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Amnesty Calls For Investigation Into Torture Allegations on Koh Tao

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Truthfully I don't think the new PM has enough power to clean out the corruption here. He is only one man against a very powerful machine.

The asset list made it very obvious he is part of that machine. There is no intent to "reform" as most Thais wish I'm afraid. That's not at all what any of this is about.

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Truthfully I don't think the new PM has enough power to clean out the corruption here. He is only one man against a very powerful machine.

Would you change: 'against' into: 'part of', I would sadly have to fully agree with you... sad.png

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It seems things really are falling apart. I have just read that the prosecutors have returned the 800plus page charge sheets to the police, telling them to get more solid evidence. But they have not set the police a time frame to do it.

apparently, the word "perfect" has more than one translation in Thailand

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Martial law explains everything?

Why can't Than speak to the other Burmese without the police? They have not done anything wrong?

Were other Burmese tortured during the extraction of confessions?

If the accused did it, they look like baby face killers? But only a fair judicial system would be able to deliver such a verdict. The Thai judicial system has in the past been criticised by foreign press.

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Welcome Amnesty!

Shine a bright light on the corrupt thugs! wai2.gifwai.gif


Amnesty International are one big joke - why don't they get a real job rather than mess about when its none of their business. Go back to London as you are not wanted!!!

Why so angry?

bought them no SIM cards or souvenir of you when they visited the island

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I have the feeling that many many (Thai) heads are to roll over this story; so there is silver lining at the horizon it seems.

And yes, instead of coming forward with watertight proof or the resignation of the entire police helm over this godforsaken mess, they linger on.
The high season 2014/2015 - or whatever would have been left of it - is getting beaten to death while this story trails on. Pathetic. Or some really, really, really, really powerful people are behind it.

Whatever happened, it will not bring these two young people back to life; in their honour just make sure that the truth will prevail one day and the culprits - the real ones - are taken to responsibility.

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I have the feeling that many many (Thai) heads are to roll over this story; so there is silver lining at the horizon it seems.

And yes, instead of coming forward with watertight proof or the resignation of the entire police helm over this godforsaken mess, they linger on.

The high season 2014/2015 - or whatever would have been left of it - is getting beaten to death while this story trails on. Pathetic. Or some really, really, really, really powerful people are behind it.

Whatever happened, it will not bring these two young people back to life; in their honour just make sure that the truth will prevail one day and the culprits - the real ones - are taken to responsibility.

Patience Grasshopper

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As the plaudits over for 'perfect job' done by police investigators as described by Prayuth and the police's exemplary professionalism in solving the case, as praised by British ambassador, Mark Kent keep rolling in, let's sum up where we are in the case.

Pol Gen Somyos said that the arrest of the two suspects namely Win and So Lin, both 21, was attributable to five reasons:

1) an eyewitness, a Myanmar migrant worker who implicated them;

2) their DNA samples match with the DNA found in the body of one of the tourists;

3) video footage showing the two suspects;

4) a smartphone of one of the victims found in the possession of the suspects;

5) and the confession of the suspects in the presence of their lawyers.

No. 1 seems to have just gone as the eyewitness, Maung Maung, who claims to have been beaten by police into testifying against his friends, has now says he didn't witness anything and doesn't believe his friends did it as they woke up the next day completely unmarked as if nothing had happened. That leaves 4 reasons.

No 3 the video looks quite inconclusive. Even if the man in the clips is one of the suspects, it is only circumstantial evidence and doesn't preclude the possibility that other killers could have gone to and from the crime scene without passing the security camera.

No 4, the smart phone. Police have offered conflicting information about this. First David's iphone was found intact and listed as part of the deceased personal, as shown in TV. Then the police chief said that Hannah's iphone was found smashed up near the Burmese hut but news vids showed it in the police station. Finally David's iphone was said to have been given by one of the supects to an unnamed friend, who smashed it up and left in a plastic bag near his friends' hut. This piece of evidence seems shaky and may be demolished soon.

No 5 the confession of the suspects in the presence of their lawyers. It seems that what he meant was the subsequent reiteration of their confession verbally in front of a Burmese and a Thai lawyer and Burmese embassy officials in the Samui court building. There has been no suggestion that any lawyers were present during the interrogation and confessions on Koh Tao or indeed that the suspects had appointed lawyers prior to giving power of attorney to the lawyers that the Burmese embassy brought to see them in Samui. If there is reasonable doubt that their confessions were extracted were extracted under torture, they would inadmissible in a Western court but are probably still OK in Thailand, if not retracted by the suspects. Given all the above the suspects lawyers must surely urge them strongly to retract the confessions.

That will leave reason no. 2 DNA. So far the DNA testing looks to have been rather patchy. The two suspect's DNA was tested earlier without a match. No DNA has been taken from inside the condom that had Hannah's DNA on the outside and a police spokesman said it might have been 'cleaned out'. The suspects DNA has been found on cigarette butts found where they were drinking and playing guitar but not on cigarettes found at the scene. David's DNA was not found on the hoe which was alleged to have been the murder weapon used on him in the confessions, not to mention the fact that his wounds looked inconsistent with the use of the hoe. No DNA samples have been taken from a Thai man who witnesses said was seen to leave the island on a speed boat shortly after the killings for fear of impinging on his human rights, despite the hundreds of Burmese forced to line up for involuntary testing. Would the DNA evidence stand up to verification from an overseas government authority?

Then there were none.

Very well laid out Dog.

I wonder how long the police will keep up this dog and pony show? Its would seem there is a very good possibility there are killers on the loose in Thailand. I know that will not be for tourism on Koh Tao if the police are back searching. But I think it would be far worse for the country if these brutal killers struck again.

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The BIB have dug themselves a massive hole, be interesting to see them try and dig out of this.

The outcome of this will depend on the General's stance.

In my opinion, it's a wonderful opportunity for him to show he's sincere about wishing to stamp out police incompetence and corruption.

Only problem is that he already congratulated them for a perfect and well-done job. Now he will have a problem explaining that.

The PM/General can wiggle out of this as he is after all the main man. Send the cops off to inactive posts make the Islands head man's life uncomfortable, he may even fall over in the shower. put 500 soldiers on the Island. Whatever he wants.

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What was that comment the other day, that thing about not accusing someone of using scapegoats or something? I can't remember exactly what it was ...would someone please remind me what that reference was to or about? Thx...appreciate it in advance....thumbsup.gif








Edited by djhotsox
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Amnesty International are one big joke - why don't they get a real job rather than mess about when its none of their business. Go back to London as you are not wanted!!!

Wait until you/your family get falsely arrested or abused behind closed doors by the authorities, then you'll be screaming for them from the rooftops.

when he gets arrested it is not falsely may be

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"The British newspaper The Guardian also reported that photographic evidence, seen by the newspaper, of the alleged abuse of three other Burmese migrant workers who said they had been scalded with boiling water during a police interrogation, had been passed to the British ambassador to Thailand Mark Kent".

What good will handing this to Mr Kent be?, he has already expressed his pleasure in the police forces investigation......

Please follow the subject so as to make informed comment; M Kent had denied he did so.

It (his expressing pleasure) was another lie, in a long string of lies, uttered by members of the RTP.

In fact if one studiously follows this subject it can see be seen that Mark Kent, by his actions, and unspoken words has done quite the opposite of "expressing his pleasure".

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Welcome Amnesty!

Shine a bright light on the corrupt thugs! wai2.gifwai.gif


Amnesty International are one big joke - why don't they get a real job rather than mess about when its none of their business. Go back to London as you are not wanted!!!

Why so angry?

bought them no SIM cards or souvenir of you when they visited the island

May be he is jealous because AI only helps people whor are NOT guilty

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I believe the threads have been infiltrated by those with interests directly against the truth

others may be trolling for defamation lawsuits and the other internet related criminal laws of LOS

Seems the same keyboard mercs are back on baord who so unconvicibly and unteachingly insisted on ptp and yingluck being right and good and honorable and never corrupt, a few months ago

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As the plaudits over for 'perfect job' done by police investigators as described by Prayuth and the police's exemplary professionalism in solving the case, as praised by British ambassador, Mark Kent keep rolling in, let's sum up where we are in the case.

Pol Gen Somyos said that the arrest of the two suspects namely Win and So Lin, both 21, was attributable to five reasons:

1) an eyewitness, a Myanmar migrant worker who implicated them;

2) their DNA samples match with the DNA found in the body of one of the tourists;

3) video footage showing the two suspects;

4) a smartphone of one of the victims found in the possession of the suspects;

5) and the confession of the suspects in the presence of their lawyers.

No. 1 seems to have just gone as the eyewitness, Maung Maung, who claims to have been beaten by police into testifying against his friends, has now says he didn't witness anything and doesn't believe his friends did it as they woke up the next day completely unmarked as if nothing had happened. That leaves 4 reasons.

No 3 the video looks quite inconclusive. Even if the man in the clips is one of the suspects, it is only circumstantial evidence and doesn't preclude the possibility that other killers could have gone to and from the crime scene without passing the security camera.

No 4, the smart phone. Police have offered conflicting information about this. First David's iphone was found intact and listed as part of the deceased personal, as shown in TV. Then the police chief said that Hannah's iphone was found smashed up near the Burmese hut but news vids showed it in the police station. Finally David's iphone was said to have been given by one of the supects to an unnamed friend, who smashed it up and left in a plastic bag near his friends' hut. This piece of evidence seems shaky and may be demolished soon.

No 5 the confession of the suspects in the presence of their lawyers. It seems that what he meant was the subsequent reiteration of their confession verbally in front of a Burmese and a Thai lawyer and Burmese embassy officials in the Samui court building. There has been no suggestion that any lawyers were present during the interrogation and confessions on Koh Tao or indeed that the suspects had appointed lawyers prior to giving power of attorney to the lawyers that the Burmese embassy brought to see them in Samui. If there is reasonable doubt that their confessions were extracted were extracted under torture, they would inadmissible in a Western court but are probably still OK in Thailand, if not retracted by the suspects. Given all the above the suspects lawyers must surely urge them strongly to retract the confessions.

That will leave reason no. 2 DNA. So far the DNA testing looks to have been rather patchy. The two suspect's DNA was tested earlier without a match. No DNA has been taken from inside the condom that had Hannah's DNA on the outside and a police spokesman said it might have been 'cleaned out'. The suspects DNA has been found on cigarette butts found where they were drinking and playing guitar but not on cigarettes found at the scene. David's DNA was not found on the hoe which was alleged to have been the murder weapon used on him in the confessions, not to mention the fact that his wounds looked inconsistent with the use of the hoe. No DNA samples have been taken from a Thai man who witnesses said was seen to leave the island on a speed boat shortly after the killings for fear of impinging on his human rights, despite the hundreds of Burmese forced to line up for involuntary testing. Would the DNA evidence stand up to verification from an overseas government authority?

Then there were none.

Personally, and categorically commend you for a well stated factualness you’ve summed up surrounding this abominable case pitted with lies, conjecture, torture, threats, beatings or reasoning that involves the formation of conclusions from incomplete evidence. At present, riddled with over concealment that attempts to prevent something scandalous from becoming public knowledge.

Cheers ………….

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Welcome Amnesty!

Shine a bright light on the corrupt thugs! wai2.gifwai.gif


Amnesty International are one big joke - why don't they get a real job rather than mess about when its none of their business. Go back to London as you are not wanted!!!


Your a disgrace and wonder what diseased infested dick u dribbled off .....

Edited by ScotBkk
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"reported that photographic evidence, seen by the newspaper, of the alleged abuse of three other Burmese migrant workers who said they had been scalded with boiling water during a police interrogation, had been passed to the British ambassador to Thailand Mark Kent."

“I confirm that there was no abuse of any of the suspects,” lead investigator Maj Gen Suwat Chaengyodsook"

So if the photos will be published i can name the Maj Gen officially as a Liar ?

Furthermore there is no witness anymore:

"Maung Maung didn’t witness the murder"

The whole mess for the police getting uglier and uglier,somehow it makes me happy

all lies, since day one, unfortunately EXACTLY like 90% of the TA posters suspected.... why does everyone suspect it...? Coz most are here long enough to have seen how they run their mess... No one shall call that "Thai bashing" ...

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the heat is building up and they will be very surprised how hot it will get... maybe it becomes a "learning experience"... they will surely not "learn" without "pain" (conscience will never bee good enough for them to do "the right thing"... GOOD LUCK for AI and whoever else tries to establish the truth and bring justice !!!

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Could this be the point where the tide is turning?

I really hope so.

I wouldn't be surprised if tomorrow brings a new low......

Tomorrow?? Just give it a couple of hours.

The way they keep opening their mouth's, it wont take them long to put their foot in it!!!

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"reported that photographic evidence, seen by the newspaper, of the alleged abuse of three other Burmese migrant workers who said they had been scalded with boiling water during a police interrogation, had been passed to the British ambassador to Thailand Mark Kent."

“I confirm that there was no abuse of any of the suspects,” lead investigator Maj Gen Suwat Chaengyodsook"

So if the photos will be published i can name the Maj Gen officially as a Liar ?

Furthermore there is no witness anymore:

"Maung Maung didn’t witness the murder"

The whole mess for the police getting uglier and uglier,somehow it makes me happy

Don't bank on Mark Kent doing anything... he's just another over paid arse wipe. If ever there was a waste of public money it's Ambassadors.

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Welcome Amnesty!

Shine a bright light on the corrupt thugs! wai2.gifwai.gif


Amnesty International are one big joke - why don't they get a real job rather than mess about when its none of their business. Go back to London as you are not wanted!!!

Why so angry?

bought them no SIM cards or souvenir of you when they visited the island

May be he is jealous because AI only helps people whor are NOT guilty

Unfortunately for Human Rights in general, I have noted Amnesty International (and other Human Rights organizations, like Human Rights Watch) has a tendency to kick up a fuss over all sorts, including cases where the accused are guilty.

I am convinced their intentions are good, but view them as one of the "bleeding hearts and artists", although the world is probably a better place with them to cross-question issues when needed. It's certainly a good thing that they've got involved on this one.

I just feel the impact of their cross-questioning is compromised by their over-willingness to represent anyone who "has had their rights infringed", perceived or otherwise.

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Amnesty International are one big joke - why don't they get a real job rather than mess about when its none of their business. Go back to London as you are not wanted!!!

SichonSteve, I've been reading some of your recent posts concerning these events. You really do seem to have some personal issues, don't you? Take a stress pill (or several) and stop your whining.

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I believe the threads have been infiltrated by those with interests directly against the truth

others may be trolling for defamation lawsuits and the other internet related criminal laws of LOS

Seems the same keyboard mercs are back on baord who so unconvicibly and unteachingly insisted on ptp and yingluck being right and good and honorable and never corrupt, a few months ago

hang on a sec,

I asked Yinglunk to marry me

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Farangs are never satisfied, cant catch the perps....and if they do, then they arent really the perps !

who was in that speed boat that was seen racing away from the island, one arrested for drugs allegedly, and the other "two" set free?

and, who wouldnt throw their drugs in the water as the cops pull them over,

it isnt like you cannot see them coming a mile away

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