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I left my ATM card in machine ---AGAIN

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Havent done it for many years and would be horrified to do it in SEA. Not a happy thought at all. Had a Bendigo Bank machine swallow my card in Cairns in 2009 - turned out the ATM had been tampered with and the ATM went into some kind of 'self defence' mode where it simply kept all the cards : surely it would have been easier to program it to display 'Out of Order' ?

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A few months ago, I took the money and left the card in the machine,blink.png and an alarm went off in the store where the machine was located... a girl ran out to say "Mr Mr your card in machine!" as I was walking away..... I liked that! Not sure if they all have "alarms" but I was pleasantly surprised! ... thumbsup.gif

Had the same thing occur at a 7-11 here in Bangkok....sooooooo grateful!!!

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I have not left my Debit Card in a ATM but one did EAT mine recently. I just turned my head for 5 seconds to move a bag at my feet. BLIP -- timed out and refused to give it back... The time out time was IMO excessively short...

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And yes, it happens me so too here in Thailand, in Europe it is the same as in NZ, first take your card, then your money.

Some machines ask if you wish to make another transaction, also some people want to check their balance before attempting a withdrawal. It would seem silly to spit the card out between.

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The cash is not issued after you take the ATM card out. It issues the cash and then asks you if want a receipt. If you press YES it issues a receipt, and aftewards you get the receipt and then the ATM card. If you press NO then it returns the ATM card. If you do not take your card out it will swallow it providing no other customer behind you gets there first.

Sounds like you have Alzheimer's disease. I suggest that you write down the procedure for withdrawing money on a small piece of card clipped to you ATM. Hold the instructions in one hand while you proceed to withdraw the money. You should write in big letters "Don't forget the cash", "Don't forget the ATM card", "Don't forget to take the receipt with you".

Warning: Never leave the receipt hanging out the machine or throw it in the bin as it could be used by scammers. Normally I do not request a receipt for security reasons and can check online anyway. However, as you are forgetful you better try to keep the receipt.

Lastly, I always check, whenever I make an ATM or Credit Card transaction, that my cards are in my wallet before I walk away.

Edited by Estrada
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Thai logic, what you expect? It is designed to make people forget cards so thieves can steal them!

After receiving cash, there is no sound notification or anything and you need to push a button to receive your card, how ridiculous!

Unfortunately for you, the ATM machine is not designed for the blind. The instructions are displayed clearly in large letters on the screen in front of you when you make a withdrawal.

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This is kind of important, so I keep both hands empty, after I put in the card. When all the keypunching is done, I put one hand at the card slot and one at the money slot. I do not move either hand until both the money and the card comes out. When I get both, that is when I first put away my card, and then count the money in front of the camera.

If you make this a standard procedure (such as any habit), you will never forget. Also, never get distracted by somebody trying to talk to you or what is going on.

1. Eyes on the machine

2. One receiving hand with outstretched fingers at the card slot

3. The othe hand with outstretched fingers at the money slot.

4. Do not move...stand like a statue, even after one hand grasps the money. Wait for the card to be in the other before moving.

Edited by slipperylobster
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I like that NZ ATM concept. Money NOT issued until after you remove the card. That is brilliant. All machines should do that.

I forget my keys in my motorcycle ALL the time... I am fortunate each time that it's still there, once after 3 hours in the market. I can name many places where the bike would have been stolen.... I see some guys have the key attached to their wrist so not to forget.

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In Sydney I had 2 Thai girls walk away from an ATM machine after a transaction just before $700 popped out. I was the next in line!!!

Because they are used to grabbing the card & go. I presume you were the gallant gentleman & chased after them with the cash.

Edited by USNret
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stick a clothespin on your card.

when you take it out of your wallet...

clip it to your nose.

unless you forget there is a clothespin clipped onto your nose.

you won't forget your card again.

when you get your card, take the clothespin

from your nose and apply it to your card for next time. coffee1.gif

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Anyone know of any logical reason why Thailand is the reverse...

Hard to believe everyone in the world doesn't follow New Zealand's lead in doing everything. Sounds a bit like the Nanny State approach to doing things designed to assist ... umm ... err... those in need of special assistance.

Maybe in NZ when customers get the card first, they walk away without the money and ask themselves if there's any logical reason why they don't get the money first like in the more sensible manner of Thailand.

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The ATM cash withdrawal system in Thailand is quite logical when compared with their language. They say "gowee dang" which is "chair red" which in English would be "red chair". At ATMs in England the transaction sequence sequence is 'return card then cash', but its the reverse in Thailand. So, just remember to think in reverse logic in Thailand and you'll be fine!!

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