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Koh Tao murders: Myanmar worker confesses killing British tourists


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If this does not scream "Frame!" and "Patsy", I don't know. Dunno how many bones they have broken in that guy to make him sign this crap, but this is B S !

If anyone here has seen the uncensored crime scene photos (I unfortunately did), he/she knows that this was a hate crime.

If a rape is the plan, a culprit would knock the guy out and the girl, but not destroy their skulls completely and beyond recognition (as with poor Hannah).

If rape is the intitial motive, a rapist would not bash the victim's head into a mush (nothing there reminded of a person anymore, letting alone a girl), unless he is into necrophelia.

Something went completely wrong there from day one onwards and it makes me wanna scream!!!

Bashing David's and Hannahs heads into a bloody pulp was an act of hatred; of revenge. Someone lost his face (Thais tend to do that, not Burmese) and felt the need to show the white people who is in charge on that island.

I feel so sorry for the victims and their families that words can hardly describe it. What a shame this whole case has become, what an insult to the words justice and to the human race itself...

Do you even know what a hate crime is? Here's a definition -

hate crime
noun: hate crime; plural noun: hate crimes

a crime motivated by racial, sexual, or other prejudice, typically one involving violence

I have seen the photos uncencored. It does look very brutal, but there is no evidence at all that this is a hate crime. Homicide or sexual crime can be as brutal as this, just because she is brutally murdered doesn't make it a hate crime.

I don't understand why you guys are so upset that it is the Burmese and not 'the Thais' that are being convicted here. I have had business in Koh Tao and I must say there are probably more Burmese workers than Thais there- the murderes and be anyone. I don't see why nationality has anything to do with it.

For those who will be arguing that the authority picked the Burmese becase they want to save Thailand's face and blame on foreigners. May I ask you why they even mentioned an involvment from a Thai person in this case? There was a case of rape this week in Phuket, and the authority publicly announced the rapist was Thai, the same went for the Train rapist.

Earlier this year a 19 year-old Thai murdered 3 kids in a foreigner's house his GF was supposely baby sat for- the Thai authority suspected a Thai criminal since the begining, and arrested him.

I completely don't understand why you WANT the criminals to be Thais - let's assume they arrest 3 Thai men for this case- Will that still make you coming out and scream 'scape goat'?

There are no evidence for your claim that these guys are scape goat- if you are in court your claim will make a very very weak case. Yes, Thai authority have bad images, but they have also made coreect arrests regarding to rape cases as well.

oh also, if any of you is an Australian commenting on how bad the Thais are or bad the country is- may I say '<deleted> OFF WE'RE FULL'....

Dear Dieselnoi,

Perhaps it's better you wait until your period is finished before posting next time.

Anyway, with regards to the Russian woman who was raped in Phuket this week, the police investigators did a sterling job of finding the Thai culprit. Oh, hold on, that right - the Russian woman wasn't murdered like these two on Koh Tao! In this case the victim was a live witness who could clearly identify the perpetrator. Me thinks there's a bit of a difference.

Thai police would never use a scapegoat. Yeah right! They couldn't buy the taxi driver to be a witness so it looks like they've approached the next person on their list.

Oh also, I'm an Australian and too bad for you - Immigration told me to come back as often as I wish. Sorry!

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All seems very convenient, I would like to see all evidence passed onto an independent force "who aren't as known for corruption " not that I am at all suggesting Thai police are*****, so that it can all be corroborated. Is that to much to ask???

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Also the person who claims these couple couldn't be having sex because they were never seen being together - can you please explain this photo why are they sitting at the same table? jsut because they didn't seem to be together in the CCTV doesnt mean they can't be together else where.


There is no evidence to support the theory the two victims had been engaging in or had engaged in sex.... nothing... .. no dna, no sperm, no link other than they were both found murdered near each other...

NO EVIDENCE of the Brit couple having sex..................Its pretty impossible to have sex without DNA being there...

So it makes this confession and witness pretty suspect when he says he was watching the victims having sex when theres no dna evidence that supports they were. GET IT ?


Impossible to have seen W/of death?

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If any of you really cared about those two poor kids you wouldn't still be in Thailand. Like me you would leave in protest, remember your money keeps the wheels oiled and those responsible for this atrocity in a job. No doubt you'll be just as outraged when the next murder happens and no doubt all you'll ever do is talk about how bad things have become and yet do nothing but sit on a bar stool and complain. Ultimately your money provides the fuel; why not show the families your true feelings of disgust and leave - frankly depriving the Thais of your money is the least you can do and if enough of you did it then it would show those poor families just how angry you are that they lost their children.

You can thank your lucky stars it wasn't your child but it could be next time. It really is time to pack your bags and find another country that doesn't treat every foreigner like a piece of meat to be used, abused, murdered or simply scammed.

I don't have any kids and I am off to Laos at the end of the month, this place has gotten too much of a joke/nightmare

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I don't believe the confession.

I don't believe the Brit guy and girl were having sex, or even together.

She was dragged off and attacked, he ran to help, now that story makes sense.

I believe it was a Thai related to the head man who is guilty, else why would they covered up for so long.

It should be easy to know if they had sex before.

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Wether these are the real killers ir not, the fact that almost everybody is sceptical jut goes to show how little credibility te thai police has. If foreigners don't trust the police, the mistrust among local Thais are even greater. Reforming the police is the real test for the thai reforms. They need a total shakeup of the police.

Yes, they need to start paying cops more than 6000thb per month for starters... How could any honest man live on 6k a month without taking some bribes?

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FYI everyone, Thai people seem to be in agreement with this thread that this is a setup. The Khaosod facebook post in Thai about the arrests has over 500 (EDIT: 5000) comments. I expanded it to show 500 and did a search. The word แพะ appears 173 times. แพะ is the Thai word for goat, and also has the same English meaning as scapegoat. Thai people are on the short end of police corruption and incompetence way more than foreigners. They know what's going on here.

The thai word for scapegoat is แพะรับบาป and translates like this - a goat receiving sin. So look for this text and you won't go far wrong!

Actually , รับ means 'accept' here.

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people here with camp in the streets for six months because they want Suthep to be the one stealing their money instead of Yingluck. But there will be barely a peep for this.

Congratulations on bringing political figures in to a serious discussion on a tragic murder case. Typical.

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I cannot believe how many armchair detectives have worked so hard to disregard any "evidence" sic that the police may or may not gathered, I swear some people on TV would disbelieve their own name, OK the BiB are not known for their brilliance in deduction but the torrent of abuse from some of these posters is just beyond the pale, insulting the whole Thai Nation's IQ is just not acceptable IMHO, perhaps some people have an axe to grind but they really need to remember they are guests, albeit paying guests in the country which they have chosen to live in as expats so they should remember that they should show some respect for the nation, Not all police are corrupt & or stupid. I have no doubt that I will be vilified for these comments by those whose intelligence is as suspect as the ones they are insulting, there is an old adage that you don't insult the host. If you think that the country is so stupid and the police are universally corrupt why do you stay, is it to exploit those very people! Go back to being Hercule Poirot and solving crimes in your dreams and stop writing slanderous rubbish on TV.for example "this was a crime of anger and fury" was the commenter there to know this, Murder by its very nature is usually a crime of anger and fury but people who have made statements like this have absolutely no evidence to base this statement on, only from police statements and "news"paper reports so they seem to be second guessing the police, unless of course they were witnesses to the event, then they should give the police a statement to assist them in their inquiries, Speculation all of it, mostly second or third hand

exactly what evidence this they ever collect? Testing the entire island for DNA. waiting for someone to "confess"?? Thai police did jack %%%%. oh wait, this guy smokes the same cigarettes? YES! we have our man!

Do you know it took the Australian police eight years to catch the abductor and murderer of a child? and that happens in a broad day light and in mainlain Australia heavy traffic. This case happened at night time in an Island involving foreigners. Do you expect the case to be solved within a week?

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The fact that David was half dressed and had wounds to the back of his head fits the scenario that the Burmese saw him having sex with Hannah (or maybe: about to be having sex, hence no semen) and decided to take over. Then David was hit on the back of his head.

Possible, although the scapegoat scenario is also possible. But who knows with all the mass hysteria going on both on this forum and on Thai forums.

I thought he was found naked?

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I cannot believe how many armchair detectives have worked so hard to disregard any "evidence" sic that the police may or may not gathered, I swear some people on TV would disbelieve their own name, OK the BiB are not known for their brilliance in deduction but the torrent of abuse from some of these posters is just beyond the pale, insulting the whole Thai Nation's IQ is just not acceptable IMHO, perhaps some people have an axe to grind but they really need to remember they are guests, albeit paying guests in the country which they have chosen to live in as expats so they should remember that they should show some respect for the nation, Not all police are corrupt & or stupid. I have no doubt that I will be vilified for these comments by those whose intelligence is as suspect as the ones they are insulting, there is an old adage that you don't insult the host. If you think that the country is so stupid and the police are universally corrupt why do you stay, is it to exploit those very people! Go back to being Hercule Poirot and solving crimes in your dreams and stop writing slanderous rubbish on TV.for example "this was a crime of anger and fury" was the commenter there to know this, Murder by its very nature is usually a crime of anger and fury but people who have made statements like this have absolutely no evidence to base this statement on, only from police statements and "news"paper reports so they seem to be second guessing the police, unless of course they were witnesses to the event, then they should give the police a statement to assist them in their inquiries, Speculation all of it, mostly second or third hand

Thanks for your spin... I've only lived here a meager 10 years. What do I know?

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The fact that David was half dressed and had wounds to the back of his head fits the scenario that the Burmese saw him having sex with Hannah (or maybe: about to be having sex, hence no semen) and decided to take over. Then David was hit on the back of his head.

Possible, although the scapegoat scenario is also possible. But who knows with all the mass hysteria going on both on this forum and on Thai forums.

Yeh right, and the families that run the island would have no idea of this & let the island suffer 3 weeks of horrific press and interrogation!. Three Burmese acting suspiciously and wounds on their face/body.

Lets deal with facts - the autopsy said that David put up a fight and had water in his lungs. Could one Burmese overpower a tall, fit westerner without any marks on him whatsoever.

How did this person hide his injuries for 3 weeks??

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Thai Police find a suspect who confesses and you still don't believe it.

I know a thai person could not do these crimes.

You are perfectly right. A Thai Person never ever could do such bad things - shure not!

Thats why there are dozens or lets say hundreds of movies in facebook and "you like to see" or YouTube show Thai hit Thai, kick in the face even lay on the floor, kick stomack, stand on them, stand on head or kick head like a football and much more.. and the special is, many are women do so, 5-10 standing around and look and make movie with the phone, nobody help, mostly young Thais.. - but you are absolutly right.. Thai never do such bad things.. (what you think they will do to foreigner when even handle Thais like that..).

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If they get the death penalty will tell alot. If not, I will smell a rat.

No death penalty if a person confesses
Depends. If the confession is a breakthrough, indeed no DP. If he confesses when the evidence is sufficient to nail him then a confession cannot help him.
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The fact that David was half dressed and had wounds to the back of his head fits the scenario that the Burmese saw him having sex with Hannah (or maybe: about to be having sex, hence no semen) and decided to take over. Then David was hit on the back of his head.

Possible, although the scapegoat scenario is also possible. But who knows with all the mass hysteria going on both on this forum and on Thai forums.

Thank you for another sensible response.

facepalm.gif you don't need semen to find DNA present.. and yet again there is this narrow thinking that they were having sex.... ill say it one more time for the real dumb..

There is NO evidence of Hannah and David doing anything sexual... not even sharing a cigarette...

all the rest is based on your own imagination

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Update on David's shorts. We now know that the 'dark blue shorts' on the beach were in fact, David's pale shorts turned inside out. David's light khaki shorts were blue on the inside. Clothes appear not to have been worn during the attack, as there are only tiny spots of blood on them, from the pile they were in already on the beach. It IS pointing towards the fact Hannah and David were getting romantically involved, even though i hve not wanted to believe this.


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I cannot believe how many armchair detectives have worked so hard to disregard any "evidence" sic that the police may or may not gathered, I swear some people on TV would disbelieve their own name, OK the BiB are not known for their brilliance in deduction but the torrent of abuse from some of these posters is just beyond the pale, insulting the whole Thai Nation's IQ is just not acceptable IMHO, perhaps some people have an axe to grind but they really need to remember they are guests, albeit paying guests in the country which they have chosen to live in as expats so they should remember that they should show some respect for the nation, Not all police are corrupt & or stupid. I have no doubt that I will be vilified for these comments by those whose intelligence is as suspect as the ones they are insulting, there is an old adage that you don't insult the host. If you think that the country is so stupid and the police are universally corrupt why do you stay, is it to exploit those very people! Go back to being Hercule Poirot and solving crimes in your dreams and stop writing slanderous rubbish on TV.for example "this was a crime of anger and fury" was the commenter there to know this, Murder by its very nature is usually a crime of anger and fury but people who have made statements like this have absolutely no evidence to base this statement on, only from police statements and "news"paper reports so they seem to be second guessing the police, unless of course they were witnesses to the event, then they should give the police a statement to assist them in their inquiries, Speculation all of it, mostly second or third hand

exactly what evidence this they ever collect? Testing the entire island for DNA. waiting for someone to "confess"?? Thai police did jack %%%%. oh wait, this guy smokes the same cigarettes? YES! we have our man!

Do you know it took the Australian police eight years to catch the abductor and murderer of a child? and that happens in a broad day light and in mainlain Australia heavy traffic. This case happened at night time in an Island involving foreigners. Do you expect the case to be solved within a week?

The RTP seem to have done just that.

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FYI everyone, Thai people seem to be in agreement with this thread that this is a setup. The Khaosod facebook post in Thai about the arrests has over 500 (EDIT: 5000) comments. I expanded it to show 500 and did a search. The word แพะ appears 173 times. แพะ is the Thai word for goat, and also has the same English meaning as scapegoat. Thai people are on the short end of police corruption and incompetence way more than foreigners. They know what's going on here.

The thai word for scapegoat is แพะรับบาป and translates like this - a goat receiving sin. So look for this text and you won't go far wrong!

Actually , รับ means 'accept' here.

No it doesn't smartarse!! แพะรับบาป in this context translates exactly to the above! Also รับ is used in many different ways in the thai language

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Thai Police find a suspect who confesses and you still don't believe it.

I know a thai person could not do these crimes.

Never heard of an innocent person confessing to a crime after being tortured, water borded, severly beaten promised money for their loved ones if confess?

If people continue to feed this troll, she's going to have a severe case of indigestion.

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In my view the facts as now presented do seem quite plausible

The evidence at the scene were, of course, the two bodies, the murder weapon, cigarette butts and a used condom

The victims could well have being having protected sex on the beach following a few drinks

They would have been highly vulnerable to attack

Three migrant workers, probably after drinking, had come across the scene, become aroused by the situation, and decided to rape and murder the couple

It is without a doubt that any crazed rapist would not have used a condom, so any DNA found on the condom belonged only to the couple, but the two types of DNA found within the poor female victim probably belonged to the murderer and her boyfriend

DNA found on discarded cigarette butts doesn't prove anything by itself

I can only hope that this case is concluded quickly. The circus that has been going on for weeks must stop for the sake of the poor families

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Independent investigation absolutely necessary to confirm DNA results. Thai police simply cannot be trusted with something as imortant as this. Catching people not wearing motorbike helmets is one thing, condemning 3 people to a life behind bars or worse is another. Also what of the victims families if they are fobbed off with some convenient scapegoats ? The British goverment must demand an independent investigation to corroborate the RTP results.

What do you think is more important to the British government, the lives of two of it's own citizens or a continued good relationship with Thailand? To me the answer to this is obvious. Britain will never put any serious pressure on Thailand over this. IMO, of course.

When you travel overseas you are on your own. Not many people understand this, they think their country/embassy will protect them

Yes of course there are certain risks involved in travelling, however this does not have any bearing on how an investigation such as this should be handled. What you are saying is that it's perfectly acceptable for the untrustworthy and inept Thai police to fob the families and public off with absolutely any old rubbish, just to get the job done and dusted before the all important high season. That looks to be the case and you are right but it doesn't make it anymore palatable. Let's have a big cheer for Thainess winning the day yet again.

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If any of you really cared about those two poor kids you wouldn't still be in Thailand. Like me you would leave in protest, remember your money keeps the wheels oiled and those responsible for this atrocity in a job. No doubt you'll be just as outraged when the next murder happens and no doubt all you'll ever do is talk about how bad things have become and yet do nothing but sit on a bar stool and complain. Ultimately your money provides the fuel; why not show the families your true feelings of disgust and leave - frankly depriving the Thais of your money is the least you can do and if enough of you did it then it would show those poor families just how angry you are that they lost their children.

You can thank your lucky stars it wasn't your child but it could be next time. It really is time to pack your bags and find another country that doesn't treat every foreigner like a piece of meat to be used, abused, murdered or simply scammed.

I don't have any kids and I am off to Laos at the end of the month, this place has gotten too much of a joke/nightmare

Monk...As it so happens I've just e mailed my daughter in the UK to tell her I will be leaving Thailand early next year (when my rental agreement expires) for the very reasons you set out. Living under martial law, and now this, has just broken the camels back. It's not a hasty decision but, after 7 years the corruption, indifference etc has worn me down and only the weather is something I will miss.

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FYI everyone, Thai people seem to be in agreement with this thread that this is a setup. The Khaosod facebook post in Thai about the arrests has over 500 (EDIT: 5000) comments. I expanded it to show 500 and did a search. The word แพะ appears 173 times. แพะ is the Thai word for goat, and also has the same English meaning as scapegoat. Thai people are on the short end of police corruption and incompetence way more than foreigners. They know what's going on here.

The thai word for scapegoat is แพะรับบาป and translates like this - a goat receiving sin. So look for this text and you won't go far wrong!

Actually , รับ means 'accept' here.

No it doesn't smartarse!! แพะรับบาป in this context translates exactly to the above! Also รับ is used in many different ways in the thai language

This is the exact translation from Benjawan Becker who tends to know what she is on about!

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people here with camp in the streets for six months because they want Suthep to be the one stealing their money instead of Yingluck. But there will be barely a peep for this.

Congratulations on bringing political figures in to a serious discussion on a tragic murder case. Typical.

comprehend English much?

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