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David Cameron Wishes Britain Would Abandon The Metric System


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David Cameron Wishes Britain Would Abandon The Metric System
Over 40 years since Britain committed to the metric system as part of its membership of the European Economic Community (EEC) Prime Minister David Cameron has said he’d prefer the country to abandon it.
Asked by BBC Newsnight presenter Evan Davis whether children in schools should primarily be taught in grams or in pounds and ounces the Prime Minister replied :
I think I’d still go for pounds and ounces. Rather like we use miles and pints.
-- Business Insider 2014-09-30
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David Cameron has a very short memory,he chooses to forget that his Conservative Party under the Leadership of PM Edward Heath, signed into Europe under the Banner of a Trading Nation called the "Common Market" anyone else remember this lying old Conservative?? who denied his hidden agenda was to create a federal Europe?? and Surrender our laws and Sovereignty to Europe. Strangely this Traitor appeared on British Television shortly before he died and admitted he lied to the British people,in his intentions of our entry into Europe! And our entry into Europe was agreed to adopt the Metric system.

It's derisable, countless millions of Engineers and key workers have changed from Imperial over to Metric,and the "Mr man" who almost lost us the UK Union with Scotland,now want's to turn the clock back! as they say in the Sun" You couldn't make this up! sick.gif

If he was a bit older, he'd be talking about the good old days of pounds , shillings and pence.

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What Cameron should be saying is abolish the imperial system. Way past its sell by date.

Yes, now if they would just learn to drive on the proper side of the road. laugh.pnglaugh.png

Is 'they' the yanks? As we all know the driving on the left side of the road hails from the era of horses and knights etc, way before that part of the world was an itch in anyone's pants. It is likely you lot went against the grain just to stick two fingers up... like inventing a game of 'football' that no-one else plays or likes. laugh.png

I don't know how long Dave Austin has been in Thailand: but Imperial has been abolished about 40 years ago except for America,and companies that wish to trade with them!

Edited by MAJIC
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Prime Minister David Cameron has said he’d prefer the country to abandon it . . . . . I think I’d still go for pounds and ounces. Rather like we use miles and pints

Fits perfectly in line with his other thinking . . . having the majority of folk working for turnips n' carrots & if they're really lucky, a couple of Groats as a Xmas bonus.

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His mathematics master must have buggered him senseless.

MJP! You have to make allowances mate,David Cameron was Maggie Thatchers official Financial Advisor! so don't expect too much on the Financial front!

Like Brown having Balls in his mouth.

Oh I'm on fire tonight!

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Yes, now if they would just learn to drive on the proper side of the road.

We do.

If you were riding a horse and met strangers going the other way, wouldn't you like to be able to use your sword arm, just-in-case?

If not, you will be following a certain short, French-speaking General's dictate.

Actually I'd rather be on the right, because when I pulled my Glock with my right hand I could rest it on my left elbow, cross-body and make the idiot wish he had something other than a sword. laugh.pnglaugh.png

This is the true reason that most countries drive on the right (correct) side. biggrin.png

That's your best effort?

Your laughing emoticons fool no one.


Edited by KarenBravo
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He should be happy on this page then. Here we have the rod, pole perch measurements etc.


Thailand is a bit odd as well.

The blue pipes you buy for water are 1/2, 3/4. 1 inch, 2, 3, 4 sizes.

Most nails and screws are sold in imperial sizes, People drive mostly on the left in Thaialand yet Thailand has never been colonised.

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If he was a bit older, he'd be talking about the good old days of pounds , shillings and pence.

Why not go back further: farthings, groats, silver thrupenny bits, crowns, halfpennies and guineas?

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In the U.S. we never formally adopted and a good hybrid IMO has come about ... We use both. This way certain items that may make it to export market can be metric in order to be more generic. Items more likely to be domestic like milk still comes in quarts and gallons... while soft drinks which can be exported to neighbors is metric - liters... We use cubic feet to measure home interiors and such things as carpet size and flooring in general. There are plenty of exceptions ... Plus most items are labeled in metric and the English system... i.e. liquids often show ml/liter - ounces, etc. It works well enough...

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David Cameron has a very short memory,he chooses to forget that his Conservative Party under the Leadership of PM Edward Heath, signed into Europe under the Banner of a Trading Nation called the "Common Market" anyone else remember this lying old Conservative?? who denied his hidden agenda was to create a federal Europe?? and Surrender our laws and Sovereignty to Europe. Strangely this Traitor appeared on British Television shortly before he died and admitted he lied to the British people,in his intentions of our entry into Europe! And our entry into Europe was agreed to adopt the Metric system.

It's derisable, countless millions of Engineers and key workers have changed from Imperial over to Metric,and the "Mr man" who almost lost us the UK Union with Scotland,now want's to turn the clock back! as they say in the Sun" You couldn't make this up! sick.gif

If he was a bit older, he'd be talking about the good old days of pounds , shillings and pence.

20 groats says he wouldn't.

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