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Does anyone read ALL the responses to threads?


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I see three or more pages of responses to many topics. I wonder who ...beyond the site moderators for whom it must be a full time job.... reads these responses. I had time to do that and read every comment for several topics but found the general tenor was dominated by either grumpy insulting rants or boring "me too" stuff. I got the idea and stopped reading any except those that asked for specific information that I may have, such as electrical.

Who reads, regularly, all the responses on any or all topics?

If no one reads past the first few or first page, then writing a response at the bottom of page three or more is reduced to just the venting or ego pleasure of the typist.... if no readers get that far. Who ever reads all that to check for bad messages is the saint of patience or glutton for punishment. I dont think there is any incentive in the world that would get me to read all the blather on every topic.blink.png

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If it's a thread of interest I read until the bickering/sniping/put downs start in earnest....All threads seem to follow a similar pattern if they are popular....First you get the honest replies with a few funny quips....Then come the sideways comments baiting the trolls - then here comes a troll fight and how dare you question me folks piling on....when it starts to get to be to the well known "cock fighters" I usually bail out....if it gets really long I might spot check but very few recover their integrity....

Manys a friend that I've given helpful information to that I've gleaned from TVF.... they ask me where I got the info....invariably when I mention TVF they tell me they used to read it but the fighting/bitching/c**k measuring drove them away - some have suggested other forums.....

Some people on here are forthright, others funny, some short time and curious, some - just curious - babababo, some bilious, some buffoons, and a few = plainly troubled.....

Edited by pgrahmm
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Topics are of no interest to me unless there is bickering or even better having someone call me a clueless idiot ... or else they are just long-winded posts like the one provided above with the same guys routinely supplying the longest posts.

Edited by JLCrab
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Topics are of no interest to me unless there is bickering or even better having someone call me a clueless idiot ... or else they are just long-winded posts like the one provided above with the same guys routinely supplying the longest posts.

But but....you like to discuss about dogs...dont you ?

Topics of interest....yes read it all....just in case somebody makes a sensible remark so i can learn something.

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Topics are of no interest to me unless there is bickering or even better having someone call me a clueless idiot ... or else they are just long-winded posts like the one provided above with the same guys routinely supplying the longest posts.

But but....you like to discuss about dogs...dont you ?

Topics of interest....yes read it all....just in case somebody makes a sensible remark so i can learn something.

Sure I love to discuss dogs ... and if there's anything I dislike less than dogs it's the attitude of some of the people that own them.

In the early 1980's I used to sell computer systems to oil companies via cold call telephone contact. I figured that if I couldn't hook the person within the first 30 seconds, that was it. So on ThaiVisa, if I read the first 2 or 3 sentences of a long post and there isn't something intriguing, I skip it the rest.

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Why does the posting of a genuine difference of opinion have to childish? Some post on here and to finish off their post they declare themselves to have demolished someone else's opinion. There was one guy who even used to routinely post: The reason you disagree with me is because you're too stupid to understand what I'm saying.

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Spot on KhnomKhnom, i try to read what looks interesting until i get to the backlash responses then it's off to another topic or play a game of online cards with possibly the same insulting ignorant responses that i see here,oh what a glorious day i have,dare i venture outside for a quiet beer no they seem to follow me everywhere, should i contact the police about stalking nah i'll just do the usual and laugh it off.

Have a good day if that is possible lol.

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To me the ones who are plainly troubled are the ones who, when somebody says they tripped on the ankle of a fellow customer at a 7-11 yesterday, have to respond with a detailed retrospective of every fellow customer on whose ankle they have tripped on for the last 26 years.

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Why does the posting of a genuine difference of opinion have to childish? Some post on here and to finish off their post they declare themselves to have demolished someone else's opinion. There was one guy who even used to routinely post: The reason you disagree with me is because you're too stupid to understand what I'm saying.

Posting a genuine difference of opinion isn't being childish. You obviously don't have the same definition of childish as I have.

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Why does the posting of a genuine difference of opinion have to childish? Some post on here and to finish off their post they declare themselves to have demolished someone else's opinion. There was one guy who even used to routinely post: The reason you disagree with me is because you're too stupid to understand what I'm saying.

Posting a genuine difference of opinion isn't being childish. You obviously don't have the same definition of childish as I have.

Well that is often the retort when someone disagrees with someone who doesn't enjoy to have someone disagree with them ... or deluded.

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Op, you have to learn to read-lightly, speed-read or whatever you want to call it to scan over pages and discern the meaty part of a thread. Some topics can run for tens of pages and might be of interest to follow, such as certain news worthy/political events. You could also 'Ignore' posters that tend towards trolling, of course, thus removing that content from your field of view.

And, yes, aside from mods/admin, there are some who are on here full time, which is kind of sad.

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JT- have to keep his post count up.

I would say it depends on how interesting the post is, I have read some over ten, and discarded some after one or two. This morning, I read all of Davids post (that's him with the twins) which is now at nine.

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Who reads, regularly, all the responses on any or all topics?

One problem. especially with the longer threads, is if you get to the third post and want to respond to what's said by that poster, you don't really want to read through another 80 posts that follow before responding, but then you may end up saying something several other people have already said or else react to something said that had been clarified further on by the original poster.

If you were actually involved in a discussion group face-to-face with people it's likely you would not hear everything everyone else said and more probable you would engage with a smaller subset of the group, so I don't think it's really necessary to read through 5 pages of comments before responding to something someone said, even if your comment ends up being redundant or it questions something already answered.

Of course, someone will probably chime in by pointing out to you that your question was already answered in post #84, #101 and #139. Who cares? It's mostly opinions, gossip, rants and venting and if you do read through all the posts in every thread it'll just drive you to drink or worse. Even the mods can't possibly read them all, which is why there is a "report" link to click for the commoners to report posting violations.

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JT- have to keep his post count up.

I would say it depends on how interesting the post is, I have read some over ten, and discarded some after one or two. This morning, I read all of Davids post (that's him with the twins) which is now at nine.
Luckily, I read that thread from early. I'd hate to wade through all that bile at once.
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