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Pattaya Hospitals


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Does anyone have any recommendation on hospitals in Pattaya?

I need to get some medical tests heart related done which I am going to be paying for myself .

Therefore i am looking for a mixture of good service and reasonable prices.

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Most expats I know say that the Bangkok Pattaya hospital on Sukhumvit is the best hospital in the area, however it is expensive. They also tell me that the Government Hospital in Sattahip is equally as good with the same medicos and is much less expensive, hope that helps.

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I always use Pattaya International for different things ranging from blood tests every 4-5 months to having my appendix out 3 days ago, I always find them very good as i think BKK Pattaya are always looking for more reasons to spend your money.

You could also try Queen Sirikit hospital near Utaphao airpot which has the SAME surgeons and Dr's as BKK Pattaya but in sirikit they will charge you a fraction of what you'd pay in Pattaya. :o

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I just don't trust Bangkok Pattaya - for many reasons, but mainly too many horror stories - both personal and anecdotal - about putting money ahead of the correct treatment.

A couple of months ago my wife went to BP for a dental check up. She had no pain or problems, but just wanted a check up. The dentist immediately drilled and filled 5 teeth on the left side of her mouth and told her she needed similar treatment on the right side. After the treatment, she experienced a lot of pain, so a couple of weeks later she went back and the dentist fiddled about with her fillings and said it would be OK now. Two weeks later, still a lot of pain (she can't eat on that side of the mouth), so we seeked a second opinion. The new dentist was horrified - he said there was nothing wrong with her teeth, they were in excellent condition and none of the fillings had been necessary and she didn't need any on the other side of her mouth. He tried to alleviate the pain, but there is only a slight improvement, so we will go back next week and see what more he can do.

Two days ago my wife discovered a lump in her breast. I rushed her down to BP and they did a mamogram. The doctor said there was a very small lump, which she DOUBTED was cancerous. She asked my wife if she wanted to do a biopsy. My wife asked what she recmmended. She told my wife it was "up to her!" "she could wait, or she could do the biopsy - the decision was her's!! What kind of bullshit advice is that?

Anyway we will go to Bumrungrad in BKK and check it out properly with proper doctors, which is where I recommend everyone to go if they have anything approaching a serious medical problem.

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I always use Pattaya International for different things ranging from blood tests every 4-5 months to having my appendix out 3 days ago, I always find them very good as i think BKK Pattaya are always looking for more reasons to spend your money.

You could also try Queen Sirikit hospital near Utaphao airpot which has the SAME surgeons and Dr's as BKK Pattaya but in sirikit they will charge you a fraction of what you'd pay in Pattaya. :o

Hi Dave,

Just a couple of comments related to your posting. From my knowledge and experience of most hospitals in this part of Thailand, together with recommendations given to me by the Occupational Health Department of my employer (an international British-based company), Pattaya International Hospital is not to be recommended for anything more than routine checks or a cold. The reason is that they do not have specialist physicians nor specialist equipment. Take a look at every photograph that they have produced to promote the hospital over the last ten or twelve years and you will see the same two or three doctors in those photographs. The very few staff there are "jacks of all trades".

My sister spent one night in Pattaya International Hospital with a stomache bug. Her insurance company paid just over 16,000 baht for that night! A charge for stool analysis was on that bill and she said that a sample was never taken....and she would have been the first to know!!! I queried the high cost of her medications and I was told that the hospital had to have a return on their investment. At the time the hospital was 12 years old so I would have thought that a return would have been made many times over! Even the receptionist was working a scam with the cashier over providing her with a duplicate medical certificate. (That's a story in itself).

Are you sure that the Bangkok Pattaya Hospital has the same surgeons and doctors as the Queen Sirikit Hospital? One is a private hospital and the other one is run by the Thai Royal Navy. I ask this as a friend ours, the Deputy Director of Bangkok Pattaya Hospital who lost her life in the tragic bus accident a few weeks ago, denied this. She did admit that sometimes they 'steal' nurses from the Queen Sirikit Hospital (by providing a higher salary, free transport and subsidised accommodation) but there is no 'sharing' of doctors and surgeons. Maybe the consultants work between many hospitals, as they do in the UK.

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I always use Pattaya International for different things ranging from blood tests every 4-5 months to having my appendix out 3 days ago, I always find them very good as i think BKK Pattaya are always looking for more reasons to spend your money.

You could also try Queen Sirikit hospital near Utaphao airpot which has the SAME surgeons and Dr's as BKK Pattaya but in sirikit they will charge you a fraction of what you'd pay in Pattaya. :o

Hi Dave,

Just a couple of comments related to your posting. From my knowledge and experience of most hospitals in this part of Thailand, together with recommendations given to me by the Occupational Health Department of my employer (an international British-based company), Pattaya International Hospital is not to be recommended for anything more than routine checks or a cold. The reason is that they do not have specialist physicians nor specialist equipment. Take a look at every photograph that they have produced to promote the hospital over the last ten or twelve years and you will see the same two or three doctors in those photographs. The very few staff there are "jacks of all trades".

My sister spent one night in Pattaya International Hospital with a stomache bug. Her insurance company paid just over 16,000 baht for that night! A charge for stool analysis was on that bill and she said that a sample was never taken....and she would have been the first to know!!! I queried the high cost of her medications and I was told that the hospital had to have a return on their investment. At the time the hospital was 12 years old so I would have thought that a return would have been made many times over! Even the receptionist was working a scam with the cashier over providing her with a duplicate medical certificate. (That's a story in itself).

Are you sure that the Bangkok Pattaya Hospital has the same surgeons and doctors as the Queen Sirikit Hospital? One is a private hospital and the other one is run by the Thai Royal Navy. I ask this as a friend ours, the Deputy Director of Bangkok Pattaya Hospital who lost her life in the tragic bus accident a few weeks ago, denied this. She did admit that sometimes they 'steal' nurses from the Queen Sirikit Hospital (by providing a higher salary, free transport and subsidised accommodation) but there is no 'sharing' of doctors and surgeons. Maybe the consultants work between many hospitals, as they do in the UK.

My wifes american brother in law always uses queen Sirikit now, A while back he went to BKK pattaya and a Dr from Sirikit was there and told him to wait and go to see him on his shift in Sirikit as it would save him money.

He said he'd heard something about Pattaya International also but in the 5 years and 2 operations i've had there i've never had a problem. :D

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It sounds like there are lots of sharks in the hospitals in Pattaya.

A friend of mine has mentioned a hospital in soi 4 off second road....not sure of the name but said it is okay....has anyone heard of that one?

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It sounds like there are lots of sharks in the hospitals in Pattaya.

A friend of mine has mentioned a hospital in soi 4 off second road....not sure of the name but said it is okay....has anyone heard of that one?

Yes, but please bear in mind the first paragraph of my post #5 of this topic.

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I always use Pattaya International for different things ranging from blood tests every 4-5 months to having my appendix out 3 days ago, I always find them very good as i think BKK Pattaya are always looking for more reasons to spend your money.

You could also try Queen Sirikit hospital near Utaphao airpot which has the SAME surgeons and Dr's as BKK Pattaya but in sirikit they will charge you a fraction of what you'd pay in Pattaya. :o

Hi Dave,

Are you sure that the Bangkok Pattaya Hospital has the same surgeons and doctors as the Queen Sirikit Hospital?

Unless things have changed over the last few years, many of the specialists at P.I.H. , not Bangkok Pattaya, are the same as at Queen Sirikit. They are employed at Queen Sirikit but freelance at many other hospitals including Memorial and P.I.H. to supplement their incomes. That is why so many of the specialists at Pattaya International Hospital and Memorial are only available for a few hours a couple of times a week.

If anyone wants to see them at Queen Sirikit then be sure to ask by name, as they do tend to be the best of the specialists there and otherwise you may get stuck with a really terrible doctor.

Obviously if a doctor/surgeon/specialist is pretty well always available, as they seem to be at Pattaya Bangkok Hospital, then they can't be at Queen Sirikit at the same time.

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Pattaya Hospital,

Hmm.... my experience (and it is mine) - I was admitted because someone spiked my drink, but before they could robe me of all my belongings (and probably my kidneys) my friends found me. They could not wake me up - so off to Pattaya hospital.

When I awoke (about 4 hours later) I was strapped to the bed in intensive care…. AND IGNORED. I tried to signal placidly to a nurse to come over and remove the tube from my mouth and release me. They IGNORED me COMPLETELY.

I started getting angry and trying to thrash about so that they would come over. The little angels did so - held me down and told me not to worry. NO WATER, would not listen to me. “The doctor will be in at 12”(waiting for 8 hours) and to rest.(about 2,000 baht per hour).

The next shift came in and I tried to signal to the male nurse to come over. Fortunately he did - give me some water - I convinced him to remove the tubes from my throat and then bring me some bottles of water. They untied my hands and legs from the bed at last. Thank God.

My experience - sure go there - they will not listen to you - you are a money making device (especially farang). If I could go back - find the little angels - and rip their wings off - BELIEVE ME I WOULD.

Hope this tid-bit of information is useful for you.

It wasn’t for me

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Is the Sirikit "near Utapao" related to the Sirikit in Si Racha?

Phil, I don't think that there is a Queen Sirikit Hospital in Sri Racha.

There is the Somdej Sriracha General Hospital, the Pyathai Hospital, the Samitivej Sri Racha Hospital, the Queen Sawangwattana Memorial Hospital but I don't recall there being a Queen Sirikit Hospital.

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The posts here get more intriguing all the time....but i don't feel i am in any better postition to make any sort of decision on which hospital to use.

Bear in mind all i want to do is some medical tests that is all. I don't want to be admitted or have any ops etc

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The posts here get more intriguing all the time....but i don't feel i am in any better postition to make any sort of decision on which hospital to use.

Bear in mind all i want to do is some medical tests that is all. I don't want to be admitted or have any ops etc

If you want to be given a clean bill of health and pass all of these medical tests then, by all means, go to the Pattaya International Hospital.

A couple of years ago, I applied for some life insurance with a well-known insurance company in Thailand. Before I could be issued with a policy, I had to have some basic medical checks done and the hospital that the insurance company used was the PIH. One of the tests was urine sugar content. I knew that this test was going to show that I had diabetes and, sure enough, it did. The insurance agent told me that that his company could not issue life insurance to me because of this but, wait a minute, all was not lost. He spoke to the doctor in private and then I was told that they were going to recheck the sample. This time, my urine sugar was reported to be a "trace"!!! His commission was not going to be lost.

Personally, I wouldn't touch Pattaya International Hospital with a barge pole. If you want the plain and honest truth from your medical tests, try BKK-Pattaya Hospital or Samitivej Hospital in Sri Racha. Both hospitals offer different "packages" of health checks, relating to age and budget.

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The posts here get more intriguing all the time....but i don't feel i am in any better postition to make any sort of decision on which hospital to use.

Bear in mind all i want to do is some medical tests that is all. I don't want to be admitted or have any ops etc

What happens if you do all the tests and the hopsital says you have a mediacl condition, and need treatment or even an op? Do you believe them? They may just trying to generate a bit of income.

Bumrungrad hospital in BKk (which is rated one of the top ten in the world), will not accept any tests done by any hospital in Pattaya. They simply don't trust them.

But if you take bkk tests to BP (as I did), they treat you like royalty and are very very careful about their diagnosis and treatment.

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I'd guess it is Bangkok Pattaya, but I agree, the post is less than helpful without making it clear.

I think the bottom line here is these are all local hospitals, and like every other place in the world, the best ones are in the big cities, not provinces. If you want the best, go to Bumrungrad or one of the other internationally rated hospitals in Bangkok. If you want the convenience or it's an emergency and need a local hospital, then it is buyer beware. Every local one has it's good and bad stories. Absolutely ask the price of everything before they do it, and consider your alternatives. Keep aware that these are for-profit businesses interested in selling you expensive product. That does not necessarily mean you should not buy it though.

One last comment - my wife has standing instructions that if I need emergency care take me to Bangkok Pattaya but any extended stay, for example if I should go into a coma, get me out of there and to Queen Sirikit because either Bangkok Pattaya or PIH will bankrupt us in short order if either of us had to stay there for more than a few days. As the first rule of medical care is get to a specialist as soon as possible, at Queen Sirikit she would contact the appropriate specialist department head to look after me whose fees will probably still be quite affordable. Although the overall care there will not on a par with the private hospitals, the cost will be a small fraction of them.


Pattaya Hospital.....................

Stefan, please would you identify the hospital? Pattaya Memorial Hospital, Pattaya International Hospital or Bangkok-Pattaya Hospital?

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Bangkok Pattaya Hospital is good but very expensive and they WILL charge farangs higher because we are foreigners and they always think we are rich. Sounds familar. This hospital is ISO certified.

Pattaya International Hospital is not recommneded becuase they are overpriced and it caters to TOURISTS. Hospital looks nice and clean and it's good for simple healthy patients but not for sick patients. If they get sick patients, they will transfer them to Bangkok Pattays Hospital or such. Have you wonder why it's located at tourist area near bars and bargirls.

Pattaya Memorial is good but their prices are high as well but for emergencies it will do.

Bumrungrad Hospital is a government hospital and it's the cheapest and is good for minor problems and dirt cheap prices. Not for complicated or serious problems.

I highly recommend hospitals outside Pattaya for best prices and quality of healthcare. Other posters already mentioned them.

Edited by Gary74
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Posted Today, 2006-07-26 10:42:59

Bumrungrad Hospital is a government hospital and it's the cheapest and is good for minor problems and dirt cheap prices. Not for complicated or serious problems.


you`ve ever been to Bumrungrad Hospital or did somebody provide you these info?

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Posted Today, 2006-07-26 10:42:59

Bumrungrad Hospital is a government hospital and it's the cheapest and is good for minor problems and dirt cheap prices. Not for complicated or serious problems.


you`ve ever been to Bumrungrad Hospital or did somebody provide you these info?

I suspect he means Banglamung Hospital.

Bamrungrad is most certainly NOT a government hosptal and is inernationly rated as one of the top ten hospitals in world! It's also probably the most expensive in Thailand.

So I'm sure it would be quite good for minor problems :o

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Posted Today, 2006-07-26 10:42:59

Bumrungrad Hospital is a government hospital and it's the cheapest and is good for minor problems and dirt cheap prices. Not for complicated or serious problems.


you`ve ever been to Bumrungrad Hospital or did somebody provide you these info?

I suspect he means Banglamung Hospital.

Bamrungrad is most certainly NOT a government hosptal and is inernationly rated as one of the top ten hospitals in world! It's also probably the most expensive in Thailand.

So I'm sure it would be quite good for minor problems :o

My mistake. I meant Banglamong Hospital in Naklua. Yes I used it for minor illness at very cheap price.

Bumrungrad Hospital (private) in Bangkok which I used in the past is one of the best in the world with very high prices.

Pattaya International Hospital is located in "sex tourist Sois" (Soi 1 to walking street) and bars were nearby there before PIH was built but not as much then. I have never seen Thais going there except to work. Only farangs go there because of easy location and lack of knowledge for other better hospitals. This hospital is not ISO certified.

Bangkok Pattaya Hospital in an excellent hospital except they charge very high prices( for Thailand) to farangs and their dependents and especially to tourists. Middle to upper middle class Thais go there for healthcare. And yes they pay much less than farangs. But of course.

Edited by Gary74
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Pattaya International :o

Whilst it is probably stating the bleeding obvious These Hospitals are commercial enterprises. When my friend Aom was very sick and was being transfered from Bangkok Pattaya to The Camillian Center I understand that the bill was still rising from its initial rendering to a short while later when my friends came back with the money to pay it. Some months later when I went through my friends stuff I found she had checked herself into the Pattaya International. The release note had a few phrases in English one being HIV the other being reason fror release " lack of funds ".

Whilst this post may be somewhat off topic and not of great assistance to someone who just wants tests done. It should remind people used to European style public health systems that Thailand is no place to be poor and sick in.


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Unfortunately I need to see how I spend my bahts so last eight years I and my family have been using only Banglamung hospital.

My experience speaks for a good health care and never any problems + VERY CHEAP. This 8 y. includes a cesarian delivery of our 2. child (5 days hospitalization of my wife) + one REAL emergency: everything very good health care.

They don't have fancy fountains outside and shiny aquariums at the entrance but I don't want to pay for those.

By observing my many friends, and comparing to our experiences, there is absolutely no doubt that BKK Pattaya Hospital keeps almost criminally high prices (IN THAI STANDARDS) and are NEVER that much better.

They rely on foreigners and their insurances and they DO try to maximise their profit without hesitation. This is no bad; business is business and they are free to charge what ever a Pattaya health care market is making possibile; but I repeat THEY ARE NOT THAT MUCH BETTER.

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Posted Today, 2006-07-26 10:42:59

Bumrungrad Hospital is a government hospital and it's the cheapest and is good for minor problems and dirt cheap prices. Not for complicated or serious problems.


you`ve ever been to Bumrungrad Hospital or did somebody provide you these info?

I suspect he means Banglamung Hospital.

Bamrungrad is most certainly NOT a government hosptal and is inernationly rated as one of the top ten hospitals in world! It's also probably the most expensive in Thailand.

So I'm sure it would be quite good for minor problems :D

My mistake. I meant Banglamong Hospital in Naklua. Yes I used it for minor illness at very cheap price.

Bumrungrad Hospital (private) in Bangkok which I used in the past is one of the best in the world with very high prices.

Pattaya International Hospital is located in "sex tourist Sois" (Soi 1 to walking street) and bars were nearby there before PIH was built but not as much then. I have never seen Thais going there except to work. Only farangs go there because of easy location and lack of knowledge for other better hospitals. This hospital is not ISO certified.

Bangkok Pattaya Hospital in an excellent hospital except they charge very high prices( for Thailand) to farangs and their dependents and especially to tourists. Middle to upper middle class Thais go there for healthcare. And yes they pay much less than farangs. But of course.

So we're peasants if we go to PIH?

I for one could'nt careless where the "middle" to "upper" class thai's go for their healthcare, I go to PIH because i've never had a problem there and i've always found it to be good besides that i will not go to BKK Pattaya hospital and get ripped off, i'd rather go to Siracha or Sirikit.

"sex tourist Sois" (Soi 1 to walking street)

Is that a fact? you really are showing how narrow minded you are with that one. :o

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Bangkok Pattaya hopital is not expensive if you are registered correctly. If you are a tourist it will be expensive. I've been using this hospital for the last four years. I have Bupa insurance for me and my family, and have never had a problem. They have their own specialists on staff. Pattaya international hospital on soi 4 has to get their soeailists and surgions from Queen sirikit hospital in Satahip.

My next door neighbor had surgery at Pattaya international, and when i was visiting him his I.V. tube came out. He rang for a nurse, and she spoke to my wife in Thai saying too many problems in this room.


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Bangkok Pattaya hopital is not expensive if you are registered correctly. If you are a tourist it will be expensive.

Although I'm not an advocate of Bangkok-Pattaya Hospital, it would be interesting to know your source of this information as it's not true. The costs are the same for everyone, tourist, resident, whatever.

I've been using this hospital for the last four years. I have Bupa insurance for me and my family, and have never had a problem.

Of course you won't have a problem if you have Medical Insurance....you don't pay the bill. How pernickety is your friend?

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Bangkok Pattaya hopital is not expensive if you are registered correctly. If you are a tourist it will be expensive.

Although I'm not an advocate of Bangkok-Pattaya Hospital, it would be interesting to know your source of this information as it's not true. The costs are the same for everyone, tourist, resident, whatever.

I've been using this hospital for the last four years. I have Bupa insurance for me and my family, and have never had a problem.

Of course you won't have a problem if you have Medical Insurance....you don't pay the bill. How pernickety is your friend?

Artisan, I think you will find that Barry is getting his information from Rania in the International Department. I have quizzed her and looked on the computer as well. All I is was able to determine is they have a field on one page that says enter patients status. There are three options from memory. 'Resident', 'Expat', and 'Tourist'. When quizzed to answer specifically how does this impact on price I was met with a rather vague reply. The clearest that could be explained was that for example if you are entered as 'Expat', then you should receive the Expat discount as per the Expat club card on certain services that I believe is 10% currently.

It is all rather vague and no one has presented a clear mandate as to what the pricing structure to be. They even go as far as to say it is up to the discretion of the treating physician.

Really it should not take a Brain Surgeon to provide a clear, transparent and definitive answer to what is not such a complicated issue. Bad administration I say.

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