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Farang/Thai couples - why so touchy-feely?

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In a relationship, touching your partner can not only be a sign of affection, it can be a sign of affirmation of the closeness you both share. My wife and I are quite free with our "touchy feelies" when we are at home by ourselves (we have no children). However, out in public we usually limit our contact to the "pinky finger" style of hand holding and that, only occasionally out of respect for Thai cultural norms. Even in the west, I have never been a fan of overt displays of affection in public. I find it offensive when walking down the street or through a mall behind a couple mauling each other. There's a time and place for everything. Like they say, "get a room!".


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From the girls point of view...it has to do with the perception of possession...saying...this ATM machine is mine...keep your hands off...do not smile and shake your booty...get your own foreign banker...

Circles circles...


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Haven't you ever been in Love?

In Thai culture it's not appropriate to show affection in public, at least for older people. In Bangkok there are youngster who will act like a westerners, but that doesn't meant that outside of Bangkok its ok to act like that. What I've been understood at least older thai couples will show affection between each other only on private. I haven't seen thais hug their children much, at least in public.

Times change.

I heard in Thailand that even prostitution is illegal and yet it happens. Just imagine. The scandal.

I don't think prostitution, itself, is illegal in Thailand but I believe 'pimping' is, i.e. those bar-fines.

It's the barfines that keep it legal.


I find it curious when I see Thai/farang couples sitting at a restaurant side-by-side when they're the only ones at the table. Don't recall seeing that much in the West. Don't like it for myself and gf so we don't do it.


I find it curious when I see Thai/farang couples sitting at a restaurant side-by-side when they're the only ones at the table. Don't recall seeing that much in the West. Don't like it for myself and gf so we don't do it.

My Thai GF likes me to sit next to her, yeah I find it strange too!


Yeah...same here - and at home also.....but noticed in the states too....maybe some places are busy and it makes half a table available....see it in the local Thai noodle shops too....


Most of them pawing Couples on the BTS involve a happy faced Farang enjoying the company of a younger lady that they could only dream off at home, and as he is on the watch with her he cant keep his hands of her thinking of what they will be getting up to when they reach his Hotel room.

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you may not see thais in public holding hands etc as it is usually the guys girlfriend he is with and does not want to show up his wife by being gropy/feely with girlfriend. they are just being considerate.


OP, do you think it's wrong to show your affection to your g/f wife?

Where did I say that?

You didn't - but you did ask the question "what's that all about?". Which it seems to me could suggest that you don't understand how affection can work with some people and I'm guessing Costas2008 came to a similar conclusion.

So how about answering the question Costas put to you - do you think it's wrong to show affection to your g/f or wife?


It's all about affection. That's all.

No, it's not all... affection is only half of it.

The other half is respect.

Respect for the girl, and respect for the values she was taught from childhood.


Holding hands is perfectly acceptable in Bangkok and not just among 'youngsters'.

Must be a sad old place where you can't hold your wife's hand while walking in the park.


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Because I am depressed that Costas 2008 didn't jump on this bandwagon you created as a Troll post to bring out the never ending interesting responses... Did you learn anything? Did you finish your Thesis

Other people are engaging with the topic. Looks like you're the one trolling...

Engaging???? Is that what you are calling it??? You have been put down 9 out 10 so far for your mindless dribbled opinon TROLL>

Look, if you don't like the topic of the thread then don't bloody read it.

Why are you sitting there typing out "TROLL" in every post like it's some sort of spell or hex that wards off spirits ?

Just move on

Ha ha ha Why you read and respond to mine FOOL!

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My wife and I hold hands and are touchy..I think it's called affection. We don't kiss in public but that's just a personal choice.

We aren't overt in the way we touch and I think is healthy for married couples to show affection and love

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My wife and I hold hands and are touchy..I think it's called affection. We don't kiss in public but that's just a personal choice.

We aren't overt in the way we touch and I think is healthy for married couples to show affection and love

The kissing bit.

I was always told - strictly no kissing in public - by all my Thai women. Not a problem at all for me.

A few have been reluctant with a hug at the airport too - departing or arriving.

Yet all would hold my hand and if I took my hand away it would be seen as some form or rebuke or a sign of me being in a bad mood.

But, yes it is a sign of affection. Like being in that comfort zone, warm and cozy :)

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Whats that all about. Its all about sex. If you have not explored the Kama Sutra, you should.

Also many people are very possessive of their sex partners. They hate the thought of someone else sneaking in and laying the offspring they thought should be theirs - men or women.


Point1: Soi Biker obviously raised a worth while topic, otherwise we would not have had so much interest and discussion. Fair comment to raise I think. many of us are just bored and are chatting about any topic raised. Why not. My Thai wife and I when in public, hold hands only. What a great wife I have. Living the dream.

Point 2: I was standing behind a youg falung couple on the BTS waiting for a train recently, when they starting sucking heads, only a foot or so from me. Without warning, I dry reached. I was as surprised as the couple who stopped sucking and glared at me. Tears came out of both eyes as I held my mouth to prevent any possible leakage. It stopped their mood rather quickly, and they desisted from then on.

Point 3: It happened again, though in a store this time. As the 2 falungs started closing their eyes, I dry reached but intentionally this time and at it had the same effect as the train couple. I have learnt a useful tactic. Some of you guys will think I am weird or sick. Maybe so, but I will probably do this again.


What a great wife I have. Living the dream. So you deliberately dry retch in public -- what kind of dream is she living?

She just laughed. She gets it.

I get the impression JL Crab is one of those sucking head in public types, and doesn't get it.

Please JL, try to control yourself.


Why in the world do you care? Are you a grown man? Why are you concerned about interracial couples holding hands? People like you scare me.

What, people that use their brain scare you?giggle.gif

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Why in the world do you care? Are you a grown man? Why are you concerned about interracial couples holding hands? People like you scare me.

What, people that use their brain scare you?giggle.gif

I don't think the OP could ever be accused of 'using his brain' when expressing his feeble insecurities over people enjoying their lives and who must be in a more stable relationship than he is.....

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It's interesting how a simple discussion about behaviour in public seems to have struck a nerve for a handful of posters. I wonder what that's all about?


What a great wife I have. Living the dream. So you deliberately dry retch in public -- what kind of dream is she living?

She just laughed. She gets it.

I get the impression JL Crab is one of those sucking head in public types, and doesn't get it.

Please JL, try to control yourself.

Sucked whose head in public?


Why in the world do you care? Are you a grown man? Why are you concerned about interracial couples holding hands? People like you scare me.

What, people that use their brain scare you?giggle.gif

The OP is definitely not using his brain for anything useful or important if this is what he spends his time thinking about. I have a great admiration for intellectuals and critical thinkers.

Spending your time thinking about this nonsense is just pathetic.


Why in the world do you care? Are you a grown man? Why are you concerned about interracial couples holding hands? People like you scare me.

What, people that use their brain scare you?giggle.gif

The OP is definitely not using his brain for anything useful or important if this is what he spends his time thinking about. I have a great admiration for intellectuals and critical thinkers.

Spending your time thinking about this nonsense is just pathetic.

Whereas posting replies to a topic you consider nonsense is a worthwhile use of your time, I guess?

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