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Microsoft unveils Windows 10 system


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Have I missed something???

Like Windows 9

MS has never been logical in naming. For example look at this list, does it look logical to you ? I don't think so thumbsup.gif


















Windows 2000






Close but no cigar!

Nice, and 4.0 was NT, as someone mentioned being missing before. That was the 'enterprise version' that preceded 95, IIRC

sent from my slimkat 1+ using tapatalk

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Was dragged kicking and screaming from DOS xxx thru to 6.0 onto Win 98. In subsequent years migrated to Xp and could not be dragged away until yesterday. Treated myself to a new HP NoteBook, Intel i7, Nvida Graphics - all singing and dancing with a W8.1.

Cannot believe how easy it was to get me olde brain around this new (to me) OS and it's connectivity. Even installed my, dinosaur, Office 2000 SP3 OK (old but solid as a rock) including, against all odds, OUTLOOK 2000 which required some lateral debugging but works a treat.

So today I get out of bed only to hear MS has come up with a new OS. What sort of a loser am I? Thinking of shit-canning this and rebuilding my new machine at XP SP3. A pox on MS.

Olde saying:- "If it ain't broke don't fix it!" Come back with Xp support and all will be forgiven.

Edit: Fat finger typos.

PS. Looking at card readers, back in medieval times I used to service the old PDP 11 (then badged as the Fox 3) It has the dreaded paper streamer tape reader and punch. Hamersley Iron and Swan Brewery in West Aust.

What the hell is he talking about ?

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We bought 5 computers for the office, stripped that farcical windows 8 out and replaced it with 7.

We use a lot of images and 8 is absolutely rubbish for working with images and generally slower to perform the same tasks than in 7.

I personally trialed 8 for a week to be sure it wasn't just an acclimatisation issue, after 7 days I had 8 removed, staff were very happy and productivity, which had fallen steeply during the time we were using 8, improved again instantly.

Why do all of these organisations feel they can impose things we don't want.

Facebook and it's ridiculous messenger system that can take photographs, video and sound from the phone even if it is in standby mode.

Microsoft insisting that we provide them with a phone number before we can sign in! I have 5 ms accounts I will never use again, they can stick them.

I don't get it, give customers what they want not what someone thinks they should have.

For anyone, I have to tell my story again. When I bought my new Toshiba Satellite laptop with 8.1, I immediately wiped the disk and installed 7. Cool, no problem.

Next I found out that this was a new Toshiba design and they didn't make drivers for 7 and didn't plan to. Back to 8 BUT I had used diskpart at a cmd prompt to wipe the entire disk including the hidden restore partition. Ouch.

I had to go online and order a restore copy from Toshiba which was in image on a pen drive. $40.00.

The laptop shipped with 8.1 pro, and I have an 8.1 pro disk, so I tried to install it but there's no stop screen to enter a product key. That is hidden in the bios for that one computer in encrypted form. It loads on installation and must match the install disk you use which it didn't of course. There is no product key supplied with the laptop.

So just be sure you can find and download Win 7 drivers for your hardware before you try to revert. I didn't and it was stupid to say the least.


Edited by cdnvic
Removed paragraph that violated content rules.
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Bring back Windows 95' Forget about all the other rubbish MS brought out.

Come on, make it at least Windows 7..

Windows 95...

You would be livingin the dark ages of computer technology...

Why its not about the platform but what you use with it!!

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Ten years ago I switched to Apple. Microsoft is the biggest bunch of bull shit in the world. If people could not get a bootleg copy it would not be so popular. They just keep changing the version of the operating system to suck simple minded people it to it. Wake there is a better world than Microsoft.

True, it's called Linux! [emoji6]

sent from my slimkat 1+ using tapatalk

Yeah OK mate, take time to read the two running Shellshock threads won't you?


all of my systems have received patches already, so what was your point? Are you trying to tell me that Microsoft responds to security vulnerabilities faster than Linux? LMFAO!

sent from my slimkat 1+ using tapatalk

You did well then, applying patches they haven't released yet.

How did you patch all three? Replace Bash with something else?

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Absolutely nonsense to suggest that 95 or XP where outstanding operating systems and both are severely showing their age these days. Furthermore could you imagine attempting to utilize the internet on such an aged device, with your security software being developed towards the newer systems and not your old version. It will expose you to much more vulnerabilities simply due to the march of research into exploiting software.

XP has no SNI support which will mean most websites will be unable to determine SSLs authority leading due Secure channel infrastructure not being included until Vista. This alone along with no windows updates is great motivation to move to windows 8.1 Update 1. Personally I think windows 8.1 with update 1 is a fantastic operating system, a few inconsistency with the UI have crept and are a bit of an inconvenience.

The system requirements for windows haven't been increased since Vista, and the codebase has been shrunk and optimized quite substantially over the last 7-8 years and it is ongoing. For administration it is far an ahead beyond its predecessors with the inclusion of powershell and few other things, it is no longer the dark ages for administration with windows thankfully.

Many users also do not understand the Desktop and the Modern interface modes, you do not have to utilize the modern. It is for small applications that don't do too much, not as a replacement for desktop.

As for versions of windows, Those prefixed with NT are from the NT codebase windows 7 was then a much bigger improvement on the Codebase more so than Vista. Thats the complete list ASFAIK.... not including mobile or specialist versions such as embedded POS and the like.

Windows 10
Windows 8.1 Update 1 NT 6.3.9600
Windows 8.1 NT 6.3
Windows 8 NT 6.2
Windows 7 NT 6.1
Windows Vista NT 6.0
Windows XP Professional x64 NT 5.2
Windows XP NT 5.1
Windows ME 4.9
Windows 2000 NT 5.0
Windows 98 4.1
Windows NT 4.0 NT 4.0
Windows 95 4
Windows NT 3.51 NT 3.51
Windows NT 3.5 NT 3.50
Windows 3.2 3.2
Windows for Workgroups 3.11 3.11
Windows NT 3.1 NT 3.10
Windows 3.1 3.1
Windows 3.0 3
Windows 2.11 2.11
Windows 2.10 2.1
Windows 2.0 2
Windows 1.04 1.04
Windows 1.03 1.03
Windows 1.01 1.01

Edited by jcisco
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Ten years ago I switched to Apple. Microsoft is the biggest bunch of bull shit in the world. If people could not get a bootleg copy it would not be so popular. They just keep changing the version of the operating system to suck simple minded people it to it. Wake there is a better world than Microsoft.

But, I will give congrats to Apple with their iPhone 6 because they beat the Android manufacturers to market a "flexible framed" phone!

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Have you noticed that the garbage that Microsoft dumps on the poor undeserving public gets worse every year. When they finish robbing poor users then I believe that they will not support any Windows version. For many years Windows was a good and useful product that I enjoyed. Ten years ago they started to shit on their customers.

Save your money and buy something that does not make you crazy.

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Bought a cheap laptop yesterday when my laptop died on a trip to the US. I hate this 8.1 operating system. I go around in circles trying to do the simplest things. It's just awful.

They should call it WindoW 8.1

But the solution is simple: As mentioned above, download and install Classic Shell and you can then get rid of that awful 8.1 UI.

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You did well then, applying patches they haven't released yet.

How did you patch all three? Replace Bash with something else?

dharmabm@userv-OMD:~$ env 'x=() { :;}; echo vulnerable' 'BASH_FUNC_x()=() { :;}; echo vulnerable' bash -c "echo test"
bash: warning: x: ignoring function definition attempt
bash: error importing function definition for `BASH_FUNC_x'
dharmabm@userv-OMD:~$ cd /tmp; rm -f /tmp/echo; env 'x=() { (a)=>\' bash -c "echo date"; cat /tmp/echo
cat: /tmp/echo: No such file or directory

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Have I missed something???

Like Windows 9

Having had to upgrade because MS pulled the plug on XP, not a happy bunny.

I just hope Bill Gates does not crash out under suspicious circumstances, every windows user will be a suspect.

Windows 9 was so crap they didn't even release it. biggrin.png

Strange, Windows 9 was being touted just 3 days ago, complete with logo. Oops, maybe a Thailand copy all gone to waste now.

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Another screwup.

Win 8 - 8.1 is very unpopular and is used by only about 20% of business applications. 7 is still the favorite OS and more still use abandoned XP than 8. All this according to the article.

Now MS is trying to save itself by adding a start menu when many of us already use the proggy to make 8 look like 7. But 10 still looks like 8 and I don't want all of that crap on my desktop. I want icons of my own choice.

MS needs to admit it screwed up and make an OS that looks like 7 but has 8's superior kernel.

If I hadn't needed a new laptop and found that all good choices were already loaded with 8, I'd still be using 7 across the board.

It would be nice if microsoft actually finished polishing an OS before moving on to a new OS with all the same warts, plus a few new ones.

Windows Explorer in Win 7 is rediculous. XP's explorer was (and is) far better.

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Microsoft insisting that we provide them with a phone number before we can sign in! I have 5 ms accounts I will never use again, they can stick them.

Two factor-authentication is there as a security feature to protect people who routinely click on any old link going without checking what it is.

However, I don't remember giving them a phone number, and I logged into MSDN this morning without being asked for one.

Google and Yahoo have been bugging me for ages to give them my phone number, which I will never ever supply. Ironically, google already has it via my android account.

Hotmail I dropped years ago, and I have no other MS 'accounts'.

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Have I missed something???

Like Windows 9

Microsoft rollout cycle has been traditionally: accepted version - bad version - accepted version - bad version.

Now by jumping from 8 directly to 10 they are hoping to skip the bad version altogether. smile.png

No, 8 was the bad version. 9 therefor, should have been a good version. That means... 10 bad. Oh, oh, another M$ screwup.

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