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Murder reenactment: 200 policemen deployed to guard two Myanmar men on Koh Tao


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Problem is you will not believe any Burmese did it now after all the Thai bashing on here. Maybe time to take a break and look at the facts again ? Is it really possible that someone else than the headman and his family did it ?

We will never know though will we – the whole rotten law and justice system from the bottom up to the highest courts in the land are designed to ensure things are manipulated to get the desired result. I'm not Thai bashing at all, and I agree that the relentless bashing that goes on in these forums is nauseating, but you do hope that they have got it right.

Exactly. It is an environment that is perfect for fostering mistrust.

That said I would bet both my left and right one on this being a stitch up to cover some bigwigs crime.

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It is now being suggested that these 3 were beaten and burned with boiling water to get a confession. Also the reason no Burmese fled the island was because they new their DNA would not match.. Burmese and British embassies have been notified of this... AMAZING THAILAND

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WOW that big, In the real world the whole force would go to jail for something this blatant.

Was there any mention of a mobile phone during this ghoul-show?

There is a poster claiming the phone was in police hands the morning of the murder:


Yep, my friend definitely had the phone in her hand the next day, handed it over to the police and gave them the passcode


From what I've just found out: the 4 girls went out together, one of them had Hannah's phone in her handbag (perfectly normal for some girls not to take handbags out). The police asked for the phone and the passcode the next day. The English girls left the island the next day and flew back to the UK, so the police were free to do what they wanted with the phone and the only people that knew about it were thousands of miles away.
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It's all one big show and protecting face...

Where's the due process for the suspects? It really doesn't matter whether they are guilty or not in the eyes of Thai society.

Hard to respect a culture so ignorant with little regard in getting to the truth. I wish there would have been more follow-up on those senior supreme court judges who were removed from the bench...That is what should come out in the public and try to fix why it happened..Instead swept under the rug and no doubt more cronies fill their spots and the process repeats itself...


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What these three suspects and the world needs now is a very good expert lawyer team that isnt interested in getting them off on a technicality but who will turn over every stone and employ investigative and forensic professionals to look at this from top to bottom.

unfortunately if they have confessed there will be no need to look at much of the evidence... confessions mean they dont have to and everyone in the establishment wants it to be them .. so it will be.

This will be open and shut very quickly....

Not only will I never set foot on Koh Tao again but none of the southern islands ... they are all run and controlled by the same families and mafia. We wont be setting foot on any of those Islands of corruption or death however pretty they are.

I believe the murderers are still out there with such rage and hate ...they will rape and probably kill again, probably Thai next time but who knows,

I thought you said you were leaving.

Don't tell me..... you live on one of those Islands.... whistling.gif


No. I live in Nakhon Nayok. I happily visit the South whenever I get the chance.

But seriously, didn't you say you were leaving,and have you not said the same before?

No ive never made that claim, although I have said im seriously considering that option more these days as anyone with alternatives or a family should be.

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I would not want to share the gruesome photos from the crime scene, So without doing so, This is a template of injuries to David. All were very, VERY deep, brutal lacerations. 4 to the back of the head (skull), one to the cheek bone, 2 to the jawline and one to the collarbone. David also had bruises to the nose and eyes with minor scratches near the nose bridge. So i do now see that he must have been facing his killer at one point, and not all blows were from the back and side, as first thought.

The Facebook page 'CSI LA' has had invaluable information throughout this case and continues to report unseen testimonials and pieces of interest.

0.jpg 00.jpg

The sharp end of the hoe could have read ached around and made those wounds on the cheek and jaw

They also said they dragged him in the water -- possibly face down. Also possibly he got hit in the back and after turned around and got hit again. Playing detective is hard enough but doing it based on partial info and assumptions is fruitless unless just looking for entertainment.

The CSI link on Facebook has a lot of useful info, least of which it appears there were 2 hoes apparently from day 1

I continue to doubt these kids did it. But they must have been offered quite a deal to take it. Question is, can the local police deliver on the deal.

What happens when these kids get the death penalty. If they were hoodwinked, the Burmese embassy will jump up and down like crazy. So this might not be quite so open and shut as it appears.

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I've been following the email threads since the date of the murders and must say that 90% of you folks are just a bunch of armchair critics, speculating and offering your opinions on much less than factual info; judging as you feel you have the right to; sucking it all in; and criticising the police. You guys are what needs to be tossed out of here to help get Thailand back to Thailand!. Thai life and ways are the right of Thais, not expats who feel "they" have a right to judge. Go back to where you came from and spout off to your local periodical.

The less western ideological mindsets here the better. Thailand is for Thais.....and the Farangs that can fit into "their" way of life.

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I've been following the email threads since the date of the murders and must say that 90% of you folks are just a bunch of armchair critics, speculating and offering your opinions on much less than factual info; judging as you feel you have the right to; sucking it all in; and criticising the police. You guys are what needs to be tossed out of here to help get Thailand back to Thailand!. Thai life and ways are the right of Thais, not expats who feel "they" have a right to judge. Go back to where you came from and spout off to your local periodical.

The less western ideological mindsets here the better. Thailand is for Thais.....and the Farangs that can fit into "their" way of life.

90% - where is your 'factual info' on the gem?

"speculating and offering your opinions" just like you are doing!


Edited by bongoz
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It is now being suggested that these 3 were beaten and burned with boiling water to get a confession. Also the reason no Burmese fled the island was because they new their DNA would not match.. Burmese and British embassies have been notified of this... AMAZING THAILAND

I will call you a troll until you can confirm this news that you suggest happened.

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It is now being suggested that these 3 were beaten and burned with boiling water to get a confession. Also the reason no Burmese fled the island was because they new their DNA would not match.. Burmese and British embassies have been notified of this... AMAZING THAILAND

I will call you a troll until you can confirm this news that you suggest happened.


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Didn't the same thing take place in 2000? A westerner was raped and murdered in Chang Mai. The Thai police rounded up a migrant worker from Myanmar, roughed him up and made him confess. The whole thing was a sham, and the police were caught. They had to let the guy go. The case is still unresolved.

I understand that there is a lot of pressure to end this case. Tourist dollars are on the line. This isn't the way to do this. It's not right.

Finally, even if these are the guys that did it the police on Koh Tao have a lot of explaining to do. They are undocumented and illegal migrant workers who live and work on that island. The police are taking bribes. That's a fact! If I'm a tourist I am not going to feel safe. In that regard the people in power are to blame for this murder.

This is going to still cripple their economy. I can't see a lot of people vacationing there. If I had a choice between Koh Tao or Vietnam, I'm going to Vietnam.

Edited by benj005
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When the news broke about these guys being arrested, the csi la guy received a fb message from the son of the village chief saying 5555 which means hahahaha.

Arrogant little pr*ck

Do you have the link for that? I would just like to see the post. Thanks

Cant get the link but took a screen shot


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I've been following the email threads since the date of the murders and must say that 90% of you folks are just a bunch of armchair critics, speculating and offering your opinions on much less than factual info; judging as you feel you have the right to; sucking it all in; and criticising the police. You guys are what needs to be tossed out of here to help get Thailand back to Thailand!. Thai life and ways are the right of Thais, not expats who feel "they" have a right to judge. Go back to where you came from and spout off to your local periodical.

The less western ideological mindsets here the better. Thailand is for Thais.....and the Farangs that can fit into "their" way of life.

Crawl back under your Thai rock, oh brainwashed one...........rolleyes.gif

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When the news broke about these guys being arrested, the csi la guy received a fb message from the son of the village chief saying 5555 which means hahahaha.

Arrogant little pr*ck

Do you have the link for that? I would just like to see the post. Thanks

Cant get the link but took a screen shot

Got it...


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I would not want to share the gruesome photos from the crime scene, So without doing so, This is a template of injuries to David. All were very, VERY deep, brutal lacerations. 4 to the back of the head (skull), one to the cheek bone, 2 to the jawline and one to the collarbone. David also had bruises to the nose and eyes with minor scratches near the nose bridge. So i do now see that he must have been facing his killer at one point, and not all blows were from the back and side, as first thought.

The Facebook page 'CSI LA' has had invaluable information throughout this case and continues to report unseen testimonials and pieces of interest.

0.jpg 00.jpg

The sharp end of the hoe could have read ached around and made those wounds on the cheek and jaw

They also said they dragged him in the water -- possibly face down. Also possibly he got hit in the back and after turned around and got hit again. Playing detective is hard enough but doing it based on partial info and assumptions is fruitless unless just looking for entertainment.

The CSI link on Facebook has a lot of useful info, least of which it appears there were 2 hoes apparently from day 1

I continue to doubt these kids did it. But they must have been offered quite a deal to take it. Question is, can the local police deliver on the deal.

What happens when these kids get the death penalty. If they were hoodwinked, the Burmese embassy will jump up and down like crazy. So this might not be quite so open and shut as it appears.

3 guys who happened to be seen on video and near the crime scene and never coming forward after ongoing reports trying to identify them now are all stupid enough to say they did something that will likely be punished by death to receive some compensation?

I am not ready to convict anybody but I think most doubts are coming from it being hard to not accept we were wrong on our initial assumptions.

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It is now being suggested that these 3 were beaten and burned with boiling water to get a confession. Also the reason no Burmese fled the island was because they new their DNA would not match.. Burmese and British embassies have been notified of this... AMAZING THAILAND

I will call you a troll until you can confirm this news that you suggest happened.

Check this link out ... https://www.facebook.com/CSILA90210/photos/a.600950366649359.1073741828.596740650403664/707551705989224/?type=1

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It is now being suggested that these 3 were beaten and burned with boiling water to get a confession. Also the reason no Burmese fled the island was because they new their DNA would not match.. Burmese and British embassies have been notified of this... AMAZING THAILAND

I will call you a troll until you can confirm this news that you suggest happened.

Check this link out ... https://www.facebook.com/CSILA90210/photos/a.600950366649359.1073741828.596740650403664/707551705989224/?type=1

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Crawl back under your Thai rock, oh brainwashed one...........rolleyes.gif.pagespeed.ce.hZ59UWKk-sK1nV

I know this is not the forum to bring this up, but where are you from? How long have you visited Thailand for, and which part of Thailand are you visiting now?

I have been living in and out of Thailand for 18 years. How is it you feel I am brainwashed?

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Crawl back under your Thai rock, oh brainwashed one...........rolleyes.gif.pagespeed.ce.hZ59UWKk-sK1nV

I know this is not the forum to bring this up, but where are you from? How long have you visited Thailand for, and which part of Thailand are you visiting now?

I have been living in and out of Thailand for 18 years. How is it you feel I am brainwashed?

I have been living in and out of Thailand for 47 years...

birth to 35 - out of Thailand

35 to 40 - annual holiday to Thailand

40 to 47 - living in Thailand!

Also you failed to address the points I posted earlier...

90% - where is your 'factual info' on the gem?

"speculating and offering your opinions" just like you are doing!

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I find it very strange that the police said one of the guys had dyed his hair blonde (which was found in Hannah's hand) and then the day after the killings had changed it to black again.

First of all the 3 burmese guys seen on the motorbike the night before the killing all have black hair. And if a person suddenly changed his hair from blond to black, after it has been all over the news, would people then not clearly have noticed that?

A lot of things do not make sense, if you look at this in an objective manner. But add corruption, money and police with no dignity, then it all makes perfectly sense.

Shame on the Thai Police!

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