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Should I stay or leave Thailand?

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Now Canary sun posts pictures of himself with hookers like that is something to be proud of. Please just erase your digital footprint. You are a cancer on this forum.

Those are his train travel companions on a rest stop.

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I've always said, history repeats itself. For the folks that suffer from normalcy bias, I highly recommend you watch the following entire video. The link is below. The series is titled, "Welcome to the Reservation." It is a 7 part series. It's the history of the American Indian and the events that lead up to their massacres and disappearance. Those same events have been happening very slowing in North America for many years. Understanding those events will help you plan your future.

ive forgotten more about native history than youll ever know. bison hard to hunt on foot?? lol.


Go back to N.J. The most important person in your life is YOU! Thai girls have a way of getting you to forget that! .... She will only be with you as long as you are paying for things! Be true to yourself, ... dont end up like me, ...

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go back to NJ for 10 dollars an hour? That is your advice? There are more options besides stay in Thailand at a dead end job and go back to NJ for peanuts and struggling to start up.


Now Canary sun posts pictures of himself with hookers like that is something to be proud of. Please just erase your digital footprint. You are a cancer on this forum.

Canarysun is a real piece of work. You've basically called him a worthless parasite and a cancer (in this and your other post) and that he should just shut up. Yet, he "liked" both your posts. Is the guy permanently inebriated?

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" The Canary Bird " still sings viewers ....... " tweet tweet " wub.png

I suspect that very few people will be impressed with your pic of yourself surrounded by a pack of bar girls.


" The Canary Bird " still sings viewers ....... " tweet tweet " wub.png

Whatever happened to the "live and let live" line you guys roll out the minute someone, for example, slates an old bloke who's married a 30 year younger ex-bar girl, the bloke who pays his girlfriend an allowance to stay with him or the guy who builds a house, buys a car and puts the lot in a local woman's name?

Just because canarysun has a kind of freedom that the majority of us think is dumb doesn't mean that he's a parasite or a cancer.

I couldn't even BEGIN to consider living the way he does but the guy seems to have very few "wants" that require lots of money and he seems happy.

Don't know about you lot but a few less wants in my life would save me an absolute fortune.

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Now Canary sun posts pictures of himself with hookers like that is something to be proud of. Please just erase your digital footprint. You are a cancer on this forum.

how do you know they are hookers, unless of course you recognize the ladies and have partaken in any services they may have on offer

I am, not defending Canary Sun, as believe he is a balloon chaser of the highest order, but i am questioning your self righteous/judgmental comments based on 1 photo.

let me guess another TV CSI photographic analysis expert who can determine shoe size, what somebody had for dinner and what someones mental health state is based on just one photo. ?...run forest run...they need you in the news threads which are investigating the murders on KT.

I had a photo very similar with the hooters girls in Singapore, and I can assure you 100% these girls were not hookers...wink.png

It is a well know fact that people who harshly criticize other people in situations like this are usually more guilty of what they are criticizing other people of doing, its a defense mechanism to help people cope with things they feel guilty about...so would you like to discuss this with Dr Will ?

not everyone is as judgmental as you, if you choose to use ladies of the night, up to you, as long as you are not hurting anybody, who cares what you do...you get your rocks off and the lady gets some cash...everyone wins

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Now Canary sun posts pictures of himself with hookers like that is something to be proud of. Please just erase your digital footprint. You are a cancer on this forum.

how do you know they are hookers, unless of course you recognize the ladies and have partaken in any services they may have on offer

I am, not defending Canary Sun, as believe he is a balloon chaser of the highest order, but i am questioning your self righteous/judgmental comments based on 1 photo.

let me guess another TV CSI photographic analysis expert who can determine shoe size, what somebody had for dinner and what someones mental health state is based on just one photo. ?...run forest run...they need you in the news threads which are investigating the murders on KT.

I had a photo very similar with the hooters girls in Singapore, and I can assure you 100% these girls were not hookers...wink.png

It is a well know fact that people who harshly criticize other people in situations like this are usually more guilty of what they are criticizing other people of doing, its a defense mechanism to help people cope with things they feel guilty about...so would you like to discuss this with Dr Will ?

not everyone is as judgmental as you, if you choose to use ladies of the night, up to you, as long as you are not hurting anybody, who cares what you do...you get your rocks off and the lady gets some cash...everyone wins

I very much doubt the huddled girls are store attendants from Boots in MBK.. As canary-sun doesn't do shopping malls.

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" The Canary Bird " still sings viewers ....... " tweet tweet " wub.png

Whatever happened to the "live and let live" line you guys roll out the minute someone, for example, slates an old bloke who's married a 30 year younger ex-bar girl, the bloke who pays his girlfriend an allowance to stay with him or the guy who builds a house, buys a car and puts the lot in a local woman's name?

Just because canarysun has a kind of freedom that the majority of us think is dumb doesn't mean that he's a parasite or a cancer.

I couldn't even BEGIN to consider living the way he does but the guy seems to have very few "wants" that require lots of money and he seems happy.

Don't know about you lot but a few less wants in my life would save me an absolute fortune.

Good points, Cypress, but the OP is asking for advice regarding his future and what to do at 45 with nothing saved up. I personally would take care of that matter before coming to Thailand to "live the life." Everyone is different. Yes, the canary dude is doing fine and is happy....according to him. But not everyone is like him. And if I was advising a friend, I would not advise him to just live for today and not plan for the future.

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Yes soutpeel I was being judgmental and harsh. But sorry I don't have respect for guys who take photos of themselves with scantily clad women. As Canary Sun lives in Pataya, I made a big assumption.

I like your reverse psychology too, that is a very strawman argument tactic and shows that you have no real sense of logic, reasoning skills. Using anecdotal comments to try and sway the argument.

Let me use your same tactic.

They way that you came after me over such a benign statement and assumption shows me that you are a whore chaser and are defending such actions because why else would you focus on such a trivial comment. Perhaps my judgement of the picture made you feel defensive for the choices you have made.

Now does that seem reasonable to you? Perhaps you could edit your post and take your aspersions of me out of it since I am not the one who takes photos of himself with scantily clad women.


I've just quit my job in Thailand earning 35000 a month and took a job in China with a starting salary of 85000. Go home or move. You'll never have a comfortable life earning that salary, especially you spending at least 5000 g a month on cosmetics!!!


" The Canary Bird " still sings viewers ....... " tweet tweet " wub.png

I suspect that very few people will be impressed with your pic of yourself surrounded by a pack of bar girls.

I was impressed!

Well, go down to Pattaya, head to the nearest go-go bar and spread a few bhat around (in the form of ladies drinks) and you'll be surrounded by admirers ,. You can be just like canarysun too!


3 months in Thailand and 405 posts? Given David a run for his money? Just kidding. PM me if you want info on a potential job in special education in Thailand.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

" The Canary Bird " still sings viewers ....... " tweet tweet " alt=wub.png>

I suspect that very few people will be impressed with your pic of yourself surrounded by a pack of bar girls.

I was impressed!

Well, go down to Pattaya, head to the nearest go-go bar and spread a few bhat around (in the form of ladies drinks) and you'll be surrounded by admirers ,. You can be just like canarysun too!

Perhaps not quite like Canarysun as he meets all his ladies whilst " strolling about " all day ......


Obviously you have not heard about all the horror stories presently going on in North American, formerly the USA.

If you were informed, you wouldn't think about returning.

Even main stream news is confirming all your personal sovereignty and country sovereignty is gone with Presidential orders.

Would you feel safe in a country with no constitutional rights and open borders?

Would you feel safe in a country that imports Ebola patients (for the first time in history) and everyone now confirms it is mutating and can be air born? Not to mention other suspicious, mutating viruses appearing. This is also in main stream news.

Currently main stream news even admits the new Presidential orders allow for you to be detained for even cold symptoms with no time limit!

Whistle blowers are scared and coming out of the wood work, including homeland security, top Police Chiefs and Army Generals and confirming all the facts now.

Competent trends forecasters, including an ex US Secretary of the Treasury, who have provided financial and political information to all of the top fortune 500 companies are forecasting the dollar to devaluate or even collapse at the end of 2014 or the beginning of 2015, along with major sell offs of the bond and stock market.

Even if you get a new job, how long will it last in a crisis and collapse?

Your reading the wrong books!


I'd take my chance in a country that is 9,826, 675 square kilometres

You must be referring to a different country than the one I live in. It sounds like you are making conclusions based on sound bytes and whacko headlines.

Yes, your perspective is remarkable.

That is what the American Indians, the Germans, the Jews, the Polish, The French, the Chinese, the Koreans, the Cambodians, the Vietnamese, and the Russians said before billions died from starvation, disease, war, and torture. And the remarkable fact is many of the German civilians that lived close to the concentration camps still didn't believe the news until the U.S. Army that liberated the camps and forced the German civilians at gunpoint to stack the dead and buried them. My father, a US Army Sgt. helped liberate a concentration camp in SE Germany near the end of World War II. I was a soldier in Vietnam. I understand your thinking and unfortunately your thought process accelerates the collapse. A pandemic of mutating viruses that accelerate in cold weather pay little attention to boundaries. Your normalcy bias is scary.

what does vietnam experience have to do with it?


Obviously you have not heard about all the horror stories presently going on in North American, formerly the USA.

If you were informed, you wouldn't think about returning.

Even main stream news is confirming all your personal sovereignty and country sovereignty is gone with Presidential orders.

Would you feel safe in a country with no constitutional rights and open borders?

Would you feel safe in a country that imports Ebola patients (for the first time in history) and everyone now confirms it is mutating and can be air born? Not to mention other suspicious, mutating viruses appearing. This is also in main stream news.

Currently main stream news even admits the new Presidential orders allow for you to be detained for even cold symptoms with no time limit!

Whistle blowers are scared and coming out of the wood work, including homeland security, top Police Chiefs and Army Generals and confirming all the facts now.

Competent trends forecasters, including an ex US Secretary of the Treasury, who have provided financial and political information to all of the top fortune 500 companies are forecasting the dollar to devaluate or even collapse at the end of 2014 or the beginning of 2015, along with major sell offs of the bond and stock market.

Even if you get a new job, how long will it last in a crisis and collapse?

Your reading the wrong books!


Another air head conspiracy theorist, USA greatest country on earth.


Obviously you have not heard about all the horror stories presently going on in North American, formerly the USA.

If you were informed, you wouldn't think about returning.

Even main stream news is confirming all your personal sovereignty and country sovereignty is gone with Presidential orders.

Would you feel safe in a country with no constitutional rights and open borders?

Would you feel safe in a country that imports Ebola patients (for the first time in history) and everyone now confirms it is mutating and can be air born? Not to mention other suspicious, mutating viruses appearing. This is also in main stream news.

Currently main stream news even admits the new Presidential orders allow for you to be detained for even cold symptoms with no time limit!

Whistle blowers are scared and coming out of the wood work, including homeland security, top Police Chiefs and Army Generals and confirming all the facts now.

Competent trends forecasters, including an ex US Secretary of the Treasury, who have provided financial and political information to all of the top fortune 500 companies are forecasting the dollar to devaluate or even collapse at the end of 2014 or the beginning of 2015, along with major sell offs of the bond and stock market.

Even if you get a new job, how long will it last in a crisis and collapse?

Your reading the wrong books!


Another air head conspiracy theorist, USA greatest country on earth.

greatest by what measure?


"Social Security benefits are calculated on the amount you paid in for the last 20 years before you turn 65. You'll lose all SS if you don't work in the US."

1) Correction to the statement above that one person made. SS benefits in the USA are not calculated on the amount paid in the last 20 years before 65 , they are calculated on averaged indexed monthly earnings of the 35 years you earned the most. Not that this changes the picture much, but just to make sure you have the correct information. Always check the government website for the latest and verifiably correct information.

2) Also, to the poster who told you dont let your balls rule your brain. While true, the statement assumes your relationship is about sex and not love. So, maybe speaks something about that poster's view on relationships. If you do truly love this girl, and she loves you, and the relationship is really strong, then making the tough choices to make sure your future is better, is also in her best interests, if you intend to stay together. If the relationship is strong and you both are committed, then you should both be ok with making the best choice for the future, even if it means some hardship in the shorter term. And it would seem like a move back to the USA would be a better financial alternative. Good Luck

3) And while yes, there may be many others in the same boat as you, but that does not make your situation any better. Yes, misery loves company, but really, how much of a consolation can it be when you have no food, to know others are starving too somewhere in the world. And one should try not to rely on the government solely in their retirement plan. As has been in the news, SS is now in territory where incoming funding is less than outgoing SS benefit payments. ANd if a depression hits, the funding will drop even more, so at some point, there are likely to be changes in SS. e.g. increase the age limit again from 67 to something higher and/or reducing the SS benefits. These have to be done to keep SS afloat, so one needs to be prepared for this in retirement planning, as well as planning for inflation.

You are at the age where it is critical, as time is running out, to take advantage of longer term compounding, but may be able to still make it, if you hurry and do it right. Good Luck


The OP should return to the US and, if the Thai GF is willing and able to relocate, he should bring her over on a K-1 fiancee visa, which will not be difficult for him to obtain despite his belief. He should finish his career in the US with wife working and becoming US citizen after the required thee years. Later they can retire to Thailand where their SS benefits will go further.

For him to remain in Thailand is to prepare for an old age in poverty. The number of English teachers here who have prepared a retirement successfully must be very small.

I am not sure OP will get a K-1 fiancee visa for his girlfriend on $10 an hour job. In the first place he will find it difficult to make his own ends meet. On the other hand if he can get a job in states where there are good teachers' retirement programs like California's CalSTRS he will be set for life. I have a friend who chose to give up a high paying IT job and trained to become a teacher in California plus she pointed out that a teaching job gave her long summer vacations to spend time with her son.


Stay. Trying to get anybody into "fortress America" these days is a waste of time. In Europe they can just get any gal even a hooker a tourist visa but Americans? Nooooooo... we can't even get our married wives tourist visas because our government is too paranoid about illegals and terrorists. Put that one down as another one of the "benefits" of being a US citizen.. rolleyes.gif


I don't think anybody should move to a country just because of a job! In my eyes ( and probably not your eyes viewers...) You should live in the Country that offers you more of the things you enjoy doing! Being an outdoor person Thailand is excellent for me and i am very busy with my hobbies " walking,exploring,photography,train journeys,strolling and random chats with the world en route and lovely afternoons spent relaxing on my rock in the sunshine and swimming in the sea."I live on an incredibly small income as most of you know ( 6,000 baht a month inc rent " all in " ) I would never say that my life is perfect ( far from it ) but i have fun and enjoy myself every day with loads of " light hearted banter and generally being very silly " I have often been asked if i would like to work as a teacher ( i do have some experience ) and with a wage of 30,000 baht a month would be amazing considering all my Thai friends earn around 9,000 baht a month! BUT if i worked a 30 hour week i agree i would have more money but Money isn't everything! Life is very short and i value my time,I would hate to be " stuck indoors " or stuck in a classroom " all day in Air con ! I cannot handle aircon and all the lovely sunshine i would miss out on! When you way things up my life would not be superior and i would miss out on all the things i would enjoy doing! I personally would probably get far more out of working as a volunteer teacher ( FREE ) at a local school for Blind children working 2 days a week!

Life is not about " money and career building " ( that's a very old school view ) Its about getting out there and enjoying yourself and having fun!

Farang Jaidee wub.png


You take a risk with the g/f by staying here. It may or not work. If you get some special ed experience on a base salary you might be able to take on some private part time or full time tutoring in this field. You will only find these positions by word of mouth. Love is not enough without some money, but at 65yrs I've learned that having a close friendship/relationship as you get older is way more important than money. Stay here.

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Saudi is one of the highest paid places for teachers.

Yea, it's a good place to make money. I was in South Korea for 2 years, and I made decent amount of money. The thing is I'm thinking more about the money. Retirement, health benefits are becoming a bigger issue for me as I get a bit older.

Thailand is a great place. I really like the people. I live in NJ. The people there are OK, but it's nothing like Thailand.


You answered your question already. Why don't you go back to South Korea and work for two years. You should be able to save some good money and from SK to fly to Thailand is still easier as flying from the States to Thailand.

You need to setup some emergency funds for your longterm stay in Thailand.

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