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Police address criticisms over Koh Tao arrest of Myanmar suspects

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Maw may be their #3 sad.png


The Migrant Worker Rights Network, based in Thailand, will seek, in cooperation with Thai officials, to gain access to the accused migrant workers, known as Win and Saw, to interview them on their past and present treatment, as well as ensure these persons understand fully their rights as accused persons under Thai law, according to the British rights activist. Another suspect known as Maw, has also been arrested.

"The team has already arrived on the ground and started work. Our mission shall seek to cooperate where necessary also with the Myanmar and British embassies, but it's important to stress that the mission itself is completely independent of any government or Thai officials," Mr Hall added.


"The truth and nothing but the truth" (and then the appropriate punishment) - that's all what everyone is looking for, whatever the nationality or status of the culprit(s).

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Wonder what Seam Mcann really knows ??? He's gone very quiet ? Why ? Anyone think as that he was interviewed by police the next morning and still very much under the influence of something ?? Must of been a pretty wild party , plenty of nasty , incorrectly produced ? drugs available on KT ? Wonder if he went on a bender ? perhaps did some things he wasnt aware of , and thawed out later the next morning then panicked and hid until he could leave , OK he was supposed to have been checked out by the local RTP and cleared , hmmm wonder if his family had made some contribution to access his sudden departure , its happened after people are under the influence and gone off the rails , wonder if he was involved ???

looked out of it to me

seems he was still hallucinating

maybe he is in rehab?

Yeah maybe you right,

He'd been living there for quite a while,

The drugs there must make you go crazy if there are brutal murders, rapes etc,

there is a lot of chat on the thai forums about the son of mon being accused of another rape about 2 years ago,

seems he escaped through a window, cut his foot in doing so, had 12 stitches, plenty of evidence, perhaps this is why we still haven't seen him take a DNA test, the place is corrupt and as pointed out, Yaba will see you end up in rehab...

Now will the police clean this up or are they still focusing on bikinis and dog tagging us..

Some of the official replies on here are ludicrous...So glad to be out of here, people can let it be known what really happens, it will happen again, be sure...

Maybe make all the Burmese and falangs there get working visas, or would that be impossible and they would have to then actually find local Thai people to actually work...

Then the term, "I don't think a thai person could have done this" might be true,

I don't think a wealthy Thai mafia type could actually work.

I do think a wealthy Thai mafia type could have committed this crime..

There you go, the police didn't know there were Mafia and drugs at that location,

I have seen police corruption on the islands....they are spending all their time doing the rounds collecting money....

Corruption in the Farce is everywhere...

otherwise the locals would have told them, well now you have been told, will anything change?

  • Like 1

Would it be weird of me to attend the funeral on friday even though I didnt know her?.. and yes the public are allowed are invited according to the paper

Sorry excuse my ignorance, but attend the funeral! You mean some sort of service on the island ?

Really I've been ou,t and a few pages behind.

Does that mean 100's of people will come to the island to pay there respects ?

And then the BIB will say 'tourists and back on the island'

As said before the more the BIB talk the bigger the hole becomes.

Im posting from the UK., i mean her funeral in her home village


Would it be weird of me to attend the funeral on friday even though I didnt know her?.. and yes the public are allowed are invited according to the paper

Sorry excuse my ignorance, but attend the funeral! You mean some sort of service on the island ?

Really I've been ou,t and a few pages behind.

Does that mean 100's of people will come to the island to pay there respects ?

And then the BIB will say 'tourists and back on the island'

As said before the more the BIB talk the bigger the hole becomes.

Im posting from the UK., i mean her funeral in her home village

If I was nearer I would go to pay my respects.


Would it be weird of me to attend the funeral on friday even though I didnt know her?.. and yes the public are allowed are invited according to the paper

Sorry excuse my ignorance, but attend the funeral! You mean some sort of service on the island ?

Really I've been ou,t and a few pages behind.

Does that mean 100's of people will come to the island to pay there respects ?

And then the BIB will say 'tourists and back on the island'

As said before the more the BIB talk the bigger the hole becomes.

Im posting from the UK., i mean her funeral in her home village

Ah sorry. Please attend. And don't be afraid to speak out against the Thai corruption.

Two young people have had their lives taken away from them. Taking two more doesn't make it right.


Maw may be their #3 sad.png


The Migrant Worker Rights Network, based in Thailand, will seek, in cooperation with Thai officials, to gain access to the accused migrant workers, known as Win and Saw, to interview them on their past and present treatment, as well as ensure these persons understand fully their rights as accused persons under Thai law, according to the British rights activist. Another suspect known as Maw, has also been arrested.

"The team has already arrived on the ground and started work. Our mission shall seek to cooperate where necessary also with the Myanmar and British embassies, but it's important to stress that the mission itself is completely independent of any government or Thai officials," Mr Hall added.

Good info.

Maw, he was the police`s star witness who left scene before murders according to police statements. Right?

And cleared by police dna test?

Here is more info from an older Nation article ~ I also believe Maw is the one caught in the convenience store cctv pics


A police source said the unnamed pub where Maw worked was owned by the relatives of a local politician.

Meanwhile, Maw said he was playing guitar on Chor Por Ror beach near a pile of wood where a cigarette butt was found, the source said. The butt was found some 65 metres from where the bodies were discovered.

Maw told police that he was smoking a LM cigarette, but later went home to his wife and did not see anything untoward, the source said.

Police said Maw and Saw were apprehended on the island, and Win was arrested at a location in Surat Thani.


Would it be weird of me to attend the funeral on friday even though I didnt know her?.. and yes the public are allowed are invited according to the paper

Sorry excuse my ignorance, but attend the funeral! You mean some sort of service on the island ?

Really I've been ou,t and a few pages behind.

Does that mean 100's of people will come to the island to pay there respects ?

And then the BIB will say 'tourists and back on the island'

As said before the more the BIB talk the bigger the hole becomes.

Im posting from the UK., i mean her funeral in her home village

Ah sorry. Please attend. And don't be afraid to speak out against the Thai corruption.

Two young people have had their lives taken away from them. Taking two more doesn't make it right.

Yes its awful,, But whatever happend the day wil be about Hannah,.. a funeral is no place to mention her killers

  • Like 2

Here is today's interview of a policeman and a police pathologist by Sorayud on Channel 3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZ_1WfVs7RY . There are a couple of interesting points.

1. The pathologist assured the public that David's wounds were definitely made by the hoe, as per the confessions, and not by any form of knife. He didn't explain why the hoe wounds were so different to hoe wounds found on Hannah or why David's DNA was not found on the hoe.

2. The pathologist confirmed that DNA of two men A and B (i.e the suspects) was found in semen found inside Hannah, as we have already been told.

3. He also said that DNA of B and a third person C was found on Hannah's nipples. The third person was not David. The policeman didn't explain who the police thought C was or how he came to deposit his DNA on Hannah's nipples.

4. The pathologist said they found Hannah's DNA on the outside of the used condom found at the scene but they didn't find David's DNA inside. The policeman tried to explain why David's DNA might not have been detectable inside the condom but seemed to be struggling and the pathologist didn't help him out. Neither mentioned whether anyone else's DNA was found inside the condom and it is not clear to me whether any semen was found inside it. Nevertheless, even a man who has sex wearing a condom without ejaculating would leave some traces of bodily fluid and skin cells inside the condom. Whether this would be enough to trace DNA I can't say but in cases in other countries DNA seems traceable even in tiny skin cells.

So to sum up the police interview confirms that their is no forensic evidence that David and Hannah had sex before they were murdered. If this were the case, there should be DNA traces of pubic hair and skin cells from Hannah's body apart from the condom, admittedly mixed with those of A and B and whoever else was there.

Apart from suspects A and B, another man C's DNA was found on Hannah's nipples but not in her vagina.

Some one who cannot be positively identified as David (or C) used the condom to have sex with Hannah, although it sounded like the police didn't want to rule out David (or C), even though though can't proove it.

The interview seems to raise the questions of 1) who was C that left his DNA on Hannah's nipple? and 2) was there a fourth man D who raped Hannah wearing a condom and 3) or did C use the condom too but without leaving any DNA in it that they have thus far been able to find.

Perhaps I misunderstood some of the interview but that was my take.

Evidence of the DNA of a THIRD person on Hannah!?! found by an official pathologist.

This a is a breakthrough!!! Who is he?

Why are the police not stating they are seeking a third man for involvement?

Why have I been reading some reports saying the case is closed when this evidence remains?

Is it at all possible that the police are well aware of the presence of a third man already?

Please can anyone reliably translate into english if you aren't 100% sure dogmatix(no disrespect to you-excellent information-thank you!)

This information must be shared.

Please see my above post wai.gif


so whoever used the condom was the first to rape Hannah?

Due to only Hannahs DNA on the outside

I know what i think and probably many others think the same

That is a good point. If A and B raped her first, their DNA would be on the outside of the condom. Assuming the elusive DNA inside the condom is not David's, it must have been used to rape her before A and B took their turns, unless the first of either A and B tried with the condom first and then decided he had had too much to drink with all the guitar playing on the beach for 4 hours and took it off before trying again with greater success. Otherwise this definitely suggests the possibly of a third rapist who is perhaps C whose DNA was left on Hannah's nipples or even a rapist D.

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Police address criticisms over arrest of Myanmar suspects.

The headline is misleading. Although they may have addressed some of the other criticisms elsewhere, this article deals only with the confusion over the mobile phone. It is not clear whether the confusion came from police or journalists but The Nation (and others) reported on 4 Oct that the two told police that they had raped the woman and killed her, before stealing her mobile phone and other belongings, and destroyed the unit at the back of their living quarters. If this really were the case, a revision to the confessions would need to be arranged but that shouldn't be a problem.

Looking at one of the crime scene photographs, there is something that could be a phone next the articles of clothing on the beach in the foreground but the resolution is not high enough to say for sure exactly what it is.

if I look at dimension - lenght - with -

than it is not a phone,

if it not slided out of a cover ??

difficult to say. it is a mobile ;


my wife worked in a huge GVT construction project,

exident death burmese workers have to be disposald as garbidge !

No deaths - no investigation on GVT projects;

She were warned by the boss, if she cant keep it secret,

she should think about her family and her working place !!

This is Thailand !!

nothing else !!

So please as some other emntined, be careful !

In Thailand evrything can change in short to very agly for you !!

We are only farangs !!

less worth than a gheko !

  • Like 1

Wonder what Seam Mcann really knows ??? He's gone very quiet ? Why ? Anyone think as that he was interviewed by police the next morning and still very much under the influence of something ?? Must of been a pretty wild party , plenty of nasty , incorrectly produced ? drugs available on KT ? Wonder if he went on a bender ? perhaps did some things he wasnt aware of , and thawed out later the next morning then panicked and hid until he could leave , OK he was supposed to have been checked out by the local RTP and cleared , hmmm wonder if his family had made some contribution to access his sudden departure , its happened after people are under the influence and gone off the rails , wonder if he was involved ???

Sean (photo - the blood stained guitar is his) is a key witness, yes and they did let him go. Why? Because he knows who the murderer is! He has been attacked by him as well (shallow stab wounds on his arms) and most likely it is the owner of the AC Bar - shown on the photo taken from behind the 7Eleven counter when they chased him and Sean ran for his bare life, he is standing next to police on the beach the day when the bodies where found, only a few inches away from David's left leg, and he keeps reappearing everywhere throughout the case. Koh Tao people describe him as a crazed gun and weapon loving person with a short fuse - the tactical push dagger used in stabbing David would perfectly suit such a person. This kind of knife is easily hidden under clothes, in boots or on a waist belt. Would not be surprised if he still is proudly wearing it, showing it from time to time to some of his cronies, proudly boasting about how many "farangs" he already has killed with this... In addition - you are quite correct - drugs never have been mentioned but the whole thing could have been also drug induced rage. Yaa Baa does really bad things to young people as does ice and all the other $#ite youngsters smoke, drink, sniff or inject... I fear Hannah's and David's parents will never learn the whole truth about how their children died and who is responsible unless they visit them in their dreams and tell them. I hope they will find closure and I hope that miraculously, somehow the true culprits will be caught and sentenced, but that might remain a pipe dream in a country corrupt, bent and superficial as Thailand.


Well i must say i think you've got this case nailed , also heard that there was more than 2 rapists , and most of them actually work at AC bar , funny how the 2 burmese who have confessed work at the AC bar ????? what about that ??? perhaps paying off ones taff to take the fall ???


Did you see the post on facebook page justice for Hannah & David ? The post on the left hand side by Anung Htut? It's a rather Nasty video of an incident .... I'm getting things translated by my wife

I've followed the threads on thai visa. I believe I'm a moderate. But it's necessary to have independent varification from the UK . David lived near me in Leeds. We both loved thailand. I'm happily married to a thai lady. My heart sinks when I see what's going on. I have spent many tears defending thailand and talked about it rise in popularity from sex tourism to family orientated and youthful adventure holidays that had something more than bar girls and booze.

If this isn't cleared up soon, and sorted with absolute integrity thailand will lose WHATS it's been trying to build for the last ten years. The dollar and the pound will simply be spent elsewhere.

I simply do not understand why the UK government are dragging their feet about this. Two beautiful British people in their prime of life died for goodness sake in the most brutal way. Get in there and get working on the truth UK

The whole thing is shameful. And Sean should grow a pair as well! If he is in Hyde Park area of Leeds now he should get to the authorities in Leeds at West Yorkshire Police and make a full and fearless statement. Think of the victims.

The modern mainstream media simply do not do 'investigative journalism' anymore and haven't done for years, so i would be expecting too much from them.

To the msm journalists of today simply asking questions of a official story is enter into the domain of the conspiracy theorists, it was long ago abandoned to online news and social media.

They will pass comment that social media is asking questions but that's about it, better to stick to the announcements and maintain a cordial relationship with the authorities, thus ensure easy amicable future access.

The remaining resources will be spent following Kim Kardasian and George Clooney around Italy for 2 weeks because thats where they money is.

Social media has had its past success stories in investigating crimes. the best example was the Canadian cannibal Luke Magnotta.


Good that the police cleared that up.

So that's one conspiracy you guys cross off your list after about 1000 posts.

Now let's move onto the DNA.

It's stands for national dyslexics association you know.

Anyway the noose is getting tighter around these scumbags necks as more will revealed in the days ahead.

Even perry mason would get these guys off.



( from the 3 myanmar boys where they confirmed the murder

in their sms send each other )

But that will shown only, if DNA will be found fake !

Stuttering parrot is completely blind to any facts, photos or witness statements that don't line up with the official story. He's keeps stuttering over and over again about DNA and is ignorant to the fact that the swabs and samples can easily be tempered with what most likely is the fact. In addition, even if the DNA found inside Hannah matches the Burmese, it still does not proof that they actually have committed the murder. As sick as it sounds, but the "rape" can have occured postmortem. Best is to ignore stuttering parrot completely in any threat related to the Koh Tao murder case - you are just wasting energy and valuable time.

Sorry to the Families and friends but justice needs to be served,

this post above is so true, sad but true,

anyone who saw the crime scene photos the police published on Facebook would be able to determine that the rape was indeed postmortum...

one of the many many facts that have been trying to cover up...plus Thai Visa starting a new thread every day, or limiting the amount of likes one can have, pretty sure there would be thousands of likes on some of these posts if allowed, there should be a dislike button also...


Maw may be their #3 sad.png


The Migrant Worker Rights Network, based in Thailand, will seek, in cooperation with Thai officials, to gain access to the accused migrant workers, known as Win and Saw, to interview them on their past and present treatment, as well as ensure these persons understand fully their rights as accused persons under Thai law, according to the British rights activist. Another suspect known as Maw, has also been arrested.

"The team has already arrived on the ground and started work. Our mission shall seek to cooperate where necessary also with the Myanmar and British embassies, but it's important to stress that the mission itself is completely independent of any government or Thai officials," Mr Hall added.

Good info.

Maw, he was the police`s star witness who left scene before murders according to police statements. Right?

And cleared by police dna test?

Here is more info from an older Nation article ~ I also believe Maw is the one caught in the convenience store cctv pics


A police source said the unnamed pub where Maw worked was owned by the relatives of a local politician.

Meanwhile, Maw said he was playing guitar on Chor Por Ror beach near a pile of wood where a cigarette butt was found, the source said. The butt was found some 65 metres from where the bodies were discovered.

Maw told police that he was smoking a LM cigarette, but later went home to his wife and did not see anything untoward, the source said.

Police said Maw and Saw were apprehended on the island, and Win was arrested at a location in Surat Thani.

That seems to be the one. The Irrawady article in Burmese that apparently made a scurrilous allegation that Kyo and Wyn had been subjected to police beatings and injected with date rape type drugs to enhance their confessions and re-enactment also mentioned Maw and alleged police had lavished similar attentions on him.

If the pathologists are really saying there was DNA from a third man on Hannah's body, that would explain better how they managed to overpower, David and drag him to the water while keeping Hannah subdued and quiet ready for her turn. From the police perspective Maw would be a very attractive candidate for third man role. If only his DNA could be found to match that left on Hannah's nipple. Better still if a more thorough search could also find it inside the condom.

It's quite hard to imagine rapists using condoms but from reading the news it does happen in the developed world and in Thailand. Motives could be varied. To avoid leaving too much of one's DNA; to create an argument that it was consensual; fear of disease; or any whacky reason that some one sick enough to want to rape another human being could think of. One thing is for sure - fear of getting Hannah pregnant is unlikely to be have been uppermost. Perhaps the rapists found they only had one condom between and drew lots for it. What is important is that, if the condom was used by a rapist, he must for some reason have had right of first refusal over A and B who left their semen inside the deceased.


Good that the police cleared that up.

So that's one conspiracy you guys cross off your list after about 1000 posts.

Now let's move onto the DNA.

It's stands for national dyslexics association you know.

Anyway the noose is getting tighter around these scumbags necks as more will revealed in the days ahead.

Even perry mason would get these guys off.



( from the 3 myanmar boys where they confirmed the murder

in their sms send each other )

But that will shown only, if DNA will be found fake !

Stuttering parrot is completely blind to any facts, photos or witness statements that don't line up with the official story. He's keeps stuttering over and over again about DNA and is ignorant to the fact that the swabs and samples can easily be tempered with what most likely is the fact. In addition, even if the DNA found inside Hannah matches the Burmese, it still does not proof that they actually have committed the murder. As sick as it sounds, but the "rape" can have occured postmortem. Best is to ignore stuttering parrot completely in any threat related to the Koh Tao murder case - you are just wasting energy and valuable time.

Sorry to the Families and friends but justice needs to be served,

this post above is so true, sad but true,

anyone who saw the crime scene photos the police published on Facebook would be able to determine that the rape was indeed postmortum...

one of the many many facts that have been trying to cover up...plus Thai Visa starting a new thread every day, or limiting the amount of likes one can have, pretty sure there would be thousands of likes on some of these posts if allowed, there should be a dislike button also...

Stuttering Parrot is a tool who will soon be to embarrassed to come back on TV once the truth is exposed. I wouldn't take any notice of him tbh.

I think he works for Hasbara when he's not spouting off pro RTP propaganda on here


"investigators would tomorrow sign a document confirming that the DNA samples given by the two Myanmar men matched those found on the victim’s body."

How about a certified document signed by a qualified forensic DNA Analyst who actually examined the DNA samples along with copies of all his notes? AND a certified document by another qualified forensic DNA analyst who completes a thorough technical review of the case from start to finish. A policeman saying, "Yep, we have a match - trust me" should not be enough to convict someone of 1st degree murder.

The timeline for DNA testing for a single sample takes up to 60 hours if its it related to a murder. Yet the authorities said they took hundreds of samples from suspects and from an insecured crime scene. The inappropriate removal of DNA alone, especially from the victim, can invalidate the whole DNA testing process. Rather than rewarding this debacle of a 19th century police investigation, General Prayuth should be bringing in some of the world's most renowned forensic DNA analysts to protect the credibility of the government to correctly investigate murder. But the authorites refused such assistance when offered. What was the fear?

Forget the Gen Pra....

he had some sucess on finding the guys which bombed the protesters,

but after that , sucess in corruption and astablish a comitee for a new charter ?

way is just going down again!

he cleaned up some part in Phuket,

what is with all other touristic destinations ?

Samui, Koh PG, Rayong, Pattaya, Jomtien, Koh Chang ??

nothing, nothing, nothing !!!

where is the clean up in Koh Tao ??


He added that investigators would tomorrow sign a document confirming that the DNA samples given by the two Myanmar men matched those found on the victims body.

Shouldn't that be the laboratory signing this?

  • Like 1

Here is some field work done by Thai PBS reporters in support of the police pathologist on Channel 3 who said that David's wounds were not not caused by a knife but could have been made with a blunt instrument like a hoe. No Thai needed to follow the visuals and get the jist.

I guess that clinches it in favour the upright RTP.


You know I really don't think the Thai police thought anyone would give a fuk if two Burmese kids got hung/shot or whatever.

Now they know it no longer works like that.

Maybe this could be the beginning of Thailand becoming a first world country.

Providing the hang the real killers.


Here is some field work done by Thai PBS reporters in support of the police pathologist on Channel 3 who said that David's wounds were not not caused by a knife but could have been made with a blunt instrument like a hoe. No Thai needed to follow the visuals and get the jist.

I guess that clinches it in favour the upright RTP.

Ok so very believable that Hannah's injuries were inflicted by a Hoe similar to this one, but Davids look more like puncture marks then the injuries that Hannah sustained, I for one am not buying this propaganda

  • Like 2

If the DNA evidence is infallibly conclusive, why did they need to beat confessions out of the Burmese boys?

They didn't look particularly beat up to me - only sheepish and clearly regretting raping and killing those two unfortunate Brits.

I don't understand why people are so intent on protecting them when all of the investigative facts point to them being the guilty party.

Beacause ThaiVisa members are totally pizzed off that the killers were not Thai.

No, it's more we can't believe The local Thai Mafia family was/wasn't tested, locked up for 2 days( reported to be 90 minutes, Mon was locked up for 2 days, 70%DNA match), then cleared...this is the word from Koh Tao.

Pretty clear this Fish is rotting at the head.

Anyway, the amount of likes csila has on facebook means you are wrong, likes are limited here, not there...

So many Thais are saying the same thing about this scam...coverup and scapegoats....

Not to mention the other crimes they are talking about that this Family have committed, any tourist who heads to koh Tao needs their head read...It's dodgy as...

  • Like 1

If the DNA evidence is infallibly conclusive, why did they need to beat confessions out of the Burmese boys?

And how do you know that they were beaten inside the safe house ? Rumors again , no proof of that ever happened.


Do the RTP not realise how much blood would be flying around as these brutal attacks were taking place? The perpetrators would have it all over themselves and their clothes, but the police don't seem to have found any trace of blood on anything but the hoe.

Does anyone else find this rather curious?

One of the Burmese guys had the same t shirt on a 7-11, the same one on the day after when pictured and the same one when being arrested.

Even if washed itd still have blood on it.

Are you talking about the Staff t-shirt? He was working in a bar , do you really think he only wear one t-shirt? This t-shirt is his uniform , I think the bar owner supply him with more than one shirt, don't you think ? .


This photo tells me everything! The guilt is written all over his face.


If you only believe with your eyes and not your brain you can call him guilty as much as you like.

To me he looks like s shy , innocent student dragged into all this by his father who wants to clear his name. No I dont think he is capable of killing anyone.



If the DNA evidence is infallibly conclusive, why did they need to beat confessions out of the Burmese boys?

And how do you know that they were beaten inside the safe house ? Rumors again , no proof of that ever happened.

There is no claim of beatings as yet of the two prime suspects, there is a claim of violence and force on others questioned in the Burmese community.

Regarding interrogation they were using that word which does in a western way imply some from of abuse. It could be just lost in translation.

There are however very obvious methods of course that are extremely painful that leave no marks and are commonly used all around the world during interrogation.

Of course its been proven time and time again torture is just ineffective re getting accurate, full and truthful answers.

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