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"propensity for thai bashing"? (It is Thai, not 'thai', BTW. Do not belittle Thais, please.) Please refresh my memory about my "thai bashing" posts.

The funny thing is that you fail to see I didn't even call Thai people lazy (unless you consider Somalis lazy, then you just might think I called Thais lazy...), I only made a comparison between Thai men and women. Generally. That's not "thai bashing". Maybe Thai male bashing, if that.

Anyway, to me your replies are entertainment in an otherwise boring African night. Cheers.

yeah, thai bashing!

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"propensity for thai bashing"? (It is Thai, not 'thai', BTW. Do not belittle Thais, please.) Please refresh my memory about my "thai bashing" posts.

The funny thing is that you fail to see I didn't even call Thai people lazy (unless you consider Somalis lazy, then you just might think I called Thais lazy...), I only made a comparison between Thai men and women. Generally. That's not "thai bashing". Maybe Thai male bashing, if that.

Anyway, to me your replies are entertainment in an otherwise boring African night. Cheers.

yeah, thai bashing!

YEAH! I chose to live twenty years in Thailand just to be able to proclaim my superiority. Yeah! tongue.png

And work on that formatting, caps and all. goodnight


Well anywoman in the world is expected to bring me whatever i want to drink on her knee still..30 years ago or 30 years from now..if she had a complaint or wants to wear a bandana or join a woman society over it then by all means find someone else to treat you like crap..haha very damn odd post by the way man..you having flashbacks or something..wife force you to say this? Miss your honey? Whats up?


"propensity for thai bashing"? (It is Thai, not 'thai', BTW. Do not belittle Thais, please.) Please refresh my memory about my "thai bashing" posts.

The funny thing is that you fail to see I didn't even call Thai people lazy (unless you consider Somalis lazy, then you just might think I called Thais lazy...), I only made a comparison between Thai men and women. Generally. That's not "thai bashing". Maybe Thai male bashing, if that.

Anyway, to me your replies are entertainment in an otherwise boring African night. Cheers.

yeah, thai bashing!

YEAH! I chose to live twenty years in Thailand just to be able to proclaim my superiority. Yeah! tongue.png

And work on that formatting, caps and all. goodnight

you're in good company pal. this place is full of folks just like that.

  • Like 1

Lighten up..the little league baseball bit was funny.

I'd say around 80% of the indigenous Thais have work ethic issues...(lack of), and that's males and females included. The women might have a few points in their favor... say if 5 on a scale of 10 is generally lazy, with most men scoring about a 5 and women a 5.5... mostly because of a stronger instinctual drive not to let their children starve. It's kind of like Mexico. It's a wonderful place to be if you're not lazy though. It's like being able to go back in time and play little league baseball as an adult.

You're attempts to stereotype all Thai people only make you come off as an uneducated dolt. Thais are people, like anyone else, no more or no less. Some work hard some don't. There is no evidence that any national stereotypes are true.

There are many stereotypes surrounding individual nations. X's stereotype for Y may be different from Z's. The stereotypes may have kernels of truth to them, but they are not wholly correct, and so are heavily misleading. In some cases, negative stereotypes have been spread by one country in order to discredit another. Sometimes countries may promote national stereotypes about themselves in order to instill a sense of patriotism, for examples in wars when an us-vs.-them mentality is often favoured.


  • Like 1

I'd say around 80% of the indigenous Thais have work ethic issues...(lack of), and that's males and females included. The women might have a few points in their favor... say if 5 on a scale of 10 is generally lazy, with most men scoring about a 5 and women a 5.5... mostly because of a stronger instinctual drive not to let their children starve. It's kind of like Mexico. It's a wonderful place to be if you're not lazy though. It's like being able to go back in time and play little league baseball as an adult.

You're attempts to stereotype all Thai people only make you come off as an uneducated dolt. Thais are people, like anyone else, no more or no less. Some work hard some don't. There is no evidence that any national stereotypes are true.

There are many stereotypes surrounding individual nations. X's stereotype for Y may be different from Z's. The stereotypes may have kernels of truth to them, but they are not wholly correct, and so are heavily misleading. In some cases, negative stereotypes have been spread by one country in order to discredit another. Sometimes countries may promote national stereotypes about themselves in order to instill a sense of patriotism, for examples in wars when an us-vs.-them mentality is often favoured.


You're attempts to stereotype all Thai people only make you come off as an uneducated dolt.

Brilliant post, heres a tip Kerry, know your poster, Heng is THAI.

His observations aint so far from the truth.

Based on your extensive experience in the land of the Thai, can you please explain why the, Muslims, Chinese or Southern Thai dont suffer from the same malaise, why is it restricted to a certain area of Thailand, big clue, NE, is it because they aint actually Thai by birth but more by land claim.

Thesis, do Cambodian men suffer the same malaise?

Back to you, "history prof"

not thai by birth?? lol


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

90% of the boys at my school are soooooo lazy! Buffalos!

90% of the girls and decent students.

Guess what happens when they grow up....

One of life's ironies. Some of the world's biggest blink.png with some of the world's biggest wub.png

The tables turn as we go from west to east too. Gotta feel sorry for all those guys! I remember my EX from the UK. She was obdurate. I'd come home from work after 15 hours (7 days a week) and she'd try to force me to wash the dishes n do laundry just out of the principle that she did it yesterday and so it's my turn, despite the fact she barely worked 6 hours a day 5 days a week.

Am i wrong? Some times i think i could be a misogynist.

My missus here is great. Real old fashioned. Takes care very well (apart from leaving papaya salad in the sink along with everything else...I ought to start a thread on that)

However, i do fear that the new type of Thai women springing up is not the same. Yes, there still are the old fashoined types who take care great, but most of the young ones i observe these days are becoming just like their male counterparts. I think technology is to blame (ironically) . I truly fear for the future of Thailand.

All in all, i think the traditional Thai women have a real respect for themselves and others and they value being active and productive. Despite having a bit of a raw deal, they persevere and maintain impeccable intergrity. A truly equanimous saintly being.

And this thread has inspired me to do more to help out. Hats off to the OP as well as our 1 in a million ladies. wai2.gif

  • Like 1

Any stereotypes from any country positive or negative are of no value to anyone who has any scientific background. They don't hold up to any kind of scientific method for investigating phenomena,

In other words they are old wives tales regardless of the nationality of the person who holds the beliefs.

There is no Chinese national trait. There is no Muslim trait. There is not anglo saxon trait. There is no Nordic trait. None..... Cross a Chinese person with a Thai person and you get a person. Nothing else.

All humans are 99.9 per cent identical. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/northamerica/usa/1416706/DNA-survey-finds-all-humans-are-99.9pc-the-same.html

Still living in Ban Chang are we, reason for asking is so I know where to send the shovel to, so you can dig yourself out the ditch you have put yourself in, by calling a respected poster "an uneducated dolt"

Egg on face, mulitple wais and kor tawts wouldnt go amiss, mai pen rai, mai tong g®aeng jai.

Please tell me why I came half way across the world and found many Thais with the same beliefs and thought process as I have have, my mrs is one.

My Chinese/Thai, Southern, and Muslim friends all have the same thoughts, you may know it as, "the protestant work ethic"

See the land of the free for the exact same problem, Ferguson, Sth Detroit (read Issan is in tatters) while the rest of the country prospers.

In other words they are old wives tales regardless of the nationality of the person who holds the beliefs.

You are more than welcome to come up to Bkk and see just how wrong you are.

Thai friends of mine have sent upcountry hillbillies back to ban nork for not holding a work ethic, you come to Bkk to work, not sit on yer ass.

Even better are the girls from Issan who empower themselves and realise there is more to life than marrying some lazy up country shit kicker, they get out the village and their stock rises, their worthless family members are sent packing.

Watched one night as a bunch of Bkk (Issan) girls knocked shyt out some upcountry Pikey who thought his upcountry ways would be acceptable in Bkk, wrong Somchai.

In his 1922 book "Public Opinion," journalist Walter Lippmann introduced the word "stereotype" as a metaphor for a mental picture people form based on their cultural notions. For example, Chinese are diligent, Americans are innovative and Italians are expressive. When meeting a person from China or Italy, an individual sees the cultural perception first and the person second. While this is a normal human process, it causes problems in the workplace.

A stereotyped person is not seen for who she is and what she can contribute to the business.

Cultural stereotypes limit management's ability to make best use of their employees' skills and help them develop new skills. If a manager sees John as an Asian person who is good with numbers but not people, he may never be given the opportunity to develop his people skills and he may eventually leave the company due to lack of opportunities.


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i stand corrected, you are not a "dude", any self respecting dude would never use "awesomely", you are none the less a twit, likely a tweeny ladyboy perv.at least let them get to their midteens before you chicken hawk them :-)

what the hell is wrong with you????

attacking someone on a simple non inflamattory post, for using dude and awesomely!

and then accuse him of a ladyboy perv!!!!

  • Like 1
mikiea, on 15 Oct 2014 - 20:55, said:

i stand corrected, you are not a "dude", any self respecting dude would never use "awesomely", you are none the less a twit, likely a tweeny ladyboy perv.at least let them get to their midteens before you chicken hawk them :-)

Grow up. then come play with the adults. I'm surprised your comment hasn't been banned. TV doesn't need people like you.

  • Like 2

Equality is coming. I see it all over the place, even amongst 50-somethings.

Yes I think equality is coming, and especially when more 40s+ women startto inherit more land and decide to turn it into houses. But its not just Thailand. In many developing countries women are quickly becoming better educated and starting to break through the glass ceiling.


Equality is coming. I see it all over the place, even amongst 50-somethings.

Yes I think equality is coming, and especially when more 40s+ women startto inherit more land and decide to turn it into houses. But its not just Thailand. In many developing countries women are quickly becoming better educated and starting to break through the glass ceiling.

In Thailand, over 38 per cent of board members and CEOs are female, while in the Philippines the figure is about 47 per cent. In other words, barriers have been lowered over the past few years, thus narrowing the gender gap in positions of power in the corporate world.

"Previously, female workers were often at a disadvantage due to perceptions that they are less capable than men, or they should stay home more and take care of kids and families rather than work in the corporate boardroom, management office or factory.

"In fact, Thai women generally are more fortunate than their counterparts in other Asian countries such as China, South Korea or Japan, where men are predominant.



i agree totaly with the OP,

I think some are taking the piss, or havnt seen the real thailand,

even in the vilage, all you see are groups of boys sitting about, you never see the girls, they will be helping there mum get things ready for the boys when they decide to come home and the father,

on the market you dont see many boys helping out,( there are the odd ones),

the girls allways want to do better at school,

i agree op i really do

thai women and young girls get a bum deal here,

I agree many of the young ladies here get a bum deal, some times.


You cannot get a proper job, In a factory or shop before a Thai girl turns 18, Maybe part time. And when the Thai lady's are 30/35 they are classed as old. with an abundance of females in Thailand the employers know this, Why do you think 99% of Bar girls do it, Because no future, or job prospects, and there family want money, And the family don't care how they get it.

Nonsense: for some basic work you almost can't find someone willing to do it. Home maids: no one want to do it. 7/11 is full with staff and hires/fires all the time because they can't get some active staff.

Someone who is 18 and has no education would start with us with maybe 7000-8000 Baht and would be a few month later at 20.000 Baht salary if active. And more as time goes on. But we are still 1 person short in the office. No one interested in the work.

Working in the bar is comparable easy....

I recall a talk with the owner of Dive Shop who wanted that he has staff who has at least the most basic dive certificate....He would pay everything + good salary. No girl ever wanted to do it. Most of the bar girls in Pattaya could learn Dive Teacher (or a 100 other things), just there is no interest in that.

So most do work in the bar because it is easy money. Sure there are exceptions but the majority just want to do it.

I was not going to respond but i will , Seems a lot of people don't want to know the real Thailand, just Pattaya. Having Thai Family who live in Sahmut Sahkon, where a lot of industry is based . Its mostly cheap labour, Burmese, Brought by Gang masters, the locals don't get a look in. Is your friend who has a dive Shop, Thai, Because most Thais i know are to busy trying to find anything they can do to feed themselves., Most having left school with very little education due to bad public schools trying to live, they don't have time to take dive lessons, My wife went for a job quite a few years ago in a Phone shop, Mainly for some thing to do, first thing they asked for was her ID card, she got told sorry your to old at 33. My foster Son, computer literate, worked in the Local Hospital with his Grandmother for a while, She gets 350 baht a day , He got 300 baht a day any 5 from 7. I don't know where you get 7000 baht a month from , The wife's Cousin works for big C as an accountant, 10,000bat a month., Most 7/11 staff are part time, they have to work days nights, clean , serve, shelf stacking. Put up with ignorant people, and the money is crap, that's why they leave, You think working in a Bar is easy, having to listen to mind numbing Music every night while serving sex tourists.with some mama San threatening you because you are not selling enough beer. or getting abused 6/7 times a night. Thats why a lot end up on Drugs, to numb the pain, yes it is easy working the bar ,


I was not going to respond but i will , Seems a lot of people don't want to know the real Thailand, just Pattaya. Having Thai Family who live in Sahmut Sahkon, where a lot of industry is based . Its mostly cheap labour, Burmese, Brought by Gang masters, the locals don't get a look in. Is your friend who has a dive Shop, Thai, Because most Thais i know are to busy trying to find anything they can do to feed themselves., Most having left school with very little education due to bad public schools trying to live, they don't have time to take dive lessons, My wife went for a job quite a few years ago in a Phone shop, Mainly for some thing to do, first thing they asked for was her ID card, she got told sorry your to old at 33. My foster Son, computer literate, worked in the Local Hospital with his Grandmother for a while, She gets 350 baht a day , He got 300 baht a day any 5 from 7. I don't know where you get 7000 baht a month from , The wife's Cousin works for big C as an accountant, 10,000bat a month., Most 7/11 staff are part time, they have to work days nights, clean , serve, shelf stacking. Put up with ignorant people, and the money is crap, that's why they leave, You think working in a Bar is easy, having to listen to mind numbing Music every night while serving sex tourists.with some mama San threatening you because you are not selling enough beer. or getting abused 6/7 times a night. Thats why a lot end up on Drugs, to numb the pain, yes it is easy working the bar ,

A number of higher education institutes have recently increased opportunity for various types of students to study at the higher level. In 2007, the Education Council estimated that the number of new students enrolled in bachelors programs between 2007 and 2016 will be approximately 500,000 each year, resulting in between 300,000 to 400,000 new graduates per annum.


  • Like 1

I came here over three decades ago. At that time it was expected that the wife would bring the husband a glass of water on her knees. No females, except hookers were ever seen smoking or drinking a beer. The men visit massage parlours (a massive industry) and have done for ages. Yet it is the women who make this country run at grass root level, look at the markets at 4am, you will see mainly women at work. In Thai, they say that the women are the back legs of the elephant. I agree. If they stopped working, the country would grind to a halt.

There never has been real gender equality here and it is coming, albeit slowly. Generally, Thai women are responsible, hardworking and fit!! I take my hat off to them.

Please remember this is a generalisation. We are all unique as individuals therefore there will always be exceptions.

I agree but I would have to say it's not just Thai ladies, I believe that it's the same in all Asian countries...... So it's an Asian tradition and part of Asian culture, not unique to Thailand only.


If you go back about 70-100 years, you'd find a good mix of Indians, Muslims, Chinese, and indigenous Thais doing the heavy lifting slave labor type jobs. Now three of those four groups have more often than not moved into commerce, while the indigenous Thais have either stayed or been replaced by the Lao, Khmer, Burmese, etc. It's easy to make excuses when one one looks at the increasingly uneven playing field.... but if you go back and look at times when the field was more level... you'll see that various groups tend to run in different directions. Anyone who employs large numbers of locals can see this. It's pretty clear who shows up for more overtime, who saves more, who is sitting around doing pretty much nothing more... etc. Just IMO but there isn't a huge difference between men and the women who pretty much raise both boys and girls to grow up to be what they are.

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A few years ago UNICEF I think it was came out with a report on a long term study of what would lead a country into being a 'failed state'. Surprisingly, it did not rate finance, infrastructure or politics as the main culprits, but rather the education or lack of for women. Maybe the idea of woman's place being in the home is too entrenched to change anytime soon, but I believe it will, and I can see it happening already in Thailand. But some changes need to take place first - stop the rote learning principles at schools and universities, so students are taught to think and understand,rather than blindly accept what they are told.

Employment based on skills and competence and equal employment principles rather than family or social connections should become the norm, particularly in the public sector may considerably improve efficiency and reduce nepotism and waste. but education is the key and it needs some worldly, intelligent, Thais who are open to new ideas to provide the inspiration. I'm sure they are there, they just need to be let out of the box.


"In Thai, they say that the women are the back legs of the elephant. I agree. If they stopped working, the country would grind to a halt."

I asked my (Thai) girlfriend about this expression, and according to her it means that Thai women follow their men, not that they are supporting them. But she may be wrong.


It amazes me watching my 68yo mil trundelling off to work all day on the farms.

Talk about back breaking and hot as hell work.

The old school were bred tough as nails in Thailand.

  • Like 1

Nonsense: for some basic work you almost can't find someone willing to do it. Home maids: no one want to do it. 7/11 is full with staff and hires/fires all the time because they can't get some active staff.

Someone who is 18 and has no education would start with us with maybe 7000-8000 Baht and would be a few month later at 20.000 Baht salary if active. And more as time goes on. But we are still 1 person short in the office. No one interested in the work.

Working in the bar is comparable easy....

I recall a talk with the owner of Dive Shop who wanted that he has staff who has at least the most basic dive certificate....He would pay everything + good salary. No girl ever wanted to do it. Most of the bar girls in Pattaya could learn Dive Teacher (or a 100 other things), just there is no interest in that.

So most do work in the bar because it is easy money. Sure there are exceptions but the majority just want to do it.

I was not going to respond but i will , Seems a lot of people don't want to know the real Thailand, just Pattaya. Having Thai Family who live in Sahmut Sahkon, where a lot of industry is based . Its mostly cheap labour, Burmese, Brought by Gang masters, the locals don't get a look in. Is your friend who has a dive Shop, Thai, Because most Thais i know are to busy trying to find anything they can do to feed themselves., Most having left school with very little education due to bad public schools trying to live, they don't have time to take dive lessons, My wife went for a job quite a few years ago in a Phone shop, Mainly for some thing to do, first thing they asked for was her ID card, she got told sorry your to old at 33. My foster Son, computer literate, worked in the Local Hospital with his Grandmother for a while, She gets 350 baht a day , He got 300 baht a day any 5 from 7. I don't know where you get 7000 baht a month from , The wife's Cousin works for big C as an accountant, 10,000bat a month., Most 7/11 staff are part time, they have to work days nights, clean , serve, shelf stacking. Put up with ignorant people, and the money is crap, that's why they leave, You think working in a Bar is easy, having to listen to mind numbing Music every night while serving sex tourists.with some mama San threatening you because you are not selling enough beer. or getting abused 6/7 times a night. Thats why a lot end up on Drugs, to numb the pain, yes it is easy working the bar ,

Nonsense, they work in a bar because it is easy money and they are lazy. Wise up

+1....................the majority of good ladies in Thailand work long hours for little pay.............bargirls don,t do hard work, walk round Pattaya at anytime and you will see noticeboards with vacancies on them for staff-but most jobs are poorly paid/long hours- thats why they choose the bar thumbsup.gif a pretty woman anywhere in the world is sitting on a goldmine if she so chooses giggle.gif

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I can only speak for MissFarmGirl, seen below ... center of the action ... as she always is.

Is she the 'the back legs of the elephant' ... well, she does a lot of the heavy lifting.

God love her ... wub.png

not against showing a bit of bling though, is she?

  • Like 1

I'd say around 80% of the indigenous Thais have work ethic issues...(lack of), and that's males and females included. The women might have a few points in their favor... say if 5 on a scale of 10 is generally lazy, with most men scoring about a 5 and women a 5.5... mostly because of a stronger instinctual drive not to let their children starve. It's kind of like Mexico. It's a wonderful place to be if you're not lazy though. It's like being able to go back in time and play little league baseball as an adult.

You're attempts to stereotype all Thai people only make you come off as an uneducated dolt. Thais are people, like anyone else, no more or no less. Some work hard some don't. There is no evidence that any national stereotypes are true.

There are many stereotypes surrounding individual nations. X's stereotype for Y may be different from Z's. The stereotypes may have kernels of truth to them, but they are not wholly correct, and so are heavily misleading. In some cases, negative stereotypes have been spread by one country in order to discredit another. Sometimes countries may promote national stereotypes about themselves in order to instill a sense of patriotism, for examples in wars when an us-vs.-them mentality is often favoured.


You're attempts to stereotype all Thai people only make you come off as an uneducated dolt.

Brilliant post, heres a tip Kerry, know your poster, Heng is THAI.

His observations aint so far from the truth.

Based on your extensive experience in the land of the Thai, can you please explain why the, Muslims, Chinese or Southern Thai dont suffer from the same malaise, why is it restricted to a certain area of Thailand, big clue, NE, is it because they aint actually Thai by birth but more by land claim.

Thesis, do Cambodian men suffer the same malaise?

Back to you, "history prof"

So because "Heng" is supposedly Thai, this automatically makes him an authority who we should all defer to?

To my ear his comments are shallow, uninformed, and racist drivel. If he's really Thai, I can only feel sorrow for him for showing such self-disrespect.

If there's anything holding back the advancement of Thai people, it's educational opportunity.

To suggest that it's because Thais lack a "work ethic" is ludicrous.


You cannot get a proper job, In a factory or shop before a Thai girl turns 18, Maybe part time. And when the Thai lady's are 30/35 they are classed as old. with an abundance of females in Thailand the employers know this, Why do you think 99% of Bar girls do it, Because no future, or job prospects, and there family want money, And the family don't care how they get it.

Nonsense: for some basic work you almost can't find someone willing to do it. Home maids: no one want to do it. 7/11 is full with staff and hires/fires all the time because they can't get some active staff.

Someone who is 18 and has no education would start with us with maybe 7000-8000 Baht and would be a few month later at 20.000 Baht salary if active. And more as time goes on. But we are still 1 person short in the office. No one interested in the work.

Working in the bar is comparable easy....

I recall a talk with the owner of Dive Shop who wanted that he has staff who has at least the most basic dive certificate....He would pay everything + good salary. No girl ever wanted to do it. Most of the bar girls in Pattaya could learn Dive Teacher (or a 100 other things), just there is no interest in that.

So most do work in the bar because it is easy money. Sure there are exceptions but the majority just want to do it.

I was not going to respond but i will , Seems a lot of people don't want to know the real Thailand, just Pattaya. Having Thai Family who live in Sahmut Sahkon, where a lot of industry is based . Its mostly cheap labour, Burmese, Brought by Gang masters, the locals don't get a look in. Is your friend who has a dive Shop, Thai, Because most Thais i know are to busy trying to find anything they can do to feed themselves., Most having left school with very little education due to bad public schools trying to live, they don't have time to take dive lessons, My wife went for a job quite a few years ago in a Phone shop, Mainly for some thing to do, first thing they asked for was her ID card, she got told sorry your to old at 33. My foster Son, computer literate, worked in the Local Hospital with his Grandmother for a while, She gets 350 baht a day , He got 300 baht a day any 5 from 7. I don't know where you get 7000 baht a month from , The wife's Cousin works for big C as an accountant, 10,000bat a month., Most 7/11 staff are part time, they have to work days nights, clean , serve, shelf stacking. Put up with ignorant people, and the money is crap, that's why they leave, You think working in a Bar is easy, having to listen to mind numbing Music every night while serving sex tourists.with some mama San threatening you because you are not selling enough beer. or getting abused 6/7 times a night. Thats why a lot end up on Drugs, to numb the pain, yes it is easy working the bar ,

Nonsense, they work in a bar because it is easy money and they are lazy. Wise up

I agree. If only teachers got paid like they do.


i agree totaly with the OP,

I think some are taking the piss, or havnt seen the real thailand,

even in the vilage, all you see are groups of boys sitting about, you never see the girls, they will be helping there mum get things ready for the boys when they decide to come home and the father,

on the market you dont see many boys helping out,( there are the odd ones),

the girls allways want to do better at school,

i agree op i really do

thai women and young girls get a bum deal here,

its a darn good thing thai girls got a raw deal...............lol.

or else they might not be as hospitable to us as they are............lol.


Bargirl work isnt as ez as it looks. If you carefully watch most are NOT able to get men to consistently pay for an hour of pleasure.

Few of them can walk on the floor and get a customer in minutes but they are few and far between.

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