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We have the cure for ebola, Bangkok's Siriraj Hospital announces


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According to its report, researchers at Siriraj Hospital have developed the world's first vaccine that can cure infected patients.

Could someone knowledgeable please explain whether there is a difference between a 'vaccine' and a 'cure'?

Doesn't look likely, nobody with knowledge has posted so far.

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I cannot believe the stupidity of this article, as written before...I am but a lowly old civilian and even i KNOW that vaccines PREVENT diseases not CURE them, so let's make sure we at least have the proper nomenclature figured out before posted crap like this

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If by some small chance it is actually true big western pharma will find a way to steal the patient from the Thai's. The CDC [ center for disease control and recently busted in another huge scandal for faking vaccine trial results ] in the USA already filed for a patient on some kind of ebola drug.

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i recall another similar announcement in an online bkk newspaper. i posted a response with url references to multiple international centers that had ALREADY done the same thing up to 1-5 - 2 years prior. They did not publish my reply.

It seems what they actually did was "replicate what was already done somewhere else"

truth is there are some very smart high function thai doctors but innovation does not seem to be a forte. thats ok cause many countries have quality non homegrown medical care, but usually they dont generate spectacular claims.

surprized to not see a link to a scientific journal article on their claims. they could have developed it in thailand and sent samples for testing in infected areas.

vaccines do not typically cure diseases, but prevent them.

Edited by atyclb
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They didn't say they were the first.

A team of doctors from Siriraj Hospital have reportedly made a groundbreaking discovery by being 'the first' in the world to develop a vaccine to cure the deadly Ebola virus.

Falang make before but no good, Thai one work too much good, number 1 sure. No need approval Doctor has friend HISO can do okay no ploblem for us.

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Can I ask. If there has never been a case in the country, and no one came in, where exactly did they get their test specimens from?

Especially as the US government has the patent on the Ebola virus, so that anyone found illegally developing a vaccine would be liable to prosecution under international copyright laws, and the US drug companies are not know to be shy in going after such cases.

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Siriraj hospital to announce successful antibody treatment of Ebola


BANGKOK: -- Siriraj hospital will hold a press conference on Thursday to officially announce its successful discovery and production of an anti-body treatment of Ebola infection.

Dr Udom Kachinthorn, dean of the medical science faculty of Siriraj hospital, associate professor Dr Pattharachai Kiratisant, head of micro-biology department and Dr Wanpen Chaikampha of the parasitology department and Dr Ruangpoeng Sutthen,vice dean of research and her team of researchers will be present at the press conference to be held at Room A201 of Sriwarinthira building, second floor of Siriraj hospital.

Informed sources said that the medical science faculty of Siriraj hospital had attached importance to the spread of Ebola virus and had been conducting research and development of a treatment of Ebola virus continuously and has finally produced an anti-body which is capable of treating hemorrhagic fever from Ebola virus.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/siriraj-hospital-announce-successful-antibody-treatment-ebola/

-- Thai PBS 2014-09-29

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Siriraj Hospital to announce 'Ebola breakthrough' Thursday

BANGKOK: -- The Siriraj Hospital announced that its team of doctors has discovered a ground breaking technology that could be crucial for Ebola treamtent.

Details of the discovery will be announced at a press conference Thursday.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakingnews/Siriraj-Hospital-to-announce-Ebola-breakthrough-Th-30244377.html

-- The Nation 2014-09-29

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This is HUGE news: Thailand invented something,

Thai doctors are the smartest in the world.

yeah right, like the Thai doctor who said i was dizzy and feeling weak because i was old, turned out i had dengue fever, the red spots all over my body should have given the incompetent fool a clue plus the fact that i told him what it was. The private hospital i then went to said i was going into shock, another few days i could have died.

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Vaccines do not CURE disease - they PREVENT disease. Even their announcement is not correct.

Their announcement is correct. The definition of a vaccine is "a mixture that helps stimulate the body's own immune system to fight a disease". In the past most vaccines have been preventative, but with Ebola the vaccine is given to the patient after he contracts the disease to stimulate the bodies immune system to produce anti-bodies which kill the virus. Strictly speaking vaccines do not cure or prevent a disease but stimulate the body's immune system to produce anti-bodies to fight the disease.

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As with many other people who posted here I am VERY sceptical of this Ebola cure claim.

The experimental drug ZMapp worked but was & most likely still is in very short supply,

however it worked. There are 5 known types of Ebola virus. The one creating havoc

in W. Africa is the Zaire strain which has a 90% mortality rate...or shoul I say a 10%

survivability rate to make it sound better. There is speculation amongst the CDC & WHO

that the Ebola strain in WA may even be a new 6th strain.

If Siriraj hospital researchers have found a vaccine...good on em....however...how do they

(researchers) know it works in humans? Big difference killing polywogs in a Petri dish than

killing them in animals & humans. As stated, I'm sceptical of the claim...but hoping for the best.

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wilcopops, on 29 Sept 2014 - 16:46, said:

Cured for a viral infection? The first word that springs to mind is <deleted>.

The next thought is that I hope it is the media that has misquoted the hospital, because, if not, they are bigger fools than I thought.[/quotapparently TV has seen fit to remove a word that is fit for the bible but not foir them...... I guess they think they are above God?

On here, they are god.

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