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Special report: Investigation into Koh Tao murders seriously flawed


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Representatives for both families need to fly over and stay on Koh Tao and see this through.

Later will be too late. I understand that that the grief must be intolerable right now so not the parents but a family member that can represent them. They will never have the opportunity again once bbc and d.m leave the island.

I would ask that they seriously consider this. There must be someone on both sides that could take up this role.

Locals would be moved enough by their actual presence to disclose what it is that I know they know.

The ambassador is required to step up and start briefing us each day even as a measure to offer reassurance. But on the stage with the other players nonetheless.

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The place is gonna be cheap -

World media will forever label Thailand as poorly to the extreme policed .

Rightly or wrongly.

This is really looking bad for the Thai economy .

The sad thing is when outsiders see a police so incompetent and untrustworthy, then they will instantly believe that other government organizations are equally inx

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The place is gonna be cheap -

World media will forever label Thailand as poorly to the extreme policed .

Rightly or wrongly.

This is really looking bad for the Thai economy .

The sad thing is when outsiders see a police so incompetent and untrustworthy, then they will instantly believe that other government organizations are equally incompetent and untrustworthy, whether rightly or wrongly so. An honest an capable police force is the cornerstone in any developed country. In successful countries like US, Japan, Singapore and EU, the police officers are low paid, but honest and with pride in their jobs. They are not motivated by money and none of them are multimillionaires like some of the thai police men.

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Considering how much world attention this horrible crime has caused,
considering the damage to tourism it might cause and loss of face it will
cause I can only assume, there are only the "best of the best" at work,
to solve this crime.

Seeing just how active this professionals are, I wonder, what
do officials do, when they are send off to an "inactive post"?coffee1.gif

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The investigation being seriously flawed is a matter of perspective.

For those who want justice, yes it appears their have been numerous errors in the investigation, and flawed would be one apt description.

From the police's point of view, the investigation has been executed near perfectly, the only way it could of been better would of been if they could have found some patsie to nail it on, preferably a Burmese or alternatively another foreigner.

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I hope that something good can come out of this tragedy namely a realisation that the RTP is not fit for purpose. The major priority for the government should be to sort out the RTP - a root and branch clear out. This would go a long way to destroying the culture of corruption that pervades Thailand as a whole and provide the people with a police force that they can rely on to protect them rather than prey on them.

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The investigation being seriously flawed is a matter of perspective.

For those who want justice, yes it appears their have been numerous errors in the investigation, and flawed would be one apt description.

From the police's point of view, the investigation has been executed near perfectly, the only way it could of been better would of been if they could have found some patsie to nail it on, preferably a Burmese or alternatively another foreigner.

Nail. Head.

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The punishment for this monumental failure in justice is for the international community to officially black-ban Kho Tao tourism so that Thai's really understand the seriousness of safety, security, transparency and integrity. When the tourists and foreigners don't come anymore and the money dries up maybe the Thai's will understand that they just can't get away with this <deleted> anymore.

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i am still kinda confused with the elements of the crime due to new evidence "exposed" every day.what about the pedo boy? any follow up there? and the gansters, pedo boy,murder,rape, no follow up? child porn? snuff clips? there is more to the story.this smells of a gangster porn deal gone bad. give all a poly test, pedo boy included, he is the common link.

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"Police initially thought of turning to the US Federal Bureau of Investigation for help, but the idea was dropped when getting similar assistance from Singapore became an option."

NOW we have a thread where the FBI believes it has identified the masked killer who's shown in videos beheading Westerners. Do they have a stool pigeon, or did they figure it out just by his size, English accent, and his eyes behind the mask? Was it something else? How do they do that?

Shame on you, Thailand.

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Before we start jumping all over the thai police let me ask one question.

How many murders go unsolved in your old country where they have all the latest equipment and training.

I think a more relevant question would be: "How many murders go DELIBERATELY unsolved in my old country.", to which I would answer: Almost certainly very few.

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Not really. Put on inside out.

"Then there's the most puzzling piece of evidence only made public for the first time on Wednesday by deputy national police chief Pol General Somyot Poompanmoung - a condom found in the area that had Witheridge's DNA on the outside but nothing on the inside".

Wow - there's a new one!

Maybe used two condoms, but what about fingerprints on the condom or was it found still inside?.

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I think, after nearly two weeks of thorough investigation by highly

qualified professionals without the slightest breakthrough, it's time

to call DSI's special branch.


But then there would be a chance this crime could be solved - so why harness the abilities of the DSI?

Frankly a ridiculous suggestion ! All the efforts of the dramedy would prove to be completely wasted.

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With the new condom revelation,

and the zero likelihood any rapist killer with a mafia angle would use a condom on anyone, much less a pretty blonde,

my new suspicion is, Miller and the girl were getting started,

he got hit from behind with the iron bar and then staggered, tried to fight, but was quickly drowned,

that takes two guys,

the third subdues the girl with the hoe,

then they go to town

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The article is wrong! The police have not made mistakes, but have done a perfect job in this case.

They have in the most professional way managed to hide evidence, let the killers go and have been paid good for it. The case is now nearly forgotten and only 2 journalists are still on Koh Tao still following the case. In a few more days, also they will have left and the police can consider this to be another success. Only thing that went wrong, was the ability to beat a confession out of some of the immigrant workers (which reports already showed they tried to do). If that had gone as planned, then it would have huge success but considering no scapegoat could be found, then things have worked out just as planned from day 1.

The goal of Police work here, is not to find justice or criminals. It is to earn money, when rich people are involved or otherwise find poor scapegoats to pin the crime on and thereby close the case as fast as possible. Anyone who believes that the police actually want the killers found, are living in a dreamworld. What would look like a very easy case to solve, has now become an unsolvable case and the police have actually done a fantastic job in once again playing incompetent. They will now soon be able to leave Koh Tao with money in their pocket as planned from the start - when they found out that there was big money to be made on this case.

Congratulations Thai-police! You did it once again!

Again. Nail. Head.

Bravo. It was indeed well planned from 6.30am when the bodies were discovered. Some suggest prior even. That certain family members were meeting with police very, very early that morning indeed ... Some say. Although from experience they don't normally wake until at least 10 a.m after the long night put in on the island. For some reason they were all up MUCH earlier that day. Some say.

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And mr. General, in case you don't know, there is a very powerful world out there that demands you do your job and get results.

You really think, he gives a xxxx about the outside world?

And besides that... He does not have a normal job, he is self-employed.

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