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Police detain three migrant workers on Koh Tao for DNA test


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This is painful, are these 3 new suspects or part of the shortlist of 10 which had supposedly already been narrowed down enough to permit an arrest warrant to be issued any day now ?

The BIB must have one foot nailed to the floor as they are simply going round in circlest

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This report doesn't say very much really,, just that they are detained for DNA tests.

Like everyone else I am getting frustrated reading page after page, day after day of what seems to be rubbish spouted by officials. I think it will be more then difficult to cover this up, people are all over this and the world is watching closely.

I would have thought that if the 3 migrant workers did do it then surely they would have scarpered back to Burma by now with all the pressure to catch them and the talk of DNA profiling half the world.. Still, I guess we will have to wait until the next instalment in this farce.

I can only imagine how terrible it must be for the family and friends reading all this nonsense whilst grieving for their loved ones..

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Not good.... not good at all.

They will go through all kinds of inhumane methods just to get suspects for the 3 day deadline.

Now those 3 migrant workers are been tortured and beat up until they "confess" they would like to apply to be the murderer so the case can be closed.

Thais = wont work, too much, too much connection

Farangs = wont work, too much international media on this case, could pose international relation problems and sanctions

Migrant workers = best, barely any human rights or basic rights, catch a few working illegally without real legal status. Comply, or jail/deported

Personally I think the investigation should be transparent as well. All investigation reported and cctv for any incidents with regards to the investigation. So even these 3 migrant workers, from the time of being detained and until discharged, all should be documented on video. Even "bathroom" breaks. Who knows what happens between and misconducts.

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They are trying to shift it to migrant workers now and the explanation because they were buying something from a store.

Watch this space we are going to hear all the BS in the world.

I thought we'd seen and heard it all already.

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This is a huge story in the UK and will be for a long time. The story of the murdered newly wed in South Africa got a one hour Panorama special devoted to it and this could easily go the same way. That would be devastating for the families who desperately need to move on, however i think this story is going to be pursued relentlessly until a believable conclusion has been reached.

The Thai authorities would be well advised to bring in foreign (UK) help to solve the case.

I think this. Idea, whilst it may have merit elsewhere, is a non starter in this case. Any outside help would depend largely on help from the local BIB.

Never mind the incompetence factor, never mind the alleged corruption and cover up factor, but LOSS of FACE would stop it dead in its tracks

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Well it was predicted by 95% , a set up it is lol

If I was Hannah or David parents there is no way I could accept innocent people being blamed for their murders

I really feel for the parents and did the only decent thing ... took a bus the the border and left. Not a single penny will the Thais get out of me unless serious change is effected. Wonder how many other expats have done the same ... or willing to actually take action, if not for their own good then as a stand of solidarity in that we will no longer allow kids to be murdered and then covered up for the sake of tourism numbers.

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Hardly concusive finding litter with matching DNA so why involve the press?

If the DNA does not match that found on the victims they are leaving themselves wide open to further ridicule.

However this does have the markings of them knowing more than they are letting on.

Only a short time ago they said they expected to make arests within 3 days..........now they have picked up 3 people

In my book, as nothing like this had ever happened in the area, the chances it was locals were pretty slim.......

I have thought from day 1 the culprits were from outside the area or migrant workers so my money is on arrests being made in te next 36 hours like they said they would be.

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Hardly concusive finding litter with matching DNA so why involve the press?

If the DNA does not match that found on the victims they are leaving themselves wide open to further ridicule.

However this does have the markings of them knowing more than they are letting on.

Only a short time ago they said they expected to make arests within 3 days..........now they have picked up 3 people

In my book, as nothing like this had ever happened in the area, the chances it was locals were pretty slim.......

I have thought from day 1 the culprits were from outside the area or migrant workers so my money is on arrests being made in te next 36 hours like they said they would be.

Well, I hope they have a bit more than this, because if they found a bit of paper on the island that has DNA from someone, I don't see how it makes a case.

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Patsies framed, caught and ready to be fried in public. Looks like someone else needed the 700k to "tell the story". Mafia boss, cronies and family leaning back with a sigh of relief, a few millions "poorer" (but this will come back easily through a sharp increase of electric and water prices) playing some stupid games on their smartphones, bored, waiting for nightfall eager to harass some other hot blonde, unfortunate enough to stumble into one of their pickup places - perhaps she will play along and leave the island raped, bruised and battered, but alive - who knows? Now, since they have shown the whole world that they are untouchable, the game is on...

Edited by catweazle
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It appears that this police FARCE couldn't even organize a one car parade. These people have hit rock bottom and begun to dig. From their terrible crime scene containment to their release of every bit of information to the media. I would not be surprised that their investigative reports aren't completed by telling the media what happened, and then going to buy tomorrow's paper and cut out the column and glue it to the police report page!!! "Look at my report Somchai, it's all documented right here!!!!!"

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God help them.

God help the expats that remain in Thailand for they are the ones supporting the regime. Do the right thing ... leave. I did and I feel better for it, how can anyone justify staying in a country that behaves in such a way?

I totally and utterly agree. However packing up and just leaving isn"t an option for some of us. For various reasons. Though I have told my family living abroad not to come and visit me in Thailand since the Aussie women's murder for a few baht in Phuket. That was the catalyst after all the unexplained hotel deaths ( poisonings ) of foreigners in Chiang Mai, Phuket. The unexplained rape and murder of the Pommy lass in Chiang Mai etc etc.

Thailand, since the 2008 finacial crash is just way too dangerous for rookie tourists that are exposed to desperate, drug addicted Thais.

Sad but true.

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Disgusted ….

Innocent men executed while killers protected ?

That hasn't happened yet. Let us wait and see,this is a high profile case attracting world wide attention, stitching someone up wont be easy. If the police really are protecting someone it would be far easier just to let the investigation run into sand,after 2 or 3 three weeks nobody will be interested. After the initial cock up i think that they are now trying their best,let's give them the benefit of the doubt.

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