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Neighbour going for 5.30am walk everyday wakes everyone up


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Thats how it is on those estates. sad.png

Your lucky you ain't got a dip stick on a microphone at that time talking rubbish to those within a km radius.......bah.gif

I can relate to that!!

Non-stop full volume from around 5.45 to 6.30.

Hearing the dogs barking tends to give me a sense of security as it tends to put off any would be thieves or stalkers.

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I sympathize with you,, i live half way around the other side of the world and it's the same thing here,

seems i can't get away from it,, i had a window replaced recently in the house and was persuaded to

install double glazing,, i wondered why everyone is doing the same,, OH,, now i understand,, ear

plugs just aren't enough,, on the other hand,, the kids across from us play the music on speakers

bigger than the Rolling Stones use at 5am,, the other neighbors behind us play the same thing at

about 1am,,, you figure this out,, western education is different i suppose. I ended up moving.

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Don' t make ANY Thai loose face!

No, make them lose face at every opportunity, it's the only way forward

To get killed....

My wife accused a neighbor's wife to be a thief (and I think she was) and we got more than death threats for some days, the man banging our door with a broken beer bottle for hours, we called the bib to calm him down, unsuccessfully. He continued his threats, we mover out 48h after the incident.

So you think giving into thuggery, violence and childish threats is a way forward?

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And all that confirms my reason to go live in the sticks! Far from the madding crowd, nice and peaceful.

Tried that last week, village in issan 10 kilometres off the main road. Morlam one night, Ramwong the next, all night film show to 6 in the morning the next, yes nice and peaceful, if you happen to be deaf.

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It's not up to people to impose noise on others. If your actions are disturbing other people then perhaps it's time to reconsider your actions.

Neither she nor her dog are making any noise!

Uh-huh. Which is why I said specifically "...if your actions...".

Honestly cause and effect isn't a hard thing to grasp. Like I know if walk directly past my neighbour's gate I'll set their dogs off. So I make sure I don't.

The cause and effect of owners not exercising and socialising their dogs enough isn't hard to grasp either.

Nor is the concept of individual responsibility. If every time I walked past my neighbour's house he stabbed his wife, who would you report to the police?

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It's not up to people to impose noise on others. If your actions are disturbing other people then perhaps it's time to reconsider your actions.

Neither she nor her dog are making any noise!

Uh-huh. Which is why I said specifically "...if your actions...".

Honestly cause and effect isn't a hard thing to grasp. Like I know if walk directly past my neighbour's gate I'll set their dogs off. So I make sure I don't.

You need to understand and accept that Thai do not think the same way as you. The courtesies you have from home are not universal. If you don't begin to accept that then your time here is going to become a living nightmare.

My time here of eight or nine years has been great, cheers, and I'm well aware of cultural differences- all of which is totally irrelevant to my opinion that this particular person isn't showing consideration for their neighbours. :)

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Buy a device designed to send out a high pitch sound only dogs can hear. It is activated when dogs start to bark and can be hung anywhere. They experience discomfort and learn to stop barking when their barking activates it.

Problem solved.

Problem with that is that you are taking away the early warning that the dogs are likely there for in the first place....................wink.png

If the animal doesn't work as it should, get rid of it. Just one more soi dog on the streets.

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Most working age people in my Village have already left for work at 05:30...

Most young and older people are up by that time, 1st Van for kids start arriving at 5:55, you can set your cock by it...

There again if I look outside before going to bed at 22:00 most of the Village is in darkness as I must be one of the last going to bed...

Been here 11 years this month and perfectly fine for me..

Set your what? ha ha

Lucky man

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I live in a soi where dogs bark on and off during the night. I've learnt to just file them along with the many other sounds of Thailand, monks chanting early in the morning, a cock crowing, the vendors calling your attention with horns and clackers. It is Thailand and unfortunately dogs are just part of our life here. I have learnt to cut the sound out and it no longer disturbs me.

In an other life I lived in a row of terraces with a several young waiters living next door. They would finish work early in the morning and come home and party with friends and play head banging music very loudly. I asked them to cut the noise down and was told to perform an impossible sexual act. At that time I started work at 5 am so one morning on my way out the door I put a tape of bagpipe music on and left them to enjoy the swirl of pipes. After a few more harsh words they got the message.

I am not sure what Thais would make of bagpipes but they would certainly come wide awake about midnight and maybe be too tired to walks their dog at 5.30 am.

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It's not up to people to impose noise on others. If your actions are disturbing other people then perhaps it's time to reconsider your actions.

Neither she nor her dog are making any noise!

Uh-huh. Which is why I said specifically "...if your actions...".

Honestly cause and effect isn't a hard thing to grasp. Like I know if walk directly past my neighbour's gate I'll set their dogs off. So I make sure I don't.

The cause and effect of owners not exercising and socialising their dogs enough isn't hard to grasp either.

Nor is the concept of individual responsibility. If every time I walked past my neighbour's house he stabbed his wife, who would you report to the police?

You'd report your neighbour to the police obviously. It's a weird example though- what possible correlation is there between you passing the house and your neighbour stabbing his wife? If the neighbour is the dog and stabbing is barking, you seem to blaming the dog and no-one else, which contradicts your first point (which I agree with) about owners exercising and socialising.

Maybe cause and effect is hard to grasp after all ;)

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You also mentioned that you have trained your dog not to bark... But seems all of the other dogs that she passes have not been trained as well?

Should she be responsible for the low level of training by other dog owners in your moo Baan?

Maybe you should share your training methods with the other dog owners and then none will bark... Problem solved

What rubbish

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Be thankful that you are renting, and did not buy the house. You can move. Unfortunately, you will find Thailand to be a very noisy country and its unlikely that any play you live that is in close proximity to another residence or business will remain tranquil for long. The best solution is to get used to as much of it as you can.

My example: The neighbors next door have two large dogs (and many around have the small yapping types). After a year or two, I have come to think of the large dogs barking as being similar to those of my own dogs in years past, the barking of which is more comforting that bothersome and doesn't stir me far from a good sleep. (Yes, the yippie little mosters are still a proble). As I said, get used to it.

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Most young and older people are up by that time, 1st Van for kids start arriving at 5:55, you can set your cock by it...


See, if I set my cock by the kids' school van pickup times, word would get around and I might find myself on the wrong side of pedophilia laws.


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Neither she nor her dog are making any noise!

Uh-huh. Which is why I said specifically "...if your actions...".

Honestly cause and effect isn't a hard thing to grasp. Like I know if walk directly past my neighbour's gate I'll set their dogs off. So I make sure I don't.

The cause and effect of owners not exercising and socialising their dogs enough isn't hard to grasp either.

Nor is the concept of individual responsibility. If every time I walked past my neighbour's house he stabbed his wife, who would you report to the police?

You'd report your neighbour to the police obviously. It's a weird example though- what possible correlation is there between you passing the house and your neighbour stabbing his wife? If the neighbour is the dog and stabbing is barking, you seem to blaming the dog and no-one else, which contradicts your first point (which I agree with) about owners exercising and socialising.

Maybe cause and effect is hard to grasp after all wink.png

The correlation is that every time I pass the house, the neighbour starts stabbing. Maybe correlation is a hard thing to grasp too ;-)

No the neighbour isn't the dog, but he is solely responsible for the dog's behaviour.

Incidentally my neighbour's dog has twice bitten me- I don't blame the dog for not having been brought up properly nor do I blame myself for walking past it - I blame the neighbour that is responsible for its actions (in law I imagine too..).

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I was once on an overnight bus, and the driver decided at about 530am that it would be a good time to blast the radio. I'm sure this is common.

I have a hard time figuring Thais out, and an even harder time wanting to figure them out.

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Just loved this thread- think the OP hoped he would get heaps of sympathy- usual stuff, noise in Thailand, inconsiderate neighbours etc etc etc.

What is quite refreshing is many posts are defending this lady, having come across first hand how some Thais treat their dogs I think she is brilliant taking the hound out for morning walkies .

Dogs are very much creatures of habit and routine, mine seems to know to the minute when it is 6.00 pm - time for dinner. So the dog would miss his morning walk.

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Neither she nor her dog are making any noise!
Uh-huh. Which is why I said specifically "...if your actions...".

Honestly cause and effect isn't a hard thing to grasp. Like I know if walk directly past my neighbour's gate I'll set their dogs off. So I make sure I don't.

The cause and effect of owners not exercising and socialising their dogs enough isn't hard to grasp either.

Nor is the concept of individual responsibility. If every time I walked past my neighbour's house he stabbed his wife, who would you report to the police?

You'd report your neighbour to the police obviously. It's a weird example though- what possible correlation is there between you passing the house and your neighbour stabbing his wife? If the neighbour is the dog and stabbing is barking, you seem to blaming the dog and no-one else, which contradicts your first point (which I agree with) about owners exercising and socialising.

Maybe cause and effect is hard to grasp after all wink.png

The correlation is that every time I pass the house, the neighbour starts stabbing. Maybe correlation is a hard thing to grasp too ;-)

No the neighbour isn't the dog, but he is solely responsible for the dog's behaviour.

Incidentally my neighbour's dog has twice bitten me- I don't blame the dog for not having been brought up properly nor do I blame myself for walking past it - I blame the neighbour that is responsible for its actions (in law I imagine too..).

Correlation is not causation. Your example does not make any sense.

The dogs have not been trained to shut up. It their owners fault, we all agree about that. But once you know that, if you are not a selfish &lt;deleted&gt;, and you don't live in a neighboorhood where everybody wakes up at that time anyway, then you simply don't walk your dog so early in the morning. Because unlike your stupid example, the barking orchestra is a direct effect of that walk!

Amazing that we still need to explain the basic principle of cause and effect to people who have access to internet and understand how to use a web forum! I've read at least half a dozen posts saying it wasn't the lady's fault as she wasn't barking herself. Baffles the mind.

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What you need to know to understand a lot of what goes on in Thailand is:-

Thais are the most tolerant people in the world......they are also one of the most inconsiderate, too.

Thai are tolerant because the reaction to a legitimate complaint can be off the charts. Double that if a farang dare to voice opinion.

Asking the neighbor to keep quiet can ruin your life.

I asked my landlord to speak with a noisy neighbor and he said, "I have a wife and kids to worry about"

Everyone has missed the point. The Thais don't need to be tolerant in this case - they actually don't find the barking dogs a disturbance at all.

Reactions to "noise" are personal and the more the OP focuses on the noise the worse his problem becomes. He's waking up at exactly 5:30 am to hear the noise which he expects to hear. He's waiting for the noise to start.

I didn't grow up with cocks crowing outside my bedroom window, but I have no problem sleeping through it when I visit the Philippines, where we have about a dozen crowing from about 3:30 am. I've also managed to sleep quite well next to a trike stand, with trikes revving from 5am (on a hill).

The OP needs to develop a tolerance to noise or move away. Asking a lady to delay her walk to suit the OP is ridiculous. It's not her fault there's many dogs around. It's not unreasonable to go for a walk that time of the day.

It's all in the head. You'd be surprised what people can sleep through, but if you don't believe that, you won't sleep.

Edited by tropo
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When I lived in my wives village...

The cocks (the ones with feathers) started their ruckus at 3 or 4 in the morning...wich started up the dogs.
By 5:30 the Puh Yai was at it with his microphone telling everyone who'se turn it was to clean the streets, and that they would try and fix the water lines again...

At 6 the breakfast show was on as every motocy with a barbecue sidecar was driving trough the village blasting away with music on full blast...

Those were on lucky days, when there was not a wedding, funeral, thai holliday on, and you could sit inside and listen to the base from a Morlam band belting out their stuff all night for several days...

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When I lived in my wives village...

The cocks (the ones with feathers) started their ruckus at 3 or 4 in the morning...wich started up the dogs.

By 5:30 the Puh Yai was at it with his microphone telling everyone who'se turn it was to clean the streets, and that they would try and fix the water lines again...

At 6 the breakfast show was on as every motocy with a barbecue sidecar was driving trough the village blasting away with music on full blast...

Those were on lucky days, when there was not a wedding, funeral, thai holliday on, and you could sit inside and listen to the base from a Morlam band belting out their stuff all night for several days...

How long did you live there, and did you sleep ok?

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Oh come on with all the excuses for inconsiderate behavior.

Brain dead. The lady is brain dead and needs adult supervision.

You can move but they are everywhere.

What should she do? Never walk the dog? Train all the neighbourhood dogs? Since you aren't brain-dead, perhaps you have a suggestion for the OP.

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