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Everyone Leers at My Daughter


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True story, I was in a zoo in Nakhon Srithamarat earlier this year with our young luk kreung daughter and son. They wanted to see the monkey enclosure and whilst I was distracted momentarily by a phone call, I noticed quite a commotion developed by local Thais and their children. They'd switched their inquisitiveness from the animal pens with monkeys caged in filthy conditions and playing with their todgers to the white farang (me), wifey and our lovely kids. Kind of to be expected in the outback perhaps but it freaked us out, so zoos being somewhat distasteful anyway, we legged it out of there pronto.

You are so lucky. Do you have any idea how lucky you are? You should be so happy, moved to tears happy, that people are showing your family such love.

I don't believe there was any love involved, but I admire your optimistic outlook on life. Personally, and I was there, I thought we were the stars of a freak show, much like the caged critters we went to show the kids.

Let me take another stab at explaining what I was trying to say in my earlier post.

In my opinion, the most endearing qualities of Thais are that they are approachable and socially inclusive. If I were you, I'd cherish and nuture these qualities. I would be flattered by social attention, and be cognizant that not everyone is lucky enough to receive it.

I can appreciate how unexpected social attention might be overwhelming. But don't forget that walking down the street and being treated like you are invisible by every passerby isn't any fun either.

You're right; I wasn't there that day at the zoo. But I do know that Thai people love children. If the gawking and finger pointing momentarily got out of hand, I'm sure it wasn't done meanspiritedly. Treat it as an anomoly that's not likely to happen again.

Edited by Gecko123
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I have had old farts with really attractive, scantly dressed, young ladies come into my shop and automatically assumed they were hookers. I start leering away (not intentionally) and all of a sudden it dawns on me that they are father and daughter and I have to wipe the look of lust off my face. It is embarrassing but what can you do?

A good example of how human nature will always have a man's hormones dancing around at the sight of an attractive female.

The fact that the object of desire is someone's daughter is irrelevant.

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Advise your daughter not to look back at strangers and NEVER EVER smile at them. Keep her smiles for close friends and family. She can watch others at a distance. Thai men really want virgins for some reason ( highly over rated ) and recent media suggests some Thai men are not cowed by a young age. A Thai man was arrested yesterday for having sex with an 11 year old. Advise your daughter to always have two or 3 female friends with her at all times. In my home country the girls even go to the washrooms together and now I understand why.

Kun mai de. luk sou de pom sip et pi. This would be n appropriate phrase for overly aggressive men or obvious sexual leering.

No make up. Dress appropriately for an 11 year old. No teenage outfits. No short shorts. Give her a defensive marshall arts training. A person who appears that they can look after themselves and the attitude to go with it, is seldom a victim. You have heard the phrase - street smart - know what to avoid and in all instances look confident.

We escort our daughter everywhere and her friends. She is seldom alone.

Extra care must be taken in Thailand. There have been instances of Aunts selling there nieces into prostitution. Street smarts also includes awareness. If your daughter sees you are easily intimidated she will be also.

Stand up and be counted. Yesterday a young Thai man attempted to serve my wife and daughter who were shopping for underwear in a street market. I objected strongly. The young man was drinking beer. There was even a female clerk available who was not occupied. I know this may be fairly common in Thailand but Big C doesn't do this. Lotus does not do this. Big chains and properly run stores do not do this. Never in my country or European countries that I am aware of so why would I allow him to serve them. i told him in no uncertain terms that this was totally unacceptable and we left. I paid 2 or 3 times the price at a properly run store but I set a standard for my wife and daughter. That is important. Where do standards start ? You may call me prudish but I refuse to allow my wife or daughter to be put in situations that would allow them to be compromised. It is especially difficult if you do not understand the language completely or all the nuances of Thai culture.

We escort our daughter everywhere

Sorry, but that is a recipie for making her rebel.

Firstly, you don't trust her, and that won't go down well when she gets older.

Secondly, do you lock her in her room? If not, how can you control her if she can "escape"?

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In the Great Scheme of things - small stuff. Sticks and Stones ...

My buddy left today to travel 1500 miles because his son-in-law just beat up his daughter.

Would not like to be him.

Edited by seedy
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I am in a very similar situation with my 11 year old, looking more like 14 or 15. Problem is that lots of her friends are also older. Just gave her an iPhone so I can at least track her when she is outside the house. I just try to teach her about the risks outside but don't want to lock her up. I think I'll make her wear a burqa or cut her hair really short for the next few years...

Maybe I am paranoid but I never let her outside with her friends without myself or another adult. This will change but I don't know what age - maybe 16. Then again, she will never be allowed out alone while I am still around.

I havent yet read the whole thread thus far, but isn´t it a big fat chance that most people are looking just because she is a Luk Khreung (50/50)???? Aren´t you reading too much into this?? Just giving alternative motiv!!!!! At least up here in isaan people many times are just not used to see a hasip-hasip!!


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