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How do you feel about growing older here in Thailand?


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Adjusting to age is a mindset. The one who is aging cannot perceive himself older than he really is. Humans, like every other living thing, are born, the exist and then die. We are all dying from the moment of birth and to be honest, the question you raised need never be asked.

Having said that, I'd much rather be "getting older" in LOS than anywhere else, guess that's why I am still here!

Well thats a load of horse manure. Exactly how old are you? I assure the OP, you can and do perceive yourself getting older.

I think this Geronimo is confusing his spirituality for actuality.

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It's MY choice....age happens if we are lucky....would I rather be in my home country feeling vital hoping to stay one step ahead of the kids who want to chose a rest home and lay claim to the assets....or......be where I wish to be and doing what ME/MYSELF/& I want to do to keep ME young and vibrany....easy choice....no matter where/what/ME/MY SELF/I wish to CHOOSE....

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It's MY choice....age happens if we are lucky....would I rather be in my home country feeling vital hoping to stay one step ahead of the kids who want to chose a rest home and lay claim to the assets....or......be where I wish to be and doing what ME/MYSELF/& I want to do to keep ME young and vibrant....easy choice....no matter where/what/ME/MY SELF/I wish to CHOOSE....

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Well I have been growing old in Thailand for some 20 years now (I was 70 in May of this year).

I know and realise that at 70 I cannot do things that I could do at 60 or 50, certainly not physically anyway. I can still cut the grass with the strimmer but as there is 2 or 3 rai to cut I choose to cut the lawn as it is less than 1 rai and get somebody in to do the rest and I start around 6.15 and finish before 8 as it is cool then.

I still ride my motorbike but have cut back on long trips now as my reactions are slower and I will probably quit completely in a couple of years.

I am slowly writing my life story for both my Uk son and grandson plus my Thai son to read to show where I came from.

I am sad that I cannot play with my Thai son as I did with my UK as I was 60 when he was born and at my age the body and bones don't always want to do what the mind and memory does.

To slow down the ageing I find that keeping busy is one of the best things you can do.

Get onto the internet and find something interesting. Write your own life story for your Thai families. Learn to cook. Learn how to make furniture. There are zillions of thing you can do.

I make my own bread, rolls, cakes, pies, pasties, ham, bacon, sausage rolls etc all of which I have learned how to do in the 5 years since I retired.

If you want to sit and drink all day, then do so, but it's your life not mine.

Remember LG.

Life is Good and it is your choice to do with it as you will.

I am resurrecting my baking and cooking skills and doing fairly well with that.

I don't start drinking normally until about 6pm and have about 3 Hong Thong and sodas a night and I do drink in the afternoon sometimes if my mate comes over or I go to his place, other than that I don't bother.

I don't normally have the time to get bored.

Must go as I have 2 loaves ready to come out of the oven.

Thanks for such an honest post.

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It's MY choice....age happens if we are lucky....would I rather be in my home country feeling vital hoping to stay one step ahead of the kids who want to chose a rest home and lay claim to the assets....or......be where I wish to be and doing what ME/MYSELF/& I want to do to keep ME young and vibrant....easy choice....no matter where/what/ME/MY SELF/I wish to CHOOSE....

Geez, it sounds like one of those evening television dramas.

It is interesting the mindset in some developed countries to bundle the old off to a retirement community.

Can't think of a worse way to live out the golden years...even though I do enjoy shuffleboard.

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Growing old here is better than growing old in some frozen wasteland ohmy.png Age may damage my body, but my mind is still that of a child tongue.png

"Growing old here is better than growing old in some frozen wasteland"

Or in some Farang Land style warehouse for the old.

nursing_homes2.jpg"The excitement here at Golden Acres is almost unbearable."

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The more old I get (anywhere) the happier I am. I will be 65 next week, never thought I would live past 40 or 45 due to a previous illness. Many of my friends died around that age from that same illness.....I'm sure they would gladly swap with me to see what it was like to be 65.

Edited by dotpoom
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Well I have been growing old in Thailand for some 20 years now (I was 70 in May of this year).

I know and realise that at 70 I cannot do things that I could do at 60 or 50, certainly not physically anyway. I can still cut the grass with the strimmer but as there is 2 or 3 rai to cut I choose to cut the lawn as it is less than 1 rai and get somebody in to do the rest and I start around 6.15 and finish before 8 as it is cool then.

I still ride my motorbike but have cut back on long trips now as my reactions are slower and I will probably quit completely in a couple of years.

I am slowly writing my life story for both my Uk son and grandson plus my Thai son to read to show where I came from.

I am sad that I cannot play with my Thai son as I did with my UK as I was 60 when he was born and at my age the body and bones don't always want to do what the mind and memory does.

To slow down the ageing I find that keeping busy is one of the best things you can do.

Get onto the internet and find something interesting. Write your own life story for your Thai families. Learn to cook. Learn how to make furniture. There are zillions of thing you can do.

I make my own bread, rolls, cakes, pies, pasties, ham, bacon, sausage rolls etc all of which I have learned how to do in the 5 years since I retired.

If you want to sit and drink all day, then do so, but it's your life not mine.

Remember LG.

Life is Good and it is your choice to do with it as you will.

I am resurrecting my baking and cooking skills and doing fairly well with that.

I don't start drinking normally until about 6pm and have about 3 Hong Thong and sodas a night and I do drink in the afternoon sometimes if my mate comes over or I go to his place, other than that I don't bother.

I don't normally have the time to get bored.

Must go as I have 2 loaves ready to come out of the oven.

Bill....Respect....a man after my own heart

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I think Oscar Wilde said something like - the tragedy of old age is not that one is old, but that one is young.

Just as a teenager doesn't really long for his toys from when he was 6 yrs old - - at an older age, you will not likely long for the "toys" of your more youthful 50… if you do long for them, you will still be playing with them, just maybe slower, more thoughtfully and appreicatively.

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