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Myanmar leader asks Thai PM for 'fair' probe on tourist murders


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Myanmar leader asks Thai PM for 'fair' probe on tourist murders
Yangon, Myanmar | AFP |

YANGON: -- Myanmar's president has asked Thailand's visiting premier to ensure a "clean and fair" investigation for a pair of Myanmar nationals charged with murdering two British tourists, an official said Friday.

The comments came after reports the accused were tortured into confessing -- an allegation Thailand has strongly denied.

The high-profile murder case was discussed during talks between President Thein Sein and Thai Prime Minister Prayut Chan-O-Cha, who is visiting Myanmar on his first overseas foray since seizing power in a coup.

The charges of murder and rape against the two Myanmar men were filed last week after police said the undocumented migrant workers had confessed to killing the British holidaymakers on the southern Thai island of Koh Tao in September.

But reports in Myanmar and Thai media have said the accused told a lawyer that they confessed to the crime after being tortured, prompting rights groups to demand a probe into their treatment.

"If they are guilty, action should be taken according to the law. However, the investigation needs to be clean and fair," said Thein Sein during talks with Prayut in Myanmar's capital Naypyidaw on Thursday, according to a senior source at the president's office.

"He (Thein Sein) also said these workers' rights need to be protected," the official, who did not want to be named, told AFP, adding that Prayut promised to give "special consideration" to the case.

Thai authorities have strongly denied using the pair as scapegoats in a case that has tarnished Thailand's reputation as a tourist paradise.

"I want to stress that police have investigated this case based on the law, examined evidence in line with international standards, and are fully accountable," national police chief Somyot Poompanmoung told reporters in Bangkok Friday.

The battered bodies of David Miller, 24, and Hannah Witheridge, 23, were found on the popular resort island, neighbouring Ko Phangan in the Gulf of Thailand, on September 15, rocking the small community.

Thai authorities had come under increasing pressure to solve the case after being criticised for mismanaging the probe by chasing the wrong leads and failing to lock down the island in the hours following the murders.

On Tuesday Amnesty International called on the kingdom to launch an independent investigation into the allegations of torture and other ill-treatment by police.

“The pressure to be seen to be solving an appalling crime that has garnered considerable attention should not result in the violation of rights, including to a fair trial,” said Richard Bennett, Amnesty International’s Asia-Pacific Programme director.

Prayut is on the final leg of a two-day visit to Myanmar where on Friday he visited the country's revered Shwedagon Pagoda in Yangon and met Thai investors, as he seeks to redouble economic ties with the kingdom's emerging neighbour.

-- (c) Copyright AFP 2014-10-10

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I want to stress that police have investigated this case based on the law, examined evidence in line with international standards... Police Chief

How pathetic he is. The country's chief forensic pathologist has already said that his police didn't even examine evidence in line with Thailand's own low standards.

a) he is stupid

b ) he is a liar

c) he is a stupid liar

Edited by kaobang
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Mr Banana Pancake the Rohingya 'interpreter' who participated in the beating and confessions in action from the Irrawaddy FB page.


At 4:00 Mr Pancake asserts that that Wyn started off the killing spree by hitting David over the hit with a large wine bottle. So that's another murder weapon. He also says Hannah and David were having sex, in spite of no DNA evidence supporting that theory.

He speaks Thai with a heavy Indian accent. I wonder what his Burmese sounds like and how good is written Thai was to read back and translate the Thai confessions they were forced to sign. I also wonder what his work permit and visa look like, since Rohingya's are stateless.

Edited by Dogmatix
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"Examined the evidence according to international standards"? Put down the crack pipe. International standards mean a forensic expert is called in to do the forensic work and testing, not the BIB's. You're own Thai forensic expert in BKK has said you made a mistake not calling on them, so no, you did not collect evidence according to international standards. You didn't even protect the crime scene according to international standards. Put down the crack pipe sir. The rest of the world is not stupid and is not buying what you are selling.

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So the ball's in the General's court now whistling.gif

The general can not control the local police unless he fires them and sends the army to investigate. Which apperently he is unwilling to do. Instead he listens to the police chief who listens to the local police. A dead end for sure where in the end the smallest fish will fry for incompetence and everyone else will escape unscathed

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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If this were any other country people would be demanding that the heads of police and top brass in this investigation be fired. At least in the USA. Peoples careers are finished in a second when they get caught behaving the way these guys are.

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many at the junta probably miss the old style....but this was nothing compared to Myanmar massacres.it would be interesting to know where Prayuth was in 1976 does anyone know it?

At a cabinet meeting held early on October 6, Pramarn Adireksarn, leader of the Chart Thai Party and deputy prime minister, stated that the time had come to end the student movement once and for all.[17] At about 5am the paramilitaries began to fire into the campus using military weapons. The Border Patrol Police shut all exits at about 7am. A dump truck smashed through the main gate and police rushed in at about 11am. Several students who were armed opened fire, but they were quickly overcome. Although the students pleaded for a ceasefire, Chumphon, the police commander, authorized free fire on the campus.[30] Students who tried to surrender were forced to lie on the ground. Several were beaten to death and then hanged.[29] Those who attempted to escape by jumping into the Chaophraya River were shot at from naval vessels.[30] Wimolwan, a nursing student, was shot dead while trying to swim to safety.[17] The attack lasted for several hours. Time described the event as a "A nightmare of lynching and burning":[29]

“ Suddenly the nightmare that Bangkok had dreaded was happening: a wild outbreak of kicking, clubbing, shooting, lynching. Youths hurled themselves into the river to keep from being shot. Then the blazing finale as a heap of gasoline-soaked bodies was set afire.[29]

About a thousand demonstrators were taken prisoner and humiliated by being stripped to the waist (though females were allowed to keep their bras on), made to crawl, or kicked.[29] Female students allegedly were raped, alive and dead, by police and Red Gaurs. Officially, there were 46 dead and 167 wounded.[1] The unofficial estimate of over 100 dead, by anonymous sources at the Chinese Benevolent Association (which disposed of the bodies),[4] was later accepted by the Washington Post (in 2001).[31] The massacre continued until noon, when it was halted by a rainstorm.[1] It was "brutality of the utmost barbarity against workers, students and peasant activists," according to Giles.[17]The Border Patrol Police, Red Gaur, Nawaphon, and the Village Scouts rallied at the Royal Turf Club at about 4pm and proceeded to Government House, where they demanded and received Seni's resignation.[29]

Edited by kaobang
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Funny. I thought the Thai police said the Burmese embassy was entirely satisfied with their investigation and agreed wholeheartedly with their conclusion.

That was the Thai version of the story. The Burmese version is somewhat different. I wonder if something got lost in translation? cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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I want to stress that police have investigated this case based on the law, examined evidence in line with international standards... Police Chief

How pathetic he is. The country's chief forensic pathologist has already said that his police didn't even examine evidence in line with Thailand's own low standards.

a) he is stupid

b ) he is a liar

c) he is a stupid liar

d) All of the above.

I vote D.

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If this were any other country people would be demanding that the heads of police and top brass in this investigation be fired. At least in the USA. Peoples careers are finished in a second when they get caught behaving the way these guys are.

How true. It should also happen here, but in reality, NO ONE will be punished or reprimanded in any way for this travesty of justice. Unfortunately, two, likely innocent, Burmese will end up paying the ultimate price.

Thailand, I am truely ashamed to be here.

General, time to man up and get rid of every single police officer involved in this mess (by that I mean fire them publicly) and SEND IN THE ARMY to catch the real killers.

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the official, who did not want to be named, told AFP, adding that Prayut promised to give "special consideration" to the case

I thought he already had given it 'special consideration', i.e. make sure you get someone, farang or Burmese, anyone but Thai, fast!

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many at the junta probably miss the old style....but this was nothing compared to Myanmar massacres.it would be interesting to know where Prayuth was in 1976 does anyone know it?

At a cabinet meeting held early on October 6, Pramarn Adireksarn, leader of the Chart Thai Party and deputy prime minister, stated that the time had come to end the student movement once and for all.[17] At about 5am the paramilitaries began to fire into the campus using military weapons. The Border Patrol Police shut all exits at about 7am. A dump truck smashed through the main gate and police rushed in at about 11am. Several students who were armed opened fire, but they were quickly overcome. Although the students pleaded for a ceasefire, Chumphon, the police commander, authorized free fire on the campus.[30] Students who tried to surrender were forced to lie on the ground. Several were beaten to death and then hanged.[29] Those who attempted to escape by jumping into the Chaophraya River were shot at from naval vessels.[30] Wimolwan, a nursing student, was shot dead while trying to swim to safety.[17] The attack lasted for several hours. Time described the event as a "A nightmare of lynching and burning":[29]

“ Suddenly the nightmare that Bangkok had dreaded was happening: a wild outbreak of kicking, clubbing, shooting, lynching. Youths hurled themselves into the river to keep from being shot. Then the blazing finale as a heap of gasoline-soaked bodies was set afire.[29]

About a thousand demonstrators were taken prisoner and humiliated by being stripped to the waist (though females were allowed to keep their bras on), made to crawl, or kicked.[29] Female students allegedly were raped, alive and dead, by police and Red Gaurs. Officially, there were 46 dead and 167 wounded.[1] The unofficial estimate of over 100 dead, by anonymous sources at the Chinese Benevolent Association (which disposed of the bodies),[4] was later accepted by the Washington Post (in 2001).[31] The massacre continued until noon, when it was halted by a rainstorm.[1] It was "brutality of the utmost barbarity against workers, students and peasant activists," according to Giles.[17]The Border Patrol Police, Red Gaur, Nawaphon, and the Village Scouts rallied at the Royal Turf Club at about 4pm and proceeded to Government House, where they demanded and received Seni's resignation.[29]

Did you have a point?

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Mr Banana Pancake the Rohingya 'interpreter' who participated in the beating and confessions in action from the Irrawaddy FB page.


At 4:00 Mr Pancake asserts that that Wyn started off the killing spree by hitting David over the hit with a large wine bottle. So that's another murder weapon. He also says Hannah and David were having sex, in spite of no DNA evidence supporting that theory.

He speaks Thai with a heavy Indian accent. I wonder what his Burmese sounds like and how good is written Thai was to read back and translate the Thai confessions they were forced to sign. I also wonder what his work permit and visa look like, since Rohingya's are stateless.

So that's an iron bar, a wooden stick, a hoe and a wine bottle. Wow. But no push knife. Amazing.

The time stamp on that video is 23:15, but it's bright daylight outside. Was Mr Pancake taken to Bangkok University for that interview?

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Isn't it lovely, that Thein Sein, who during his years in uniform killed, surpressed and jailed thousands of his countrymen, suddenly cares about two migrant workers?? Could that possibly have something to do with international attention??whistling.gif

I am sure that the two generals, after googling the word fair, had a good laugh together whilst taking another sip of their brandy!!

So you think he should say nothing?

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Don't any of these high ranking Politicians/Bureaucrats and Generals have media advisers?

Every time one of em opens his mouth it goes to press only to add fire to this humiliating situation, create another thread here and stir up the social media.

If any of em had half a brain they would let the situation cool down and shut their respective mouths:

Prison Warden = suicide!!!

Prosecution = reject report!!!

PM/General = Reward incompetence!!!

Some other prick = Perfect Investigation!!!

Prosecution = Early witness testimony!!!

etc. etc.

Edited by bdenner
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Small demonstrations of Burmese people in Yangon (for Prayuth) and in front of the Burmese embassy in Tokyo.

Points also for the lone Thai guy standing outside Scotland Yard with a cardboard sign asking them to investigate.


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