with the obnoxiously loud mutts and tell them to shut them the up or they may find them on someone's plate in Vietnam.

another one with the bigest ball in thailand,

very easy to do behind your computer,,lol

its life in thailand im afraid,people have dogs,, and them dogs bark,, all dogs ive ever known bark, in thailand and in the uk,,

funny isnt it,,,, thats what dogs do,,,BLOODY BARK,, they are doing there job to let there owners know some one is about,,

mine bark, if theres some one there,,

different bark for a snake,,

youll have to face it sometime,, dogs bark,

if you dont believe me ask google,

i must admit, we used to have lurchers and we didnt want them to open up when chasing a rabbit in case the keeper was about,

Yes dogs bark I am well aware of that.People talk but you can also have them be quiet. But dogs can also be trained by their owner's to only bark when they or their owners feel threatened. A person walking down the middle of the street is not a threat. So really it simply boils down to the laziness of pet owner's like yourself who have no regards for other peoples feelings that Thailand has so many annoying dogs. And its also very easy to do in person as I have done before. That's what we call cohonas. Something I'm sure you probably lack.

so im lazy now,,lol

do you live here, or are you one of them sat in a bed-sit somewere,

becouse myfriend you dont understand thailand one little bit,,,,

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My dog barks when someone walks in front of the house. So you don't feel anybody should be able to walk by your house on the street or sidewalk without being barked at by somebody's dog? I sometimes just yell back at the dog: Shut up you stupid f----ing dog! Sometimes they do; sometimes they don't. You may own your property but you don't own the common ground outside your property.

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My dog barks when someone walks in front of the house. So you don't feel anybody should be able to walk by your house on the street or sidewalk without being barked at by somebody's dog? I sometimes just yell back at the dog: Shut up you stupid f----ing dog! Sometimes they do; sometimes they don't. You may own your property but you don't own the common ground outside your property.

can i ask you a question,?

the dog isnt stoping you from walking down the street, is it?

all the dog is doing is letting the owner know some one is there,,

so you want to walk down the strret in complete silence,,

next youll be asking for all the music to be stoped in pattaya because it dosnt suit you,

i really cant understand some people,,

all this for a dog doing its job,,

i could understand it more if the OP had said that there was a load of soi dogs barking all night,, but these dogs as i understand the OP, are in someones garden when barking, they are there pets,, in there owners garden,

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Wife bought land OUTSIDE the village 16 rai, stuck house in middle no neighbours, no noise, problem solved, I dont want to live with mindless thoughtless cretins that "some" Thais can be.

Why not return to live with the thoughtless cretins in your own country?

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