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More than 70,000 traffic violators arrested in last three months

Lite Beer

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I ask is this another one of those white lies Thais official say is o.k. as long as there is a benefit to it? Now I don't know much about anything except for Pattaya, but my recent trip to Bangkok just last week saw lots or traffic certainly better traffic control but is it due to the 70,000 being arrested? It is most likely due to the fact that no matter what the driver did there was just no where to go? The fact that speeding is not one of the six proves my point.

Thailand is second in the world and the General knows this but what he does not know is Bangkok alone is not the cause of this ranking. To reduce the ranking Thailand must have a consistent,comprehensive program to control the problem everywhere not just Bangkok! When they get serious the first place they should go is Pattaya because Pattaya drivers seem to be the center of what is wrong.

And when all the arrest stops and the officials punch the clock to leave they might want to follow the same rules they expect from the 70,000 arrested? You got to embrace and believe in the problem before you will ever see any progress in this country.

Thais are the most impatient people I have ever lived with when it comes to getting behind the wheel and that is in general enough in general to kill some many people in such a small country. It seems pedal to the medal from beginning to end. This impatient might be due to poor City planning for streets or Soi and especially the unnecessary long traffic lights. It is impossible to fix a problem when your official do not know or have never seen anything else outside of their own country.

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i guess most off the pepole comments on this post stay in thailand, if you dont like thailand, then order a one ways ticket home to you nanny state paradise.we do not force you to stay in Thailand, you even chose to come here.

is that how everybody should handle problems in the world?

When you see injustice or problems arising you should just turn around and walk away?

I am lucky there are people in this world who make efforts to change things and improve the lives of themselves and everybody around them. And that often starts by identifying the problem; exactly what is happening here.

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That must refer to the crime of giving traffic officers counterfeit tea money instead of real tea money....

Thanks for clearing that up! My mind was boggling at what it may mean!

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i guess most off the pepole comments on this post stay in thailand, if you dont like thailand, then order a one ways ticket home to you nanny state paradise.we do not force you to stay in Thailand, you even chose to come here.

You have your opinions and so do the rest of us.. Here is mines.. many of us on this board come from the West? we come here for many reasons including some tired of a nanny state. But we come with one thing in common and that is the belief in democracy and freedom to say and fight for those who can't fight for themselves? That is our makeup we speak out and many of us come here because Thailand is suppose to be a country that allows us to do that more than others? I a few years ago sat on a bus from Pattaya to Bangkok after the flood with a retired Thai government official he sad something that has stuck " Thai people have democracy but they do not know it "

No matter where we come from everywhere there are guys with opinions like yours ' if you don't like it go home " I heard this growing up with whites saying it to blacks in my country " if you don;t like it go home to Africa " PLEASE DO NOT TAKE MY EXAMPLE THAT YOU ARE RACIST!

But just because we are not citizens of Thailand it does not mean we do not care! There are people like yourself who seem content with the way things are here in Thailand and feel we are trying to turn their country like the West? But wake up and smell the coffee? Each day this government no matter who is running it is trying to be like the West. There are guys like you and guys like us and me who just want something bad that is happening like thousand dying unnecessary to stop! There are people like yourself who sit back and there are people like us or me who speak up and fight to make things better for people like you so you can express a opinion even if we are here in Thailand.

I understand many of the fears of Expats that if the Thais actually were able to fix all the problems and become a first rate country the exchange rate might not be what it is now and many would not be able to live here. I'm not rich but I'm not afraid. There are lots wrong with Thailand and lots wrong with my country but it doesn't mean I can't live here and just sit back and not criticize. That is one of the biggest problem with this country they do not like to be criticize and I say constructive criticism is good and when they learn it they might actually be able to fix the driving problem and fixing the problem is not to buy a ticket and go home nor is it to sit back and say nothing.

Edited by thailand49
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I doubt even ONE of the 70,000 was arrested in Pattaya. I have lived here 4 years and get out and about on the roads almost every day. Other then motorcycle drivers being pulled over for not wearing helmets, I have NEVER seen a car pulled over by police for running a red light, driving the wrong way, double-parking, parking on red lines, following too close, speeding, turning illegally, driving recklessly, or any other traffic violation. Why not hire meter maids to ticket cars parked illegally? They could be paid from the fines collected. Why not have some VISIBLE police presence at major intersections? Why not buy some more attractive traffic barriers? The ones Pattaya uses--the concrete and metal ones--are horrible and the metal ones easily moved to re-open an opening that is suppose to be closed. Every time you make a legal U-Turn you are putting your life in danger from being rear-ended as most of them are in the traffic lanes--it would not take much money to work on improving the U-Turn lanes in Pattaya and improve intersections to have double right turns to allow more traffic thru a light cycle.

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Another sad PR joke....its low season here in Phuket. Police know it and dont set up many checkpoints but wait until high season and they will be out in force. Police patrol? Give me a break. They dont need to as they have cctv....let me find that double traffic violation of a police truck in front of me. I have it on video. Ill give you guys a chuckle and post it up.

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For the traffic policemen that had strictly enforced traffic laws, will they too get awards from the government as well for doing their job? Essentially paying law enforcement officers a commission for number of citations/arrests is a real deal breaker for the rule of law. But when you consider the source for the current rule of law, maybe not so inconsistent.

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i guess most off the pepole comments on this post stay in thailand, if you dont like thailand, then order a one ways ticket home to you nanny state paradise.we do not force you to stay in Thailand, you even chose to come here.

You have your opinions and so do the rest of us.. Here is mines.. many of us on this board come from the West? we come here for many reasons including some tired of a nanny state. But we come with one thing in common and that is the belief in democracy and freedom to say and fight for those who can't fight for themselves? That is our makeup we speak out and many of us come here because Thailand is suppose to be a country that allows us to do that more than others? I a few years ago sat on a bus from Pattaya to Bangkok after the flood with a retired Thai government official he sad something that has stuck " Thai people have democracy but they do not know it "

No matter where we come from everywhere there are guys with opinions like yours ' if you don't like it go home " I heard this growing up with whites saying it to blacks in my country " if you don;t like it go home to Africa " PLEASE DO NOT TAKE MY EXAMPLE THAT YOU ARE RACIST!

But just because we are not citizens of Thailand it does not mean we do not care! There are people like yourself who seem content with the way things are here in Thailand and feel we are trying to turn their country like the West? But wake up and smell the coffee? Each day this government no matter who is running it is trying to be like the West. There are guys like you and guys like us and me who just want something bad that is happening like thousand dying unnecessary to stop! There are people like yourself who sit back and there are people like us or me who speak up and fight to make things better for people like you so you can express a opinion even if we are here in Thailand.

I understand many of the fears of Expats that if the Thais actually were able to fix all the problems and become a first rate country the exchange rate might not be what it is now and many would not be able to live here. I'm not rich but I'm not afraid. There are lots wrong with Thailand and lots wrong with my country but it doesn't mean I can't live here and just sit back and not criticize. That is one of the biggest problem with this country they do not like to be criticize and I say constructive criticism is good and when they learn it they might actually be able to fix the driving problem and fixing the problem is not to buy a ticket and go home nor is it to sit back and say nothing.

+1 well said.

Few things are improved by total silence.

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Back in the states got ticket for no helmet, No problem So next drove my MG I put on helmet I get ticket Same officer for wearing Helmet. Go to court to fight ticket Ask officer why I got tickets said because on motor cycle need helmet then why did I get the second one said because helmet gets in way of seeing and hearing. Judge dismissed case.

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i guess most off the pepole comments on this post stay in thailand, if you dont like thailand, then order a one ways ticket home to you nanny state paradise.we do not force you to stay in Thailand, you even chose to come here.

You have your opinions and so do the rest of us.. Here is mines.. many of us on this board come from the West? we come here for many reasons including some tired of a nanny state. But we come with one thing in common and that is the belief in democracy and freedom to say and fight for those who can't fight for themselves? That is our makeup we speak out and many of us come here because Thailand is suppose to be a country that allows us to do that more than others? I a few years ago sat on a bus from Pattaya to Bangkok after the flood with a retired Thai government official he sad something that has stuck " Thai people have democracy but they do not know it "

No matter where we come from everywhere there are guys with opinions like yours ' if you don't like it go home " I heard this growing up with whites saying it to blacks in my country " if you don;t like it go home to Africa " PLEASE DO NOT TAKE MY EXAMPLE THAT YOU ARE RACIST!

But just because we are not citizens of Thailand it does not mean we do not care! There are people like yourself who seem content with the way things are here in Thailand and feel we are trying to turn their country like the West? But wake up and smell the coffee? Each day this government no matter who is running it is trying to be like the West. There are guys like you and guys like us and me who just want something bad that is happening like thousand dying unnecessary to stop! There are people like yourself who sit back and there are people like us or me who speak up and fight to make things better for people like you so you can express a opinion even if we are here in Thailand.

I understand many of the fears of Expats that if the Thais actually were able to fix all the problems and become a first rate country the exchange rate might not be what it is now and many would not be able to live here. I'm not rich but I'm not afraid. There are lots wrong with Thailand and lots wrong with my country but it doesn't mean I can't live here and just sit back and not criticize. That is one of the biggest problem with this country they do not like to be criticize and I say constructive criticism is good and when they learn it they might actually be able to fix the driving problem and fixing the problem is not to buy a ticket and go home nor is it to sit back and say nothing.

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Thailand 49....excellent post.

I often feel some farangs bring it on themselves. I've seen grovelling patronising letters in local papers talking about us as 'guests' in this wonderful Land of Smiles and it irritates me because it seems to convey the very mindset to which you refer. We are so fortunate to be able to live here that we should have no opinions whatsoever on anything which affects us.

I'm from the UK which is very multicultural as you know. I've never heard a foreigner refer to himself/herself as a 'guest' in the country. Also, it's perfectly legal and understandable that, say, a group of Thai's could demonstrate in London against something they feel strongly about.

Don't misunderstand me, I live here and respect the law and, hopefully am courteous to all Thai's in whatever capacity. I don't wear shorts and a singlet to visit immigaration or ride a motorbike without a shirt or helemt (Just a couple of examples, as I'm sure you can see what I mean).

However, I will not be told I should not have a view, or opinion on things which affect me - after all I'm supporting the economy, like many on this forum.

All I ask for is a level playing field, instead of this apparant fear of some Thai's that to criticise or have a view, is somehow reactionary and should be forbidden to a 'guest'. I honestly think ther is an international 'inferiority complex' among some Thai's - not all though.

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See it as a step in the right direction. Were you able to walk first time you tried, cycling or drinking beer?

Takes a while. How the fark do you think one stringent police action will make all people aware they must obey by the law instantly, TIT.

Yes, agreed, this will take more years untill people start to realise.

Many people nowadays (Chiang Mai) have their helmets on while driving the motorsi. That's a whole new scene compared to 2 years ago and was due to the many road blocks and many people got hit in the wallet.

Here in my village, there were police road blocks at least once a week, since martial law there has been none that I have noticed. Maybe it only applies to Bangkok.

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If the fine is just 300 bath, what would it help then?

Laughing amount for good money maker

Just look at his car, the more expensive the higher the fine and let him pay 30000 bath, that will help.

Probably someway they need some money and it pays of quick a lot if you get a lot.

But for real adjustment in behavior, you should raise the fine.

Here in Holland you get a fine for just holding your phone in the car, it cost 230 euro( 9500 bath)

And if you don"t keep your safe distance on a highway or any way, it will cost you 280-700 euro depending on speed.

Otherwise they can take your drivers license and hold it for a period of time, depending on decision of justice prosecutor and a fine !!

Even demand you follow a coarse of safety which you have to pay yourself, including taking days off for it !

No matter what is your income !!

In thailand they should also do more about scooter drivers, they make it real bad in wearing no helmets, with 4 people on a scooter, against traffic driving.

Even families with just babies, kids in the middle or even up front!!

But beware if you are a farang, then they know how to find you. As they say you are not only a farang but as well an alien !!

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'... over 4,400 cases of using smart phones of texting while driving.' I seriously doubt that is accurate.

'... six types of traffic violation ... include ...' surprise, surprise - six types of traffic violation. Hardly inclusive, is it?

'... driving in reverse direction ...' difficult to tell whether they are reversing since they generally tend to look front, no matter which way they're moving.

'... and counterfeiting.' Sorry? Counterfeiting what, exactly?

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70.000x300 = 21 million in teamoney + a couple of millions from the headman on Koh Tao. All in all a good couple of months for the honest Thai policeforce!!coffee1.gif

If you're implying "corruption" then why don't you have the testicular fortitude to come forward with EVIDENCE ?

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70.000x300 = 21 million in teamoney + a couple of millions from the headman on Koh Tao. All in all a good couple of months for the honest Thai policeforce!!coffee1.gif

If you're implying "corruption" then why don't you have the testicular fortitude to come forward with EVIDENCE ?

Several times when my wife was stopped for speeding....500 Baht and everything is OK.....evidence is ample in Thailand.

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