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Police clarify Koh Tao victim's cellphone 'planting'


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I live in Thailand and am not hugely impressed by the police .

However in this instance an horrific murder has taken place in Thailand . The Thai police are doing their best to solve the crime

and arrest the culprets . If the Thai police don't do it who else is going to do it . Perhaps the police should drop the case and say to you critics ,

solve it yourselves . Neither the FBI nor Scotland Yard have the local knowhow or language skills and as I understand the DNA is being tested in Singapore , quite independent from Thailand . You think they are pinning the blame on poor illegal immigrants from Myanmar , to save the face of Thailand , accusing the police of racial discrimination . If this had happened in America and an AfroAmerican was blamed , you would be crying foul , racial discrimination .

Not long ago a 13yr old girl was raped on a night train to Bangkok , the THAI railway worker murdered her and threw her body out of the carriage window .

That was not a very good thing to happen in tourist Thailand . When there are so many immigrant workers on a small Thai island there is bound to be a

strong chance that one or more of them has committed the crime .

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Now I understand the real purpose for the BiB's existence: They are actually mollusks disguised as humans, put on our planet by aliens from Uranus conducting a grand-scale social experiment - they are here to test the limits of patience, credulity and acceptance of real humans...if we pass the test we will all get 3 stamps from SevenEleven and the BiB become shellfish, worms and snails again.

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Police also found a pair of Mr Ware's blood-stained pants in Miller's luggage and an Apple iPhone with long blonde hairs snagged on it.

BP 17th September.

The police already said sorry, the pants were planted by ayoung officer and the blood was actually Paint.

Though one does wonder where the bloody clothes are.

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Ah John,

So good to hear from you again.

Just one thing-it did not start with the phone issue.That was just one on a list of inconsistencies that many were already confused about and concerned by.

Oooh look, here's one big glaring one right now:-

Here is today's interview of a policeman and a police pathologist by Sorayud on Channel 3 where a police pathologist definitively confirms the presence of an as yet unidentified third suspect's DNA on Hannah's body.


"The pathologist said that DNA of B and a third person C was found on Hannah's nipples. The third person was not David. The policeman didn't explain who the police thought C was or how he came to deposit his DNA on Hannah's nipples."

(info originally shared by Dogmatix on #265 on http://www.thaivisa....spects/page-11)

All guilty should be found and brought to justice. The two should not take all the fall for an absent third . Noone who values justice can disagree with that, not even you I imagine.

Actually he did explain. He said DNA from person A + B were found on the cigarette butt and DNA from Hannah was found from person B + C..

At first this confused me as from memory I was thinking of the markers they placed on the 3 suspects on the motorbike. After taking another look what he says is understandable that DNA from only 2 people was taken from Hannah.

I watched the whole interview and it has to be said the way he explains the evidence and the way it was collected has convinced me some that these could be the murderers.

The pathologist also explained the scarring to David very well.

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But they specifically said it was Hannah's phone previously...

"specifically said"?? Where?

An "English speaking journalist" wrote that on an Internet site and many sites copied it,

but the police declaration I read in a Thai newspaper

would be translated as "we found the phone of the victim",

an ambiguous formulation as he talked about both victims in previous sentences.

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The scary thing is that it took an Internet armchair detective to discover this mistake. How embarrassing for the RTP. They can't even keep track of and ID evidence properly. It takes social media to help do their jobs, which the RTP clearly do not know how to do.

Edited by falangjim
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But they specifically said it was Hannah's phone previously...

"specifically said"?? Where?

An "English speaking journalist" wrote that on an Internet site and many sites copied it,

but the police declaration I read in a Thai newspaper

would be translated as "we found the phone of the victim",

an ambiguous formulation as he talked about both victims in previous sentences.

I have to say, your avatar is very apt when dealing with the conspiracists. :D

They are too emotionally invested on being "right" to let any facts sway their convictions, they've been feeding on rumors, half truths, full lies, prejudice, circular logic and misrepresented facts for weeks. The rumor mongering and armchair detective work has created a monster that could possibly lead to the murderers going free.

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All this reminds me of the OJ Simpson case. Corrupt and clueless police officers got the right guy but his lawyers were smart enough to destroy all credibility of the authorities. And there was also an aspect of race/racism.

Any speculations that aren't based on video evidence of the original source (eg a press conference where it is clearly said by a reliable source, in Thai, that the phone belonged to the women) are futile.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

It's interesting that the majority of Thai's i have talked with seem to believe Win and Saw are scapegoats.
They all believe the village headman's family is involved.

Me to!

Although I think they are guilty.

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It's quite simple really..... It's not over until the fat lady sang !! whistling.gif

The more the truth comes out..... the more BS they come up with.... the deeper their digging their own crave.... Get real LOS....stop the BS, expose the Hi-So responsible and restore your International Face you already lost !!

There is NO WAY OUT of this one......... Suck it UP, Save what there is left to save and let time do the rest..... wai2.gifwai.gif

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All this reminds me of the OJ Simpson case. Corrupt and clueless police officers got the right guy but his lawyers were smart enough to destroy all credibility of the authorities. And there was also an aspect of race/racism.

Any speculations that aren't based on video evidence of the original source (eg a press conference where it is clearly said by a reliable source, in Thai, that the phone belonged to the women) are futile.

Indeed, similar scenario, except here it's internet detectives doing the work OJ paid his lawyers to do.

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It's quite simple really..... It's not over until the fat lady sang !! whistling.gif

The more the truth comes out..... the more BS they come up with.... the deeper their digging their own crave.... Get real LOS....stop the BS, expose the Hi-So responsible and restore your International Face you already lost !!

There is NO WAY OUT of this one......... Suck it UP, Save what there is left to save and let time do the rest..... wai2.gifwai.gif

Here, here !

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I live in Thailand and am not hugely impressed by the police .

However in this instance an horrific murder has taken place in Thailand . The Thai police are doing their best to solve the crime

and arrest the culprets . If the Thai police don't do it who else is going to do it . Perhaps the police should drop the case and say to you critics ,

solve it yourselves . Neither the FBI nor Scotland Yard have the local knowhow or language skills and as I understand the DNA is being tested in Singapore , quite independent from Thailand . You think they are pinning the blame on poor illegal immigrants from Myanmar , to save the face of Thailand , accusing the police of racial discrimination . If this had happened in America and an AfroAmerican was blamed , you would be crying foul , racial discrimination .

Not long ago a 13yr old girl was raped on a night train to Bangkok , the THAI railway worker murdered her and threw her body out of the carriage window .

That was not a very good thing to happen in tourist Thailand . When there are so many immigrant workers on a small Thai island there is bound to be a

strong chance that one or more of them has committed the crime .

Sir, you talk of language skills.

I plainly suggest you take a few more refresher courses yourself. Especially, in the spelling department. No worries, we are all waiting eagerly for today’s other address, being the official signing off of these ‘DNA SAMPLES’ which are without a shadow of doubt the 2 guys genomes from the Koh Tao case.

Another case duly closed which I'm sure will impress you even more my friend.

Edited by ScotBkk
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It's quite simple really..... It's not over until the fat lady sang !! whistling.gif

The more the truth comes out..... the more BS they come up with.... the deeper their digging their own crave.... Get real LOS....stop the BS, expose the Hi-So responsible and restore your International Face you already lost !!

There is NO WAY OUT of this one......... Suck it UP, Save what there is left to save and let time do the rest..... wai2.gifwai.gif

What on earth is' digging your own crave?' George and the mods should really start a new forum for posts like the above, he says nothing at all, throws in a few capital letters and full stops, and a few trendy phrases- 'get real' ' suck it up' Perhaps the forum could be called something like: 'Baloney and bunkum, drivel and doubletalk'
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It's interesting that the majority of Thai's i have talked with seem to believe Win and Saw are scapegoats.

They all believe the village headman's family is involved.

Now that is what I call a credible statement.

I assume you have talked with +35 Million Thais then ?

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Does logical and provable explanations mean anything to the conspiracy nuts? This is what it all started with a phone that police not only allowed the press to take pictures of in the first day of the investigations and stated they had but one they passed off to the family weeks ago and witnessed by UK Embassy people. Yea, it makes the conspiracy goes all the way to the UK where they stole the phone back and planted it at the suspects location last week and just forgot the press and UK authorities and parents knew they returned her phone.

Well this is what started all the conspiracy talk on Facebook. So, it clearly will be hard to drop for some but others will talk about missing video that makes no sense either. The police release video of a suspect go and coming from around the crime scene in hopes of getting the suspect identified but now they claim their is missing video and they want to know who is in those frames. Yet there is not 2-minutes missing there is many many many hours missing. The police release what they wanted to achieve what the wanted from the public and that is identifying the one person in the video coming and going.

All this because folks wanted it to be a rich Thai and because they mistrust the police. Wake up folks, even a liar sometimes tells the truth and the case they are turning over to the courts for their lawyers to defend looks pretty open and shut. Witnesses (including their friends), video, physical evidence at their place, confessions and DNA. And this is just what has come out as none of us has seen police reports or autopsy reports ... but lets no let the Facebook forensic team tell us the cause of death, murder weapon and sequence of blows and if the person was left or right handed and if the injuries were before or after death by using low res images they don't know the exact timing of when they were taken or what may have changed such as blood being wiped away inadvertently or on purpose. How stupid they even do autopsies or go out to crime scenes when a simple photo can tell a laymen so much.

We will all surely hear if they tell their lawyers they are innocent and were forced to confess and reenact the crime ... as well, lawyers will certainly retest their DNA if they have any doubt.

But why talk logic with folks who simply want to believe things like Elvis is still alive ... well actually that has more probability.

My doubts arise from the fact that "rich Thai" refused to provide DNA and police allowed them to do so even tho they were suspect, plus the high reward to prove "rich Thai" family innocent (they could have achieved that by simply allow DNA testing), moreover a military dictator in charge that wanted so bad the perpretators NOT to be Thai because of obvious xenophobic nationalism.

Regarding your logic, you have none: video are low resolution, psysical evidence can be planted, confession estorted, confilicting stories about Thai DNA testing technology procedures.

There is nothing to prove beyond reasonable doubt these are not scapagoats, except maybe to Thai apologists.

There is 2 simple ways to prove the intenational community Thai police is in good faith: 1. allow a second party DNA test from UK 2. test the "rich boys" DNA.

They do not want to, they are hiding something.

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Why on earth are the police having this discussion with the media...... Basically most of this would be "sub judice" in any normal legal system and be sorted out in court by the prosecutor and the defence.

They seem determined to "prove" everything out of court...why???? To avoid cross a examination?

Edited by wilcopops
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Does logical and provable explanations mean anything to the conspiracy nuts? This is what it all started with a phone that police not only allowed the press to take pictures of in the first day of the investigations and stated they had but one they passed off to the family weeks ago and witnessed by UK Embassy people. Yea, it makes the conspiracy goes all the way to the UK where they stole the phone back and planted it at the suspects location last week and just forgot the press and UK authorities and parents knew they returned her phone.

Well this is what started all the conspiracy talk on Facebook. So, it clearly will be hard to drop for some but others will talk about missing video that makes no sense either. The police release video of a suspect go and coming from around the crime scene in hopes of getting the suspect identified but now they claim their is missing video and they want to know who is in those frames. Yet there is not 2-minutes missing there is many many many hours missing. The police release what they wanted to achieve what the wanted from the public and that is identifying the one person in the video coming and going.

All this because folks wanted it to be a rich Thai and because they mistrust the police. Wake up folks, even a liar sometimes tells the truth and the case they are turning over to the courts for their lawyers to defend looks pretty open and shut. Witnesses (including their friends), video, physical evidence at their place, confessions and DNA. And this is just what has come out as none of us has seen police reports or autopsy reports ... but lets no let the Facebook forensic team tell us the cause of death, murder weapon and sequence of blows and if the person was left or right handed and if the injuries were before or after death by using low res images they don't know the exact timing of when they were taken or what may have changed such as blood being wiped away inadvertently or on purpose. How stupid they even do autopsies or go out to crime scenes when a simple photo can tell a laymen so much.

We will all surely hear if they tell their lawyers they are innocent and were forced to confess and reenact the crime ... as well, lawyers will certainly retest their DNA if they have any doubt.

But why talk logic with folks who simply want to believe things like Elvis is still alive ... well actually that has more probability.

Yah....Okay john....


Oh were saying something?

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It's interesting that the majority of Thai's i have talked with seem to believe Win and Saw are scapegoats.

They all believe the village headman's family is involved.

yes there is a lot of people asking on other online forums for further investigation on this family including if and how some family members travelled to bankok shortly after the murder.

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Forget about the phone. It's all the other stuff.

Mostly, how did they do it? By themselves.

Why does the hoe not have David dna?

It would suggest another weapon was used on David, which in turn would suggest 2 weapons possibly = 2 murderers

In one of the many stories published here, there was mention that the police said that the deceased genttleman had been killed with an iron bar - which to my knowledge has not been found. (Otherwise the police would have announced that as well.) They were searching in the sea for it at one time.

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I had a bad dream about this yesterday... imagine if the person who did this get away with it couse of his influences, we will end up with a very psico-killer mind it person with a very high power position on the Thailand tourist industry soon... scary thought...

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It's interesting that the majority of Thai's i have talked with seem to believe Win and Saw are scapegoats.

They all believe the village headman's family is involved.

Now that is what I call a credible statement.

I assume you have talked with +35 Million Thais then ?

37500 signed a petition in less than two days says something


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It's interesting that the majority of Thai's i have talked with seem to believe Win and Saw are scapegoats.

They all believe the village headman's family is involved.

Now that is what I call a credible statement.

I assume you have talked with +35 Million Thais then ?

I don't think it's meant to be a credible statement but an observation as i too have found that as you too will see from Thai forums if you take a look. _ I think it's near 68 Million Thai's so lets not split hairs.

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