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Koh Samui prison chief fears Koh Tao murder suspects may commit suicide


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Of course they are stressed out. They were probably tortured and forced to confess to crimes they may not have committed, I continue to be amazed by the number of confessions the RTP elicit from people they have arrested. We rarely read about suspects pleading innocent. I hope this whole process is addressed by the new Reform Council.

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Mr Prime Minister, why are you and your previous ignoring this problem on Koh Tao, you have a very , very serious problem on that island.

Are you happy that Koh Tao has become a centre of murder and rape?

SIR, TIME TO ACT in the name of HUMANITY.

Edited by BoristheBlade
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"Assisted" suicide for sure..

How many DIDN'T see this coming?

Suspects died of "apparent" suicide...case closed. Koh Tao open again for business.

IF...(hopefully not 'when') this happens, I will have lost ALL FAITH in the brown uniform wearing (not sure what to call them).

Edited by Nowisee
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One simple solution, put them in solitary confinement, take away anything that they can hang themselves with or choke them selves with, if neccesary strip them naked. monitor all their meals so they can't do anything whatsoever to harm themselves. the only way they could then commit suicide is if they continually ran head first into the walls of the cell, and that is ver doubful they could do that.................Oh but wait did i not hear of a murder suspect doing that once before in a thai prison cell. Sorry how stupid of me.

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Why does this statement worry me so much? Am I being overly cynical? Would a double suicide followed in quick succession by a double cremation, cover a multitude of unrecorded sins?

It wouldn't cover any sins to you, me, anyone with an ounce of belief in the rule of law or the humblest peasant on the planet with a sense of justice, but in Thailand, it works perfectly. Thoughts and prayers for these poor Burmese guys.

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"British media published reports that the Burmese people under suspicion of killing two British tourists who then withdrew his confession."


Withdraw confessions and then possible suicide reports.

Edited by krislarter
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More like, he informed other prisoners that if they kill these two they may get let out of prison early and/or get a little reward money. But they tell the other prisoners to make sure it looks like a suicide. Hang them or something.

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ok so let me just think about this for a minute. These guys have been in custody for maybe 10 days or so. Not once has the prison chief expressed any worries about their safety, that was of course was before they were granted access to lawyers, and had supposedly pleaded guilty. But now after they have seen lawyers and recanted their confessions all of a sudden he is worried they may commit suicide. I would think they are less inclined to commit suicide now than they were 2 days ago.

And his statement should have read " I have instructed other inmates to make sure these two are dead in the next few days"

The RTP will never admit they are wrong too much arrogance and taking care of the hiso for that. But they have now found another patsy, ie the prison chief to take the fall for them, if these 2 die in custody. Can see the headlines now, the day after they are found dead in prison.

TWO BURMESE SUSPECTED OF MURDER FOUND DEAD IN PRISON CELLS. Police chief says " The prison governor did not do enough to protect these prisoners, we were 100% certain they were guilty, but now we don't have the chance to prove to all the doubters all over the world that we got it right.

By the way we will not be at anytime sending our condolensces to the families of the deceased, because we are to busy collecting all the brown envolopes from the scumbags that we have been protecting, and also making sure that tourism is soon booming on koh tao again, so that we don't lose any of our income from bribes that are (LEGALLY) paid to us. No more comments case closed we did a fabulous job solving this crime.

British media published reports that the Burmese people under suspicion of killing two British tourists who then withdrew his confession.

This is why possible suicides announced?

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Believe it or not, I thought of this not too long ago: getting these two out of the way and having the excuse to close the case.

So I'll go on record and suggest I won't be surprised that these two will be dead within a fortnight if they stay in the general population.

The Thais have already said how they will die (refusing to sequester them) and for what reasons... guilt. They can predict the future but not solve the past.

You can't write this stuff. So very very tiring and disgusting.

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"They may be feeling guilty for the crime they have done." 'Should read 'for the crime they are alleged to have done'

Just following the Prime Minister and the Chief of Police. Judged guilty before any trial

If they are at risk of suicide then they should be under suicide watch by the prison staff. Since when was suicide watch officially part of an inmates duties

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It amazes me how Thai officials have no concept about what the rest of the world thinks about this country - mainly due to press releases like this.

Or do they just think everyone else is as stupid as the average, crimson-coloured Thai who they depend on for their support ?. You couldn't make some of this stuff up.

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"Assisted" suicide for sure..

That's what the Police Chief said....

"I have instructed other inmates to monitor the two Burmese men. I am afraid they may commit suicide, because they show signs of stress,"

Inmates monitoring inmates,...that's a novelty.

As far as the reports I've read, the stress mentioned appears to have come from continual torture.

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