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In Kim Jong-un's absence, rumors about him swirl in North Korea


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In Kim Jong-un’s Absence, Rumors About Him Swirl in North Korea
The New York Times

SEOUL, South Korea — In most countries, footage showing the leader with a limp might have generated some curiosity. But in tightly controlled North Korea, those images — coupled with the disappearance of the country’s ruler, Kim Jong-un, from public view for five weeks — have generated endless debate among foreign officials and analysts always on the lookout for upheaval in one of the world’s most dangerous police states.

The disappearance is especially notable because Mr. Kim, like his father and grandfather before him, has used public appearances accompanied by fawning subjects as a key tool of the propaganda machine that has long held the state together.

For now, American and South Korean officials say that while they think the young leader might be ailing, there is no sign that there has been a coup. After three generations of Kims, any shift away from dynastic rule would probably involve unusual movements of the country’s million-plus military or its people, and none have been detected by the South.

And the fact that North Korea sent three officials widely seen as the Nos. 2, 3 and 4 in the country’s hierarchy to attend the recent closing ceremony of the Asian Games in South Korea, and that during their visit they agreed to resume official dialogue with Seoul, suggests that Mr. Kim remains in control.

Full story: http://www.nytimes.com/2014/10/09/world/asia/in-kim-jong-uns-absence-rumors-about-him-swirl-in-north-korea.html

-- The New York Times 2014-10-08

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For now, American and South Korean officials say that while they think the young leader might be ailing, there is no sign that there has been a coup.

He should provide a banquet for the canine population compared to his older, thinner uncle.

Any rumors as to who would succeed him? Is Dennis Rodman packing a bag?

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I really wouldn't assume any potential changes in NK are motivated by helping the masses there. In fact, I would assume the opposite and whatever is happening is most likely an internal power grab of similarly noxious powers. Of course from where they are at now, any change will likely appear to be some kind of improvement, and could possibly be so in a limited way.

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Panic over. I saw him in a 7-11 on Suk Soi 15 buying a ham and cheese toastie, a hot dog smokey bite and complaining that the girl behind the counter didn't give him his stickers. At least I thought it was him...

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Headline speaks of 'swirling rumors', but there isn't a single one in the article. I love a good rumor, especially about the bully-boy, but you don't deliver. So, now I have to make up my own rumors: Kim has skipped the country to participate incognito at a cheese-eating contest in America


Edited by klauskunkel
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Well, South Korea has said that it has no immeadiate plans for reunification! If this was to happen it would destroy the South's economy! Their plan is the very gentle building of the North's economy and the gradual shrinking of their armed forces, neither is likely to happen in the near future so we might as well sit back and await developments? smile.pngwai.gif

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KJU is maggots by now.

He was a major threat to the military hierarchy after what he did to his own family and some of the top ranking military officials (and their families). So what do you expect?????

The top brass know they are next and he has proven himself head and shoulders above his predecessors regarding ruthlessness..

If I were top brass in the NK military, I would want rid of this runt for sure, if my family were at risk.

A recipe for a 'hidden coup' if ever i saw it.... Stand by for reports that the 'dear leader' has died of a disease or whatever.

But for me...... He is already maggots.

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The North is not a world class community, the South is, they are educated and number three on the glode for advanced high tech armaments , like tanks, jets , missiles etc, they are having a party , while the North is in the doldrums.

He is addicted to Macdonald's and has grown three times his body wait in 6 mths, he cannot walk, and has a lot of flatulence which has made public appearances very embarassing for him.

Also he enjoys the company of ,not the female gender . This has been widely reported in the local Sth K press !

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Read somewhere he had a severe case of gout added to which his unhealthy diet complicated things. Swiss cheese fetish.

Edit: I guess this makes as much sense as any other rumor I'm reading in this thread.

Edited by bdenner
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Maybe he got a little too close to those same dogs he fed his uncle to. That place makes East Germany from the 60's-80's look like a paradise. I imagine that once someone finally clues in and gets rid of "not so dear" leader, it wouldn't be long before the North was clamouring to (peacefully) rejoin the south (as long as their military leaders have certain guarantees in place beforehand to ensure they don't suddenly end up in Guantanamo or somewhere less pleasant themselves).

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"peacefull re-join the south" not gunna happen in our life(50-60 years). the south is deathly afraid of millions of uneducated, no skill, brainwashed drones flooding across the border.the korean goverment has tracked people that have "escaped" the north, gave them housing,food and tried to improve any skills they did have so they might enter the work force. well, it seems they are not happy they are not able to understand why it is they cannot shop at the expensive stores. go to eat in the best places. they always assumed all south koreans enjoyed these things as a birth right. it never entered there mind that this is only done after long years of hard work. the work place offers a way to be social & interact with fellow workers but sadly it is not the case with people from the north, misstrust,absence of social skills & lack of a work ethic are the main causes. educated people from the north are a easy and fast fit. everybody that is not goverment or military is poor & in need of help.the south korean goverment understands that it will be a long time before the north is ready to re-join. the south fear their lifestyle will be changed if the masses flow south with no control.this is not east & west berlin.east berlin never had it so bad as the koreans have it know. :-)

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Really, who cares about this fat, silly, dark hearted, unintelligent, non visionary of a man? Is this really news outside of North Korea? I can think of about 6 billion people who would not miss him for a nanosecond, were he to never show up again.

People care because N. Korea is a nuclear armed state with unpredictable bahaviour, so yes we are interested if it is temporary gout or something more serious.

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