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Australian PM seeks to block visas for 'hate preachers'


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Well Toyota ford Holden ,and the list goes on ,major companies packing up and leaving Australia because it's too high a price to manufacture,not to mention qauntas airlines on the brink,in the next 50 years Australia will be scratching around in the dirt,like maybe the Thais were 100 years ago,what do we export ,mainly iron ore ,not much else,Thailand in the near future will start hitting the golden era and be very up there with the rest of the world, in Australia under hawke and Howard both had 8 and 10 years in running the country ,prime ministers have a short life now in Australia ,eeerrr I wonder why , because they are little lost lambs feeding there own pockets ,no wonder Aussie are pissed of

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The Jews tend to contribute a lot to the commercial and cultural life of any country where they settle.

Migrants tend to. They have to.

Every load of new migrants tend to be villified.

Shame their contribution isn't always equally positive.

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The Jews tend to contribute a lot to the commercial and cultural life of any country where they settle.

Migrants tend to. They have to.

Every load of new migrants tend to be villified.

Shame their contribution isn't always equally positive.

That's why you have strong secular and unbiased institutions that punish severely the ones who don't, and reward the ones who do.

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The Jews tend to contribute a lot to the commercial and cultural life of any country where they settle.

Migrants tend to. They have to.

Every load of new migrants tend to be villified.

Shame their contribution isn't always equally positive.

That's why you have strong secular and unbiased institutions that punish severely the ones who don't, and reward the ones who do.

Strong secular institutions don't convince people to change their religious convictions.

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Australia already has laws that allow it to refuse visas to people who have a substantial criminal record, who are "not of good character", or who are likely to "incite discord" or "represent a danger" to Australia.

Times have certainly changed in OZ a country that was a penal colony for those with a substantial criminal record, who were "not of good character",

But I suppose that was a few years back now.

Is that why a large majority of the NZ population have moved to Australia?

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The Australian government under tony Abbott ,is not a functional or stable environment ,he emulates Obama in America ,if only we could create our own ideas for the people of Australia ,the people of australia have been lied to and betrayed by the current government ,Australia is under no threat from who ever

Yes all those kids and adults recently arrested waving Isis flags are a figment of someone's imagination ?

You listen to Abbott too much and have picked up his art of spin. "All of those" equals 2 kids and it has only been suggested that one of them had a flag. You read too much of the Murdoch press.

Tony Abbott is showing serious signs of being a fascist. He is already a liar and a breaker of election promises. His fear mongering is simply to shore up his extremely poor standing in the polls. He was a thug during his uni years, he is against women with only one in his cabinet, he would like to stop a woman's right to an abortion and I could continue but you won't bother reading this anyway.

Read this http://www.abc.net.au/news/2014-10-07/saul-the-light-of-human-rights-is-fading-in-australia/5794640 and you might gain some truth to the situation

Abbott is the one who preaches hate but it is cleverly masked with spin and lies and racism.

And no - I am not a young left wing radical. I am a 71 year old bloke who has always voted for Abbotts's Liberal party but not again while he is the leader.

You mean 2 in the past week? or in the past month?

May be we read or watch different news.

Abbot showing signs of fascism?blink.png

I thought he was showing signs of common sense.

Having jails over crowded with particular ethnic group was not a good enough wake up call for others, finally someone with some common sense.

Does not mean i like his opinions or views or his way of running a country, but most certainly agree on this issue.

Oh and yes i am young, in case you missed, check out names mentioned when it comes to drive by shootings, drug deals, bikey gang wars or disputes.wai2.gif

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There have been demonstrations by moslems and moslem supporters already in Australia. Australians believe in the dignity and freedom of each person, the equality of men and women and the rule of law..Islam does not (only Sharia law ((Stoneage law)).Democracy and Islam make awkward bedfellows. Identify all those Moslems who are demonstrating in Australia, rescind their visa's / citizenship. And send them back to wherever they originated from, they evidently do not want to live in your country by your country's standards, they are not Australians, they are Moslems. I don't believe that there can be an Australian Moslem, if that person adheres the rule of the Koran strictly, that person is not adhering to the privileges and responsibilities of an Australian citizen. Europe has a serious problem, which is almost impossible to deal with , except by serious blood spilling, Australia still has a chance of removing the cancer from it's body. DO IT SOON or it will be too late and you will eventually follow Europe.

So many people make the mistake of assuming all Muslims are fundamentalists. It is far from true. Just as there are among Christians a minority of fundamentalists who are nutters, so there are nutter Muslims, and they are a minority too.

Of course an Australian can be a Muslim!

Some anti-Muslim rhetoric is indeed the type of hate speech that Australia is looking to ban.

Christians are responsible for far more deaths and attrocities then the muslims ever were. All this scare mongering and propaganda from western governments has worked a treat in demonising muslims, I urge all of you to actually research for yourselves and use your own minds instead of taking for granted what ever your governments tell you. Never forget that war is one of the most profitable businesses in the world.

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There have been demonstrations by moslems and moslem supporters already in Australia. Australians believe in the dignity and freedom of each person, the equality of men and women and the rule of law..Islam does not (only Sharia law ((Stoneage law)).Democracy and Islam make awkward bedfellows. Identify all those Moslems who are demonstrating in Australia, rescind their visa's / citizenship. And send them back to wherever they originated from, they evidently do not want to live in your country by your country's standards, they are not Australians, they are Moslems. I don't believe that there can be an Australian Moslem, if that person adheres the rule of the Koran strictly, that person is not adhering to the privileges and responsibilities of an Australian citizen. Europe has a serious problem, which is almost impossible to deal with , except by serious blood spilling, Australia still has a chance of removing the cancer from it's body. DO IT SOON or it will be too late and you will eventually follow Europe.

So many people make the mistake of assuming all Muslims are fundamentalists. It is far from true. Just as there are among Christians a minority of fundamentalists who are nutters, so there are nutter Muslims, and they are a minority too.

Of course an Australian can be a Muslim!

Some anti-Muslim rhetoric is indeed the type of hate speech that Australia is looking to ban.

Christians are responsible for far more deaths and attrocities then the muslims ever were. All this scare mongering and propaganda from western governments has worked a treat in demonising muslims, I urge all of you to actually research for yourselves and use your own minds instead of taking for granted what ever your governments tell you. Never forget that war is one of the most profitable businesses in the world.

What are the numbers? you state with certainty by far more, so what are the numbers?

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I guess it depends how you define nutters.

People should realize in many countries the majority of Muslims support the death penalty for leaving the faith.

Or at least significant percentages.

Sometimes a massive majority.

In my opinion, that reflects an INSANE degree of fundamentalism.

Most of these people who be labeled "moderate Muslims" by many.

It seems the label does not fit.

Just one example.

Consider the percentages of OTHER world religions that support the death penalty for leaving their faith.

It's almost unheard of in MODERN TIMES.

Excommunication perhaps. Murder NO!
Wake up. Religions and religious people are NOT the same. Islam is NOT the same as all other religions.

It is not Islamophobic to face up to the facts.

I feel no feeling "tolerance" to religious people of ANY faith who support murdering their fellow human beings for making a free will decision to change their faith or to openly have no faith. Such views in my opinion are dangerously fascistic and should be actively resisted by the entire world, including other Muslims who are brave enough to fight that, but you can understand why they would be afraid.

Edited by Jingthing
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Not only blocking Visa's, but actively cancelling passports.

UP TO 150 Australians could be involved in Syrian and Iraqi conflicts, as Foreign Minister Julie Bishop warned the government was now cancelling passports of those citizens it considered to now be terrorist threats.


Well done Australia.

I hope this guy is 1 of them.

A MAN claiming to be an Aus­tralian jihadist in Syria says he will fight back if his group is attacked by the Australian Defence Force.

He has also backed the Islamic State terrorist group’s practice of beheading prisoners.


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