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Is this restaurant a front?


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There is a small restaurant near Soi Ngamduplee, I won't mention the name, but it is down a small dead-end soi. It is well advertised on the main drag. It also has had some reviews in Trip Advisor which are more than 2 years old.

Anyway, I have visited this restaurant about 3 times. There is a menu outside and even small lit candles on the tables inside. Everything looks normal except a few things on close examination. First there are never any customers and the door is always locked, but at least one attendant in the lit restaurant. There is a bell on the door that says 'Members only'. I once asked if I could become a member but was told it was 'full up'. Every time I have been over a period of 6 months, the attendant has either told me it is closed or got someone from down the soi to come and tell me the same thing.

I have strong suspicions that it is a front for some illegal activity and just wanted any ideas on what the activity might be (as I am afraid to ask the attendant!).

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If you look around for a while you´ll see many places like that; I walk past two every day after work, one an enormous, three story German themed restaurant, 99% of the time it's empty, not closed, but empty. I don't think I've seen people dinning there more than half a dozen times in three years.

Another is a Japanese restaurant that opened two years ago, I actually ate there a couple times but it's also practically deserted all the time, several restaurants and shops sharing the same corner building folded over the same period, even ones with much more clientele and less apparent expenses.

They are, in all probability, places to laundry dirty money.

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If you look around for a while you´ll see many places like that; I walk past two every day after work, one an enormous, three story German themed restaurant, 99% of the time it's empty, not closed, but empty. I don't think I've seen people dinning there more than half a dozen times in three years.

Another is a Japanese restaurant that opened two years ago, I actually ate there a couple times but it's also practically deserted all the time, several restaurants and shops sharing the same corner building folded over the same period, even ones with much more clientele and less apparent expenses.

They are, in all probability, places to laundry dirty money.

Not the same is it? This one has all the appearance of normality and ready for service but is for 'members only' and always "closed". And how can money be laundered in such a place?

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If you look around for a while you´ll see many places like that; I walk past two every day after work, one an enormous, three story German themed restaurant, 99% of the time it's empty, not closed, but empty. I don't think I've seen people dinning there more than half a dozen times in three years.

Another is a Japanese restaurant that opened two years ago, I actually ate there a couple times but it's also practically deserted all the time, several restaurants and shops sharing the same corner building folded over the same period, even ones with much more clientele and less apparent expenses.

They are, in all probability, places to laundry dirty money.

Not the same is it? This one has all the appearance of normality and ready for service but is for 'members only' and always "closed". And how can money be laundered in such a place?

Laundering can be done as simple as declaring the restaurant generated as much money as you want to have laundered, whether there were clients or not is immaterial.

At the end of the month you take a wad of dirty money to the bank, you say it's income from your restaurant, and bingo, clean money. This can be repeated over many banks to maximize the laundering capacity.

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If you look around for a while you´ll see many places like that; I walk past two every day after work, one an enormous, three story German themed restaurant, 99% of the time it's empty, not closed, but empty. I don't think I've seen people dinning there more than half a dozen times in three years.

Another is a Japanese restaurant that opened two years ago, I actually ate there a couple times but it's also practically deserted all the time, several restaurants and shops sharing the same corner building folded over the same period, even ones with much more clientele and less apparent expenses.

They are, in all probability, places to laundry dirty money.

Not the same is it? This one has all the appearance of normality and ready for service but is for 'members only' and always "closed". And how can money be laundered in such a place?

Laundering can be done as simple as declaring the restaurant generated as much money as you want to have laundered, whether there were clients or not is immaterial.

At the end of the month you take a wad of dirty money to the bank, you say it's income from your restaurant, and bingo, clean money. This can be repeated over many banks to maximize the laundering capacity.

Good explanation. I thought of less innocent purposes, but money laundering it is then. I assume the 'members only' is to keep the customers away as they would complicate the issue by introducing clean money.

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Wow, the 007 wannabes are on the prowl.

Every time I have been over a period of 6 months, the attendant has either told me it is closed or got someone from down the soi to come and tell me the same thing.

Why is the O/P so desperate to eat at a restaurant that rarely or never has customers? If they say there is a members-only policy and they don't want you as a member, why the obsession over 6 months (and why would someone "down the soi" be dispatched to tell you the same thing again)? Maybe time for you to move on.

If they were running some super-secret, highly illegal operation and you kept bugging them they might decided your behavior was exceedingly suspicious. At any rate, your desirability as a potential member has probably dropped to near zero at this point.

and even small lit candles on the tables inside

Surely you can find another restaurant that has small candles on the tables ... and customers ... and food .

Edited by Suradit69
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Wow, the 007 wannabes are on the prowl.

Every time I have been over a period of 6 months, the attendant has either told me it is closed or got someone from down the soi to come and tell me the same thing.

Why is the O/P so desperate to eat at a restaurant that rarely or never has customers? If they say there is a members-only policy and they don't want you as a member, why the obsession over 6 months (and why would someone "down the soi" be dispatched to tell you the same thing again)? Maybe time for you to move on.

If they were running some super-secret, highly illegal operation and you kept bugging them they might decided your behavior was exceedingly suspicious. At any rate, your desirability as a potential member has probably dropped to near zero at this point.

and even small lit candles on the tables inside

Surely you can find another restaurant that has small candles on the tables ... and customers ... and food .

Clearly you live in a bubble, bouncing from one safe haven to the next, with no curiosity to dull your senses, or intrigue to dilute the fullness of your life..

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I'm not looking for somewhere to eat in Bangkok am I? I'm looking for an explanation.

No, you're not.

But if others are sniffing around the area and curious about the mystery club, they'll know where to eat.

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Gambling den perhaps? Have you ever seen people entering the place? Is there a time it opens? What time does it close? Is it possible to determine if there is another entrance that isn't so obvious to wandering eyes? Being at the end of a Soi, is it possible that the back is accessible by another Soi, walkway,or other means? Drug activity is clearly out of the question in my opinion. Yes, this would be one way to clean your money, but this is Bangkok! You don't actually need a physical restaurant or business to claim you have one. Why go to the trouble of choosing a restaurant at all when you could pick another business model where it isn't so "open" to the public.

I have been to a members only restaurant once with a good friend who had police connections that he paid on a monthly basis for their assistance. He was a paranoid guy who has now left Thailand. When he took me to this place, it did not resemble a restaurant at all on the exterior. It was just a very high concrete wall with a steel gate. You would think a large residence or something was back there. Once inside, we were the only people there. The meeting at this location was to give the policeman his monthly fee.

I am also interested. Which Soi? I'd like to drive by and take a look. I don't work too far from there. If you don't want to put it out there for all to see, feel free to pm me! We can crack this case!

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I'm not looking for somewhere to eat in Bangkok am I? I'm looking for an explanation.

No, you're not.

But if others are sniffing around the area and curious about the mystery club, they'll know where to eat.

If so, they will be spoilt for choice - there are 15 good restaurants in the immediate area. The Italian 'Lido' is one of the best, then the famous Mali.

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Why won't you mention the name of the place?

For obvious reasons - it might be legit and it might also attract attention from people who put themselves in danger. There are also such things as defamation laws in Thailand.

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Gambling den perhaps? Have you ever seen people entering the place? Is there a time it opens? What time does it close? Is it possible to determine if there is another entrance that isn't so obvious to wandering eyes? Being at the end of a Soi, is it possible that the back is accessible by another Soi, walkway,or other means? Drug activity is clearly out of the question in my opinion. Yes, this would be one way to clean your money, but this is Bangkok! You don't actually need a physical restaurant or business to claim you have one. Why go to the trouble of choosing a restaurant at all when you could pick another business model where it isn't so "open" to the public.

I have been to a members only restaurant once with a good friend who had police connections that he paid on a monthly basis for their assistance. He was a paranoid guy who has now left Thailand. When he took me to this place, it did not resemble a restaurant at all on the exterior. It was just a very high concrete wall with a steel gate. You would think a large residence or something was back there. Once inside, we were the only people there. The meeting at this location was to give the policeman his monthly fee.

I am also interested. Which Soi? I'd like to drive by and take a look. I don't work too far from there. If you don't want to put it out there for all to see, feel free to pm me! We can crack this case!

I doubt there is another way in - those buildings are back-to back. Don't know opening times, but doubt there are any at all - only closing times. There is a clear sign, with the name and tel number of the restaurant from when it was definitely legit, on a lamp post in the main drag so it must attract some attention - I doubt the new owners know about it, otherwise they would take it down. You can't drive down the soi - it is a small dead-end one - actually very atmospheric at night - like an oriental soi from the 19th century - all brothels, opium dens and gambling joints. But that's only my imagination. I can't name it, but it is NEAR to Soi Ngamduplee, not an asian restaurant, off a busy small road not too far from a restaurant I have already mentioned. You should be able to get it from everything I have written about it - but you will need to visit the area on foot - if you do get the name it is easily searchable on Google but I now see not in Trip Advisor. All the reviews are at least 2 years old. Note if there are no customers on a Saturday night then where are they? If anyone does find it, I suggest they don't give out the name or further details. It would be nice to have a report back, though. I have stopped looking as I know what I will find. And I am convinced you will find the same thing. Some sleuth could write a book on this!

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I'm sure if you start frequenting adjacent or near by establishments,

eventually subtle inquire may gleam some intel on suspected nefarious activity of said establishment.

Occam's Razor:

Of all possible explanations, the simplest is usually correct.


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