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For 1 week My hands have been tingling and now my left arm/arm is numb from wrist down. Mostly my thumb is numb.

I am 49 and quit smoking 1 year ago and don't drink.

Any advice, apart from seeing v doctor?

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See a Chinese TCM, may need acupuncture treatment.

First priority is to see a doctor still, don't wait till you have missed out the best period for treatment.


Yes; see a Doctor first thing but don't obsess about a heart condition. I had a pinched nerve in my shoulder 2 years ago. The symptoms were very similar to what you are experiencing.


Can be problem with getting the blood there, can be a problem with a nerve, could be a small stroke, could be could be could be.....

Could go away on its own, could bring you into the grave.....

-->should have gone to the doctor like 1 week ago.


Does not sound remotely like a heart attack. And if I understand correctly that the problem is only from wrist to fingers, not likely to be spinal either.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome or other compression syndrome involving hand/fingers seems most likely. If it especially acts up at night, disturbing your sleep, and you can get relief by hanging your arm down off the side of the bed, very like it is carpal tunnel.

NSAID (antiinflammatories like diclofenac, ibuprofen) are helpful but be sure to take with food, and don't take if you have peptic ulcer disease, are on blood thinners or have other bleeding disorder.

Wrist splints, which you can buy at places like Boots, are also very helpful. Wear at night and when using the computer or doing anything else that involves wrist movement.

Minimize repetitious movements that tax the wrist and fingers (like using a screw driver, typing) to the extent that you can.

If these measures do not work -- or if the description does not seem to fit - you will need to see a doctor. If yo uare in the Bkk area, the best hand specialist is Dr. Panupan Songcharoen . Phyathai 2 hospital Sundays 9 - 11:30 AM, Phyathai 3 hospital Fridays 6 - 7:30 PM, or the pruvate channel at Siriraj (http://www.siphhospital.com/en/index.html)


I have a similar problem...numbness in both hands, but only the section of hand covering the last 2 fingers on each hand. A lot worse at night and reduces a lot if I wiggle my fingers when it happens, but I also have a permanent feeling of numbness that doesn't go away.

Check whether you have any lumps growing on any tendons in your hands as mine seemed to come along when I developed a lump in each hand which appears to be growing on a tendon running up my hand to my fingers. I got it X-rayed and the doctor couldn't see anything even though he can physically feel the lumps.

So I've learnt to live with it..nearly 3 years now and the lumps haven't gotten any bigger.


Does not sound remotely like a heart attack. And if I understand correctly that the problem is only from wrist to fingers, not likely to be spinal either.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome or other compression syndrome involving hand/fingers seems most likely. If it especially acts up at night, disturbing your sleep, and you can get relief by hanging your arm down off the side of the bed, very like it is carpal tunnel.

NSAID (antiinflammatories like diclofenac, ibuprofen) are helpful but be sure to take with food, and don't take if you have peptic ulcer disease, are on blood thinners or have other bleeding disorder.

Wrist splints, which you can buy at places like Boots, are also very helpful. Wear at night and when using the computer or doing anything else that involves wrist movement.

Minimize repetitious movements that tax the wrist and fingers (like using a screw driver, typing) to the extent that you can.

If these measures do not work -- or if the description does not seem to fit - you will need to see a doctor. If yo uare in the Bkk area, the best hand specialist is Dr. Panupan Songcharoen . Phyathai 2 hospital Sundays 9 - 11:30 AM, Phyathai 3 hospital Fridays 6 - 7:30 PM, or the pruvate channel at Siriraj (http://www.siphhospital.com/en/index.html)

i think sheryl is on the right track,carpal tunnel syndrome,i have it through handling hydrolic tools down the pits,known also as vwf.vibration white finger,also typist get it known as r.s.i.repetitive strain injury.

i also had bypass surgery,and a new heart valve but the discomfort you get is above the wrist to the shoulder.


You have a simple choice:

1. You can go and see a medically qualified person about your problem.

2. You can ask anonymous people whose qualifications you have no idea of about your problem.

The choice is yours...

  • Like 1

You have a simple choice:

1. You can go and see a medically qualified person about your problem.

2. You can ask anonymous people whose qualifications you have no idea of about your problem.

The choice is yours...

In this country, option 2 is often better.

Thanks for replies.

I think it looks like carpel tunnel.

But can you get that in both hands?

Now, mainly my left thumb is pins and needly.

I did have an ekg 5 years ago and have bradycardia bur not on any medications.

Not sure if I believe the doc as my heartbeat has always been 40-50 or lower when I was very fit physically.

  • Like 2

You have a simple choice:

1. You can go and see a medically qualified person about your problem.

2. You can ask anonymous people whose qualifications you have no idea of about your problem.

The choice is yours...

Sheryl is hardly anonymous.

He could go to a Dr and spend 20,000 THBT and be told to take NSAIDS. MRI is what 30,000 THBT?

I never understood why someone would go to a Heath, Body, and Medicine forum, carefully read all the threads and then feel compelled to tell people they shouldn't go to a Health, Body, and Medicine forum and seek out other peoples' experiences with similar problems.

  • Like 2

See a doctor. And I mean a real one, not some quack offering Chinese medicine, not the local massage lady who insists a quick rub will cure everything, not a pharmacist...only a real doctor practicing real Western medicine. Your problem could be due to poor circulation, neuropathic degeneration, or even a deficiency in certain minerals and vitamins. If the body is deficient in vitamin B for example, or minerals such as zinc and many others, then numerous physical problems can result, including breakdown of the nervous system, leading to pins and needles, tingling, numbness and worse. Do you eat well. Do you smoke, do you get enough sleep, are you under stress, are you overweight, do you exercise?


You have a simple choice:

1. You can go and see a medically qualified person about your problem.

2. You can ask anonymous people whose qualifications you have no idea of about your problem.

The choice is yours...

In this country, option 2 is often better.

Thanks for replies.

I think it looks like carpel tunnel.

But can you get that in both hands?

Now, mainly my left thumb is pins and needly.

I did have an ekg 5 years ago and have bradycardia bur not on any medications.

Not sure if I believe the doc as my heartbeat has always been 40-50 or lower when I was very fit physically.

It can occur in both hands though one is usually worse -- usually the dominent hand. If your little finger is free of numbness, while thumb and other fingers are numb/tingling, this is very typical of carpal tunnel syndrome.

Bradycardia mean a heartrate lower than 60 so by definition, if your pulse is 40-50, you have bradycardia. Bradycardia in range for 40-59/min with a normal heart rhythm is called "sinus bradycardia" and not necessarily a sign of disease. Normally occurs in athletes. Unlikely to have anything at all to do with the numbness and tingling in your hands.

I really suggest you see Dr. Panupan as suggested. It will cost only about 1,000 baht for a consultation. MRI is unlikely to be indicated. A thorough physical exam by an ortho specializing in hand problems will usually confirm the diagnosis. Aside from the measures already mentioned (NSAIDs, wrist splint, minimizing wrist motion), steroid injections into the carpal space are helpful.

Severe cases may require surgery (a day surgery procedure) - I had to have it myself for my right hand. Though management begins with the conservative measures already suggested and a steroid injection if those alone don't work.



I have a similar problem...numbness in both hands, but only the section of hand covering the last 2 fingers on each hand. A lot worse at night and reduces a lot if I wiggle my fingers when it happens, but I also have a permanent feeling of numbness that doesn't go away.

Check whether you have any lumps growing on any tendons in your hands as mine seemed to come along when I developed a lump in each hand which appears to be growing on a tendon running up my hand to my fingers. I got it X-rayed and the doctor couldn't see anything even though he can physically feel the lumps.

So I've learnt to live with it..nearly 3 years now and the lumps haven't gotten any bigger.

Ring finger and little finger are supplied by the ulnar nerve; search Guyon's Canal Syndrome"

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Be careful about taking Diclofenac. It is hard on the kidneys.

I used it daily for about 10 years just to get out of bed. Thankfully the LOS climate took away the need for it. Now beer is the kidney threat..............laugh.png

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I had your symptoms twice in my life; the first time it was a trapped "ullner nerv", small operation took care.

the second time it was a TIA (mini stroke) and I am on medication since.



Went to the hospital and the doc says it is carpal tunnel or some nerve thing.

Surprisingly got amitryptiline which I threw in the bin. Neurontin and vitamin B1.

As stated before, the standard treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome is:

1. NSAIDs, if not contraindicated.

2. Wrist splinting

3. Avoidance of repetitive wrist movements

4. If necssary, steroid injections.

What type of doctor did you see?


As previously stated, you need to see a hand specialist. I gave you a recommendation for a very good one in Bkk. If youare located elsewhere, let me know where.

The NSAID and splinting you can do one your own but if it is bad enough to warrant sterioid injection -- as it sounds like -- then you need a hand specilaist.


I have a similar problem...numbness in both hands, but only the section of hand covering the last 2 fingers on each hand. A lot worse at night and reduces a lot if I wiggle my fingers when it happens, but I also have a permanent feeling of numbness that doesn't go away.

Check whether you have any lumps growing on any tendons in your hands as mine seemed to come along when I developed a lump in each hand which appears to be growing on a tendon running up my hand to my fingers. I got it X-rayed and the doctor couldn't see anything even though he can physically feel the lumps.

So I've learnt to live with it..nearly 3 years now and the lumps haven't gotten any bigger.

Ring finger and little finger are supplied by the ulnar nerve; search Guyon's Canal Syndrome"

Thanks FBN I think you are likely 100% correct because my numbness seems to match the symptoms spot on. Full little finger numb, outer edge of ring finger and the side of the palm also numb and tingling like pins and needles. Weird that it developed in both hands at the same time but a relief to have an idea that it's not serious. I was thinking of some neuromuscular disease or something and I wasn't game to ask.

  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks FBN I think you are likely 100% correct because my numbness seems to match the symptoms spot on. Full little finger numb, outer edge of ring finger and the side of the palm also numb and tingling like pins and needles. Weird that it developed in both hands at the same time but a relief to have an idea that it's not serious. I was thinking of some neuromuscular disease or something and I wasn't game to ask.

It could be B12 deficiency

"Mild problems with the nervous system characterized by numbness and tingling in the hands and feet also develop. These sensations are reversible in early stages; however, damage to the nervous system can become much more severe and irreversible after prolonged deficiency. "


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