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can you eat the local frogs


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Maybe you can train your horned beetles (beatles) as frog pointers......you can let them off their leash at the local frog patch and they can locate and point out the good ones.....

They're probably bored wrestling around in the miniature boxing ring you built for them......need the road work.....

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The last frogs legs i ate, was in France, I got thrown out, i ordered frogs legs, the waiter came put the plate down and walked away, i called him back and said," these frogs legs are not cooked", He looked at me and asked what does an Englishman know about frogs legs. I said these frogs legs are not cooked, One has just kicked some peas of my plate,

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The last frogs legs i ate, was in France, I got thrown out, i ordered frogs legs, the waiter came put the plate down and walked away, i called him back and said," these frogs legs are not cooked", He looked at me and asked what does an Englishman know about frogs legs. I said these frogs legs are not cooked, One has just kicked some peas of my plate,

BS! No restaurant in France would serve uncooked frog legs! :facepalm:

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If you don't know your frogs then you shouldn't do it. There are quite a few cane toads here, and they are poisonous. Possibly some other poisonous species too.

Asian bullfrogs are great, and there are a few other around here that the family eats. But they know what they are doing.

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I got a chuckle out of the story about your wife categorizing poisonous frogs from non-poisonous frogs by the sound they made.

It reminded me of a neighbor telling me that you could tell whether a snake was poisonous by how fast they moved. (slow= poisonous; fast = non-poisonous)

Another time someone told me you could tell which mushrooms were poisonous based on their shape.

All three examples strike me as the type of advice best not relied upon.

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I was blundering around in Pattaya Makro a few years ago, talking to my daughter who was about 6 or 7 at the time, & turned around to see some of the scariest frogs I've ever seen in my life, all piled up on ice.

It was a great big honking table of them, that looked like they could take your thumb off with one bite. I was startled for a second, but my daughter saw me get startled & they scared the holy living crap out of her!

Poor baby. I've gigged bullfrogs in Florida when I was a kid & ate fried frog legs that my Mom cooked. I've ate gator & rattlesnake as well.

I've butchered alligators, hogs, deer, cattle, squirrels, chickens, turkeys, frogs & probably a few other things I either shot or stabbed, but them damned Thailand frogs...........NO THANKS!!!!!!!!

Sumbitches scared me & I ain't scared of nuthin'!

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Served in Greggs Kitchen in Pattaya. Not on the Engish menu, but is on the Thai language menu. Thai ladies love 'em. Also, the GF's dad catches them from a pond round the back of their house up in the sticks. Full of protein and more tasty than rat, so I'm told.

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Many villages grow frogs in tanks which utilize the overflow of septic tanks to keep the frogs in nice wet conditions. So the frogs are living in a soup of bacteria and viruses.

Think of that next time you are kissing your Thai girlfriend.

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Wives father catches frogs to eat. Some as big or bigger than your hand. We called them bullfrogs in USA. Others are small, little bigger than chicken egg. These we called toad frogs and didn't eat. FIL goes out at night when it rains, wears a headlamp and uses a hand fish net. Has a feast the next day.

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Wives father catches frogs to eat. Some as big or bigger than your hand. We called them bullfrogs in USA.

you may be describing the popular & edible Asian Painted Frog or 'ung ang' (named so by Thai's 'cos that's the sound of the call/croak they make . . . repeatedly). They're a type of Bullfrog . . . https://c1.staticflickr.com/7/6017/5937566771_d9291c8bb8_z.jpg

found one hiding inside an old shoe once . . lucky i checked before i slipped my foot in it.

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My friend ate so many frogs, one day he woke up with a frog growing on his head.

He went to the doctors, who asked "How can I help you"

"It started with a boil on my arse" replied the frog.

Seriously, you must be hopping mad to eat frogs, unless it's Leap year cheesy.gif

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I tried frogs here at a restaurant near Pattaya. Never again. Yuk!

The frogs legs I had in Bali years ago llooked and tasted just like little chicken legs. Believe it or not.

You do know why kissing a toads turns it into a prince or princess don't you OP?

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