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Ensure 'fair probe' for suspects, says Thein Sein

Lite Beer

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Why is the emphasis being put on whether these guys were slapped about or not.

If the RTP wan't a clean bill of health why does't General Payut ask for an independant forensic team retake DNA samples.

FBI forensic experts example could surely tell if these guys are the killers or not.

Maybe it's too late to take to retake tests but if the Prime Minister is the man we are led to believe why wasn't this done at the time?

As far as them being beaten is concerned if I thought they were guilty and had to beat it out of them I wouldn't hesitate it if saved some other poor backpackers life.

My own feeling is and has always been is they are guilty as sin..........They had plenty chaces to cry patsy but not until their defense lawyers came on the scene did they.

Would the defense lawyers advise them to retract their statements and claim they were beaten?

No need to answer that one is there?

Edited by Tanlic
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WERE THE HELL IS THE BRITISH EMBASSY !!!!!!! They seem to be pretty silent about this, am I wrong please someone post something from the britsh press and what the Embassy is saying.

Two of there citizens have been killed and they seem to quiet.

Silence often suggests complicity.

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Why is the emphasis being put on whether these guys were slapped about or not.

If the RTP wan't a clean bill of health why does't General Payut ask for an independant forensic team retake DNA samples.

FBI forensic experts example could surely tell if these guys are the killers or not.

Maybe it's too late to take to retake tests but if the Prime Minister is the man we are led to believe why wasn't this done at the time?

As far as them being beaten is concerned if I thought they were guilty and had to beat it out of them I wouldn't hesitate it if saved some other poor backpackers life.

My own feeling is and has always been is they are guilty as sin..........They had plenty chaces to cry patsy but not until their defense lawyers came on the scene did they.

Would the defense lawyers advise them to retract their statements and claim they were beaten?

No need to answer that one is there?

What do you base their guilt on ?

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Why is the emphasis being put on whether these guys were slapped about or not.

From documentation, I wouldn't call the torture, including the use of boiling water, inflicted on these ALLEGED SUSPECTS, as being "slapped around."

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Hello all... I'm helping out the guy who is running the petition (http://goo.gl/FD66Th) to get the UK gov to independently investigate David and Hannah's murders and I need a favour from you wonderful people... The numbers of signees are slowing down somewhat, but we need to keep going - if we reach 100k (currently just over 50k) we can ask for it to be discussed in Parliament.

Anyway trying it tap into new channels outside if what we are currently hitting, so we've just set up a Twitter account - if you have twitter can you pls follow us and give us a share/retweet? Many thanks... We are at: @ThailandJustice

Thank you

Maybe it helps if you put the required fields in English ?

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Does anyone know if there are planned inquests into the deaths in the UK?

I don't really know what everyone expects the British Embassy to do further? They have said they are closely watching events and offered uk police help.

Edited by KhunMat
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Hello all... I'm helping out the guy who is running the petition (http://goo.gl/FD66Th) to get the UK gov to independently investigate David and Hannah's murders and I need a favour from you wonderful people... The numbers of signees are slowing down somewhat, but we need to keep going - if we reach 100k (currently just over 50k) we can ask for it to be discussed in Parliament.Anyway trying it tap into new channels outside if what we are currently hitting, so we've just set up a Twitter account - if you have twitter can you pls follow us and give us a share/retweet? Many thanks... We are at: @ThailandJusticeThank you

From the above: I'm helping out the guy who is running the petition to get the UK gov to independently investigate ... From the UK Embassy -- Bangkok website: What the FCO and British consulate cant doThe FCO and British consulate wont be able to:
  • get someone out of prison or detention
  • help someone get special treatment
  • offer legal advice, start legal proceedings or investigate a crime

IF we reach 100 000 we can ASK for it to be discussed in the British Parliament

That is one if the most disgraceful things I have heard about this case.

Hannah and David please keep trending so someone in your home land will notice you enough to allow a discussion.

Horrendous. Just horrendous. Their deaths not enough ? The ensuing idiocracy not enough

Go back to bed FO. I am ashamed of you all.

Did you make this action known to the local press of Hanna's and David's City? To their universities?

I think there should be lots of potential

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I hate to put a fly in the ointment, but, everything is based upon these 2 Burmese having been tortured and forced into making these confessions.

Is it not possible that they are lying about this and were never tortured. I haven't seen a shred of evidence of torture being carried out which is a little bit surprising really as marks such as bruises and burns are pretty good evidence to show that it has taken place.

Just thinking...................

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Hello all... I'm helping out the guy who is running the petition (http://goo.gl/FD66Th) to get the UK gov to independently investigate David and Hannah's murders and I need a favour from you wonderful people... The numbers of signees are slowing down somewhat, but we need to keep going - if we reach 100k (currently just over 50k) we can ask for it to be discussed in Parliament.

Anyway trying it tap into new channels outside if what we are currently hitting, so we've just set up a Twitter account - if you have twitter can you pls follow us and give us a share/retweet? Many thanks... We are at: @ThailandJustice

Thank you

Good luck and all the best to your good work.

We need all the outside (international) help we can get, as the situation within Thailand is hopeless. The Chief of Police has declared the perfect arrest, the Prime Minister said he will give awards to the Police team, the Thai media is censored, the country is under martial law, the British Ambassador is acting very coy and his words have been be twisted by the Govt-friendly press, the Myanmese Govt doesn't want to be in the spotlight considering their own poor human rights record, and, unfortunately, many Thais do not care much about the plight of Burmese people.

Your petition can be accessed today, but the Thai authorities can block the website any time they like, so, for those in Thailand, hurry.

If the situation is 'hopeless' as you claim why doesn't the expat community stage a massive walk out. Take away their source of income and watch how quickly they turn things around... either that or the country will suffer the economic realities.

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Why is the emphasis being put on whether these guys were slapped about or not.

From documentation, I wouldn't call the torture, including the use of boiling water, inflicted on these ALLEGED SUSPECTS, as being "slapped around."

What evidence do you have on this torture having taken place??


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Hello all... I'm helping out the guy who is running the petition (http://goo.gl/FD66Th) to get the UK gov to independently investigate David and Hannah's murders and I need a favour from you wonderful people... The numbers of signees are slowing down somewhat, but we need to keep going - if we reach 100k (currently just over 50k) we can ask for it to be discussed in Parliament.

Anyway trying it tap into new channels outside if what we are currently hitting, so we've just set up a Twitter account - if you have twitter can you pls follow us and give us a share/retweet? Many thanks... We are at: @ThailandJustice

Thank you

Good luck and all the best to your good work.

We need all the outside (international) help we can get, as the situation within Thailand is hopeless. The Chief of Police has declared the perfect arrest, the Prime Minister said he will give awards to the Police team, the Thai media is censored, the country is under martial law, the British Ambassador is acting very coy and his words have been be twisted by the Govt-friendly press, the Myanmese Govt doesn't want to be in the spotlight considering their own poor human rights record, and, unfortunately, many Thais do not care much about the plight of Burmese people.

Your petition can be accessed today, but the Thai authorities can block the website any time they like, so, for those in Thailand, hurry.

If the situation is 'hopeless' as you claim why doesn't the expat community stage a massive walk out. Take away their source of income and watch how quickly they turn things around... either that or the country will suffer the economic realities.

Never going to happen!

Do you live in Thailand?

When are you leaving?

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Thailand's reputation as a tourist paradise

only incredule people can beleive that, thailand is absolutly not a paradise,....whats for sure is that tourist trap is controlled since edges by an ancestral mafia system dificult to get rid of it because too many people are involved to the head in it


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Thein Sein obviously telling Prayuth that they are being watched.

What Prayuth and his police chiefs have also forgotten is that there 'human rights' behaviour is also being scrutinised by the US with regards to mistreatment of migrants and their human rights, and now add Amnesty International to that list.

If they decide to carry on with this charade, then I think they will not escape punishment this time. They got off lucky a few months ago when they were downgraded to the lowest tier for human rights abuses yet managed to escape tangible sanctions. They were lucky to get away with a slap on the wrist.

I hope they get a hard kick up the arse next time...... The world is watching.... continue to be stupid, and you may well see CIVILISED countries marking Thailand down as an unsafe destination.

That would wipe that smarmy look off your face.

I believe the UK Government has a duty of care for British subjects and should revise Foreign Office travel guidance in light of the frequency British subjects have been victims of murder, "suicides", rape and other violent crime in Thailand over the past five years.

The last time I went to Koh Samui about 10yrs ago , my Thai wife and I went out to dinner in central Chaweng . I was deeply shocked by the loud unrully behaviour of British tourists .

The British Foreign Office should put out to all travel agencies a code of behaviour that is acceptible in a country such as Thailand . The problem of misadventure in Thailand for British tourists more often than not will stem from their own misbehaviour . The young love to go to Koh Phangan for full moon parties , because anything goes , drunkeness , drugs , sex on the beach and no one to apprehend you . Koh Tao used to be almost exclusive to subacqua divers , but today appears to be open to all , again a holiday resort where they thing they can let it all hang out , quite oblivious of the primitive native workers there . British tourists need to have the dos and don'ts of a foreign country spelled out to them .

Why just the British.

There was shit going on in samui well before you and your missed went for a meal and well before mass tourism..

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Thai law question: does anyone know when a signed confession is recanted (a normal occurrence) is the original confession still regarded as evidence?

From http://www.thailawforum.com/articles/sentencingsuparp.html

... if the Judge considers all the evidence submitted by the prosecutor and is uncertain that the accused has committed the offence, regardless of whether the accused pleads guilty or not, he will dismiss the charge. On the contrary, if the Judge examines all the evidence and makes certain that the accused commits the offence, he will make a conviction and then inflict punishment on the accused in accordance to with Criminal Procedure Code.

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As far as I can tell, with all the lavish thanks laid on Sean Mcanna's soundcloud page (instigated by CSI -LA, a weak point for them here I feel) he still hasn't done or said anything of worth. Maybe he is speaking and we won't find out about it for a while in whcih case I will apologise to him, but it seems unlikely so at the moment I view him contemptuosly as the little bitch he appears to be

I think he knows more than what he has said so far.

It wouldnt surprise me if he witnessed part or all of the attacks and is embarrassed and regrets not having gone to their assistance.

As far as the Thai Police are concerned. Apart from their obvious ineptitude and eagerness to cover up and protect certain parties, I feel that they have made one major error of judgement.

They have underestimated the power of social media. I feel the pressure coming from all angles and its not as easy to cover stuff up as it was even a couple of years ago.

I dont think I am too optimistic that the truth will come out eventually. And its good to see that its not just foreigners who are behind the social media push. There are a lot of Thais involved as well.

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Very clear that Thein Sein rejected Prayuth's stance that the police did such a great job so that they should be rewarded by the taxpayer over and above the bulging brown envelopes they have received already. The police have already said the case file that the prosecutors knocked back has been fixed and sent back to them and now complete and ready for a speedy open and shut trial. So is the general going to go back on his word and reopen the case with an independent investigation include DNA testing in the UK, as offered by the British government? Or he is too scared of the corrupt police that he earlier said he would reform?

Let's hope he does the right thing for the country. Things might get nasty with Burma, if he doesn't or if the suspects are murdered in prison in staged suicides, as already foreshadowed by the head screw.

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I would like more indepth answers of:

*The two thai guys that chased down the English guitar player, saying he did it for some strange reason - That was on point.

*The guitar photos with blood on it, does this guy know more than he has said, anyone followed up with him while he's left?

*Proof of the NO DNA son, investigated, there would have been several cameras proving it, sounds like everyone knows he left in the early hours on a boat organised for him to get off the island hours after the event - here lies money, power and obviously No DNA gives it away - but dropped quickly? Thainess. Surely can't be hard to prove it.

*The police trying to convince some taxi guy to take the fall for it, but he refused, obviously these stories makes everyone well aware local police know alot more, as you only find a scapegoat when your been paid ( IE do anything unless money is involved in thailand )

Bit like driving coked up in a ferrari at 200km/hr on local roads killing a cop, paying the family off with chump change while the rest of the cops get paid off to drag it out, while your free to go and live in singapore.. what driver??

probably the wrong place for this.

Q. was fingerprints taken on the phone found by the police near where the 2 accused lived ? surely standard police procedure would be to examine all recovered evidence for fingerprints, after all this phone found by the police is one of the major parts of the evidence they say they have against the accused. I find it rather odd that there has not been any mention of any fingerprinting being undertaken on either or any of these phones. ( 1 . found at the crime scene 2 . the one conveniently found by the police during a search of the suspects living quarters.

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Thai law question: does anyone know when a signed confession is recanted (a normal occurrence) is the original confession still regarded as evidence?

No it's not, although it could, of course, prejudice the court, as do the outrageous re-enactments. If a confession is retracted, the accused will plead not guilty and prosecutors have to proof things happened as previously confessed or in some other manner.

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Hello all... I'm helping out the guy who is running the petition (http://goo.gl/FD66Th) to get the UK gov to independently investigate David and Hannah's murders and I need a favour from you wonderful people... The numbers of signees are slowing down somewhat, but we need to keep going - if we reach 100k (currently just over 50k) we can ask for it to be discussed in Parliament.

Anyway trying it tap into new channels outside if what we are currently hitting, so we've just set up a Twitter account - if you have twitter can you pls follow us and give us a share/retweet? Many thanks... We are at: @ThailandJustice

Thank you

Good luck and all the best to your good work.

We need all the outside (international) help we can get, as the situation within Thailand is hopeless. The Chief of Police has declared the perfect arrest, the Prime Minister said he will give awards to the Police team, the Thai media is censored, the country is under martial law, the British Ambassador is acting very coy and his words have been be twisted by the Govt-friendly press, the Myanmese Govt doesn't want to be in the spotlight considering their own poor human rights record, and, unfortunately, many Thais do not care much about the plight of Burmese people.

Your petition can be accessed today, but the Thai authorities can block the website any time they like, so, for those in Thailand, hurry.

If the situation is 'hopeless' as you claim why doesn't the expat community stage a massive walk out. Take away their source of income and watch how quickly they turn things around... either that or the country will suffer the economic realities.

Don't think the expat community is the be all and end all of the Thai economy. Tourism is very important, expats?

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Thein Sein obviously telling Prayuth that they are being watched.

What Prayuth and his police chiefs have also forgotten is that there 'human rights' behaviour is also being scrutinised by the US with regards to mistreatment of migrants and their human rights, and now add Amnesty International to that list.

If they decide to carry on with this charade, then I think they will not escape punishment this time. They got off lucky a few months ago when they were downgraded to the lowest tier for human rights abuses yet managed to escape tangible sanctions. They were lucky to get away with a slap on the wrist.

I hope they get a hard kick up the arse next time...... The world is watching.... continue to be stupid, and you may well see CIVILISED countries marking Thailand down as an unsafe destination.

That would wipe that smarmy look off your face.

I believe the UK Government has a duty of care for British subjects and should revise Foreign Office travel guidance in light of the frequency British subjects have been victims of murder, "suicides", rape and other violent crime in Thailand over the past five years.

Cowards never do the right thing.

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